Shadowrun 16-Month Calendar Errata

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  • Catalyst Demo Team
  • Chummer
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  • Posts: 229
« on: <10-28-22/2309:50> »
The month of August 2023, on the day of the 23rd, it states "2056: Chicago insect spirit hive erupts." Presuming the 23rd was used as this is when the scope of the problem begins to be realized rather than using the 22nd which is what the Bug City Sourcebook and the Burning Bright novel state. But the actual year of the event is wrong. It happened in 2055.

The month of September 2023 uses the wrong date and year for the Cermak nuke. It should be on October 1 as per the sources above and the year should be 2055 not 2056. "2056: Special Forces detonate tactical nuclear weapon in Chicago Containment Zone."
Agent #191 Catalyst Demo Team

