Custom Shadowrun Character Sheets for d/l

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  • Omae
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  • Posts: 537
  • SR GM since 1990. Damn I'm old.
« on: <09-09-10/2316:20> »
This is the SR4A character sheet I made. Not sure where else to post it. So I'm just going to do it here.

The intent of the pages should be self explanatory, but just in case...
Page 1 is to be used for any/every character.
Page 2 is for a quick and dirty single sheet (double sided) character sheet.
Page 3 is for non-mundane characters (awakened and technomancers).
Page 4 is for riggers.
Pages 5 & 6 are an "extended version" of page 2 for people that want to have a more detailed sheet.

Please feel free to download and print for your personal and/or gaming groups use. Here are the links:
Voyds SR20A Character Sheet v2.0 - Black & White
Voyds SR20A Character Sheet v2.0 - Color

I do take requests for new pages or changes if someone has a particular need for a specific character or a good suggestion, etc.
However, I would like to retain full copyright and distribution rights for this as I am a freelance graphic designer and layout guy.
So please, do not change these sheets and then redistribute them without my permission.
« Last Edit: <09-13-10/1423:32> by voydangel »
My tips for new GM's
Unless it is coming from an official source, RAI = "Rules As Imagined."


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« Reply #1 on: <09-10-10/1049:18> »
Pretty nice.  Tidy setup.
  The only ANYthing I might have to critically say anything about is the lumping-equally of the 'lifted', 'memory' et al just beneath the main attributes, which might fool the eye into confusing the main stats, or make it not-as-easy to quick-scan for those derived values.  But I understand the nature of boxes like that, and the values would be notated in different format than the single-number stats, potentially, so no biggie.  That's just a vis-design thing.

   But like I said, VERY tidy sheets, with enough room for pretty much anybody's big stacks of anything - skills, drones, spells...and anything you don't use can be usurped for room for more gear!

"Was it in Tahiti?  Were we on the Nile?"


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  • Omae
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  • Posts: 537
  • SR GM since 1990. Damn I'm old.
« Reply #2 on: <09-10-10/1206:03> »
Thanks for the input Jux. =)

I had actually tried to place those derived attrib's elsewhere, but it just didn't seem to flow nearly as well, or fit as well either. I still go back in and tweak them every once in a while, so maybe something will come to me later down the road.

Any other feedback is welcome and appreciated.
My tips for new GM's
Unless it is coming from an official source, RAI = "Rules As Imagined."


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  • Omae
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« Reply #3 on: <09-10-10/1211:54> »
What I am missing the most is a possibility to fill it out using my computer :-)
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  • Omae
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  • Posts: 537
  • SR GM since 1990. Damn I'm old.
« Reply #4 on: <09-10-10/1313:10> »
That is something I have been toying with. Unfortunately it's a bit of a pain in the butt. But if I ever make the time and get it done, I will most certainly post the results.
My tips for new GM's
Unless it is coming from an official source, RAI = "Rules As Imagined."