Sixth World Almanac (hardcopy) feedback

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« Reply #15 on: <10-08-10/1556:06> »
Speaking of flags, that wiki has Hong Kong use the same one as was introduced when the territory became a Special Administrative Region of the PRC, yet the Almanac has HK using the old British ensign...
« Last Edit: <10-08-10/1559:25> by Nerroth »


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« Reply #16 on: <10-09-10/0937:45> »
page 18 : "2009, March 4 - FRANCE: The Cattenom-GAU nuclear reactor loses its primary and secondary cooling systems."
This is an mistake that has been carried over since Target: Wastelands. The GAU acronym used in German books is not part of the plant name. It stands for "Größter anzunehmender Unfall" and describe the accident itself, not the facility.

page 27, 59, 63, 73, 77, 81 : the side boxes do not feature a year date.

page 57 and 94
"2039 July 5 - CAS: In Charleston, South Carolina, the first case ever solved with the help of the criminal victim's ghost is closed by Julius Wren, a magician with degree in both criminology and thaumaturgy. The serial killer is captured after Wren studies the ghost's actions, which revealed evidence that led to the murderer's arrest and conviction."
"2067 October 13 - UCAS : Forensic thaumaturgy gains international recognition when a murder is solved after a thaumaturgic expert follows the ghost of a deceased young woman to the site where her body was buried. Evidence gathered at the scene is used to convict her boyfriend for her murder. It sets a precedent for using ghosts and summoned spirits in forensic thaumaturgy, although may nations continue to exclude testimony from spirits in trial."
I guess Julius Wren did not have Horizon available for a media plan...

page 59 : "2041 September 23: AMAZONIA: The dragon Sirrurg attacks and destroys EuroAir Flight 329."
According to previous sources (including SR3, page 26), flight 329 was flying from London to Atlanta. So I doubt this happened in Amazonian airspace.

page 89 : "Like the assassinations of Prince Feana Sterling and the failed assassination attempts of several other Princes, including Jonathan Reed."
So, how many times exactly was Prince Sterling assassinated ?
Reed last name really is Jonathon according to Tir Tairngire, page 36, and Shadows of North America, page 146.

Page 106, 114 and map, the item labeled as Tel-Aviv is where Jerusalem should be. Still, the map should show Tel-Aviv, since it is (again) the capital of Israel, according to Shadows of Asia. Tel-Aviv shouldn't be farther from the sea than Gaza.

Page 140, 146, 148 and map, "New Morocco" is where New Monaco should be located. Nice is about 100 or 150 kilometers south of its actual position (actually, it is about 10 kilometers south of Morocco/Monaco). Auvergne is a region, not a city. Brussels was on the border between France and Netherlands (where the limit between Wallonia and Flanders actually is), according to maps in Shadows of Europe, pages 14, 82 and 212.

Page 172, profile box features the mention "Flag:[See SONA.]" at the end.

Page 184, page 194 and map. According to Neo-anarchist Guide to North America, page 65, and maps in Shadows of North America, page 105 and page 169, Newfoundland is in the UCAS.

page 201 : "Pedrinho da Metropole is a feathered serpent, but he has respect at a level similar to dragons."
Since feathered serpents are dragons, I guess it should read "Pedrinho da Metropole is an adult feathered serpent, but he has respect at a level similar to great dragons." instead.
« Last Edit: <02-02-11/1520:24> by Nath »


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« Reply #17 on: <04-01-11/1940:02> »
The map of the UCAS does not show North Virginia. (Unless North Virginia is a pitifully small strip of land dwarfed by Rhode Island, Denver, and Seattle... in which case, why bother creating it in the first place.)

Although, to be fair, there has never been in the history of Shadowrun a good map of the UCAS that shows the actual states. (As opposed to their real life equivalents.) In fact, flags and maps have never been among the strong points of Shadowrun.
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« Reply #18 on: <03-19-12/0121:25> »
The box with dates page 26 & 27 (2015 & 2016) both list the same entry about the split of Belgium.

Deplore killings made in the name of religion. Can't it just be for fun?


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« Reply #19 on: <07-05-13/1202:29> »
Speaking of flags, that wiki has Hong Kong use the same one as was introduced when the territory became a Special Administrative Region of the PRC, yet the Almanac has HK using the old British ensign...

Since I'm a huuuge fan of the Hong Kong FEZ as well as I'm proud owner of the almanac (though, it's the german pdf variant) I really want to know, why Hong Kong reverted its flag to the British colonial flag despite being under corporate rule. Any answers so far?


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« Reply #20 on: <07-05-13/1817:39> »
Denpasar is on the wrong island (capital of Bali). It should be on the island just to the left of where it currently is (looks like a chunk of land of the Javanese Republic but it's an island).


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« Reply #21 on: <07-05-13/2305:01> »
Speaking of flags, that wiki has Hong Kong use the same one as was introduced when the territory became a Special Administrative Region of the PRC, yet the Almanac has HK using the old British ensign...

Since I'm a huuuge fan of the Hong Kong FEZ as well as I'm proud owner of the almanac (though, it's the german pdf variant) I really want to know, why Hong Kong reverted its flag to the British colonial flag despite being under corporate rule. Any answers so far?

An homage to its pseudo-capitalist corporate overlords?


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« Reply #22 on: <07-06-13/0536:38> »
An homage to its pseudo-capitalist corporate overlords?

I really like that idea! It would suit the Megas and their self-esteem very much.  ;D

I just ask for some developer to confirm that this is the official flag of the Hong Kong FEZ.


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« Reply #23 on: <07-07-13/0903:04> »
I found an additional hint, why the old colonial flag returned.

According to the city's timeline in Runner Havens Hong Kong only gained independence from the crumbling people's republic with the help of British diplomats.

Maybe the city was shortly under British inofficial influence, before the MegaCorps seized their new playground. And maybe in this very short time of true independence the autonomous city returned to the old flag. Later, when the Corps struck, they kept the old flag to keep some kind of resemblance with the true independence before the corporate takeover.