Catalyst Game Labs > Official Announcements

MilSpecTech released!

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Need more military gear? Who doesn't? Well, check out MilSpecTech! Which is out now and can be bought at the Battleshop ( or on Drivetrhurpg ( Here's the basics of the book:

Things That Go Boom in the Night

The corporations of the Sixth World love a good challenge—as long as it suits them. Ending world hunger? Not interested. Eliminating poverty? There’s no margin in that. Finding creative and more effective ways to blow things up and/or reduce them to rubble? That, they can do.

War is raging on the Aztlan-Amazonia border, and there are plenty of other places in the world where people are willing to fork over piles of nuyen to buy that tank or fighter that would help them sleep better at night. There is good demand for military technology, and the corps are stepping up with the supply.

MilSpecTech presents new vehicles (including groundcraft, watercraft, and aircraft), missiles, and vehicle weapons for use with Shadowrun, Twentieth Anniversary Edition. It can be used as a companion piece to War!, or on its own to add extra danger to any war zones characters may be running in—or if they’re lucky, to give them more ways to cause havoc.

To bad 90% of the items listed are WAY above what the 12 availability the shadow runner can get... sad really



--- Quote from: khansgod01 on ---To bad 90% of the items listed are WAY above what the 12 availability the shadow runner can get... sad really


--- End quote ---
Well, they may be above the availability for a starting character (at least, unless they take the Restricted Gear quality from Runner's Companion), but they only have work their contacts and fixers to get it after play starts. Heck, you could even work it in to make it a run for the character to get the equipment.


--- Quote from: khansgod01 on ---To bad 90% of the items listed are WAY above what the 12 availability the shadow runner can get... sad really


--- End quote ---
Well, uhh, how many starting Shadowrunners need a tank or an attack chopper or something, right out of the gate?

better question is, who wouldn't want one!!!


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