[IC] New Beginnings DUSK

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« Reply #120 on: <10-15-16/0007:46> »
O'Connor shrugged, "Fine, no unprovoked massacres of the local powers. That said, these Area Boys, or whoever, are in for a bad day if they think they can squeeze me for an easy payday. Dental work costs an arm and a leg in the nice parts of the world, can't imagine what it'll cost these assholes here."
« Last Edit: <10-15-16/0541:19> by Necrogigas »
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Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #121 on: <10-15-16/1350:44> »
Snow smiles as she listens to the banter.  In her experience, Con is a good soldier and very effective at his craft.  He can certainly carry out the things he is talking about, but he is also smart enough to know when to act and when to pay up and move on with the mission.  After all, the bribe money should be coming from the J and not the team, so what does it matter?  See snuggles down a bit in the mostly comfortable seat and thinks of Andrew before falling asleep.
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« Reply #122 on: <10-15-16/1805:56> »
The intercontinental flight is uneventful, it is long, but a night's sleep eats into most of that downtime.  Refueling in Cairo goes quickly and without incident, with little time to even stretch your legs, and opportunity first time international travelers miss more than the others. 

Flying into Accra, the capital of Assante, you feel like you are landing on the edge of the world.  The dusty city below some last outpost to the vast unknown beyond.  The plane pulls up to a small modern airport, and as you disembark the first thing you feel is HOT.  The humidity is a palpable thing that you cross into as you step out of the cabin, and even the SoCal native Sammy is dreadfully uncomfortable, and she has been here before.  Northern newcomers like Snow and O'Conner are almost completely overwhelmed.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #123 on: <10-15-16/1843:22> »
Snow swears in Russian then adds, "Holy crap!  This heat and humidity will take some getting used to.  We're certainly not in Seattle anymore.  Anyone have any advice for a newcomer on how to deal with this?"

She can feel the thin fabric of her shirt plaster to her body even as she stands on the tarmac outside the plane with her bag, thinking that perhaps she should have worn a bra after all.  She looks over to the J.  "Say, Jane, do we have time to get a hat or a scarf at least?  I am going to need something to keep the sweat out of my eyes.  I am assuming it is the same or worse in Lagos?"
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« Reply #124 on: <10-15-16/1953:40> »
O'Connor physically recoiled as he stepped off the plane, "Bleh. Holy fragging balls." The climate here was rather oppressive, and he also wasn't a fan of how dusty the place was either. Say what you will about Seattle's ubiquitous rainfall, but at least it keeps particulate matter out of the air. O'Connor got the feeling that he was in for a long week.
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« Reply #125 on: <10-15-16/2045:52> »
"I would bet there is a merchant or two in the airport, though the selection is probably very limited, and I thought some of you wanted to get some linguasofts before we head to our final destination regardless.  Your advances..." She hands each a credstick, "..I will hold onto your per diem until we get to Lagos so we can make the exchanges together, but the capital merchants should take nuyen."

Jane walks with you into the terminal, "I am going to park myself at that McHugh's for a belly full before we completely abandon civilization.  Get what you need and meet me there."  She points to the ubiquitous rounded M next to a gate that says INTERCONTINENTAL FLIGHTS.


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« Reply #126 on: <10-16-16/0933:22> »
Clem immediately sighed when she hit the humidity wall. The sheer weight of the heat made it difficult to stand still, let alone do anything productive. The ork immediately removed her overcoat and set it with the rest of her luggage. She then decided to stay hidrated and went to the nearest water fountain, trying to stay as hydrated as she could.
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« Reply #127 on: <10-16-16/1204:33> »
Jane will head the ork off, "Let me buy you a juice at McHugh's, you should probably stay away from the local water supplies here, unless it is filtered or boiled, just in case."

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #128 on: <10-16-16/1240:17> »
Snow nods.  "I totally agree with Jane, Boss.  Stay away from most of the water unless it is bottled and imported.  The inoculations you got do not protect you against normal pathogens in the water that your body is not used to and we don't need anyone sick from that.  If there is a safari outfitter here or in Lagos, we can probably get a supply of treatment tablets.  I am headed for the vendors to see if I can find one with linguasofts and another with a scarf, and will look for one with water treatment supplies.  I will be back at the fine dining establishment in a bit.  How much time do we have here, Jane?"
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« Reply #129 on: <10-16-16/1248:03> »
"Our pilot is waiting for us, but we are not his only cargo, so don't take a long time unless you want to walk to Lagos."

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #130 on: <10-16-16/1322:26> »
Snow nods and accesses the AR guide to the vendors in the terminal, noting one that might serve her purposes.  She looks around at the others and says, "Hey.  There is a place just around the corner named Trader Jim's.  It advertises to have "Everything under the sun for the serious adventurer and the casual tourist".  I am headed over there to see if they have what we need.  One of their menu options is linguasofts and I would advise that we all get at least a basic package.  Anyone else coming with me?  I will try to be back in a few minutes and be ready to go."

She sets the AR guide to set an arrow to her course and shoulders her bag, heading off into the terminal.  Arriving at the vendor's shop, she is very pleased to find that it is a bit cooler inside, thanks mainly to the large overhead fans that keep the humid air moving, creating a sort of slight breeze.  The shop has shelves and racks piled up with clothing and equipment for those visiting the area.  Snow walks to the counter and smiles at the young man there, happy to find that he speaks some English, happier to note that his eyes seem fastened to her chest, as that might give her an edge in any bargaining.  She tells him that she is interested in some clothing that is better suited to the climate than what she is wearing, as in some water purification tablets and linguasofts for Lagos.  She mentions that she is short on time and could he please help her.  The man manages to speak without ever lifting his eyes above her chest level, pointing to a small kiosk for the languages and saying that he will go look for the other things.

Snow walks to the kiosk and pulls her DNI cable from its resting place, plugging it into the receptacle as she calls up the AR list of languages offered, glad to see that both French and Yaruba are offered.  She ponders for a moment on the wisdom of spending a bunch of nuyen on a language she will probably never use again, but then considers that the safety of the team may depend on at least one person knowing the languages sort of well.  She slots her credstick and is a bit surprised at the total on it, which makes her decision a bit easier.  Snow selects R4 packages of both languages, which is about the limit of what her 'link can take effectively and watches the money get sucked away as the programs download to her system.
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« Reply #131 on: <10-16-16/1423:57> »
The selection at the shop is strictly tourist kitschy crap, but semi functional.  Lots of loud colors and location themed articles (emblazoned with Africa or Accra or Assante) in s-xl.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #132 on: <10-16-16/1523:15> »
The young man returns just as she finishes downloading the Horizon software to her 'link.  The man just cannot seem to keep his eyes above her neck as he shows her what the store has to offer.  She is disappointed in everything except a bandanna-style scarf, resolved to get something more appropriate from a local vendor when she gets to Lagos.  She is more disappointed to find that the man could not locate any water purification tabs.  She sighs and pays for the scarf and looks about for the others as she folds it and ties it about her head as a headband to keep the sweat from dripping into her eyes.  "Everyone ready to go?"
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« Reply #133 on: <10-16-16/1600:48> »
Sam couldn't believe Jane. What was the point of Running if you were just going to "play it straight"? Didn't she know the thrill of creating a reality and convincing others that they inhabited it? Sammy understood it, he knew; they'd both had a blast in that podunk little town on the back-end of nowhere. Granted, she hadn't had to pretend too much--she really was Samantha Delavine, after all--but if the sheriff had figured out that they weren't actually there to shoot a movie, well...But the risk of being discovered was at least half the fun.

So, once they touched down in Accra and Jane turned them loose, Sam decided to show her what she was missing out on. He wasn't going to draw attention to the group, of course, but he was going to make sure she, at least, realized what was possible. When she headed over to McHugh's, he scanned the nearby area for a potential target. It didn't take him long to find her. Fairly average looking, somewhere around 30, pale skin, light brown hair, nursing her drink. Clearly someone from out of town, waiting for her plane to take her away. Going further or back home didn't matter for what Sam intended. What attracted him most, of course, was that she was only a few tables away from Jane. When things started happening, the elf would certainly have a front-row seat.

He quickly ran through the possibilities. Minor politician? Musician? Fashion designer? Artist? Author? The sheer variety of options almost made him grin outwardly, but he was a professional. He settled on the easiest narrative, the C-list actress, and got to work.

Some cons are easier to run with helpers, but Sam had never let working alone slow him down. He maneuvered around the general area of the terminal, never drawing attention to himself, but spreading rumors that there was a minor celebrity travelling incognito. A casual mention to one of the vendors that he'd recognized an actress over at McHugh's, but couldn't remember her name; enough of a description to identify the mark, but not enough to be suspicious. Walking near a group of young businessmen while pretending to be making a comm call, saying that he'd overheard someone talking about an up-and-coming human starlet who was on her way home from filming a 'trid. Always moving, never getting too close to the target, but making sure not to go too far, either.

Once he heard others repeating his story to each other, he knew his seeds were taking root, and he found a quiet spot along a wall to watch his work come to fruition.
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« Reply #134 on: <10-17-16/0800:27> »
"Right" mumbled Clem as she followed Jane to McHugh's. The ork didn't have anything pressing to buy, and didn't see the use of having more than one person with the Linguasoft, so she just acquiesced at Snow.

Once at the bar with their employer, Clementine decided to ask her a few questions, just to know a bit more what the team was dealing with. "So Jane, back in your street running days, what was your area of expertise?"
Self thought