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Blond Goth Girl:
Bladerunner is one of my all time faves.  There's talk of having a prequel or a sequel to it with Ridley Scott directing it.  I would prefer a sequel of sorts or a generation after the Bladerunner events.  Ridley must direct it.  Anyone's elses' thoughts?  Below is the article.

Prequel actually sounds pretty interesting...would love them to explore what the characters were doing prior to the events of Bladerunner.  That being said, I would ALSO like to see a sequel, much as you decribe... ;D



Ah, Bladerunner. How I adore thee.

Sequel doesn't really work, for various reasons:[spoiler]

1. Deckard leaves, for real this time. He was quit at the beginning of the movie, but he's twice as quit at the end.

2. If Deckard really IS a Replicant (I say no, Ford agrees with me...Ridley Scott says he is) how long would he live? No one knows.[/spoiler]

3. I don't want to see Harrison Ford in a sequel. He has played some of my very favorite characters, but...I still haven't forgiven him for the last Indy movie.

Ifriti Sophist

Red Canti:
The briefly mentioned Semi-Prequel to Alien interests me more actually.

I wouldn't mind if Ford came back, if only as a memorable cameo.

Maybe as the genetic basis for Deckard?


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