Into the Chaos - Land Grab [IC]

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« on: <08-21-15/0548:00> »
Monday 23, December 2075, 4:50 am.

Athos receives a phone call, not just ‘a phone call’ but the ‘phone call’ from Valentina Fingian. The ‘phone call’ is the initiation rite of the Mafia. Please Valentina and you get to become more than a made man, you get to become family and wear the Fingian name. This privilege has lifestyle and perks that follow with it but the main deal is not even the money. It is about pride, a sense of belonging, of being part of the family.  You are invited to family events,  the senior  members know your name and face. Most importantly, you are no longer a henchman but an asset.

For the vast majority of Mafia members this opportunity never presents itself. The ugly truth is that talent is rare in the Mafia as it is anywhere else. Most of the members spend their entire life doing drek jobs or paying for the crimes of the family.  Family members are expected of a very strict code of honor, they never say a single word to law enforcement and never use their help. Even if what they are doing is completely legal - a member of the family will never defend himself to the law. However, not every Mafia member is family and although family do nothing at all to defend themselves, lower level henchmen will happily admit anything in order to get the family off the hook and perhaps win grace.

Is he on the  way to jail or does Valentina have an assignment for him? - he cannot tell, what he do know is that he better do exactly as she say if they he wants any future in the Mafia. 

The call itself is unimpressive, it is not even a call but a simple text. “>>Athos, your services are required - Meet me for lunch at the Gate at 12:00, come hungry!  Valentina Fingian.”

The Gate is a casino in Bellevue to the west, it has a very good restaurant with a great view to Washington lake. If this is their ‘last meal’ out of prison, Valentina certainly picked a good spot.
« Last Edit: <08-21-15/0805:55> by gilga »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #1 on: <08-21-15/1033:56> »
Athos is already up and working out in his exercise room when the commlink chirps at him.  The initial reaction about it being 04 fragging 30 in the morning disappears when he sees who sent the message.  *Valentina Finnigan herself.  You are moving up in the world, Athos, lad.*  Then he frowns a bit.  He has heard rumors that some of the calls Valentina makes are not good news.  Shaking his head, he rereads the text, looking for any clue as to what is going down.  Finding nothing obvious one way or the other in the terse message, he puts the 'link down on the small table and goes back to exercising.  No point in waking Minnie right now and he can get a bit more reps in.

After finishing his exercises, Athos takes a nice hot shower, something he rather enjoys as there is no hot water rationing here.  Such a different way of life since had made the move from the Barrens to Bellevue.  Not that it is that far; one could see the slums from here.  He hits the buzzer to the intercom to Minnie's section of the house.  "Hey, you up and decent yet?  Remember we got that breakfast at Gino's at eight.  And we got an invite for lunch at Gates.  Valentina's buying."
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #2 on: <08-21-15/1908:59> »
“Frag it!”

Yulia “Minnie Mouse” Kreidich slammed her fist on the desk before her in frustration.  Lukewarm soykaf splattered her right hand and forearm as a half empty plastic cup off to one side jumped a few centimeters off the surface and came down on its side.  It wasn’t the first time she'd forgotten her own considerable strength.

At least the desk didn’t break, she thought to herself ruefully as the piece of drek AR data processor she was wearing droned the 20th century torture “It’s a small world after all” on repeat through her earphones.

It should be easy.  She was simply editing a contract between Athos and another member of the Family from a separate operation.  The two needed to work together but didn’t trust each other as far as they could throw the Renraku Arcology, hence the need for something in writing.  All she wanted to do was cut a block of text from one place to another, but the result was the loss of the clipped data replaced with several verses of the Karma Sutra.

In Sanskrit.

Her efforts to undo the mysterious error failed miserably despite her certainty she’d done it right.  Instead of returning to where she’d started, the entire file converted to Japanese.

At least she thought it was Japanese.  Chinese?  No, she knew enough Japanese from Athos to know the character の wasn’t found in Chinese, Korean, or any other language.

Resigning herself to starting all over from the original document, she began cleaning up her spilled beverage with some tissue when Athos’ voice broke into the infernal racket still assaulting her ears.

"Hey, you up and decent yet?  Remember we got that breakfast at Gino's at eight.  And we got an invite for lunch at Gates.  Valentina's buying."

She managed to bring up a clock widget via the AR glasses she wore, blessedly without incident.  Half past six o’clock.  She then held her breath as she tried closing the document processing application.  The resulting silence was golden and she would have cheered if Athos’ words didn’t trouble her so.

“Yeah, I’m up oniichan,” she responded to her employer and protector, trying not to let on her worry.  “Give me a minute and I’ll be out there so we can talk.” 

The charming troll was one of only two true friends in Yulia’s life.  Her affectionate term for him in private, oniichan, was Japanese for beloved big brother he had told her.  And in all but blood, that was exactly what he was to her.  It was he who had stood up to the head of the Finnegan prostitution business and helped her argue for a ‘leave of absence’ from new clients and most existing ones.  She still had some long time ‘Diamond Class’ patrons she was expected to service regardless of her new freedom, but at least none of them were violent.  If a few nights a week working between the sheets was the price to pay for freedom the rest of the time, she’d pay it.  If all went well, she and Athos would develop her adept powers such that she’d be more valuable to the Family outside rather than inside the bedroom.

That was the plan, at least.  It had seemed like a good plan…until maybe now.  She bit her lower lip as she processed what lunch with the powerful Valentina Finnigan might mean.  Her stomach did flip flops at the thought that Jerome, the head pimp of the Finnigan Family, had appealed to the top and this meeting might be to put Athos…and Minnie…in their place.

Minnie rose from her chair and made her way to the door to the main living space of the flat Athos had invited her to share. 

I owe the man so much already.  Is it my destiny to bring him down?

No, she answered herself even as her tail wrapped itself around her diminutive form, an unconscious sign of apprehension which she was too absorbed in her fears to recognize at the moment.

If push comes to shove, I’ll go back to the sheets.  This is my cross to bear, dammit.  I won’t make anyone else pay the price for my curse.

Opening the door, the girl still wearing her glasses made a sorry sight.  Fuzzy gray ears drooped.  Pinkish gray rodent’s tail and pale, thin human arms hugged herself close.  “Oniichan, do you think we’re in trouble?” she asked in a small voice.
« Last Edit: <08-21-15/2031:36> by Shaman_Yuri »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #3 on: <08-21-15/2253:17> »
Athos is glad that his hands are full of a cup of soycaf when Minnie steps into the room.  The sight of the diminutive exotic woman always does something to him.  He shakes his head, "Nah.  Don't think so.  I am hoping this is our ticket to get you the respect you deserve and for me to move up a notch.  Hmmm.  You got your tail in the wrap around thing.  Worried about something?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #4 on: <08-21-15/2308:40> »
Minnie looked both relieved and contrite as she absorbed Athos' assurance and realized how much she was telegraphing her anxiety.  She took a breath and centered herself.  Her tail relaxed and started swaying aimlessly behind her and her arms relaxed to her sides.  "Sorry, oniichan.  I know I need to control my emotions better if I'm to be of any use to you.  I was just worried Dame Valentina was...well...gonna lay down the smack on me.  I...well you know I don't want to go back to the sheets full time, but if you had to pay a price for me I wouldn't be able to handle that.  You've done so much for me already."

This time she managed to keep her outward calm...mostly.  Her body language was relaxed save for her still drooping ears.  Her sincerity was clearly apparent.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #5 on: <08-21-15/2322:26> »
Athos laughs, "No problem, Omae.  I think we would have heard something if this was a showdown.  I got an idea for some backup.  Remember that girl, Artie?  She owes me a favor for recommending her to Carlo for his little delivery.  Are you comfortable with me asking her?  By the way, your ears are still down.  Perk up a bit.  This is our chance."
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #6 on: <08-21-15/2333:41> »
At the mention of Artie not only did Minnie's ears spring up but her tail started darting side to side, now telegraphing agitation.  Still, she kept a brave face.  "You know my feelings about that filthy cat, onii.  She's a predator, and I still can't get out of my head that she thinks of me as little more than dinner that doesn't know it yet.  But," she cut in before Athos could come to his longtime friend's defense, "I don't believe she'd move on me during your time of need.  And I'd work with a bug spirit if I thought it would help your star rise.  If you believe she'd be of service, then I'll watch my own back while I watch yours too."

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #7 on: <08-21-15/2340:35> »
Athos laughs.  "You two may have to work that out with each other.  I am sure that she does not want you for lunch."  Checking the chrono on his 'link, Athos makes a connection.  >>Hey Artie.  Athos here.  If you are not doing anything, how about joining Minnie and me at Gino's at eight this morning for breakfast.  I am sure that you still know your way there.  I will call and have a table for three.  Get back to me if it is bad for you.  I have a proposition  so try to be there.<<

"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #8 on: <08-21-15/2352:41> »
Not exactly happy with how things were transpiring, but confident that she'd be able to handle what came of it, Minnie slipped back into her room to leave Athos to set things up and get himself ready.  She herself wanted to make a good impression on Dame Valentina.  It would be the first time the powerful woman would meet the new Yulia.  With the little amount of time available, she showered and made herself presentable as a business professional.   She chose a suit Athos had bought for her that provided her total freedom of movement in a fight and lots of places to hide her knives while also exuding the look of a businesswoman who was confident and knew her stuff.  Her makeup was subtle, likely less than most women in her new position would wear.  She wanted to err on the minimalist end to ensure any trace of the whore, the damn good and very expensive whore to be sure but still a whore, Dame Valentina knew her to be was absent.
« Last Edit: <08-22-15/0004:31> by Shaman_Yuri »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #9 on: <08-22-15/0002:22> »
Athos shakes his head as his friend returns to her room.  He can tell she is upset, but he knows that she can get over it.  She is a professional, and so is Artie, in her way.  He had learned some time back that if he had something to get to somewhere else, Artie was the go-to person for the job.  He places a call to Gino's to add another chair to his table for breakfast, then moves to the couch.  While waiting for Minnie, he calls up the trid news to catch the current events.
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #10 on: <08-22-15/0014:56> »
About 30 minutes later Minnie ne Yulia re-entered the main room of the flat she shared with her friend.  Her gray skirt-suit matched her hair, fur, and tail.  The effect was to minimize the visual impact of the unnatural traits that marked the girl as something not quite human.  Black tights covered her legs all the way up to where her gray skirt met her knees.  She wore black mary janes with just a little heel - professional and conservative.  Definitely not what would be expected by those who knew the old her.  She wore glasses although she didn't need them for vision correction.  Being entirely organic, the AR spectacles and associated ear piece and gloves were what permitted her to perform her duties as Athos' secretary.  She just hoped whatever demons seemed to torment her from anything with a microchip would leave her alone when the chips were falling.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #11 on: <08-22-15/0023:47> »
Athos looks up from what he is reading and scans his friend.  His pulse quickens just a bit as he looks at her.  "That color suits you well."  He motions to the human size couch in the room and adds.  "You know I would not bring Artie into this if you were dead set against it.  I happen to think that the two of you can be a great double punch with your special skills.  Most people will see the Troll coming and ignore the pair of awakened partners until it is too late.  But I will not mention the lunch with Donna Valentina if you say not to."
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #12 on: <08-22-15/0037:37> »
The tiny mouse girl settles into the couch, sitting turned a little to one side with her legs folded to the opposite side.  It was a position that indicated her continued apprehension while also being modest in her skirt.  She let out a little sigh that many would call a pout, especially coming from her.  "I don't trust her, Onii.  Not only is she a cat, but I know she has her own agenda.  I worry what may happen if her priorities and yours cease being the same.  But I realize this is business and you can't always have family at your back."  She sighed again before continuing.  "You're the expert at this," she adds with a shrug.  "I have a lot to learn.  I'll consider this another learning opportunity.  One I hope to live to not regret."

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #13 on: <08-22-15/0040:22> »
Athos nods, "I am thinking that you worry a bit too much, but maybe that is a good thing.  One of us should worry.  So, to change the subject, how is that contract coming along?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #14 on: <08-22-15/0045:51> »
Minnie's ears drooped again.  "Um, does Leo happen to read Japanese?"