Shadowrun Play > Shadowrun: Anarchy

Anarchy Physical Printings?


Jack Hooligan:
Anyone know if there has been more than one printing of Anarchy? If so, what errata do they contain and how can you tell which printing you have?

For some reason I thought there were, and it just dawned on me to look..but I don't see any printing listed.

To my knowledge there was only one (1) physical printing and no (0) errata. Maybe one day I'll find out what Biotech skill does.

Man, I sooooo wish another competent company would get the license for Shadowrun.  Someone like Free League or Modiphius or Cubicle 7 or even Wizards of the Coast.

Jack Hooligan:

--- Quote from: Tecumseh on ---To my knowledge there was only one (1) physical printing and no (0) errata. Maybe one day I'll find out what Biotech skill does.

--- End quote ---

My copy lists Biotech as a Logic skill on the bottom of page 32: "Biotech: First aid, medicine, and cybertechnology"


--- Quote from: Jack Hooligan on ---My copy lists Biotech as a Logic skill on the bottom of page 32: "Biotech: First aid, medicine, and cybertechnology"

--- End quote ---

Yes, so does mine, but what does it do? The book describes using First Aid via a Plot Point to heal a box of damage, but that's not dependent on the skill or on any roll. Rolling the skill does... something? GM's call, I suppose.


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