[IC] The Tell-Tale Heart

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« Reply #30 on: <10-07-10/0322:34> »
[OOC: That post was really good!]
"Because we're careful, discrete and we're good at getting a job done meng..."

Santero shifts his perception into the Astral plane and he's going to try and assense O'Leary and the bodyguard's auras.

[OOC: I'm going to call my bound F6 Guardian spirit from his home plane and have him hang out in the astral.  
Assensing O'Leary:  Assensing 3 + Intuition 3 = 6  6d6.hits(5)=2....Assensing Bodyguard: 6 6d6.hits(5) I should be able to see where they each have cyberware, whether they're awakened or not.]

[OOC: If I find that they're both mundane, as a demonstration of my power i'm going to cast control actions on the bodyguard F7, drain 3P.  Resist Will 5 + Cha 4=9 9d6.hits(5) drain.  Casting test, Magic 6 + Spellcasting 5 = 11 11d6.hits(5)=4.  The bodyguard resists with you'll have to roll to see if I succeed.  If I do I'm going to make him grab one of his own grenades and pull the pin while keeping the arming lever pressed down while he walks toward both of us and then i'll tell O'Leary to just cool it and if he cuts the bull and starts to talk fast we can get on with business....If one of them's awakened though, i'm not going to cast anything.]
« Last Edit: <10-07-10/0332:23> by inca1980 »


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« Reply #31 on: <10-07-10/0927:14> »
Belial made note of the bodyguard and locked his smartlink onto him. 

Belial nods with Santero's statement.

"We are also professionals that will not slot around on the job."
Note to all you rich corp slugs out there: the Redmond Barrans is no place to take your brand new drek hot sports car out for a spin.
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« Reply #32 on: <10-07-10/1215:31> »
{OOC quick assensing test to see what we are dealing with. <a href="">7d6, 10d6=[5, 1, 2, 1, 6, 2, 4], [4, 3, 5, 4, 2, 3, 6, 4, 2, 6]</a> Please ignore the second roll, I brilliantly rolled drain on assensing.  2 successes will give me if he is awakened or not which is all I was looking for.  I don't bother assensing the body guard.  Too much ware visible to bother with the second roll.}

Kali :  I will let the others do the talking Mr O'Leary, but we are not just a bunch of street punks and that is why you can use us.  We don't drek around and make a mess of things.  We can get the job done and can do it quietly or loudly depending on what is needed.

She turns and looks around the room for a seat and if one is available will go and sit in it. 


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« Reply #33 on: <10-07-10/1221:19> »
{ooc Kali casts Increased Charisma on Santero rating 6 <a href="">9d6, 10d6=[5, 4, 4, 5, 5, 3, 4, 5, 6], [5, 2, 6, 5, 1, 4, 6, 6, 3, 3]</a>  with 5 successes.  Drain is f/2-2 so a drain of 1 and the second roll means no drain.}

As Kali sits in the chair she takes on a wolfish facade and looks at Santero with a sideways cock to her head.  And then a nod of have fun with it.


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« Reply #34 on: <10-08-10/1425:17> »
((Neither of them are mundane. You have difficulty seeing past the bodyguard's dermal sheathing, but you can tell that he's pretty loaded up with cyber and bioware. He may have also had extensive repair to his skeleton at some point. There's alot of non-biological material in this guy. Alot. His astral presence is weak.
O'leary has a unusual heavy cyberarm and shoulder hidden under synthskin. He also has a series of muscle replacements and some kind of complicated wiring running through his system as well. Not to mention the metal teeth. If you want to anything more specific then you'll need to make some related knowledge skill checks.
Also Inca, these are slightly more complex cylindrical grenades. They are either armed or they are not. There's an example of one on the cover of arsenal.)

Kali finds one of the chairs in front of O'leary's desk, making herself at home. He is currently too distracted to give it any thought.

"Yeah, yeah. We'll see, we'll see."

He raises a finger.

"One chance."

"You get one chance to prove yourselves."

He walks over the to the glass, looking out. His back is turned to you, but the mysterious warrior watches you closely with those round, camera like eyes.

"There was a truck.. that had something important to me on it. It never made it where it was going."

"I'll give you a precise location, where we lost contact with the couriers. Alls you gotta do is find the truck and get the package. If there isn't no package there then you gotta find it. That too complex for you?"

He looks over his shoulder at you, arching a brow.
« Last Edit: <10-08-10/1427:59> by Joker »


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« Reply #35 on: <10-08-10/1611:21> »
[OOC: by mundane I mean they don't have a magic attribute...but don't worry, I'll cool it and just accept]
Santero glares at the body guard, imagines briefly a whole combat sequence where he takes over the guards body and makes him eat one of his own grenades, then looks back over at O'Leary.

"Wait a second meng, what do you mean we gotta find it?  What you saying is you wanna hire us fo two jobs meng...... If the package isn't in da truck then that isn't my probleng pay us for the job and basta.  Now, if you got some extra cred and you decide you wanna hire us again to den go out and look for the package, then you let us know..... and we can work sometin' out.  It's two jobs meng, can't do it any o'der way meng"
« Last Edit: <10-08-10/1616:23> by inca1980 »


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« Reply #36 on: <10-08-10/1632:32> »
{OOC  Santero has an additional 5 dice for his charisma.  It is kinda hard to read those results.  So Santero will find himself (if he doesn't resist) more charasmatic.}


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« Reply #37 on: <10-08-10/1726:22> »
Belial raises an eye at Santero but doesn't say anything.  He wants to know what O'leary's reaction will be.  He also looks around the room for exit strategies if need be. 
Note to all you rich corp slugs out there: the Redmond Barrans is no place to take your brand new drek hot sports car out for a spin.
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« Reply #38 on: <10-09-10/1023:45> »
O'leary lets out a derisive laugh, aimed at Santero.

"Can you believe this guy?", he asks the mysterious warrior, who just silently looks at you with those emotionless eyes.

"No, no, no. The job is getting the package. Thirty thousand in sticks when you return it with its contents intact. You do this good then maybe I'll have another job for you."

"Is there any problem with that?", he asks with an arched brow, reading your faces.

From his demeanor you can tell that he might snap and you may lose the job if you answer incorrectly.
« Last Edit: <10-09-10/1031:41> by Joker »


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« Reply #39 on: <10-09-10/2126:17> »
Santero narrows his eyes at O'Leary.  "And if the package isn't in the car?"


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« Reply #40 on: <10-09-10/2152:46> »
O'leary steps towards Santero.

"Then you go and find it. You really think I'd pay you this much if there wasn't potential trouble? Now, do you want the job or not? You're starting to get on my nerves."


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« Reply #41 on: <10-10-10/1302:30> »
{OOC  I drop the charisma on Santero and cast it on myself at force 6.  The cast <a href="">9d6.hits(5)=2</a> and drain <a href="">10d6.hits(5)=1</a>. I suffer no drain and get +2 to my charisma giving me a 7.  I am using my etiquette for this one.  With my new charisma that gives me <a href="">10d6.hits(5)=5</a>, so a total of 5 etiquette successes.}

There is a soft sigh from Kali.

Mr. O'Leary, is what you are offering 30k in sticks per team member or a lump sum?  It sounds like you are anticipating trouble and since it is our skins we will be risking it would be good to have more information.  See from the way it sounds to me, you are not really expecting the package to be where we are going and that we are going to have to go looking for it.  30K a pop would definitely be a good amount for us doing some tracking. 10 K not so much.  Especially if there is danger.


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« Reply #42 on: <10-10-10/1327:20> »
"Do you have better prospects on the horizon? Runners like you are a dime a dozen. 30 K total. I tell you what, lady. I'll make it 35 just for you. Plus the 10 from your other job, of course."

"Or you can leave with nuthin'. It's up to you."

He walks over to behind his desk, opening a drawer and retrieving a cigar.

Cutting off the end and lighting it, O'leary looks the three of you over for an answer.

"Well? What's it gonna be?"

The current offer is 45,000 total. You dont think there is room for much more negotiation. Your gut tells you to be cautious of whether you procede and how.


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« Reply #43 on: <10-10-10/1346:18> »
Santero:  "45K?  Now you talking baby, We'll get your package for you."


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« Reply #44 on: <10-10-10/1346:25> »
I am up for it.  How bout you all?  Could be an interesting run.

Kali looks at the rest of the team and waits patiently for their answer.