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Catalyst's Shadowrun Products / Re: Shadowrun Apps?
« Last post by IC3H4MM3R on <08-01-24/1431:03> »
I wasn't intending to be rude. If I came across that way I do apologize. What did I say that was out of line? ( so I dont't repeat that mistake)
Catalyst's Shadowrun Products / Re: Final Bets is released!
« Last post by Aria on <08-01-24/1313:02> »
Thanks!  One to pick up at some point, but not a huge urgency as I'm in the midst of Scotophobia inspired pbp...
Catalyst's Shadowrun Products / Re: Shadowrun Apps?
« Last post by Michael Chandra on <08-01-24/1245:06> »
If you don't make a profit and don't replace books, you can do whatever you want without explicit permission. If you want to make something official, you'll have to get in touch with Catalyst with a good pitch. Not sure where you could go to learn some manners, though.
Catalyst's Shadowrun Products / Re: Final Bets is released!
« Last post by Michael Chandra on <08-01-24/1242:31> »
A bit over a dozen pages covering the Paris Shadows, 40 Missions (2.7 pages average), then about a dozen pages covering the various groups and people and monsters.
Catalyst's Shadowrun Products / Re: Shadowrun Apps?
« Last post by IC3H4MM3R on <08-01-24/1224:36> »
I can see why. Its kind of a pain to verify every single post and reply. Thank you for responding so I know I'm not wasting my time on a forum where nobody talks to the newcomers.  Any idea who I could pitch an app idea to?
Catalyst's Shadowrun Products / Final Bets is released!
« Last post by Aria on <08-01-24/1029:57> »
On DriveThru (and no doubt other sites)

Anyone picked it up yet?  Is there crunch or is it all 'missions' like Assassin's Night?

Catalyst's Shadowrun Products / Re: Shadowrun Apps?
« Last post by Aria on <08-01-24/1024:11> »
Usually, if they've got something useful to say... sadly I don't know of any apps currently  ::)
Catalyst's Shadowrun Products / Re: Shadowrun Apps?
« Last post by IC3H4MM3R on <08-01-24/0913:50> »
Does anyone ever answer these posts?
Catalyst's Shadowrun Products / Shadowrun Apps?
« Last post by IC3H4MM3R on <07-31-24/1306:41> »
I was wondering if there were any Shadowrun apps out there. Besides dice rollers, I mean.
Rules and such / Assault Cannons
« Last post by KarmaInferno on <07-22-24/1438:49> »
Is it just me, or does 6E not actually include much in the way of actual game mechanics for Assault Cannons? And what is there is contradictory.

The corebook is silent on the subject, aside from noting that they fall under Firearms skill and can only take standard ammo. Not even a description of what Assault Cannons are or what they do.

Krime Katalog has non-explosive slug rounds for Assault Cannons, indicating that the standard ammo is explosive.

There's an optional rule in 6E to make the standard ammo explosive, which indicated normally it is NOT explosive.

It feels like they were just kinda forgotten about.

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