New to Anarchy Questions

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« on: <01-10-18/2312:16> »
I've been playing SR since 1st edition but we're looking to move more rules lite ans Anarchy seems to be the thing for our group. The only thing I can't seem to figure out is why would anyone take an SMG or assault rife since I cannot locate rules for autofire anywhere.  Is there no autofire in Anarchy?


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« Reply #1 on: <01-11-18/0315:32> »
SMG and assault riffle provide good damage and range, which would be a first reason.
However you are correct there is no autofire rules in anarchy, but this does not prevent the players to take advantage of their full auto mode as part of their narration. And if you consider that the effect is too strong, just make it so it costs the player a plot point.
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« Reply #2 on: <01-11-18/1414:00> »
As Carmody notes, they have good damage codes and are the best weapons at Near (medium) ranges.

A more interesting question is "why would anyone take an SMG instead of an assault rifle?" Right now there is no mechanical reason to take an SMG, given than they have a lower damage code than assault rifles and can't shoot Far targets.

To balance this, our group gives assault rifles a -2 modifier at Close ranges (instead of OK) to represent the challenges of using a long barrel in tight quarters. That gives SMGs an advantage for up-close work.

Those are considerations from the player's perspective. As a GM, I give the NPCs whatever it makes more sense for them to have, even if it's not mechanically optimal. Sometimes an Uzi makes more sense than an AK, and sometimes an AK makes more sense than a shotgun, even if autofire isn't a thing, rules-wise.


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« Reply #3 on: <01-11-18/1619:46> »
Shotguns can fire at multiple targets by taking a -2 and doing half damage.

I have allowed that quality to apply to other types of weapons like machine pistols, SMGs and ARs.

The main balance between the different weapon damage codes is going to be social and narrative aspects. Can the runner bring an AR into the meet? Not unless they went to start a fight. Light pistols might go undetected...
Shadowrun: Anarchy Resources (GM Screens, Character Sheets, New NPCs, House Rules) at:

Mr Johnson

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« Reply #4 on: <01-24-18/0002:50> »
I wonder what would happen if you allowed autofire by saying an automatic weapon gets two attacks for the price of one if it's on auto.  First attack is normal, second attack is at -2.  If you have reflex boosters, your actual second attack can get two attacks as well at -4 and -6 (Those are attacks 3 and 4 of the round).

Cue the recoil modifier amps in 3....2.....1.


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« Reply #5 on: <01-24-18/0109:04> »
My experience is to say that the 1 Attack per Narration (2 if you have a Reaction Enhancement) is an important factor in this game's pacing and "spotlight" time.

Getting potentially 4 attacks could be rather unbalancing in both power and pacing.
Shadowrun: Anarchy Resources (GM Screens, Character Sheets, New NPCs, House Rules) at:

Mr Johnson

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« Reply #6 on: <01-24-18/0145:14> »
Yeah, 4 rounds of dice rolling every time is a way to bog down combat.

We could abstract them.

Attack #1 is +2 damage at -2 dice to hit represent full auto.  Damage stages as normal. Skillful shooters against less able dodgers will come out ahead here

Attack #2 with wired reflexes is +2 damage at -4 dice to hit. Damage stages as normal.  Skillful shooters against less able dodgers probably still ahead here....

Spray the attack across multiple targets for an extra -1?

