Question regarding the adept power Eidetic Sense Memory from Shadow Spells page 23, which should be Missions legal as of 2014-10-25; what does this power actually do?
Unlike Photographic Memory, which gives a +2 dice pool modifier to all Memory tests, Eidetic Sense Memory has more of a fluff description (i.e. "memories can be recalled at will") than a mechanical impact. Does it allow the adept to recall sensory input without a test? If yes, wouldn't this make the Photographic Memory quality (p76 SR5) and/or Three Dimensional Memory adept power (p175 SG) somewhat redundant?
Similar but 3 slightly different functions.
Photog Memory allows you to recall information that you've seen or heard or read, but it's something you have to have actually paid attention to. So using this to remember a crime scene would give you a good overview of the room, but you wouldn't know what the note sitting on the desk said unless you had actually walked over and read it. All you could remember is that there was a note. This is visual only.
Eidetic Memory gives you all senses, but is similar to Photog Memory otherwise. So same scene, you would remember the paper but not what was written on it. You could also remember there was a hint of cologne in the air and that there was a wailing baby coming from down the hall. You would also know what the carpet tasted like if you licked it, and how grainy the wallpaper was if you ran your hand over it.
And finally 3-D Memory gives you a perfect Three Dimensional Snapshot of a space you took some time to memorize, without having to actually read every line and detail. You just pull it all in. So you would know exactly what that note said, using the same crime scene. You can also go back and study the scene again to see if you missed anything the first time that your conscious brain did not recall, but your unconscious brain picked up. So with Photographic memory if you needed 6 hits ona perception test to notice a drop of blood on the floor, but only got 5 hits, you could never recall it. But with 3-D memory, if you do a recall and go through the scene a second time, and this time get 6 hits, you spot the blood. IT also records sensations (you know how you felt... Cold, scared, whatever), but doesn't record other senses. So you would not Recall sounds or smells, and since you can't interact with it you can't touch or taste anything.
All three are useful, though Photog Memory is a lesser version of both of those (but isn't magical either). 3-D and Edietic compliment each other nicely though.