Astral Samurai advice 5E

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« on: <04-13-24/1843:11> »
Using this space as a link to a page on the shadowrun subreddit.

== Personal Data ==
Name: Unnamed Character                 Alias:
Movement: 6/12 (2m/hit)                 
Swim: 2 (1m/hit)                       
                                        Composure: 15
Street Cred: 0                          Judge Intentions: 12
Notoriety: 3                            Lift/Carry: 8 (75 kg/50 kg)
Public Awareness: 0                     Memory: 10
Karma: 0                                Nuyen: 2,555¥
Age:                                    Skin:
Eyes:                                   Hair:
Primary Arm: Right                     

== Priorities ==
Metatype: D
Attributes: B
Special: C
Skills: E
Resources: A

== Attributes ==
BOD: 3                                  CHA: 7
AGI: 2(8)                               INT: 5
REA: 5                                  LOG: 1(2)
STR: 2(5)                               WIL: 6(8)
EDG: 2                                  MAG: 1

== Derived Attributes
Essence: 2.06                           Initiative:          10 +1d6
Physical Damage Track: 14               Rigger Initiative:   10 +1d6
Stun Damage Track: 12                   Astral Initiative:   10 +3d6
Physical: 6                             Matrix AR:           10 +1d6
   Skates [-1] (Only when in use)
Mental: 6                               Matrix Cold:         5 + DP +3d6
   Attention Coprocessor [+1] (Only for Perception)
   Medkit [+6] (Only for First Aid and Medicine)
   Orientation System [+2] (Only for Navigation)
Social: 9                               Matrix Hot:          5 + DP +4d6
   Ballistic Mask [+1] (Only for Intimidation, Must be visible.)
Astral: 9

== Active Skills ==
Assensing (Astral Signatures)
                              Base: 6  + Karma: 0  = 6   Pool: 11 (13)
Astral Combat (Handblade)     Base: 6  + Karma: 0  = 6   Pool: 14 (16)
Automatics (Assault Rifles)   Base: 6  + Karma: 0  = 6   Pool: 14 (16)
Perception (Visual)           Base: 1  + Karma: 0  = 1   Pool: 6 (8)
Unarmed Combat (Cyber Implants)
                              Base: 6  + Karma: 0  = 6   Pool: 14 (16)

== Knowledge Skills ==
English                       Base: 0  + Karma: 0  = 0   Pool: 0
Cybertechnology               Base: 1  + Karma: 0  = 1   Pool: 6
Law Enforcement Procedures (Street) (Magical)
                              Base: 1  + Karma: 0  = 1   Pool: 6 (8)
Magical Theory (Street) (Astral World)
                              Base: 1  + Karma: 0  = 1   Pool: 6 (8)
Popular Music (Dwarven Punkbilly)
                              Base: 1  + Karma: 0  = 1   Pool: 6 (8)
Street Drugs (Cram)           Base: 1  + Karma: 0  = 1   Pool: 6 (8)
Trids (Sci-fi)                Base: 2  + Karma: 0  = 2   Pool: 7 (9)

== Qualities ==
Addiction (Mild) (Cram)
Addiction (Mild) (Psyche)
Cyber-Singularity Seeker
Jack of All Trades Master of None
Low Pain Tolerance
Low-Light Vision
Poor Self Control (Thrill Seeker)
Restricted Gear

== Cyberware/Bioware ==
Cerebral Booster Rating 1
Datajack (alpha)
Gastric Neurostimulator (alpha)
Obvious Full Arm (AGI 8, STR 3, Physical 5) (Left) (alpha)
   + Customized Agility Rating 6
   + Enhanced Agility Rating 2
   + Armor Rating 2
   + Magnetic System
   + Smuggling Compartment
Obvious Full Arm (AGI 9, STR 9, Physical 9) (Right) (alpha)
   + Customized Agility Rating 6
   + Enhanced Agility Rating 3
   + Customized Strength Rating 6
   + Enhanced Strength Rating 3
   + Armor Rating 2
   + Hand Blade
   + Shock Hand
   + Cyberfinger (Glass Cutter)
Obvious Full Leg (AGI 6, STR 3, Physical 5) (Left) (alpha)
   + Customized Agility Rating 6
   + Armor Rating 2
   + Skates
   + Attention Coprocessor
   + Orientation System
   + Magnetic System
Obvious Full Leg (AGI 6, STR 3, Physical 5) (Right) (alpha)
   + Customized Agility Rating 6
   + Armor Rating 2
   + Built-in Medkit
   + Skates
   + Magnetic System
Pain Editor

== Lifestyle ==
Low (Low) 1 Month
   + Grid Subscription (Public Grid) [+50¥]

== Armor ==
Ballistic Mask                          +2
   + Flashlight, Low-light
   + Gas Mask
Vashon Island: Sleeping Tiger           15
   + Custom Fit
   + Gel Packs
   + Newest Model
   + Ruthenium Polymer Coating 3
   + Holster
Vashon Island: Synergist Business Line Longcoat10/+3
   + Custom Fit (Stack)
   + Shock Weave
   + Holster

== Weapons ==
   + Gas-Vent 3 System
   + Hip Pad Bracing System
   + Personalized Grip
   + Sling
   + Smartgun System, External
   + Underbarrel Weight
   Pool: 17     Accuracy: 5 (8) DV: 10P      AP: -2    RC: 8
Grapple Gun
   Pool: 0      Accuracy: 3     DV: 7S       AP: -2    RC: 3
Hand Blade
   Pool: 20     Accuracy: 6     DV: 11P      AP: -2    RC: 4
Remington Suppressor
   + Concealed Quick-Draw Holster
   + Gas-Vent 3 System
   + Personalized Grip
   + Smartgun System, External
   + Sound Suppressor
   Pool: 15     Accuracy: 6 (9) DV: 7P       AP: -1    RC: 6
Shock Hand
   Pool: 17     Accuracy: 6     DV: 9S(e)    AP: -5    RC: 4
Unarmed Attack
   Pool: 14     Accuracy: 6     DV: 5S       AP: -     RC: 3

== Commlink ==
MCT Blue Defender (ATT: 0, SLZ: 0, DP: 1, FWL: 5)
   + Commlink Form Factor, Non-Standard (Bracelet)
   + Commlink Functionality [Camera, Micro, Chip Player, Credstick Reader, Earbuds 1, GPS Guidance System, Micro Trid-Projector, Music Player, RFID Tag Scanner, Shock- and Water-Resistant Case, Touchscreen Display]
   + Micro-Transceiver
   + Subvocal Mic

== Gear: Equipped ==
Ammo: APDS (Machine Pistols) ×15
Ammo: APDS (Assault Rifles) ×38
Ammo: Regular Ammo (Machine Pistols) ×30
Ammo: Regular Ammo (Assault Rifles) ×76
Ammo: Stick-n-Shock (Machine Pistols) ×45
Ammo: Stick-n-Shock (Assault Rifles) ×114
Backpack (Good)
Contacts Rating 2
   + Smartlink
   + Flare Compensation
Cram ×5
Fake SIN Rating 4
   + Fake License (Weapon License) Rating 4
   + Fake License (Aug License) Rating 4
   + Fake License (Bounty Hunter's License) Rating 4
   + Fake License (Driver's License) Rating 4
   + Fake License (Concealed Carry Permit) Rating 4
Grapple Gun
Medkit Rating 6 "Implanted"
Psyche ×5
Slap Patch, Stim Patch Rating 6 ×2
Standard Rope (100m) ×5
Weapon Focus (Bonded Foci) (Hand Blade) Rating 3

== Vehicles ==
Renault-Fiat Funone
   + Anti-Theft System Rating 2
   + GridLink
   + GridLink Override
   + Metahuman Adjustment Rating 2
   + Morphing License Plate
   + Sensor Array Rating 2

== Contacts ==
(Fixer), (Connection: 4, Loyalty: 3)

(Cybersurgeon), (Connection: 5, Loyalty: 2)

(Shark Lawyer), (Connection: 5, Loyalty: 2)
« Last Edit: <04-13-24/1847:34> by FST_Gemstar2 »