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Forum Business / Re: Testing...
« Last post by Xenon on <05-14-24/1841:49> »

Welcome back online!
Errata / Re: Emerald City Errata
« Last post by KarmaInferno on <05-14-24/0200:44> »
Pg 72 - "Council Island Access" quality lists two levels, but only gives game mechanics for one.
Rules and such / Re: What Doesn't Kill You
« Last post by KarmaInferno on <05-14-24/0130:02> »
I guess this should probably apply for the other Emerald City Qualities re-printed in the corebooks, as a few others also have different Karma values.
Rules and such / Re: What Doesn't Kill You
« Last post by FastJack on <05-13-24/2221:05> »
Seattle and Berlin are printed after Emerald City, so they would be the default Karma Cost. I'd say they are the same quality.
Rules and such / What Doesn't Kill You
« Last post by KarmaInferno on <05-13-24/2201:02> »
Hm. The quality "What Doesn't Kill You" appears three times in 6E, once in each Seattle and Berlin corebooks, and once in Emerald City. They have identical game mechanics and only differ in location flavor text. Except the one in Emerald City - that one gives 4 bonus Karma instead of the 3 that the other two give.

Are these considered the same Quality or different, and what is the correct Karma bonus if the latter?
Forum Business / Re: Testing...
« Last post by FastJack on <05-13-24/0742:08> »
Woo hoo!
Forum Business / Re: Testing...
« Last post by Michael Chandra on <05-13-24/0641:07> »
Sounds fake but ok.
Is this 8am or 8pm?
Forum Business / Testing...
« Last post by KarmaInferno on <05-13-24/0219:45> »
Forums appear to be back!
Play-by-Post / Re: The Crossing is Looking for Players
« Last post by Aria on <04-24-24/1744:29> »
Thank you Beta!  It's slightly scary that I started pbp in earnest over a decade ago!
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