Walk down the right street in LA...

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« on: <05-22-14/1911:08> »
...and you'll likely wind up in the Lacuna.  It doesn't take much to end up flatlined in this town.  Sometimes all it takes is a word in the wrong place, a look at the wrong wanna-be glittergirl or glitterboy, and someone's got an iron in hand and trying to geek you, or you're trying not to catch a lethal dose of cement poisoning.  Sometimes it doesn't take anything at all.  That's just the kind of people we've got in this town; the hard and lean, that have survived, by luck or skill, everything the Sixth World's thrown at them.  Not even the fatal drowning of half the city can put them down, and they don't take kindly to unknown quantities getting involved in their business.  These are the people I live with, day in and day out; the scum, the SINless, the hard-fighting survivalists, the gangbangers.  The criminals that are criminal just because they exist at the fringes, that society looks down upon - or fears - because they don't belong to the system.  I should know; I'm one of them, too.  Always have been, from the day of my birth likely til some bastard manages to cure me of this 'life' addiction I've got.

I don't know how I wound up sinking face-down in this muck, with a weight tied to my ankle, neon lights slowly fading in the distance.  I've been thinking about it as the pressure grows and the cement block drags me inexorably downwards.  I got jumped from behind by two trogs coming out of the club, and next thing I know I'm waking up as the water closes over my head. The last few days have been a blur, ever since she walked into my office.  Of course it was a she; it always is.  Real glitter, too, glitz and glam and all of that.

I'm an "Investigator of Unnaturalities", or to put it simply, I stick my nose into other people's business and open my stupid gob.  Usually only when I'm hired.  So I'm sitting in my 'office' - which is really a small building out Bumfuck way, right on the edge of the Lacuna - drinking away my last paycheck and thinking of hitting the good stuff, when the door cracks open and in strolls the glittergirl. Good-lookin' woman, for an ork. Tall, handsome, with nicely-polished tusks that weren't too large, and skin as black as midnight. She was wearing the kind of high society dress you see on the media starlets, which is to say she wasn't wearing much at all, and looking... good, not cheap. Her perfume was the scent of lilac and honey, and it drowned away the smells I'd gotten used to. I was so busy taking it all in - and I do mean all - that I didn't even notice the woman's bodyguards flanking her.  Big trolls, which should give you an idea of just how much there was to admire on the lady.

She exhaled a cloud of smoke from her cigarette, probably laced with the sort of narcotics that can get you five to ten. "You Bogshit?" she asked, in a voice like silk over gravel. Be still, my heart.

"Gobshite," I corrected her. "Investigator Gobshite." Now, I had a real name, given to me by a mother and father, but I've been Gobshite for so long that I've damn near forgotten it. "What brings you to my door, Miss...?"

"I need some ... irregularities investigated," she said, not taking more than two meter's step away from the door, which the big trolls were flanking now that it was closed. Something in my brain clicked, letting me see them for the first time, but she kept drawing my eyes back to her. She wasn't even doing much - that's how you know the dame's good at what she does. "I assume you've heard of the theft of the Chintz Diamond."

Who hadn't? Thing was supposed to be laced with orichalcum, recovered from the depths of some volcano in Asswipe, Nowhere. "Disappeared shortly after going on display at the MIT&T Exhibit in the National History Museum, didn't it?"

"Yes, Mister Gobshite, it did. And since then there have been a startling number of murders - of close friends of mine, you understand - of a highly suspicious and likely magical nature."

"Why come to me?" I asked as I reached across the desk and got the half-empty bottle. The woman was heating me in all the right ways, and I needed a drink to cool off.

"Because, Mister Gobshite, you are the least likely to ask questions of an ... embarrassing nature." She dropped the cigarette onto the cement floor, squashing it out with a high heel. In her other hand she drew a slip of paper from within the top of her dress, passing it behind her to one of the bodyguards. "Give this to him," she said, her eyes never leaving me.

Tweedle A trudged across the room, and I swear the building actually shook with every step he took. For a moment, I feared the ground was going to shear away and we'd all be taking a dip in the Lacuna, but against all laws of nature the world held on when he reached my desk. He laid the paper on it, pushing it across, next to my propped ankles, and withdrew, threatening the sanctity of solid earth once more.

When he was back to flanking the door, she spoke again. "Be at that address by nine AM tomorrow, Mister Gobshite," she said, turning and moving for the door. My eyes were glued to her movements; it was almost like watching two devil rats fighting in a sack. How did she manage to keep so much moving at once? The door opened, and she paused, looking back to me over her shoulder.

"Do be there, Mister Gobshite," she said. "If not you, then someone else will get the fifty thousand nuyen payout I'm offering." Dame knew how to get a bloke's attention; now she had my interest. I must have been wide-eyed, because she twinkled a toothy smile at me, then she was gone into the misty night while the hired muscle followed after her, slamming the door behind them so hard that it pulled the door half off its hinges.

I must have sat there for a good twenty minutes, just breathing in the traces of her perfume, gradually overpowered by the building's natural stink of chemical fires and earth-soil from the hydroponics facility. It used to be the R&D facility of some Corp before the Fall; I'd found it scoured by fire, but still structurally sound, and moved in. When finally no trace of the sweet perfume remained, I reached out and took the slip of paper, reading the address. Downtown. Well, they didn't like people like me there. A smile spreading across my lips as I tucked away the address, I drained the rest of the bottle and had an early night. I was going to have fun disturbing the SINners tomorrow with a bit of Gobshite.
Next time you're down on your knees, and you're expecting a slap, it might be me in that mask, and I just might have a bat.
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« Reply #1 on: <05-22-14/2035:30> »
The only reason for morning to exist is to keep night and afternoon from bumping into each other. It overstays its welcome, and comes entirely too early - about six hours too early for my liking. Any day I rise before noon's a day where I shoot someone, whether they deserve it or not. The Hurlg was a bad idea; I woke to a goblin rock band trying to pound my eyesocket out from the inside and a taste in my mouth like an all-day sun-roasted devil rat. Next time I went in to get some chrome, I was going to get some kind of internal cleaner. Despite these handicaps, I managed to get the morning rituals out of the way, dressed and facing the right general direction by eight-thirty. At some point I must have read far too many old private dick novels, and watched too many trids of the same, for I had succumbed to the most ludicrous of clichès and now I was stuck with it - an armored trenchcoat, shit-brown with a thick collar. I hated that damn thing today, because it meant I'd have to walk without getting tripped up in it, a task my hangover declared was impossible.

But nobody goes anywhere in LA without arms and armor, not if they want to live to see the sun - down or rise, depending on one's cycle. At least, nowhere worth going. I had my trusty MP9 tucked away into the internal holster, hoping to hell I wouldn't have to draw it. Even if it was loaded with Stickers, I'm not at home with shooting a person, unless they're trying to kill me. My folded-up axe went in the inside, too, just in case I needed to get in close with someone - and to distract from the illegal machine pistol hidden within my trenchcoat, being larger and more obvious, and licensed. Sort of licensed.

A beat-up old Jackrabbit waited for me outside the office, and some deadbeat lay on the pavement next to it. Still breathing - but that's what he got for trying to jack my car. I plugged my commlink into the datajack in the base of my spine, shivering at the metallic sensation going up it as the connection was made. Trajectories flowed across my vision, overlaying the few early-risers. I used the unconscious deadbeat as a footstep to get into the Jackrabbit, and was on my way, taking care to grind the rear wheel over the guy's knee. It'd be a while before he thought about trying to steal another car. It's the little good deeds like that that keep me going.

I kept replaying the visit in my head from last night. Odd dame, that. Who comes to discuss their business in person any more? Well, me, but I'm an unusual sort of bastard. I set the MonaLisa to purveying the few public facial databases I had access to, to compare a picture I'd snapped of her to it, and closed my eyes, letting the car drive itself towards the address. I didn't expect a result - the problem of using public-accessible databases is that they're so damned ... public, and contain so little information. Was worth a try, though. My brain, which knew better, was telling me that mystery employers never turn out well, while the rest of me was already living out a daydream of it turning out very well for one Gobshite.

By the time I reached the address, I'd progressed already to the end of the relationship - the hate sex, the slapping, the storming out and cutting all ties. At least, that's how all my relationships have gone up to this point. Why should a fantasy one be any different? But between opening the door and stepping out, I moved smoothly into all business. The building my car had stopped outside of was, well. I'd been expecting the Museum, but what I got instead was a brownstone, an honest-to-slot brownstone. A much nicer neighborhood than I was used to, where the kids played 'Catch the Devil Rat', 'Keep the Devil Rat', with losers playing the game of 'Starve On No Devil Rat'. Here it looked like kids played... I don't know, tiddlywinks? Something like that, anyways.

To say I felt out of place would be an understatement. People like me don't go into places like this. A quick glance up the street I had just come down showed that, yes, the community was gated. Nice of them to let a fake SINner get in like that. Or maybe someone told them I was coming. Either way, I was here now, and I had a job to do. I just wasn't all that sure what the job was yet. Runflat sandals slapped against the pavement as I trudged up to the front door of the very nice looking house, raising one green hand to rat-tat-tat upon the door.

A kid answered. Who the hell lets their kids answer the door in this day and age? Kid or no, the brat was still taller than me, and a second look showed me that it was a young teen - though it's hard to tell with elves. Snotty and spoiled by the looks, with her clean clothes - slot me, pajamas. Footie pajamas. Clothes just for sleeping in. Talk about living high. She took one look at me and I recognized the signs; the tightening of the jaw, the indraw of the throat. I had to slap one of my massive meathooks down on her mouth to keep her from screaming. I think feeling that I was flesh and blood and not something out of her nightmares helped calm her down, because she didn't fight.

"Alright, now that we understand one another," I said as I pulled out a cigarette, sliding it in between my lips, "I'm gonna let go. Go and get your... your mom, or dad, or whoever, so's I can talk to them. I was asked here, y'see. I'm Investigator Gobshite." Realization dawned on the girl's face, and I lowered my hand, lighting the cig as I did.

"Um. Sorry. Wait here," she said, closing the door quickly in my face. I could hear the loud patter of running feet, and the girl's voice raising in a yell, the word indistinguishable. I stood on the stoop, drawing my collar up to shield the cigarette from the wind, puffing a little white cloud up into the air around my head. Eventually, a heavier tread made its way to the door, and I was treated to the most disturbing sight I've ever seen. A fat, naked elf man - no, not naked, he had shorts on, though it was hard to tell over the roll of flab that dunlapped - with eyes like runny soy answered, giving me what could be the nastiest look I'd ever received.

To be fair, if I was a well-to-do elf and I opened my door to find a four foot, dark green-skinned thing that could knuckle-walk on my front stoop, I'd probably give it the same look. I just wish I didn't have to see it from under the fat, which somehow added to the general disgusting nature of the creature before me. I dropped my smoke and ground it out beneath my foot, focusing my gaze on the elf's eyes; if I didn't look at the fat, it didn't exist.

"Investigator Gobshite, y'onor, here at the bequest of..." And here, I paused. I'd never gotten the dame's name, and the facial recognition software had failed to find her in the databases I could get at. Thankfully, Santa Elf had my back.

"I know who you are and why you're here. Get in," he said, stepping back and turning out of the way, no longer pointing his belly at me like some kind of weapon. It probably was at that - put that on someone's head and they'd either suffocate or their head would pop like a grape. I stepped into the house and found myself at a loss. I was aware, vaguely, that people could have more space than they could really live in, but this was the first time I was seeing it. Usually my clients were just like me, living on the edges, on the fringe, with whatever they could secure with their fists and guns and knives, and that did not usually include two-story homes. I'd lucked out with the office, and its security systems still in place. Right now, I was seeing how a SINner could live, and I was jealous. And hateful. So much space for the taking; all it'd take would be one - okay, maybe two or three - swipes at the neck. He was fat. He couldn't possibly defend himself, right?

All that in a moment. I sighed and pushed the thoughts away, as my apparent client waddled his way past me and into an office just off the foyer. I followed, of course, into a hardwood-floored room where many electrical things I couldn't hope to put a name to lay strewn about. There was one I recognized - wire. I knew in a vague way how all these things fitted together, enough to at least slot components into a commlink shell, but this guy obviously knew the chip-truth of how it worked.

Fatman dropped his oversized butt into a chair, turning to face me. I never knew sweat could shine in such an ugly way; I was used to seeing it on joygirls, and I liked it better that way. My client stared at me, as if trying to decide whether to throw me out or just hate me in silence. That was fine; I could take hate. Especially when it came with fifty thousand yen attached to it.

"So," my client said, trying to cram a lot of things into that single syllable. For instance, I heard, 'You're an ugly little shite but I guess you can do the job', and 'I never thought I'd see something uglier than me but there it is'. For my part, I waited patiently. He'd either get to the point and clear up my confusion, or start shooting. I really hoped it was the first one; I heard the little footsteps of a young girl placing herself at the edge of the doorframe to eavesdrop. I'd hate to shoot a guy in front of his own daughter.

"So," he repeated, with similar undertones. "Saka thinks I need protection, does she? Fine. Just don't interrupt my work." Fatman pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose, turning away from me, concluding the interview, such as it was. For my part, I breathed a bit easier as I began to leave the room. Protection detail, was it? I doubted there was really a fifty K paycheck at the end of this, as crimes don't usually get solved by bodyguards. It was starting to stink worse than Fatman, though - why go through all this trouble to hire me to play hired gun for this unpleasant individual? Okay, I wasn't the sharpest dick, but I got things done. Maybe...

And that was as far as I got in that line of thought before it was interrupted by a bright, cheery 'Hi!' The girl had gotten right in front of me, blocking my path, and I looked up at her. It wasn't fair; orks were supposed to be big and hulking, and I'd gotten stuck with the dwarfism of orkhood, while an elf girl not even fourteen stood head and shoulders over me.

"Whaddya want, kid?" I asked in my gruffest voice, hoping she would go away.

"Noooothin'. I just wanna apologize for um. How I looked at you when I first saw you." I grunted; usual system-bound kid attitude. What sort of drek did they teach them to make them think they had to be accepting like that? I shook my head, waving a hand in a conciliatory manner. I had bigger fish to fry than some kid's apologist attitude, like securing this place against a possible strike team. Thankfully it'd be easy enough; I kept a couple of claymores for just such an emergency. I turned my back on the girl, as I began to plan how to discourage would-be assaulters, a nasty smile spreading across my lips. I might not like shooting people, but I did like causing destruction, and this very nice brownstone would probably wind up looking like a Knight Errant too deep in the wrong neighborhood - full of holes and segmented into pieces.

"Sorry, kid," I said over my shoulder as I made my way to the front door, vaguely realizing she had been talking at me. "You just go do whatever and leave me to it. I gotta do some stuff, okay?"

"O-kayyyy." God, I hated that tone, that sad sound that kids made when they were giving you the puppy-dog eyes. Wouldn't work on me, though. Dog was a delicacy in the shitholes I grew... well, not up, but older, in. I left her to her devices and made my way to my car, popping open the trunk and crawling into it, opening up the MAD-proof smuggling compartment within, starting to divide up my toys. Oh, yes; nobody, absolutely nobody got into a place Gobshite was protecting - not with all their parts. Today was going to be a good day.
Next time you're down on your knees, and you're expecting a slap, it might be me in that mask, and I just might have a bat.
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« Reply #2 on: <05-22-14/2337:54> »
They came in the night. It's such a clichè. Just once I'd like to see a heavy-hitter squad have the balls to stroll up in broad daylight. Well, and get away with it; seen it plenty of times and watched them get blown away. I worked through the morning and afternoon, staying as far away from the kid as possible. Kids set my teeth on edge, always have, even when I was a kid. If I was ever a kid. Surprises lay in wait for them at the windows, the doors, and the exit from the attic, being as thorough as I could. As a rule, I've never been the most aggressive of individuals, unless some palooka decides to get in my face, but tonight I was feeling vindictive. Maybe it was the whole bait-and-switch that'd been pulled on me. Dame offers fifty grand, thank you very much, mentions the Chintz Diamond, and here I am playing babysitter. At least the adult was less of an annoyance; he stayed in his office and didn't say a word the entire time, at least, not to me. The kid kept trying to strike up conversation, though, asking questions and generally putting herself in danger, given what I was handling at the time.

And then, so I could take a nap, I spent an hour communing with a spirit. Well, sort of communing; Watchers aren't really known for their stimulating conversational skills, but I bound him to watch over the house and alert me if anyone was approaching the house at the windows, front door, or roof. I had to wake up at sundown to set him to the task again; spirits are anal about sundown and sunup, but I'd managed to finagle a couple of tasks out of the deal. After the sun had gone all the way down, but before the moon had done much more than peek over the horizon, they came, and the spirit vanished. Four individuals in black, likely armored, likely chromed.

"Alright, boss, you need to get into that cupboard under the stairs," I said, poking my head into Fatman's office. He turned, glared at me, but rather quickly became tractable once he heard the explosion from upstairs and saw the wicked grin spreading across my lips, exposing razor-sharp teeth. One claymore mine, poised to explode when the window was opened. Doubtful the guy had gotten caught in the blast, but it would make them wary. I ushered Fatman and his daughter into the small broom closet under the stairs.

"Don't come out no matter what you hear," I told them, closing the door in their frightened faces. Blood pumping through my veins, adrenaline rising; this was what I lived for. It made putting up with the short jokes, the not-so-clever puns on the term 'Goblinization', the children running away from me fearfully - all of it - worth it. The machine pistol settled into my hand like the old friend it was, as did the axe, unfolding with a quick twist of my wrist to its full, frightening length. They had to be considering not coming through the - ah. Footstep, on the floor above. They went through the window anyways. One of them, did, anyways. And... there it went, the loud scream as a monowire sliced neatly through an ankle as the goon tried to get through the door. Couldn't be too careful, though; I eased my way under the balcony of the steps, aimed the machine pistol up, and squeezed the trigger.

Explosions dotted the ceiling above me as a full burst of Ex-Ex rounds ripped out of the pistol, hosing through the thin material and tearing shreds through the ankleless - and likely now lungless - intruder. I felt the piercings in my ears begin to hum against my skin as I made contact with the power within them, and withdrew further into the alcove behind the cabinet, giving myself time to work a little more magic. Eyes closed, letting the mana flow through me; and when I opened my eyes, the world seemed a bit duller, a bit grayer, a bit blurrier. Adrenaline was amazing for making time seem to slow down, but magic did the real thing, in a way.

Everything else fell away. Axe in one hand, machine pistol in the other, there was no more prejudice, no more bad jokes; there was the battlefield, and I was a bona fide savage, with the taste of blood in my mouth and the feeling of rending flesh at the end of my arms. The front door burst open, and a huge elf strode through, SMGs akimbo. Idiot. I stepped quickly out of cover, firing as I went, explosive rounds tearing out of the pistol. But this guy was armored, heavily, and I know my explosive rounds tore into it, staggering the elf back - but it didn't drop him. Rolling through an opening in the wall, tucking myself against it, knowing it was piss-poor cover if he decided to shoot through it. The readout from the pistol scrolled across my vision, showing me how much ammo I had; enough for another burst. Good.

Bullets tore through the wall behind me, hammered into the armored trenchcoat, making me grimace as I felt them thud. It wasn't terrible, more like beestings through the cover, but the guy was using some serious ammo. It didn't breach the armor, not yet, but if I had been out in open I'd be hurting right now. I rolled around the wall, coming out screaming like a mad thing, and swung the axe as hard as I possibly could. The axe bit through the armor, chunked into the elf's waist. Grinning up the length of the haft, I squeezed the trigger on the pistol, emptying the last of the explosive rounds right into the elf's face, which became a chunky mess a moment later. Unfortunately, as the elf fell away with the tug of my axe, I found the other two members of the team had come in right behind him; a dwarf, STILL taller than me, and a rather thin, reedy human. Even more unfortunate; the dwarf had what looked like an RPG.

It hit me, and it hit me hard. The rocket-propelled thing hit me in the armor, violently flinging me back by the explosion, and I felt the wall crack as I hit it and slumped to the floor. I wasn't planning to play rocket tag with the stunty, though; for one, I didn't have any, and two, that hurt. The human was looking puzzled, though, as he raised his Predator. Ah. Decker. I kept all my wireless off, utilizing a skinlink with my gun and using my 'link only for a PAN. Been fried one too many times by techwiz bastards. After the rocket, the Predator's round was a light kiss on a summer's day - one that left a bruise, but didn't all the good ones? I focused on the dwarf, connecting the two of us together with mana, and sent a single message across that link - pain. Not real pain, of course, but he thought it was. He doubled over, clutching at his chest, the launcher falling from his grip as he fell to the floor, writhing in agony. My gaze went back to the decker that was stupid enough to come in with the rest of the team.

"Shoulda stayed in the van," I said to him as I pushed onto my feet. I raised my empty machine pistol at him, and received a shot in return, another blast that tore into my armor but didn't penetrate. I was really, severely aching now; I should have gotten the layers out. Too bad the decker didn't listen, though; I went right for him. Short I may be, but I'm a quick little slitch when I want to be, and I was in the air level with his skull before he could blink. The axe came down, crunched through bone, hit brain matter beneath, lodging into his head as he went down with a little sigh and grunt.

"FUCK!" Pain blossomed on my side as the dwarf had recovered enough from the pain to get out a combat knife, which went through my armor and entered my side, right above my hip. Pain blurred my vision, and I fought for consciousness, struggling to stay on my feet. Something wet hit my cheek; the little bastard just spat on me! I discarded the machine pistol and turned to face him, wrenching the knife out of my side and tearing open a deeper gash. Grabbing hold of the dwarf by the hair, I hauled him upwards, glared him in the eye... and then I bit out his jugular. These sharp teeth aren't just for show, you know.

And then, after a brief, half-assed check on the asshole upstairs, I decided I needed another little nap. Slumped against the wall, slowly sliding onto my ass, my eyes closed against my will and I welcomed oblivion. Last thing I remember thinking was, 'I should have brought the rest of my armor'.
Next time you're down on your knees, and you're expecting a slap, it might be me in that mask, and I just might have a bat.
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« Reply #3 on: <05-24-14/2256:44> »
You know how, on the news on the trid, when talking about something violent happening, at some point the slot on the screen says 'police responded', even if it's a bald-faced lie? Well, 'police responded' to the violent explosive fracas that went down between me and the four goons, apparently. At least, that's the only way I can figure how I wound up like this. I woke up - which is good - with the smell of disinfectant clogging my nose - which is bad. I didn't even have to open my eyes to know where I was. I'd been in hospitals before, usually because of some body I know dancing with death and barely coming out a winner, but I'd never been in one, in one, if you catch my drift. And if you haven't been in a hospital lately, let me tell you, the trids lie; there's no beeping, no intercom messages. If you think about it, why would there be?

Another unpleasant fact of returning to the land of the living was the cold metal wrapped around my wrists and ankles. This was not going to be a fun awakening. 'Police responded' and arrested the only bastard left alive. Makes you wonder why they didn't just leave me for dead; usually corpses that're still breathing get left to stop. Maybe they wanted to talk to me about my illegal guns and the blood- and brain-stained axe. I felt for the handcuffs; they were old style, and I understood. I had a Dudley on my case, the kind of cop who'd violate orders to preserve the sanctity of life even if it means he doesn't get paid. Those were the only ones who still used old style metal handcuffs like this, and not plasteel. I'd met a lot more Dudleys in my time as a dick than you'd think, and they always get on my nerves.

So I opened my eyes, and nearly went into cardiac arrest. The Dudley was right above me, watching me, probably wanting to interrogate me the moment I opened my eyes. I should have gone back to sleep; everything hurt, especially in places I didn't even know I had. Eating a rocket will do that to you. The Dudley had the sort of face that makes you wanna believe in a better world; open, honest, innocent, having seen the worst humanity's got to offer and still smilin'. You've either got some serious brass balls and faith, or you're a crackpot. Time to see what kind this was.

"Mister... Chuck Finley, is it?" the officer said, checking a notebook. An honest-to-slot pen and paper notebook. Talk about old-fashioned. Probably a cop family. "At least, that's what your SIN reads, but we both know it's a fake, don't we, Mister Finley?" He smiled at me, probably trying to put me at ease, but an ork smile always looks threatening when you're looking up at it.

"Got a smoke?" I asked, stalling for time, wincing at the sound of my own voice. Frag; I sounded like a runt that'd been drowned at birth and gone on to become a famously atrocious lounge singer. Also, I was jonesing for a distraction from the agony beating in my veins.

"It's a hospital, Mister Finley. Smoking isn't allowed here." He gave me what I assume was meant to be a playful jab, but when a tusker's doing it, it feels more like he's trying to shatter your shoulderbone.

"Great," I muttered. "Got a drink?"

"Mister Finley, I'm here as your friend - for now." His voice dropped into lower bass registers, and he gave me a look that wasn't very friendly at all. Ah. Faith, but trying to look demonic. "If you don't cooperate, however, I can quickly become your enemy. Now," and here he moved back to his regular, upbeat voice, "I'm trying to figure out what happened at the Nk'ongo residence early this morning, and as you're the only person involved in the dispute still alive, I have some questions for you."

My eyes must have went wide, because the Dudley quickly said, "Oh, sorry. Mister Nk'ongo and his daughter are still alive, and I understand that's in no small part thanks to you. Why were you there, Mister Finley?"

"Job," I croaked, head turning to the side. "Got hired. Protection d'tail."

"I see," the cop said, noting it down in his notebook; I could hear the scritching of the pen, an infinitely annoying sound. "And who hired you, Mister Finley?"

"No idea," I answered promptly, loyally; you don't get far in this business by naming your clients, but at least this time my denial had the benefit of being true.

"And why are you in possession of a B&K MP9, a Shiawase Arms Tactical Model 79, and a spring-loaded folding combat axe?" The pen scritched along the paper.

"Self-defense," I muttered. Damnit. They'd gotten into my car. Probably broke a window or two in the process.

"Well, I think that's all I need," the Dudley said, standing up. "I trust you won't mind being handcuffed to your bed. You need your rest, Mister Finley; you lost a lot of blood, and you can consider yourself a person of interest in this matter, so we don't want you up and vanishing." He smiled a tusky smile down at me, trying to be reassuring, but all I saw in his eyes and smile were the words 'You're going to the slammer, and not a very nice one'.

Once tusky was gone, I set to work. Old handcuffs like these had a fatal flaw, after all; they weren't built with orks in mind, especially not midget ones. I brought my hands together slowly, keeping an eye on the door, pulling steadily at the cuffs, crossing arms over my chest. It hurt, the metal biting into my wrists, but I'd been hurt worse. Gradually, the links in the chain began to give; the railings on the bed were tougher stuff, meant for restraining even trolls. With a quiet 'ping' sound, the weak links of the chains gave up, and my hands were free, even if they were still encircled by the cuffs themselves.

"I'll mail 'em back to you," I grumbled to nobody in particular, sitting up and having to stop. Nausea swam through my vision, darkening it, but I fought it - I fought it as hard as I could. I couldn't afford to be passed out now, because next thing you know I'd be in a cell with Bubba the Love Troll. A few minutes later, the chains of the other pair of cuffs snapped, and I hopped out of bed, hitting the floor hard. Face-first, in fact. Once I got my limbs and brain working together, though, I was on my feet and moving to the door, listening at it. Of course it'd be guarded, and here I was, in a flimsy paper gown with my arse hanging out. Well, easy enough to solve - well, not entirely easy. Two guards, from the way they were breathing. Okay. I could handle two.

Three... two... gunshots? I pressed my ear harder to the door, listening as gunshots rang out in the halls beyond, and the two guards rapidly spoke - well, subvocalized - and I could hear the moving away, likely responding to whatever mess that was. Alright then, out the door, and into flourescent bright lights that made me hiss in agony. Slot it, I needed to move.

But, right next to the door, surprisingly, was a box labeled 'evidence'. No. Okay, no. This wasn't happening. This was idiotic. But I checked the box, and what do you know? My rifle, my gun, my axe, my earrings, my link, and my coat. I tossed the paper gown away, not caring how stupid this was, pulling the coat on and slinging the rifle over my shoulder, checking the clip on the pistol. How nice; the Dudley had reloaded it for me. Probably expected me to get out and wanted me to do it with minimal bloodshed. The sounds of gunshots were drawing closer, and I heard a scream that caused me to swear. I recognized the voice, at least; it was Fatman's daughter. Hell was she doing here? Well, I was still on a protection detail - and besides, much as I hate kids, the thought of someone doing the sort of things you hear about on the trid to one I knew was enraging. So, instead of the smart move, I went towards the gunfire.

Two cops were down in the hallway as I rounded the corner, and two guys in full mil-spec armor were holding assault rifles, one with the girl over his shoulder. And they opened fire soon as they saw me. Shit. I went back around the corner, diving into cover and stuffing the pistol into my coat. Right. Screw the idea of finesse, I needed dakka. Folding stock unfolded, tucked against my arm, and I went around the corner with the rifle, trajectories and aiming patterns scrolling through my field of vision, a red dot showing me where the gun was going to fire. I opened up with a full auto burst at the guy without the girl. I don't care how heavy your armor is; ten rounds of Stick-n-Shock is enough to put anybody down, and down he went, twitching and spasming as the electricity ripped through his body, out for the count, and likely dead from that much non-lethal shock.

Unfortunately, his friend took umbrage with me gunning him down, and he turned, bracing the rifle against his hip and squeezing off a full load in return. Back behind the cover I went, as fast as I possibly could, taking a few rounds across the back of my coat as I went, having them hammered into my skin through the armored fabric. Heavy booted footsteps retreating, the girl's screaming growing fainter - the bastard was running away!

I went back around the corner, cautiously peeping into the room he'd come out of. There lay Fatman on the floor, with a lead enema. The drugs in my head were making it hard to think; why kill the Fatman and take the daughter? She must be important, somehow. Alright, if she's important, then I need to get after Mister Mil-Spec right now. So I chased him, not the smartest thing to do when I could round a corner and get a face full of bullets, but he seemed more interested in getting away with the goods than killing me. The Dudley still had to be around here somewhere, or had he gotten gunned down by the bastard too?

Breaking glass ahead; this was not going to be pleasant. I caught the tail of the guy going out of the door the hard way, with the girl still screaming her fool head off over his shoulder. Just outside, an Ares Roadmaster was waiting, and he hurled the girl in through an open side panel door, leaping in after her and closing the door after himself. The tires screamed as the driver peeled away, shoving the massive vehicle down the road without caring what was in his way.

It started to get silly, and I started to have suspicions, when I saw my car waiting for me, parked neatly near where the giant armored vehicle had been a moment before. Not a single broken window, too. But I couldn't think about that - my money was getting away in the APC. Into the vehicle I went, starting it up, and hit my foot on the gas. I felt a brief moment of pride when my wheels screamed louder than theirs had, and in a cloud of smoke, I was in pursuit. Of course, I had to avoid what they wrecked, twisting the car left and right in sharp jerks to get around battered cars and fallen streetlights. But I was gaining on the Roadmaster, which, when compared even to a piece of drek Jackrabbit, is slow.

I really didn't have anything I could do against it, which was a problem. But I could follow them, and once they were out of their armored shell, I could get at them easier. So I pulled back, let them get further ahead, following them at a distance. As I did, I reached back into the back seat of the Jackrabbit and popped open the back bench seat, starting to pull out things I'd need. At the very least, I needed to cover myself; I must have terrified a few nurses with my open jacket and naked self going through the hospital like that.

By the time I was finished, I looked like a complete dweeb; but this drek had saved my ass countless times before, and I needed every bit of it. Armored coat, armored skin-tight bodysuit, armored over-sleeves and leggings, and a mask I'd had done special, which was white, with red circles on the cheeks and a permanent happy face with sharp teeth. I found it worked better than the stereotypical black, featureless masks - at the very least, people who saw me coming in full kit thought they were being assaulted by a clown.

The Roadmaster pulled out of town, getting further and further away from the more populated areas. By the time it stopped, we were deep into the Mojave, outside of a burnt-out building in one of those towns that dot the desert, now abandoned. Mister Milspec and friends hauled the unconscious girl out, while I watched from a half mile away, and hauled her into the building. Right. Fortified position, with at least two guys that I could see in full armor. This was... not going to be fun in the least.

Didn't have a choice, though. Fatman was dead, and saving his daughter was the only way I was getting paid - and now I had a hospital bill to pay. At least it wasn't a ghoul den. In retrospect, though, that was kind of a stupid thing to think; there's a school of thought going around that says the moment you think of the worst thing that can happen, it happens. Or, as a guy I knew once said, "When it comes down to it, bad days get worse. It's what bad days do." If only I'd listened.
« Last Edit: <05-26-14/1244:33> by RelentlessImp »
Next time you're down on your knees, and you're expecting a slap, it might be me in that mask, and I just might have a bat.
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« Reply #4 on: <05-26-14/1315:43> »
The best way to assault a fortified position is to have overwhelming force, and to be a couple blocks away when it happens. Unfortunately, if you don't have overwhelming force, you take the force you have - and if you can't be a few blocks away, then you gotta go right in. Cops would have gotten the girl killed, no matter how much of a Dudley they wanna be, and those who weren't would just have gotten the job done faster. One thing that persists in the Sixth World is the prejudice against size - trolls are big and dumb, and dwarfs are small and only useful in a work environment. So when you got an ork the size of a dwarf, people tend to put you in the latter category, especially with a garishly-decorated mask. Even if you're sweating under it because of a moment's effort to summon up the biggest spirit you feel safe conjuring and having the magical drain hit you like a sack of bricks.

Assault rifle laid across my chest, gripped tightly in both hands as I approached the building, the spirit on the Astral slipping inside and getting a good count of the signatures within. It reported back in my head; fifty signatures. Wait, what? I queried. It responded. Oh, drek. It was a ghoul den, and our friendly neighborhood Milspecs were on the floor above them, the girl tucked away in a corner. And how many milspecs? Five. Well, no cure for it; they were likely safe so long as they were quiet, but I was intending to cause a whole hell of a lot of noise. I sent the spirit back in, tucking myself against the outside of the building, ready to go in through the door. I burst through it when I heard the screams.

Inside, flames erupted, the spirit of fire having dropped a ball of fire upon their heads. Gunfire sang, firing at the spirit, with no specific shape but glowing like a butane flame. Too bad that the spirit was all but impervious to their gunfire; it didn't seem to take notice. Gun against my shoulder, I pulled the trigger, spraying the area down with stick-n-shock, filling the air with the glowing taser rounds. Rounds thudded into their armor, loosed their electric justice, caused them to twitch and spasm and cry out, the crying silencing as more and more rounds landed within their armor. I didn't stop until the gun clicked, empty, the clip drained by the burst, and I dropped it to dangle from the sling, racing for the girl.

My vision slid into the Astral, glancing down. Yes, the screaming and the gunfire had drawn them. The glowing auras through the ground were moving, racing ... towards the front of the building. Drek, drek, drek. I sent the signal to drop the clip out of the rifle, slamming a new one home and quickly chambering a round, checking the axe against my back. The girl was still taller than me, but I had some pretty decent lifting ability. No way I could go through the ghouls with her; she might get bitten. Right. I set the spirit to guard the door and launch another fireball when the ghouls came through it, and set the rifle against my shoulder, aiming at the door. Fragging ghouls.  This was not going to be fun.

They came, screaming and crying out, at the door. The spirit flamed into existence amidst them as they boiled through the doorway, moving on all fours, loping towards me, dropping a fireball into the center of them. A number of them let out blood-curdling screams; these were the ones that had been driven mad by the process of turning into a ghoul, of driven to impossible hunger by their need to consume metahuman flesh and unable to get it except by force. I matched their screams, pulling the trigger. There was no way to miss, even as they flamed and writhed on the ground - there were too many coming through, filling all available space. Every round found a target, but by the time the gun clicked on empty, they were still coming, leaping and clambering over their friends laying on the floor. The assault rifle dangled, and I drew my axe Hang, which made a clicking sound as it snapped out to its full length.

Still screaming, I went at them, to tie them up, keep them away from the girl. Swinging, lashing, punching, kicking; they came on me, surrounding me with rank-smelling flesh and dirty sharp teeth. Hang bit into flesh, swept through, caught another, but then they were biting, grabbing at me. Panic bubbled up as I felt teeth sinking into my arms and legs, stopped by the armored coat and bodysuit beneath, but just barely. It still hurt, pressure digging through, but I couldn't let them tie me up. I kept my axe arm free, and hacked, slashing, rewarded by blood spraying across my mask. I kept screaming, hacking hard and fast at them, corpses collapsing on the floor at my feet and giving me a platform to stand on, rising above them and getting the elevation on them eventually.

But there were so many, and I was still exhausted from my brief encounter with unconsciousness. Teeth hit my flesh, digging into my neck, getting through the armor. The spirit beyond queried me as to what it should do; it had a single task to remain. I screamed at it in my mind to get the girl and get her to the car. I saw a flash of fire above my head, and then the girl went overhead in the arms of a blue flame, away from the reaching arms of the ghouls. Then darkness descended as the fire went out the door, and I felt a little better about certain death looming all around me. Blood streaming out of wounds opened by the ghouls, and surely their saliva and blood was getting into the open wounds.

I have no idea how long I kept swinging; the ghouls kept coming, launching themselves at me, biting and clawing. Eventually, silence fell, and I was still standing amidst too many corpses for my tired brain to count. My arms and shoulders ached, everything hurt. I leaned on the axe, sucking in breath as hard as I could to try and get my breath back, pushing the clown mask up over my head. Working my way slowly out of the building, using Hang as a walking stick, stumbling, barely hanging on to consciousness. The car was so far away, and in the distance, I could hear the snarling sounds of more ghouls. Stumbling a few times, getting further away from the corpses that would surely provide a hell of a feast for them. I got to the car, pulling the door open and tumbling into the Jackrabbit's driver's seat, dropping Hang into the passenger seat. The girl lay across the bench in the back, still unconscious. They must have dosed her with something.

"Kitt," I said, too tired to drive, laying sprawled across the seat. The pilot system dinged, and a feminine voice rolled out of the speakers.

"Yes, Gob?"

"Get us... nearest KE precinct..." I breathed, exhaustion sweeping up around me, darkening the world.

"Yes, Gob," it said, and I passed out to the sounds of the engine humming and the wheels rolling across scrub and gravel and desert. I could deal with the rest when I woke up.
Next time you're down on your knees, and you're expecting a slap, it might be me in that mask, and I just might have a bat.
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« Reply #5 on: <07-05-14/0059:40> »
...and you'll likely wind up in the Lacuna.  It doesn't take much to end up flatlined in this town.  Sometimes all it takes is a word in the wrong place, a look at the wrong wanna-be glittergirl or glitterboy, and someone's got an iron in hand and trying to geek you, or you're trying not to catch a lethal dose of cement poisoning.  Sometimes it doesn't take anything at all.  That's just the kind of people we've got in this town; the hard and lean, that have survived, by luck or skill, everything the Sixth World's thrown at them.  Not even the fatal drowning of half the city can put them down, and they don't take kindly to unknown quantities getting involved in their business.  These are the people I live with, day in and day out; the scum, the SINless, the hard-fighting survivalists, the gangbangers.  The criminals that are criminal just because they exist at the fringes, that society looks down upon - or fears - because they don't belong to the system.  I should know; I'm one of them, too.  Always have been, from the day of my birth likely til some bastard manages to cure me of this 'life' addiction I've got.

I don't know how I wound up sinking face-down in this muck, with a weight tied to my ankle, neon lights slowly fading in the distance.  I've been thinking about it as the pressure grows and the cement block drags me inexorably downwards.  I got jumped from behind by two trogs coming out of the club, and next thing I know I'm waking up as the water closes over my head. The last few days have been a blur, ever since she walked into my office.  Of course it was a she; it always is.  Real glitter, too, glitz and glam and all of that.

I'm an "Investigator of Unnaturalities", or to put it simply, I stick my nose into other people's business and open my stupid gob.  Usually only when I'm hired.  So I'm sitting in my 'office' - which is really a small building out Bumfuck way, right on the edge of the Lacuna - drinking away my last paycheck and thinking of hitting the good stuff, when the door cracks open and in strolls the glittergirl. Good-lookin' woman, for an ork. Tall, handsome, with nicely-polished tusks that weren't too large, and skin as black as midnight. She was wearing the kind of high society dress you see on the media starlets, which is to say she wasn't wearing much at all, and looking... good, not cheap. Her perfume was the scent of lilac and honey, and it drowned away the smells I'd gotten used to. I was so busy taking it all in - and I do mean all - that I didn't even notice the woman's bodyguards flanking her.  Big trolls, which should give you an idea of just how much there was to admire on the lady.

She exhaled a cloud of smoke from her cigarette which she got from
ecigfiend, probably laced with the sort of narcotics that can get you five to ten. "You Bogshit?" she asked, in a voice like silk over gravel. Be still, my heart.

"Gobshite," I corrected her. "Investigator Gobshite." Now, I had a real name, given to me by a mother and father, but I've been Gobshite for so long that I've damn near forgotten it. "What brings you to my door, Miss...?"

"I need some ... irregularities investigated," she said, not taking more than two meter's step away from the door, which the big trolls were flanking now that it was closed. Something in my brain clicked, letting me see them for the first time, but she kept drawing my eyes back to her. She wasn't even doing much - that's how you know the dame's good at what she does. "I assume you've heard of the theft of the Chintz Diamond."

Who hadn't? Thing was supposed to be laced with orichalcum, recovered from the depths of some volcano in Asswipe, Nowhere. "Disappeared shortly after going on display at the MIT&T Exhibit in the National History Museum, didn't it?"

"Yes, Mister Gobshite, it did. And since then there have been a startling number of murders - of close friends of mine, you understand - of a highly suspicious and likely magical nature."

"Why come to me?" I asked as I reached across the desk and got the half-empty bottle. The woman was heating me in all the right ways, and I needed a drink to cool off.

"Because, Mister Gobshite, you are the least likely to ask questions of an ... embarrassing nature." She dropped the cigarette onto the cement floor, squashing it out with a high heel. In her other hand she drew a slip of paper from within the top of her dress, passing it behind her to one of the bodyguards. "Give this to him," she said, her eyes never leaving me.

Tweedle A trudged across the room, and I swear the building actually shook with every step he took. For a moment, I feared the ground was going to shear away and we'd all be taking a dip in the Lacuna, but against all laws of nature the world held on when he reached my desk. He laid the paper on it, pushing it across, next to my propped ankles, and withdrew, threatening the sanctity of solid earth once more.

When he was back to flanking the door, she spoke again. "Be at that address by nine AM tomorrow, Mister Gobshite," she said, turning and moving for the door. My eyes were glued to her movements; it was almost like watching two devil rats fighting in a sack. How did she manage to keep so much moving at once? The door opened, and she paused, looking back to me over her shoulder.

"Do be there, Mister Gobshite," she said. "If not you, then someone else will get the fifty thousand nuyen payout I'm offering." Dame knew how to get a bloke's attention; now she had my interest. I must have been wide-eyed, because she twinkled a toothy smile at me, then she was gone into the misty night while the hired muscle followed after her, slamming the door behind them so hard that it pulled the door half off its hinges.

I must have sat there for a good twenty minutes, just breathing in the traces of her perfume, gradually overpowered by the building's natural stink of chemical fires and earth-soil from the hydroponics facility. It used to be the R&D facility of some Corp before the Fall; I'd found it scoured by fire, but still structurally sound, and moved in. When finally no trace of the sweet perfume remained, I reached out and took the slip of paper, reading the address. Downtown. Well, they didn't like people like me there. A smile spreading across my lips as I tucked away the address, I drained the rest of the bottle and had an early night. I was going to have fun disturbing the SINners tomorrow with a bit of Gobshite.

So excited.. I am just glued to the post and keep reading entire thread.. I am not good at writing but reading surely keeps be interested.. Hope you keep sharing the stuff..
« Last Edit: <07-06-14/1211:44> by ChaseHarl »