I'm going to preface everything I say with the admission that I have not played Anarchy yet, so my suggestions are based on theory instead of practice.
In my opinion, many of these suggestions are too mechanical for plot points, which - by definition - are intended to advance the plot. These ideas seem to conflate plot points with Edge, which is intended to provide a mechanic benefit that allows the players to achieve the improbable.
Auto-successes are too powerful. With the possible exception of some of the armor shadow amps (mystic armor, dermal plating, bone lacing, cyberlimb armor, etc.) there aren't any amps which grant auto-successes. If plot points suddenly grant auto-successes then that makes the reflex-boosting amps too powerful. Extra attacks + automatically successful attacks = too good. Plus, the players probably wouldn't want to be on the wrong end of auto-successes. It robs them of agency and control over their fate.
That said, I agree with Gingivitis that Swap Weapon is a good use of a plot point.
Similarly, I once heard a house rule (that was originally for Edge) that could make a good plot point: the character can have one piece of gear that 1) fits in their pocket, and 2) isn't otherwise listed on their character sheet, and 3) that they wouldn't otherwise have but isn't impossible for them to have. This is for random things that would be helpful in specific situations (a child's toy, a miniwelder, a pack of the NPC's favorite cigarettes, etc.) that help to advance the plot rather than for something that negates the plot completely ("oh, I have the paydata right here without having to do anything!").