Alea Iacta Est (OOC)

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« on: <03-14-17/1740:06> »
Please post your sheets below, or a placeholder where you will later post your sheet. Do not post again until everyone has a post or placeholder up. You may continue to use the recruitment thread for discussion in the meantime.

Gingivitis has a useful narration aid. It includes some house rules, most of which we will be using because they plug holes in the written rules. See here:

House Rules
1) Assault Rifles are -2 at Near ranges. This is to provide a use-case for SMGs and machine pistols.
2) An individual piece of bioware and cyberware will never cost more than its base Essence, even if you upgrade it. Cyberarms will never cost more than 1 Essence, for example, no matter what their shadow amp level is. This is to provide mundane characters an equal opportunity to advance as Awakekend characters without being limited by Essence.
3) Spirits in the book are basically Prime Runners in terms of dice pools. They are now "Greater Spirits". Regular spirits will be the posted spirits with -2 to all attributes. Lesser spirits will be the posted spirits with -4 to all attributes. Everything else - armor, powers, etc. - will remain the same. Lesser spirits will resist summoning with 4 dice. Regular spirits will resist with 8 dice. Greater spirits will resist with 12 dice.

Rolls and OOC discussion go in this thread. Keep the IC thread neat and tidy with the narrative action. Don't put spoilers in the IC thread unless you're trying to accomplish something specific, like a message to a specific person. Alternatively you could PM them and CC me, but don't stress out too much about OOC/IC transference. We'll try to be realistic, but it's a game.

We'll use for dice rolling. If you don't have an account, now's the time. I regularly check dice rolls. If a dice roll needs to get adjusted, we'll usually just drop dice off the end of the roll. Exploit/Glitch dice will have to be rolled separately. List out your dice pool in the "Description" field, like "Agility 6 + Stealth 4 + Catlike 2". When the roll is complete, click the "bbcode" link just below the results. That will give you code that you can copy and paste directly here. It's very tidy. Here's an example:

Agility 6 + Stealth 4 + Catlike 2: 12d6t5 4 hits

I add the word "hits" manually because I'm excessively orderly and fussy. You don't have to do so.

I will make a suggestion for "Table Talk" times: if you are concerned that your IC post might be ninja'd by someone else's IC post, especially if you're introducing new plots elements or directions, announce, in the OOC forum, that you are writing an IC post. Hopefully this will keep plot ninja'ing to a minimum.

Posting expectations: I will check the thread every weekday. The hope is that you do the same. You do not have to post every weekday, especially if the action is on someone else, but ideally you will be checking in daily.

If the IC action is specifically to you, you have 24 hours (again, weekends and holidays don't count) to either post ICly or asking clarifying questions OOCly. After that, you get another 24 hours. If you still haven't posted, we will move on and your character will pick his (or her) nose until you catch up.

If you go a week without posting (ICly or OOCly) and without telling me, you'll get a warning. If you go a second week without posting and without telling me, then your character will die ignominiously. "But Tec," I hear you saying, "What if I go on vacation? Or get deployed?" That's 100% fine, as long as you tell the group. Nothing rankles a PbP GM as unexplained disappearances. If you can't hack it, that's fine. Just announce your withdrawal and we'll figure out a heroic way for you to die, or to transition into your non-Wildcat life.

Anarchy is not an excuse to be pink mohawk. If anything, it's the opposite. Anarchy is actually more deadly than SR5 because armor doesn't continually soak. Armor is additional hit points, and once it's gone it's gone (until repaired). So your snazzy armor isn't soaking 4 boxes off every attack forever and ever. It soaks 12 boxes and then you might as well be in your soft, pink underwear. So have fun, because Wildcats are badass, but don't transcend to silliness. Rich, not gaudy.

Posts are the lifeblood of play-by-post. You will earn karma (or a fraction of a point, at least) with every single IC post. You earn additional karma through roleplaying, acting in character, using your cues, making people laugh, advancing the plot, etc.

Things to expect from me
1) Pretentious literary allusions;
2) Dry wit; and,
3) I will not try to kill your character, but nor am I trying to save you.

Things not to expect from me
A) Realistic knowledge of the military;
B) Realistic knowledge of Midwestern geography, other than what I learn on Google Maps; and,
C) Realistic knowledge about Sioux culture.

These are my preferred text formats, but I am not dogmatic about it as long as it's clear what you're trying to do:
"This is verbal speech."
This is my internal monologue. Cogito, ergo sum.
<<This is Matrix or DNI communication.>>
This is astral communication, should it come up.
If you want to speak subvocally, you can choose another color or just make it clear that's what you're doing with regular speech.

Post your sheets now. Let me know if you have any questions.

Jayde Moon

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« Reply #1 on: <03-14-17/1746:51> »
Name: CPT Chante Wapun
Tribe: Lakota
Tags: Elf, Natural Leader, Mage, Gunbunny
Cues: "They aren't 'assets', they're people."  "If you want the tribe to follow, you've got to get in front."  "You think I'll fall on my face, I'd rather knock you on your ass."  "It's go time."  "It won't stay dawn forever."

STR: 5
AGI: 7
WIL: 6
LOG: 3
CHA: 6
Edge: 6

Condition Monitors
Physical: 11
Stun: 11
Armor: 12

(AGI) Athletics: 2
(AGI) Close Combat (Tomahawks): 6 (8)
(AGI) Projectile Weapons: 5
(AGI) Firearms: 5
(AGI) Heavy Weapons: 2
(AGI) Vehicle Weapons: 2
(AGI) Stealth: 2
(AGI) Pilot (Ground): 2
(AGI) Pilot (Other): 2
(AGI) Escape artist: 2
(WIL) Conjuring: 3
(WIL) Sorcery: 5
(WIL) Astral Combat: 2
(WIL) Survival: 2
(LOG) Biotech: 2
(LOG) Hacking: 2
(LOG) Electronics: 2
(LOG) Engineering: 2
(LOG) Tracking: 2
(CHA) Con: 2
(CHA) Intimidation: 2
(CHA) Negotiation: 2
(CHA) Disguise: 2

Knowledge: Astral Topography
Languages: English, Plains Sign Language, Lakota

Shadow Amps
Natural Leader (3): Gift Plot Points or Edge to other Players, Direct - Expanded Teamwork Tests (distance, combat)
Buff Magic (2): Increase Reflexes: Gain 1 Attack
Illusion (2): Invisibility
Mentalism (1): Hypnotic Suggestion
Weapon Foci (1): Paired Tomahawks
Sustaining Foci (2): Allows sustaining of a second spell
Ally Spirit (0): None - Placeholder

Positive Qualities
Indomitable: Blades
Lucky: +1 Edge

Negative Qualities
SINner (Sioux Nation)
Warrior's Code


Plastic Restraints (50)
Ares Assault Scan 1502p (Rating 6 Sensor array)
  • Atmosphere Sensor
  • Geiger Counter
  • Laser Range Finder
  • Radio Signal Scanner
  • Ultrasound
  • Gridguide Receiver
Survival Kit
Climbing Gear


Close: Cavalier Arms Tomahawk (Paired)
Long: Ares Alpha w/ Flashbangs (Motion Sensor)

Vehicles and Drones



Paytah 'Peter' Venom-Spitter Tiošpaye Smuggler - a Coyote that runs between the Sioux Nation and UCAS
George Shambling Bear Bear Shaman - a venerable bear shaman
COL Zuya Yellow Spear SDF Officer - A well connected and decorated Officer, on the short list for War Chief.

Roughly translated to 'Dawn of my Heart', Chante still bears her adolescent name, given to her by her father.  The time hasn't come to change, though that's something she hopes will come soon.  Choosing to stay on after her eventful conscription, Chante's skills and natural charm placed her as a Cadet and she graduated near the head of her class.  She fast tracked to Captain and applied for the rigorous training that would make her one of the infamous Wildcats.  Pushing through the training through sheer force of will, she was recently inducted into their ranks.

Common Rolls:
Tomahawks Melee: AGI (7) + Close Combat (6) + Specialization (2) + Qualities (4) = 19 dice 7P  Close only
Tomahawks Thrown: AGI (7) + Projectile Weapons (5) = 12 dice 6P -2@Near Range
Flashbangs Heavy: AGI (7) + Heavy (2) = 9 dice 8S Close and Near OK
Ares Alpha: AGI (7) + Firearms (5) = 12 dice. 8P -2@Far Range
Underbarrel: AGI (7) + Heavy (2) = 9 dice.  12P
Sorcery: WILL (6) + Sorcery (5) = 11 dice.
Summon: WILL (6) + Conjuring (3) = 9 dice.
Perception: LOG (4) + WILL (6) = 10 dice.

Karma: 7

1 Karma - Weapon Foci [Amp Level 1]
2 Karma - Close Combat (Tomahawks) specialization
3 Karma - Sustaining Focus [Amp Level 2]
6 Total Karma

1 Karma in the Bank
« Last Edit: <06-23-17/1837:05> by Jayde Moon »
That's just like... your opinion, man.


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« Reply #2 on: <03-14-17/1829:21> »
Name: Shiriki Looney
Tribe: Pawnee
Tags: Elf, Rigger, Decker
Cues: "Strap in, shut up, hold on."  "With all due respect, sir, I got cyberware older'n you."  "You wanna be right, or you wanna win?"  "MARKs are for chumps.  Crack it, smack it, move on with your life."  "If you plant ice, you're going to harvest wind."  "I ever tell you about the time I met Daniel Howling Coyote?"

STR: 4
AGI: 8
WIL: 6
LOG: 6 (7)
CHA: 3
Edge: 2
Essence: 0.5

Condition Monitors
Physical: 0/10
Stun: 0/11

(AGI) Athletics: 2
(AGI) Close Combat: 2
(AGI) Projectile Weapons: 2
(AGI) Firearms: 2
(AGI) Heavy Weapons: 2
(AGI) Vehicle Weapons: 6 (Assault Rifles)
(AGI) Stealth: 3
(AGI) Pilot (Ground): 3
(AGI) Pilot (Other): 5
(AGI) Escape artist: 2
(WIL) Survival: 2
(LOG) Biotech: 2
(LOG) Hacking: 5
(LOG) Electronics: 2
(LOG) Engineering: 3
(LOG) Tracking: 2
(CHA) Con: 2
(CHA) Intimidation: 2
(CHA) Negotiation: 2
(CHA) Disguise: 2

Knowledge: N. American History
Languages: English, Plains Sign Language, Pawnee

Shadow Amps
Cerebral Booster (3): +1 re-roll LOG related tests = +1 LOG tests
Control Rig 1 (2): +1 Vehicle test, +1 Reroll = +2 Vehicle tests
Datajack (1): Access Matrix in VR
Wired Reflexes 2 (3): +1 Attack, +1 Plot Point per Scene
Custom Gun Drones 2 (3): +2 Attacks/Movement with Gun Drones
Smartlink (2): +1 to Firearms rolls

Positive Qualities
Combat Pilot: +2 dice on Piloting (Other) tests
Exceptional Attribute (AGI): AGI capped at 8 instead of 7
Lucky: +1 Edge

Negative Qualities
SINner (Sioux Nation)
Phobia: Para-critters

Area Jammer
Maglock Passkey
Satellite Uplink
Medicine Bag
Repair Kit

Close: Survival Knife
Side: Ares Predator III
Long: Drone Machine Gun

Vehicles and Drones

MCT-Nissan Rotodrone
+ A: 9, D: 10
+ Assault Rifle 8P Close: OK Near: OK Far: -2

MCT Fly Spy (X2)
+A: 5, D: 4


Buddy LaCroix -- An airfield tower operator, Buddy knows who and what is coming into and going from the base in Cheyenne at all hours.  Want to take a girl out for a midnight run, and impress her with your piloting skills?  Buddy can make that happen, and make sure it never hits the books.

Eliza Ashton -- she's ok for an anglo.  Almost.  Shiriki is a widower, and his wife will always have his heart, but Eliza's good for a game of darts and a few gallons of beer.  Maybe people open up around her because she's got no pull, or maybe it's because she just has a way of making them feel at ease, but if there's dirt to be found on anyone, chances are she knows about it.  Probably no telling if it's true, though.

Margueritte White Owl -- Shiriki's fairly certain this one's a smuggler, and she must be damn good at her job too because he's never had the pleasure of trashing one of her crafts.  They mostly know each other from round-the-way, but they really become friends over a pilot sim down at the local watering hole.  Right now she's got the high score.  That gets in his craw about as bad as anything, but if someone's gonna best him, he's glad it's Margueritte. 

Shiriki's parents were displaced in 2009 when the US government seized all native lands.  Oil and gas interests had long been a fixture on the Pawnee reservation, even more so after the Resource Rush begins in 2000, but for Shiriki's already politicized parents, this is the final straw and they travel north to South Dakota to become soldiers for the Sovereign American Indian Movement.

Shiriki is born in 2013, one of the earliest UGE babies.  He is given a suitably nationalistic name.  Due to his metatype and the rise of magic, Shiriki's parents have very high hopes for him becoming a shaman.

2017, Shiriki's mother dies in the Great Ghost Dance.  This is a great source of pride for Shiriki, as the Pawnee were also involved in the Ghost Dance of 1890.  Of course, for a four-year-old, the only thing he cared about at the time was the fact that he lost his mom.  The following year, when the Treaty of Denver is signed, Shiriki and his father move to the newly formed SSC and settle in Boise.

By 2029 Shiriki is 16 years-old and still hasn't Awakened.  This is a major blow to him, as it seems as though he will never be able to live up to, or repay the image of his powerful and self-sacrificing mother.  He is very mechanically and technically inclined, however, and seeks refuge on the burgeoning matrix whenever possible, as it's the one place where he feels capable and in control.  I think you see where this is going.  When the crash hits, Shiriki takes it very hard, and in the crumbling world around him he sees little of the optimism and promise of his youth.  He leaves home and travels west to the Sinsearach lands, thinking he might find a home among his own "kind." 

By 2032 infighting in the Sinsearach, the primacy placed on magic users there, and a sort of imagined elvish cosmology that breaks with tribal traditions does little to assuage Shiriki's feelings of alienation.  Disenchanted, he takes to a life on the road.

2034, Shiriki has taken work as a dirigible pilot between the SSC and the Sioux Nation.  When Aztlan invades Texas, he thinks that things are likely to heat up soon.  Since the Sioux Nation has always been at the forefront of protecting native interests, Shiriki petitions to join the Sioux military in exchange for citizenship.  His application is accepted.  Of course, the NAN refuses to step in, the Azzies withdraw from the NAN, but Shiriki's military career begins.

2050, with the advent of the first keyboard-sized cyberdecks, Shiriki gets his first piece of headware.  Simsense increases his capabilities as an intelligence officer on larger aircrafts, but Shiriki soon discovers the less legal joys of simsense soon after.

2054, Shiriki becomes a drone rigger for the Sioux military, primarily working from the capital city of Cheyenne.  The bigger city placement, combined with the more sedentary job exacerbates his addiction to simsense.

2060, Shiriki is relocated with a Sioux military contingent outside of Seattle in response to UCAS buildup there related to the Renraku Arcology disaster.  The more spartan accommodations, the smell of war, and the brotherhood of warriors inspires Shiriki to kick his BTL habit, invest more strongly in his physical health, and throw himself into his work.  The war never starts, but his better habits take root.

2065, Shiriki is assigned to an active SDF unit  based out of Rapid City.  For the next few years he spends weeks at a time out on patrols where he is the senior intelligence officer, tasked primarily with spotting and then shooting down smuggler's crafts.  He repeatedly applies to Wildcat school, and is repeatedly denied.

2070, with the new Wireless matrix, Shiriki upgrades his ware and volunteers for testing the new tech's military application.  Thankfully, he doesn't fry his brain.

2072, Shiriki is offered an instructor's position in the SDF.  He accepts a 4 year term with the understanding that his Wildcat application will be reviewed upon completion.

2076ish, Shiriki is accepted in the Wildcats.

Common Rolls:
Initiative: Prime Runner (8) + Wired Reflexes 2 (1) = 9 dice.
Meat Body Shooting: AGI (8) + Firearms (2) + Smartlink (1) = 11 dice.  2 Attacks per Narration (Wired Reflexes 2)
Meat Body Defense: AGI (8) + LOG (6) + Cerebral Booster (1)  = 15 dice.
Drone Shooting: AGI (8) + Vehicle Weapons (6) + Assault Rifle Spec (2) + Control Rig (2) + VR (1) + Smartlink (1) = 20 dice.  3 Attacks per Narration (Wired Reflexes 2, Control Rig 1)
Drone Defense: AGI (8) + LOG (6) + Cerebral booster (1) + Control Rig (2) + Combat Pilot (2) + VR (1) = 20 dice.
Drone Piloting: AGI (8) + Pilot (5) + Control Rig (2) + Combat Pilot (2) + VR (1) = 18 dice.
Drone Stealth: AGI (8) + Stealth (3) + Control Rig (2) + Combat Pilot (2) + VR (1) = 16 dice.
Hacking: LOG (6) + Hacking (5) + Cerebral Booster (1) + VR (1) = 13 dice.
Hacking Defense: LOG (6) + Cerebral Booster (1) = 7 dice.
« Last Edit: <04-19-17/1144:03> by rednblack »


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« Reply #3 on: <03-14-17/2002:50> »
Swoopy (let me know if emergency PC requirements need a character change before go time; I like that Anarchy characters can be brewed in a few minutes)

Name: Dave “Swoopy” Rybacki
Tags CSAR, Stoic, First time with the cats
Cues “Not dead yet.” “WHY are we letting them know we’re here?” “Ok, so explain this to me…”

Concept: Dave has worked with the Sioux nations Combat Search and Rescue as an operator for four years now. While pilot rescue is CSAR’s primary job, it is not uncommon for guys to be seconded over to the wildcats where they serve as impromptu field medics, personnel recovery specialists, and just as importantly, people who understand that air stuff a bit better than the typical ground pounder. As fewer and fewer Sioux manned aircraft are going down in contested area, there has been a big push by the CSAR community to remain relevant – and funded. Dave is part of a recent wave of CSAR operators assigned to the wildcats as specialist support; a joint course on radars he took to speed up promotion two years back flagged in his file and is coming to bite him in the ass now… 

Human (+1 Skill, +1 Edge)

Base Attributes

P Track 0/12
S Track 0/12


(AGI) Athletics: 4
(AGI) Close Combat: 2
(AGI) Projectile Weapons: 2
(AGI) Firearms: 4
(AGI) Heavy Weapons: 2
(AGI) Vehicle Weapons: 2
(AGI) Stealth: 5
(AGI) Pilot (Ground): 2
(AGI) Pilot (Other): 2
(AGI) Escape artist: 2
(WIL) Survival: 4 (Short Term – 6)
(LOG) Biotech: 5 (Trauma Care - 7)
(LOG) Hacking: 2
(LOG) Electronics: 2
(LOG) Engineering: 2
(LOG) Tracking: 2 (Metahuman – 4)
(CHA) Con: 2
(CHA) Intimidation: 2
(CHA) Negotiation: 2
(CHA) Disguise: 2

Personnel Recovery; Crisis Psychology…and 80 hours of matrix learning on air search radars…

Languages: Standard

Synaptic Booster 2 (4) - +1 ATK, + 1 PP
Fine Motor Muscle Steadying (uses ‘Bioware Arms”) 2 (4) – Re-roll 2x AGI dice IF related to hand-eye coordination…no say, somersaults
Chameleon Suit Upgrade (2) – Re-Roll 2x Stealth
Synthacardium (3) – Re-Roll 1x Athletics
+ 1 Edge



Tough – Resist 1 extra damage
Guts – Re-roll 2 dice to resist fear/intimidation/etc.


Sioux Sinner

Bias against Emission (not taking a positive, just like the idea): Requires WIL+LOG test (GM difficulty) to turn on emitting tech. On the modern battlefield, turning on your cyberware outside friendly EW coverage means you’re found almost immediately by enemy EM searches, and the shells are going to come shortly thereafter. Since pilot recovery is almost always outside friendly EW coverage and inside the enemy search zone – lets just say the CSAR types have a mantra against it.

Burst transmission link
Air/Ground Marking and Designation Kit
Multi-Tool Cutting Bar/Door Punch
Signature Suppressant FAB spray
The Best Damn Packet of SERE Information in the target area that his old friends could provide.

Browning Hi-Power w/ Detachable silencer
Colt M23 w/ Detachable silencer

« Last Edit: <03-16-17/2049:17> by GloriousRuse »

Pap Renvela

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« Reply #4 on: <03-15-17/0308:34> »
Ité YeyΆ (Hurls-at-the-Face)                 
Wildcat Combat Decker
Sioux Nation, Lakota Tribe, Itázipčho Band (aka Sans Arcs: "without bows")   
Male Troll 2.2m 280kg             
STR 9 AGI 5 WIL5 LOG 5 CHA 3 EDG 6                 
When in doubt, hack the world.                 
If hacking don't work, smashing in his face does wonders.                 
Wankan Tanka, Widcats, Country.               
Close Combat 3 DP8                 
Electronics 6 DP 11 (+1 Matrix action)                 
Hacking[Computer Hacking] 6[+2] DP14[16]                 
Knowledge: Language: Or'zet, Plains Sign Language, Lakota.                 
Other, non-magic/resonance: 2 DP varies                 
Projectile Weapons 6 DP 11     
Shadowamps [Essence 5]                 
^Datajack and Headware (Amp Level 1): May access the                 
Matrix via full VR, +1 die to Matrix actions. –1 Essence                 
^Fairlight Excalibur(Amp Level 4): May reroll 2 dice on Matrix                 
actions, Firewall +3, Matrix Condition Monitor 12, may                 
run 2 programs at a time.                   
^Biofeedback (program) (Amp Level 2): Deal Cybercombat                 
damage to your opponent’s physical or Matrix                 
condition monitors.                 
^Exploit (program) (Amp Level 2): May reroll two dice on                 
non-Cybercombat hacking tests.             
We'll see who's ugly after I smash in your face.                 
The Great Mysteries and technology have created somethin' perfect. Me.                 
I'm an artist and my canvas is the Matrix. Don't rush me.                 
Alright, alright! I'm hurryin'.                 
Nothin' a good grenade toss can't fix.                 
I'm givin' her all she's got.                 
Sure I can pronounce a 'g', don't mean I have to.                 
Negative: Sinner(Sioux Nation)                 
Negative: Phobia(Arachnids)                 
Positive: Codeslinger (+2 dice to Hacking Tests)                 
Positive: Catlike (+2 dice stealth tests)                 
Positive: Indomitable (Projectile Weapons)                 
When attacking with projectile weapons may reroll exactly 2 dice.             
Katana 8P                 
Bow & Arrow 6P Close -2 Near Ok Far -2                 
Stun Grenades 8S Close Ok* Near Ok* Far N/A                 
Armor 15 (12 + 3 Natural)                 
PhyMon 13                 
StunMon 11                 
Electronic Toolkit                 
Smoke Grenades                 
Area Signal Jammer
Satellite link           
Sitting Woman, Sioux Shaman                 
Eddie Crazy Fox, Decker/Info-Broker     
« Last Edit: <03-21-17/2005:21> by Pap Renvela »


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« Reply #5 on: <03-15-17/0631:41> »
Without further ado, introducing Daniel Danyes aka Dancer or Dan-Dan.

Str 6
Agi 6
Wil 4
Log 6
Cha 3
Edge 6

Physical 12
Stun 10

Athletics 4
Close combat 4
Firearms 2
Heavy weapons 2
Vehicle weapons 2
Stealth 4
Pilot 2
Escape artist 2
Gymnastics 5

Survival 3

Biotech 6 (medicine 9)
Hacking 2
Electronics 2
Engineering 2
Tracking 2

Con 2
Intimidation 2
Negotiation 2
Disguise 2

Knowledge, Medicine
Language, English, Plains sign language, Dakota

Shadow Amps
Awakened (2)
Foci (2) - long knife
Edge (2)
Adept movement (4), traceless walk, wall running, light body
Improved reflexes (3)
Blackberry familiar "Mogwai", with phantasm (3)

Positive qualities
Mentor Spirit (lynx - cat), stealth
Gifted healer

Negative qualities
SINer (Sioux nation)
Did you just call me dumb?

Medi kit
Thieves tools: mundane lock picks, spool of wire, pouches of sand and grit (various coarseness), 100m of silk rope, skeleton keys, bag of holding and a 12ft collapsible pole.

Close, cougar fineblade short
Side, Ares Predator V
Long, Ares Alpha

Karma spent: 8 karma

Blackberry "Mogwai" familiar, with phantasm, 3 karma (kitten)
Increase medicine specialism 1, 2 karma
Increase improved reflexes 1, 3 karma

I wonder what the blue pill does, I need a "volunteer"?
Open wide
This won't hurt me a bit
Let's 'dance'
My card is full right now
Pass me the bone saw please, no the big one...
Family is blood
I'm afraid I've taken the Hypocritical Oath
A good surgeon carries a sharp knife
I wouldn't want to get blood on it
I'm sure we can operate to make you at least a little smarter
Curiosity killed the cat, information made him fat.

"Bird" Danyes, Sioux colonel (regulars)
Fagan, Cat mentor - fence and talismonger
Professor, Ike Richmond, medical school lecturer and awakened physician

Name: Daniel "Dancer" Danyes. (Dan-Dan).
Tribe: Dakota
Tags: Physical Adept, human, cat, medic.

Background: the 5th of 6 boys (1 younger sisyer), Dan grew up in a comfortable, if not extravagant lower middle class neighbourhood in downtown Cheyene. His mother (thunderbird) owns a dojo (various)/dance gym (ballet) and his father (Wolf and former park ranger) runs a climbing, trekking company where he takes tourists into the wilderness. Both parents are awakened adepts and are respected if not wealthy members of the community. His eldest brother is mundane but joined the army anyway; whilst the next is a shaman, following Eagle, the only one in the family. His next brother (mundane) fled the family and joined Shiawase as a researcher of some kind. The next brother is a Dancer and adept of Seducer. His younger brother is at college and a mystic adept of cat whilst his younger sister is an adept of cat and at school. Danyes did well at school and college (pre-med) but couldn't afford to pursue the medical career he dreamed of (with so many siblings). Fortunately, he soon won a scholarship to the University of Cheyene for acrobatics. Unfortunately, a year into the programme the funding was pulled. He was approached by the military who agreed to fund the rest of his course in return for military service afterwards and training during off terms. It's likely his brother pulled strings, though the deal is by no means unusual. A follower of cat, after he graduated and joined the military full time he was soon hit up to join the wildcats as an adept. Having recently completed his specialist training, he intends to see out his term and pursue his medical career.

Following a recent mission into the heart of the UCAS, Dan-Dan rescued a kitten which was orphaned during a firefight, where at least three elementals contributed to the deaths of the litter. The ball of Fur seems to have adopted Dan as its mother. Dan has named her "Mogwai".
« Last Edit: <06-23-17/1820:50> by MDMann »


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« Reply #6 on: <03-15-17/1026:16> »
 Placeholders are up. OOC posting may begin.

Jayde Moon

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« Reply #7 on: <03-15-17/1223:55> »
So, what ranks is everybody playing? (Keeping in mind the rank structure I posted here)
That's just like... your opinion, man.


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« Reply #8 on: <03-15-17/1408:43> »
Well Danyes served in the reserves whilst attending medical school then went into the regulars after graduation and training with a technical background but has just joined the wildcats, so I'd go with SSG I think if theirs no LT about.

Pap Renvela

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« Reply #9 on: <03-15-17/1632:01> »
Well Danyes served in the reserves whilst attending medical school then went into the regulars after graduation and training with a technical background but has just joined the wildcats, so I'd go with SSG I think if theirs no LT about.

With a Biotech[Medicine] 6[8], you're at least an RN if not a nurse practitioner.
That means you'd have a rank of at least 01 (2nd Lt) if not 02 (1st Lt).
If you were in the reserves while getting the nurses degree, then you were an enlisted grade at some point which means you would be 01E or O2E  (which just means you were enlisted grade prior to being officer grade and have a bonus to your salary depending on how many years you were enlisted grade).

@Jade Moon: I'm going o assume I was a EW specialist prior to joining the Wildcats and am still an E5, Sgt.

Jayde Moon

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« Reply #10 on: <03-15-17/1707:56> »
That's not necessarily true.

While a biotech skill of 6[8] could mean RN (hell, I might even call that an MD), it's absolutely possible, especially with advanced medical training for Spec Ops to have that high of a skill level and not be an RN.

What I will note is that you don't have medical officers in Spec Ops who do field work.  But your Special Forces Medical Specialist (18D) are enlisted personnel who are expected to:

  • Provide initial medical screening and evaluation of allied and indigenous personnel
  • Provide examination and care to detachment members
  • Supervise medical care and treatment during missions
  • Operate a combat laboratory and treat emergency and trauma patients
  • Develop and provide medical intelligence as required

An experienced 18D (E7) could ostensibly have as much trauma training and knowledge as an RN and not actually be one.

There's lots of reasons why someone who had formal medical training didn't go the RN route and ended up an 18D...

That said, this is Shadowrun-land and I'm not going to get super hung up if Danyes is a 2LT or 1LT or whatever.  It's not possible in our real-world Spec Ops 18 Series, but with the Sioux wildcats?  *shrug*

That said, I'll quickly go over the current Special Forces job titles:

18A  - Special Forces Officer
180A - SF Warrant Officer
18B - SF Weapons Sergeant
18C - SF Engineer
18D - SF Medical Sergeant
18E - SF Communications Sergeant
18F - SF Assistant Operations and Intel Sergeant

18Z - SF Senior Sergeant - an SF Sergeant Major, usually not on field teams anymore.

By the by, if all this is too much, let me know, I don't mean to bore folks with extranneous military information.
That's just like... your opinion, man.


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« Reply #11 on: <03-15-17/1811:42> »
Char sheet is updated and placed.  @Tec, will Smartlinks work on drones?

On the command structure side of things, Shiriki joined the SDF in 2034, so he's a 41-year veteran of the military, though he wasn't accepted into the Wildcats until the game year.  I'm also playing it as Shiriki's tribal affiliation -- Pawnee -- has mainly left the door closed on a lot of career advancement.  He just doesn't have the necessary suction.

Weapons Specialist may be the best fit for him.

Day job is still keeping me busy, but I should be finishing up with this time-sink project shortly.

Pap Renvela

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« Reply #12 on: <03-15-17/1841:36> »
@Jade Moon.
while I can see special ops corpsmen having that kind of knowledge without being an RN- he indicated he went to college and then post-graduate.
So it's hard not seeing him as an officer.
But it's his background and he should go with it however he feels it should be.

Jayde Moon

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« Reply #13 on: <03-15-17/1922:50> »
It's a dissonance. If we're taking 'reality' into account, it's hard to see him as not an RN for you, due to the education, and it's hard to see an RN Officer on a field team in Spec Ops, for me, because that just doesn't exist...

But ultimately, I agree with you that he should decide however he wants, because this isn't our reality, this is a fictitious future reality and the organization in questions isn't even the one I'm talking about.  If he goes 2LT and he's an RN and not just a combat medic, then that becomes our canon, no?

Edited to clarify my statements, which were made in a rush
« Last Edit: <03-16-17/0015:04> by Jayde Moon »
That's just like... your opinion, man.


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« Reply #14 on: <03-16-17/0003:17> »
@rednblack, short answer: smartguns on drones need to be a separate amp.

Longer answer: I said drones don't need to be amps to make them a better analogue for spirits, but if you want to improve your drones' performance you'll have to spend some karma to upgrade your shadow amps. You could either upgrade your control rig or your existing smartgun amp to cover smartlinks.

@Everyone, go ahead and get your IC questions in, if any. If not, I may kick things along tomorrow evening.