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« Reply #30 on: <03-01-12/1825:10> »
Ah, who doesn't remember their first TPK? I've never been a player in one, but as a DM, I killed off my players while they were trying to stop a zombie plague in this lovely town called Barovia. Ah, Expedition to Castle Ravenloft. Good times. Good times.
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« Reply #31 on: <03-27-12/0103:22> »
WEG=Wicked, Evil Grin


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« Reply #32 on: <03-27-12/0105:09> »
I've never had a TPK when I was running a game, and I feel good about this because I dislike seeing characters die on my watch.
(SR5) Homebrew Archetypes

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« Reply #33 on: <03-27-12/0329:45> »
About TPK: Both done it and suffers it. Sometimes characters are dying. And sometimes whole teams just...are on the wrong place at the wrong time. Like hunting vampires in Transylvanian castle and such. We knew the risk. We took the rescue mission. And we didnt walk away...not a single one of us. IMO personal physical barriers were made to make attackers angry...frustrated...deprived...scared...dead...


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« Reply #34 on: <03-31-12/0512:28> »
I've never had a TPK when I was running a game, and I feel good about this because I dislike seeing characters die on my watch.
Came damned close in my game of Airship Pirates recently...
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« Reply #35 on: <03-31-12/0528:20> »
Every now and again comes the TPS (Total Party Screw). This is where, by their own actions, those of the GM or the luck of the dice, the party, while not dead, is royally boned. Contacts dry up, cash is gone, ammo is out, safehouses burning, and the Mob, Yakuza, Triads, Vory, Ares, Lofyr, Harlequin, and President Colloton are all out for blood.

The cool thing about a TPS is that it is almost always either richly deserved, or the characters can clear their names. Good storytelling either way, so long as this is not abused.
"My writing is more akin to a cook than a farmer: give me the pieces, and what comes out of it is greater than the sum of it's parts. Give me nothing, and I just stare dumbly. It's a failing, but then, it's also a living."

ShadowSea, for my players.


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« Reply #36 on: <05-22-12/1427:11> »
Sorry for a bit of Necro-posting.

OS(OK) = One-shot (one kill). Usually used as a sniper motto, can also mean an opponent that PK's with one shot (too tuff for the characters)
GMPC = Game Master Player Character. Put down your dice. Get up from the table. Leave quickly.


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« Reply #37 on: <05-22-12/1449:10> »
OS(OK) = One-shot (one kill). Usually used as a sniper motto, can also mean an opponent that PK's with one shot (too tuff for the characters)

Reminds me of a friend of mine... very much on the RP side of the RPer/Munchkin divide, but not to the point of running into the Stormwind Fallacy. However, he can't seem to not kill something when he attacks, even it he wants them alive. Even using stick'n'shocks!

And that brings me to definitions:

Stormwind Fallacy (SwF): The logical fallacy that for a player to be a "good Roleplayer" they have to play a character that's horribly underpowered, mechanically speaking. Also, that anyone who takes the time to make sure their character is mechanically effective is automatically a munchkin. Usually a fallacy used by people on the "Roleplayer" side of the divide.

Underwater Basket Weaving (UBW): A generic stand-in for any skill or activity that's mechanically useless and meant totally for fluff. A favored skill-set of SwF-touting "Roleplayers".
« Last Edit: <05-22-12/1451:46> by JustADude »
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« Reply #38 on: <05-22-12/1513:03> »
Stormwind Fallacy (SwF): The logical fallacy that for a player to be a "good Roleplayer" they have to play a character that's horribly underpowered, mechanically speaking. Also, that anyone who takes the time to make sure their character is mechanically effective is automatically a munchkin. Usually a fallacy used by people on the "Roleplayer" side of the divide.
Isn't it more that someone who's got a mechanically good Char can't be a good Roleplayer
that good Roleplaying and an effective chars are mutually exclusive

He who dances in the Stormwind


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« Reply #39 on: <05-24-12/1443:33> »

Dont know if it is the exact same in SR4A english but the french version say that

"Spirit can use their powers on any character moving into the line of sight."

Wich basically can mean :

1- Spirits can't use their power against character that are in their line of sight but aren't moving.
2- Spirits doesn't benefit from their ITNW power against attack from people that are not in their line of sight.
3- Spirits doesn't benefit from their ITNW agains't static weaponnay as they are not moving...

I am joking, but some of the rules really really really should have benefitted from a bit of editing. :)
Carpe Noctem (seize the night)
Carpe per Diem (seize the pay), Carpe Dentum (seize the teeth), Carpe Denim (seize the pants)
Carpe Panem (seize the bread/capital)

no, i won't "just get over it."

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« Reply #40 on: <05-24-12/1531:17> »

with an Abbr. Dance

Looks down to Xzylvadors Post
I will :D
« Last Edit: <05-24-12/1657:17> by Medicineman »


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« Reply #41 on: <05-24-12/1651:22> »

with an Abbr. Dance

Fixed that for ya ;)
That said, both Immunity and Invulnerability are misguiding when it comes to this power. The writers should have picked a better term for it. It is an increased resistance, but certainly not immunity.
Keep on dancing!


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« Reply #42 on: <10-10-12/1720:00> »
Ah, who doesn't remember their first TPK? I've never been a player in one, but as a DM, I killed off my players while they were trying to stop a zombie plague in this lovely town called Barovia. Ah, Expedition to Castle Ravenloft. Good times. Good times.

Never had a TPK but ravenloft can be a deadly deadly game.... hehehe...
Having access to Ares Technology isn't so bad, being in a room that's connected to the 'trix with holographic display throughout the whole room isn't bad either. Food, drinks whenever you want it. Over all not bad, but being unable to leave and with a Female Dragon? No Thanks! ~The Captive Man


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« Reply #43 on: <10-11-12/1331:05> »
first and most memorable TPK was running DNA/DOA for SR1 with a hodgepodge of completely abnormal characters. 2 of them didn't even make INTO the facility (one died IN the wall)

best part? I as the GM didn't even have an NCP do anything, no punches, bullets, knives or harsh words.
Carpe Noctem (seize the night)
Carpe per Diem (seize the pay), Carpe Dentum (seize the teeth), Carpe Denim (seize the pants)
Carpe Panem (seize the bread/capital)

no, i won't "just get over it."

NERPS!! for idiocy! NERPS!! for the minty fresh feeling! NERPS!! for gods! NERPS!! for guard duty!


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« Reply #44 on: <10-11-12/1749:58> »
their worst enemy
is themselves :D