Shadowrun Play > Character creation and critique

(SR5) Viable start? Mysad with Focused Concentration

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So, this is really more of a conceptual question.  I was wondering about the viability of (I should point out that this idea is not my own, but I do not remember where I first read the concept) of using the Increased Attrib spell with the caster's own Focused Concentration to sustain it rather than using Sustain Foci.  Moreover, using two instances of the spell to sustain the relevant Attribute based on the situation (i.e. combat = Intuition, social = Charisma).  Is this far too much of a Karma spend at chargen (even though it seems dead useful)?

I should point out again that the example below is FAR from a complete build - just some thoughts put down in Hero Labs...

Priority Buy - High Life
Magic - A - Mystic Adept
Skills - A
Attributes - B
Metatype - C - Elf
Resources - C

Karma Spend is all in PP and Focused Concentration (with -25 NQ to follow if I continue with this)

Unnamed Hero
B 3
A 4
R 3/6
S 2
W 6
L 3
I 5
C 5
M 6
Condition Monitor (P/S): 10 / 11
Armor: 0
Limits: Physical 5, Mental 6, Social 8
Physical Initiative: 8/11+4D6

Active Skills:
Counterspelling (Combat Spells +2) 6
Pistols (Semi-Automatics +2) 6
Spellcasting (Illusion Spells +2, Manipulation Spells +2) 6

Metatype Abilities: Enhanced Senses: Low-Light Vision
Qualities: Chaos Mystic Adept, Focused Concentration (5)
Alter Memory
Ball Lightning
Improved Invisibility
Increase Charisma
Increase Intuition
Physical Mask

Adept Powers: Astral Perception
Attribute Boost (1): Agility (7dicepool)
Combat Sense (2)
Improved Reflexes (3)
Improved Sense: Vision Magnification

Starting ¥: 5,000 + (1D6 × 20)¥
Ammunition & Resources:
   Edge Pool - 0/3

looks like you are building with sum to 14?  In that environment it may well be viable, because you have enough attribute and skill points to go around, and assuming your table allows In Debt you can get by with resources E.  One thought is that your attributes are not really taking advantage of being an elf, so that isn't really needed.

Just because the "enchanter" thread is on my mind, if you're looking to make a mage that runs around multiply-buffed, an alchemist might be a way to go. Write your 'improve X' spells as a preparation on rice paper with a contact trigger, bake in fortune cookie. When the action starts, eat fortune cookie and buff out for [Potency] minutes with no sustainment penalties.

Apologies, I should have added in a bit more detail.  I didn't go with PotW or Shaman on purpose.  Chaos magic seemed to be a bit more interesting flavor-wise, which is why I didn't immediately hop on one of the Charisma traditions.

Elf as a race has been chosen and can't be changed, regardless of "archetype" (awakened/cyber/other).

For some unknown, but likely crunchy reason, Attrib B has always made me twitch, which is one of the reasons I started looking down the path of sustain Increase w/out taking a spot in my Foci pool that could be used for Power or Qi foci (might purchase a couple of these un-bonded (along with a safe to keep them in until I get some additional Karma...).

I never really intended this build to sustain multiple increases (spells) at the same time.  It would be one Attribute or the other as needed, with an occasional buff to Intuition to boost drain resistance before casting a different (sustain required) spell.  From what I can tell, I can take the -2 for a turn (FC handles sustain on Intuition and normal penalty on second spell) until I end the sustain on Intuition and sustain the single ancillary cast as needed (single spell now via FC).

I suppose I was just looking for someone to say "holy cr*p!  None of this works the way you think it does and you're making an awful decision" or "Huh, that could work for this setup".  I'll take anything in between of course, lol.

Skills A vs. Attributes A depends on your table and how much of a role you're trying to fill. From previous posts, TK421 is in a two-man game, so diverse skills might be more important, especially if the idea is to supplement attributes with Increased Attribute spells.

However, the more efficient way to go about this for a Mystic Adept is the Heightened Concentration power from Shadow Spells. Long story short, 0.5 PP to ignore one modifier up to -3 (assuming Magic 6). If you're uninjured, and not under heavy environmental modifiers, that can be a sustained spell. It's a great power, probably too great, and it's easily worth giving up one rank of Combat Sense.

If you go that route instead of Focused Concentration, it potentially frees up karma to invest in other things, like qualities, or Strength 2 so that you can move an attribute point somewhere else, like Agility or Charisma.


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