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Whats your favorite Corp for your Johnson, whats your favaorite corp as a target

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It would depend on the player group, but my mains are Renraku, Horizon, and Incog Nito (sp?).
I love rewarding good work with access to intel and software verses guns and cyber.

Favorite target HAS to go to the Azzies.
Dealing with extraplanar characters have not been good for the world.

Favorite target? Currently MCT due to their anti-meta leanings. We run in San Francisco and Saito's occupation is still felt.

Favorite employer? Ares. The team takes their pay in goods which makes for some nice upgrades.

Mr. Black:
Since I like to challenge my players moral compasses, I go with Aztlan as an employer, and Ares as a target. Subvert their expectations of "good vs evil".

My Johnsons often work for smaller corps....but have ties to a AAA.  ;)
Renraku, Ares are my go to - but usually behind the scenes.

Always fun to go against Aztechnology - they have long memories and big guns.


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