[SR6] Sixth World Core Book Errata File

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« Reply #60 on: <10-05-19/0725:49> »
Pg 157
Improved Ability (Skill)
The maximum boost to the skill is 1.5 times the current level (rounded up)
This makes it sound like the max boost would 9 on a skill that is at 6 (for a total of 15) when I think RAI is meant to be that it can only boost it by 50%

or the augmented maximum, whichever is lower.
Isn’t augmented maximum an attribute thing not a skill thing?

Michael Chandra

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« Reply #61 on: <10-05-19/0801:24> »
There's also a cap for skills mentioned elsewhere.
How am I not part of the forum?? O_O I am both active and angry!


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« Reply #62 on: <10-05-19/0818:50> »
There's also a cap for skills mentioned elsewhere.
Are you referring to the Max skill level of 9 (10 w/ aptitude)?
And if so are you saying that improved ability won’t allow you to go over that limit? Because if so that lessen this ability significantly because the more you put into the skill the less you get out of the Adept power.

That would also infer that Specialization & expertise is affected by that rule too
« Last Edit: <10-05-19/0823:57> by Catlord »

Stainless Steel Devil Rat

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« Reply #63 on: <10-05-19/0858:38> »
There's also a cap for skills mentioned elsewhere.
Are you referring to the Max skill level of 9 (10 w/ aptitude)?
And if so are you saying that improved ability won’t allow you to go over that limit? Because if so that lessen this ability significantly because the more you put into the skill the less you get out of the Adept power.

That would also infer that Specialization & expertise is affected by that rule too

Page 39:

have a rank from 1 to 9. (Skills) can be modified by
spells, gear, and other effects, but their augmented
increase can never be more than +4.

What this means is if you're rolling a skill test, you can never have more than +4 bonus dice. The intent is that specializations and expertise are actual skill ranks rather than "augmented increases".
« Last Edit: <10-05-19/0914:44> by Stainless Steel Devil Rat »
RPG mechanics exist to give structure and consistency to the game world, true, but at the end of the day, you’re fighting dragons with algebra and random number generators.


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« Reply #64 on: <10-05-19/0948:15> »
There's also a cap for skills mentioned elsewhere.
Are you referring to the Max skill level of 9 (10 w/ aptitude)?
And if so are you saying that improved ability won’t allow you to go over that limit? Because if so that lessen this ability significantly because the more you put into the skill the less you get out of the Adept power.

That would also infer that Specialization & expertise is affected by that rule too

Page 39:

have a rank from 1 to 9. (Skills) can be modified by
spells, gear, and other effects, but their augmented
increase can never be more than +4.

What this means is if you're rolling a skill test, you can never have more than +4 bonus dice. The intent is that specializations and expertise are actual skill ranks rather than "augmented increases".

Never noticed that...ok, thanks

Stainless Steel Devil Rat

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« Reply #65 on: <10-05-19/0957:25> »
Yeah it's a very understated rule for how big of a change it is from 5e.  It's apparently gone quite under the 6we haters' radar... or maybe they just like that idea and don't complain about it :)
RPG mechanics exist to give structure and consistency to the game world, true, but at the end of the day, you’re fighting dragons with algebra and random number generators.


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« Reply #66 on: <10-06-19/1536:36> »
on Page 268 a "Sim Module" is described. But it is not listed on the table of the same page, and i dont see it anywhere else either.


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« Reply #67 on: <10-07-19/1303:35> »
on Page 268 a "Sim Module" is described. But it is not listed on the table of the same page, and i dont see it anywhere else either.

It seems it is already built-in into some devices but a clear description always a good choice.

pg. 174 : "Commlinks commonly have an ASIST module (or sim module) that enables the use of AR and cold-sim VR."
pg. 267 : "All cyberdecks include hot-sim modules."
pg. 268 : Simrig - "You’ll need to have a working sim module (with the DNI interface) to make a recording."
pg. 283 : "The implanted version of the commlink (p. 267) comes with a sim module at no additional cost."
pg. 283 : Control Rig - "It has a built-in sim module, allowing DNI with other devices."


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« Reply #68 on: <10-07-19/1334:45> »
pg. 132 Compat Spells : "Defense Ratings are as normal, depending on if the defender is on the material plane or astral plane (see p. 161)."

So, even a mage using a Manaball (direct mana spell), the opponent's Defense Rating will be Body + Armor as like against a Fireball (indirekt physical spell)?

"Mana spells interact solely with the astral plane; they may affect living beings, as living beings have an astral component, but they have no effect on nonliving, non-astral entities."

So, if the attacking spell is a mana spell, why we use Armor to calculate Defense Rating ? Maybe a Body + Intuition or Willpower + Intuition would be much proper to calculate it..  or even a Body + Intuition + (5 - Essence) , since it has less affection on non-living materials (and as magic does not like the cybers..)
« Last Edit: <10-07-19/1527:32> by Shiwo »


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« Reply #69 on: <10-08-19/0651:46> »
Combat Process, Step 1, page 105: erroneous (?) reference to Surprise modifying defense dice pool.

Emphasis mine:
The defender collects dice equal to their Reaction + Intuition and modifies for Surprise, damage, and so forth.

The Surprise section on page 108 does not mention any negative modifiers for being surprised, only a threshold 3 test to avoid surprise; failure means you do not get to take any actions in the first round of combat, but "still roll to defend and against attacks and to soak damage".


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« Reply #70 on: <10-12-19/0923:24> »
What this means is if you're rolling a skill test, you can never have more than +4 bonus dice. The intent is that specializations and expertise are actual skill ranks rather than "augmented increases".

Does that mean a weapon focus could only add 4 to the combat check?
« Last Edit: <10-12-19/0925:41> by apHywel »

Stainless Steel Devil Rat

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« Reply #71 on: <10-12-19/0940:27> »
Yes, that's my understanding: your bonus dice to any skill test can only go up to +4.  If you have -2 dice from penalties (say, you're wounded maybe) and you have a F6 Weapon Focus, you'll still get your +4.  But if you have no offsetting penalties, you'd lose out on 2 potential dice and run up against the cap.
RPG mechanics exist to give structure and consistency to the game world, true, but at the end of the day, you’re fighting dragons with algebra and random number generators.

Michael Chandra

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« Reply #72 on: <10-12-19/1037:42> »
What this means is if you're rolling a skill test, you can never have more than +4 bonus dice. The intent is that specializations and expertise are actual skill ranks rather than "augmented increases".

Does that mean a weapon focus could only add 4 to the combat check?
If they rewrite those sections in the way indicated, then the answer would be yes. It brings a nice balance since it means there's only so far your toys can push you. It also means that IF "Aid Sorcery" returns, it too will be very limited in its use. So I like. Mind you, until they release the errata confirming that actual change, it's not RAW or even properly supported by RAW, but I do like the idea they're aiming for.
How am I not part of the forum?? O_O I am both active and angry!


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« Reply #73 on: <11-22-19/1030:29> »
Still nothing?  Still nothing.  Carry on, nothing to see here.


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« Reply #74 on: <11-30-19/2141:51> »
Couple things in the Archetype section.

Adept has magic 6 and 5.5 points of powers
Reading character creation rules you don't get points for powers for magic increases past the priority table, what would be 4 at maximum.

Technomancer has skinlink and living network as both of them are echos.  Are characters allowed to submerge at XP stage of character creation?

