Date Night ( IC )

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« Reply #195 on: <04-11-15/0213:21> »
@ Stahl  Sam looks at you, the right hand corner of his mouth quirking up in the ghost of a grin, "I'd say you need lessons in lying. If you really hated him that much your first two sentence wouldn't have been, 'Not willing to give up everything. And a history of being unreliable. Those sentences tell me you're frustrated with him and have looked for him before. But, the fact that you're here, and more than willing to pay the price, again, and to tell whatever lie you have to to try and get the information tells me you'll get pretty damn close to hell's gates for him" He smiles at you then, "Yes, I will expect paid for the info if you're friend is in my surveillance video. And the price may get very close to hell's gates." Saying that he looks at you, "Are you ready?" At your answering nod he activates the video. It plays for well over an hour. Finally you see the heroes from last night enter and Arc grab onto your arm. He's not there, you're relieved even if that means you've got to keep looking. You look Sam straight in the eye. "My friend isn't there. And I'm not sure I'd have wanted as close to those gates as I think you're going to end up getting." He looks a bit disappointed, but he shakes your hand. "Ok, good luck on your search." You walk out of there feeling a bit freer.

@ Arc  The fly spy only gets a flash of Stahl going into a room, and what looks to be a man greeting him before the door closes. You can hear voices, but some of the noises coming from other rooms are louder and you're not really able to make out more than a few words here and there. But, it's not long before Arc is greeted. And Bo-Peep starts talking to her about fixing up his bike for more speed. When Stahl finally leaves Arc gets a brief 3/4 view of a tall, lanky man.
« Last Edit: <04-13-15/0336:56> by ismilealot »
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« Reply #196 on: <04-11-15/0325:23> »
As Marco was enveloped in a warm and fuzzy feeling, for a brief moment his mind was blank and he was happy. There was nothing else in his mind. That fuzzy vibe did not last for long, as Marco dives into a deep sleep. He enters a strange and lucid dream. He feels as if some other entity is reaching out for him. In the Dream that entity looked just like a Rabbit doll, but he somehow felt that it was a regular client of him. The one he referred to as Lady. He also sort of knew that he was a black rabbit doll in this dream.

White Rabbit: Blackie? Are you with me?

Black Rabbit: Lady... I am always with you.

White Rabbit: Do you know who I am?

Black Rabbit: You are Lady...

The white rabbit doll turned away from him and run, he tried to run after it but it disappeared into a hole in the ground. He knew the white rabbit as his regular client nicked Lady... but that reply did not seem to satisfy the white rabbit.

Why is he dreaming about her... and why as a rabbit doll? There was something odd about this one. She was not interested in vices, not sex, no drugs hardly anything. All she wanted to do is talk to him, they would meet someplace discreet and speak about magic, about music or art for hours. They sometimes went to social events parties and all - but he never knew why did she hire him.

 She was his age and yet seemed to be an established mage that mastered many disciplines. How she achieved so much so early - he couldn’t even begin to know. She was charming and had a silver tongue of her own and was also rich. She even had money to throw on a special soup kitchen project. Infact she was now in the middle of purchasing the real estate for that project. They planned to partner up in that and Marco already donated some money toward that aim.
« Last Edit: <04-11-15/1610:06> by gilga »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #197 on: <04-11-15/2352:24> »
Yelena wakes up as her internal clock nudges her at the prescribed time of 11:25.  Her arm is languidly curled about the torso of her unexpected lover.  Slowly, so as not to wake him, she moves her arm and sits up in the large and very comfortable bed.  She sits with her back to the wall and brings her knees to her chin, wrapping her arms around them.  She gazes at the Keeb next to her, letting her eyes roam over every exposed inch of him.  Her mind, a bit clearer with greater time from the last dose of Bliss, goes over the evening before and then this morning.  She has experienced nothing like what he had done to her with that link.  Sharing has never been a strong point for Yelena and it had been a bit uncomfortable at first, but that had changed when she just let go and participated.  Every shared feeling and emotion and experience had just made the sex so much better than anything she had ever had before.  She shakes her head, *Yelena not get soft.  Cannot allow tie to slow reaction or thought.*

Yelena shakes her head and drags her eyes from the temptations of the man.  She silently gets out of bed, feeling the softness of the carpet on her toes as she pads to the bathroom.  After using the toilet, she turns on the water in the shower and climbs in to soak and wash Marco off her body.  Unfortunately, it is much harder to wash the man from her mind, and that makes her a bit uncomfortable.
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #198 on: <04-12-15/1214:41> »
Late... headache, Marco reaches over and feels the empty post where Yelena just was. She did not seem to be the type that forms emotional attachments, yet here she was the first one to reach his private room instead of an hotel room. Marco had patterns, predefined scripts clear limits. In a way - this is what helped him let go and enjoy the night. One of this patterns was "never take anyone to your room".

Yesterday was different, he was in control until he saw her high on bliss. It has been a roller coaster ever since. For a client he would have booked a hotel room, but Yelena threw him off balance. But why? She felt unlike any other... mysterious, skilled in the art, probably a lot more experienced than him... Yet it felt as if he was leading her, showing her who he really is, who she really is. She is probably used to walking away the day after never looking back. He wanted her,  but he was not sure that there can be an happy ending for this particular story.

Time to wake up! He thought and clapped his hands; It was a smart home system installed over 50 years ago, oddly enough it was still working and the primitive trick indeed opened the windows.
Everything looked different as sunlight flooded the room, Marco quickly ordered the room putting it back to normal. He then put on some casual clothes, and picked some clothes that seemed to be similar in size for Yelena.  He left them neatly on the now organized bed.

He could hear the water running, she is still in here.
He took a look at his com link:
<<...I dunno how you live this life.  It's great, but...oh man, not what I was expecting.  Jaysus, I didn't even go home.  You manage to bail alright?  Need to recover, but I'll see what i picked up...

He replied:

Dear Arc,

Last night indeed was intense - and I am glad you enjoyed it. It was a bit too much fun -for me too, not all my nights are like that.  I am good though,  I just booked a taxi. 

What do you feel about lunch and a bit of planning? I can cook at my place or you can pick a nice spot. I have a feeling that we’ll need to see that club again soon.

Yours truly,

@Marco{Marina} << Hey Blackie, did you miss me? I know you did. We should meet soon to discuss soup kitchen give me a buzz when you can.
Kisses, your lady M. >>

Dear Lady,

Of Course I missed you.  I am a bit busy but will call you as my schedule clears out.
It is great hearing from you.

Yours truly,

Replying to her reminded him about his crazy dream last night. That darn dream again... have I seen these toy rabbits before? Never mind that, time for some real breakfast.

His next stop was the kitchen, he took a bunch of vegetables out and skillfully turned them into a rich salad. In parallel he was able to make a nice omelette, and a couple of toasts. He hoped that along with some cheese it would be a good way to start the day.   Food was a big passion for Marco and touching the ingredients himself was a lot more satisfying than anything that ever came out of a machine. It made little economic sense - but he liked it that way.
« Last Edit: <04-12-15/1218:10> by gilga »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #199 on: <04-12-15/1258:07> »
Yelena stood under the hot water in the shower and luxuriated in the feel of it on her skin.  Never had she really been able to use hot water without worrying about rationing.  She recalls many, many times when the shower water would suddenly go cold, and even more times when there was no hot water to begin with.  Or showers.  She steps out and towels off, enjoying the feel of the soft material.  She wipes the fogged mirror and looks at herself, thinking.  *Shhh.  Life not for Yelena.  Hot water, soft towels, nice clothes.  Marco wake up one morning and not want Yelena.  So much blood on hands.  Too much death.  Marco like pleasure of beautiful girl, drink, sex.  Yelena drink to forget not for fun.  And was beautiful only one day after torture in salon place.  Too much different.* 

She looks at the sink and sees only the one tooth brush.  *Hmmm.  Marco not have regular girl here.*  She puts toothpaste on a finger and gives her teeth as good a cleaning as she can.  After all, at 64 one cannot be too careful with one's teeth and so far hers are all originals.  After running a brush through her snowy mane Yelena leaves the bathroom.  The morning light pours through the windows, along with a cooling breeze.  She sees that Marco has made the bed and left some clothes out for her.  She holds them up and nods her head when it seems that they will fit.  Putting the clothes back on the bed, she shrugs into the soft robe and goes to the dresser to pick up her clutch and put it in one of the oversize pockets.  She walks to the door and opens it, her nose telling her that someone is cooking. 

Walking into the living room she goes to the sound system and hits the button to restart the jazz loop, then goes to the kitchen.  She sees Marco and waves her hand across the robe.  "Good morning.  Marco not mind Yelena wear robe and listen jazz?"  Her eyes widen a bit when she sees that Marco is cooking real food.  "Marco cook real food?  Why Marco not married?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #200 on: <04-12-15/1307:19> »
@ Arc  The fly spy only gets a flash of Stahl going into a room, and what looks to be a man greeting him before the door closes. You can hear voices, but some of the noises coming from other rooms are louder and you're not really able to make out more than a few words here and there. But, it's not long before Arc is greeted. And Bo-Peep starts talking to her about fixing up his bike for more speed. When Stahl finally leaves Arc gets a brief 3/4 view of a tall, lanky man.

Sipping her soycaf idly, Arc gave a bit of a shrug at the results of her snooping.  Gut instinct failed me there.  Figures.  Just a guy doing another deal or whatever  She was distracted for the moment by the ork Bo-Peep approaching her: a rather lanky male with strikingly curly, bristly hair, hence the moniker.  "Hoi...your cred good for it this time, Bo?  Y'all know how I feel about freebies.  Anyhow, the garage be outta commish for a little while, man.  Gotta refit summa mah tools to keep m'self in working order, ya heard?"  She gave a nod, affirming confidently that she had the final say on what she worked on, and returned to her soycaf.

Then she noticed the glance of the man, and realized she left the Fly-Spy snooping on them!  Drek, please don't get noticed..  Entering the commands, she instructed the bug to flit away, down the hall and out the window, maintaining a decent altitude above her car until instructed otherwise.


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« Reply #201 on: <04-12-15/1335:06> »
Marco’s eyes light as he sees Yelena, Morning! ... Jazz is awesome feel free to put some.

Why am I not married?... maybe its because I like a keeb three times my age...
He get close to her and adds. that travels light and kills people for living...
Once close to her, he extends his hands for a hug and a kiss.

I made breakfast for two, I figured it takes a bit more than an apple to satisfy your hunger. I know I could eat some more.
« Last Edit: <04-12-15/1340:33> by gilga »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #202 on: <04-12-15/1415:47> »
Warning bells go off as Marco moves closer.  All of her well honed defenses go on-line, yet she finds herself allowing the strange Keeb to enfold her in an embrace.  His arms feel good around her and his lips feel good on hers.  Good?  No, better than good.  Then, like battling against a tide, some part of her concern trickles up to her consciousness.  *Yelena Petrovna!  Too much too soon.  Still on job.*  She manages to reluctantly pull away from the embrace.  Looking at Marco, she laughs and says.  "Marco smooth.  But not know Yelena three days ago.  So not real answer to question.  Yelena can wait for answer.  Food smell good."  She looks around the room and says.  "Was thinking Arc.  Maybe ask to lunch so can talk job?  Feathers, too.  Maybe strange Keeb looking for friend?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #203 on: <04-12-15/1444:13> »
Marco set the table and sits down... I am one step ahead of you... I just texted Arc about meeting for lunch and planning for work. About strange keeb... you mean Sthal, I already took a risk trusting him, I will not reveal anything more unless Sam approves him. I try to learn how to be professional and then someone like that comes and I just can’t bring myself to shut up and let him burn for his recklessness.

A few moments later:

It pains me to think about you entering that terrible place again... It will be full of bliss and I am not sure pleasing Sam is worth the risk.

There may be some other way to learn about the club from the outside,  I kissed some prince from Tir yesterday. Apparently, he offered some private room full of vices but did not even care to introduce himself... I was just a piece of meat for him.  I’ll ask Sam to background check him to see how dangerous he is. From what Bill tells me he rarely refuses vices so I thought about offering some vices of my own far away from that awful place and see what I can learn from him.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #204 on: <04-12-15/1457:48> »
Yelena smiles.  "Thank for thinking faster Yelena.  Also thank for caring.  Yelena is big girl and knew risks.  Not as able to give Bliss pass, but can recover.  Woman in tub with Yelena called Bella.  I have comm code.  Think she know about drug.  Called it Starlight.  Bella tell Yelena that club use it for people that think of leaving club, but need to be big spenders first.  If need go back, Yelena will.  Might need help withdraw from Bliss later, after job.  And Yelena not do for Sam alone.  People go missing from club and maybe Yelena help."  Even saying that surprises Yelena a bit.  Always out for herself in the past, it is a new feeling to be thinking of others.  Maybe Arc is rubbing off a bit, but it feels good all the same.
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« Reply #205 on: <04-12-15/1620:32> »
Feathers calls Sam when he reaches his home. >>Sam, I hate to bail on you, but, after being in that club I realized I can't do this. I need the money, but, I can't do this.<< Sam pauses a moment and says, >>I understand, this life isn't for everyone and I appreciate you letting me know upfront.<<
« Last Edit: <04-13-15/0328:55> by ismilealot »
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« Reply #206 on: <04-12-15/1817:46> »
Marco looks into her eyes saying: Maybe you are a hero Yelena Petrovna. after a short pause.

People are suffering all over the world, there is darkness wherever you look. I’d save the people I like. I get the feeling that you are connected to the barrens somehow. I really appreciate it,  still you said it took 20 years to shake that drug and the temptations in that club brought your past back to you.

He sighs...
Don’t get me wrong, I am a big fan of temptation - it is life itself. Still it is also a destructive force. Temptation need to be balanced and controlled... I am not sure it can be done, but I lost my mentor succubus when I started to feel that way. She took with her a part of myself. Something is missing ever since - and I am not sure that I can be both happy and not evil. 

Here is your reason for why I am not married... I wasn't the man I am now, half a year ago. I was in a dark place where I’d be the one to offer you bliss shortly after you told me you fought it for so long. I never had any real connection with anyone. My parents gave me up, I abused all my friends and was expelled from my homeland. Then I met Sam and she took advantage of me. I think that she could easily justify this kind of behaviour because the man she captured used his talent to hurt people. To make them burn... 

He than adds:
I use my escort service to make people happy... at least other people can be happy until I find my place in the world.
« Last Edit: <04-12-15/1828:22> by gilga »

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« Reply #207 on: <04-12-15/1848:04> »
Yelena smiles.  "Yelena not hero.  Did mage for pay.  Sam pay club job."  She shrugs as she takes a bite and chews.  "Not sure connected anywhere.  No home.  No friends 'til now.  And happy is for each person.  Only Marco decide Marco happy.  All have evil inside.  Yelena let evil control many years.  Maybe working on that."

She eats her breakfast while Marco explains why he is not married.  "Yelena think Marco wrong about tempting.  Never control or not know difference.  Same good and evil.  Must know difference.  Yelena also think Marco wrong about Sam.  Think Sam good.  Hire to kill Smiley-Face mage and find missing people.  Yelena think Sam help people and help Marco.  Only look evil because Marco look at Sam wrong.  Not take advantage but help Marco learn about self."  Yelena laughs and adds, "Sam probably help Yelena learn about self, too.  Yelena not see until now." 

Yelena sits back in the chair after finishing.  She leans forward a bit and the robe gaps to show an inviting bit of cleavage.  She puts her hand in the pocket of the robe.  "Yelena can smoke here or not?  So Marco tell Yelena if too personal?  Only one brush for teeth in bathroom.  Marco does not have regular girl here?
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« Reply #208 on: <04-12-15/2106:25> »
Money? this is an illusion. Money does not really exist - everything you do you have to get paid, because you are not rich. This is the way of the world - it does not make your deeds any smaller because Sam paid you to do them. Almost everyone has to do something for money - and most of them are not playing heros and geeking evil mages.

In response to Yelena talking about Sam and happiness:

I was happy when my life were nothing but a moment, no past no future - just a single moment after another. I did not feel like a person, I felt like a force of nature. I did not respect anyone  - I was temptation itself. When I was expelled from my homeland, I was also denied a confession... a very uncatholic thing and the decision was made very high up in the hierarchy of the church. I was angry at first - but after the anger left I was wondering why don’t they just play along - they forgive everyone for everything... why not me?  It made me see my entire life in a different way,  I did not like it. It made me unhappy... it made me feel pain.  I was no longer a moment, and no longer happy.

In a way, it was my doing entirely... The good bishop tried to combat my mentor succubus and failed every time. She shaped my talent in her image, she shaped my personality in her image. No ritual, no psychological trick nothing worked... I did not want to change.  I could not be contained, and they decided to let me go. A simple unexpected action lead to a chain of events that in time lead me to change my ways.

About Sam I hope you are right, I do not like to think bad stuff on people and I both like and hate her. I know that she broke my trust, and that some things cannot be fixed. I like her, but once you cross a certain line the relationship can never truly recover. Good people just don’t play this way.
Shortly after:

Yes, I only had guests in here, not lovers. I have these patterns that help me survive, and one of them is no matter what happens during the night - if you go home you do so alone. Then there was you... the first time that I broke my own rule. Maybe just surviving wasn’t enough for me anymore.

He smiles when Yelena brings out smoking,

I leave that decision to you. 
He leans toward her. If you want to be a guest in my home, please go to the balcony as I do not smoke. This is what my guests do.
He then hold her hand, touching it gently.
If you desire to be more than a guest in my house, then light your cigarette and feel at home.

You do not have to decide now - but do know that the offer is there. It seems that both of us are fighting our past - and in a way, perhaps something real can be built on this base. If I believe in controlling temptation - I can believe in being attached to the women you want to become.
« Last Edit: <04-12-15/2110:06> by gilga »

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« Reply #209 on: <04-12-15/2148:53> »
Yelena shakes her head and laughs.  "Money only illusion to people who have.  To others money is way eat, sleep, live.  Is real."  She listens carefully as Marco talks about not bringing people here.  "Yelena sorry Marco break own rule.  Not mean to.  Have to say Marco sex was best sex Yelena ever had.  Maybe not all from link.  Yelena want Marco without link and that important.  Yelena want Marco now."

Yelena feels a small jolt as Marco touches her hand.  She looks into his eyes as she clenches her fingers to hold onto him, not letting go for several seconds before she smiles and stands, releasing his hand.  "Was good breakfast.  Yelena thank Marco.  Now Yelena help clean from cooking.  Marco wash or dry?"  She moves to the sink and helps wash, dry, and put away the dishes and cooking implements used in the meal.  The space is not so large and there are a few unavoidable instances of bumping into one another.  The activity is accompanied with laughter and probably a bit of water is flicked at one or the other of the two.

When everything is done in the kitchen, Yelena takes the clutch from the pocket of the robe.  "Better as guest to start.  Yelena go balcony."  She takes a few steps and stops.  Not looking at him, she softly says, "Yelena not know what woman she be.  Marco might need take what Yelena is."  She goes to the balcony and steps into the clear midday air, shivering just a bit and pulling the warm robe a bit closer to ward off the slight winter chill.  She sits on the chaise, removes a cigar from her case, and lights it, thinking about Marco.  The offer to be something other than a sometime guest had been unexpected.  Very unexpected.  She mulls over every sentence for the fourth time and has to admit to herself that she detects no hidden motive behind the words.  She looks back through the glass doors while taking drags on the acrid cigar.  *Yelena could like place.  Money.  Hot water.  Nice clothes.  Not old Yelena, but can be new Yelena.  Maybe.  Could be one day, two days, three days then Marco tired of Yelena.  Like all others.*  But Yelena feels that something is different this time.  Even after just one morning.  There is SOMETHING different.  Maybe two partial souls coming together.  Maybe not.

She has expertly held the cigar ash to the end and flicks it off into the void beyond the balcony.  She makes up her mind and nods, turning to the door and going back inside.  Moving through the apartment to the bedroom, she removes the robe and hangs it back on the bathroom door, then dresses in the clothes Marco had laid out.
« Last Edit: <04-13-15/0153:11> by Mercy Merchant »
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>