Date Night ( IC )

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« Reply #60 on: <03-23-15/2003:10> »
The night wears on, The band is a popular one in this bar and each of the three heroes is bought several more drinks and is invited to dance by half the bar it seems. Even Yelena is asked to dance by some of the orcs as a matter of priniciple, and when they find out she's got no prejudices against orcs, she doesn't sit down for more than a drink all night. Feathers learned his lesson about orc girls after the last time in a bar and is a bit more circumspect. At least he was until he had a few more drinks. Soon, it's closing time and Arc is forced to rely on the car on auto to get them all home. Well everyone except Feathers, he got a ride well before closing time, it just wasn't for home.
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Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #61 on: <03-23-15/2247:35> »
The old man's hands were surprisingly supple for someone his age. Firm grip, too. I met his eyes as he introduced himself.

"Ambrose. Aka, Phoenix. Forgeries, Chemical, Harware, Demolitions and custom gear. And correct, It would take a few moments to compile a list of what we'd need. This here is nearly perfect for explosives.. "

I nodded along as he studied the plans for a moment, then turned back to Kato. "If that is all, Kato-San, we will take our leave."

The elevator ride down to the ground floor was uneventful, the usual chitchat of relative strangers forced together by circumstance. As we reached the bar I nodded at Noah, one of the regular bartenders, and headed for the booth in the back.

I reached into my suit jacket and triggered my white noise generator. If talk about explosives were involved ed, I wanted as few people to know as possible, even the yaks who were responsible. "So, security at the club is pretty low-end. We could sneak some serious ordnance past the scanners with minimal effort, but since this is more of a hand to hand I say we go in light, make the buy, and get back here as instructed."

The music accompanying the burlesque on stage was classic last century, not uncommon for this place on the lighter nights. The girls looked good in their sparkly outfits, and I enjoyed the view as we talked.


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« Reply #62 on: <03-23-15/2249:59> »
[~10:00 AM, Friday, Arc's Home (presumably), The Barrens, Seattle]

The rest of the night was more or less a blur for Arc.  It was certainly far from her first time consuming alcohol, and likely not the last, but it was the first time that she drank so much and partied so hard.  It was...odd, being revered and regarded so highly, and it may have gone to her head as she partied on.  The last thing she can recollect is dropping Marco off somewhere of his choosing before setting the car to take them home...

The morning sun filtering in through the bedroom window is what slowly stirred the human to life, causing her to groan and roll over in her bed.  She was half-dressed, her jeans flopped on the other side of her pillow as she was tangled in her bedsheet, hair a wild mess on her head.  Smacking her dry lips, she let off another groan as her AR clock chirped the time as her vision booted up.  "...oh frag me..."  She uttered, head swimming a little as she blearily tried to recall the previous night.

She remembered the dancing, the local band playing tracks in tribute to the "heroes" of the night.  She vaguely remembers Feathers uproarously leaving the bar with someone that wasn't them, long before the bar closed down.  Jokes were made about the "old time breeder" by the orks in the bar, maybe even a couple bets placed as for how many fractures would incur.  Arc recalled Yelena having a very social time, the human not getting much further opportunity to chat.  Just as well, the human found herself beset on by a small group of young male orks, each flirting in the way typical to their culture: boasting, aggressive jostling of each other, and general peacockery.  Dancing, drinking, enjoyment, the night seemed to never ended...

The blips of ARO messages pending brought Arc out of her reverie, the stout girl shifting and groaning as she propped herself up with her cyberarm, bringing herself to a seated position, hair hanging over her face as she went over the messages she missed from sleeping in.

<<Hello, this is Debi from the Golden Swan Salon & Beautique.  This call is to remind you of your 12:00 PM appointment on Friday, as set by our mutual acquaintance Sam.  We hope to see you there>>

<<Hoi, my main slitch, had a bangin' time last nite @ the PIT!  You be a good breeder and hit me up again, I'll show you what a REAL bangin' time is, ya heard?  Holler>>

<<Yo, girl, you got real HUZ for a breeder doin' what you did.  You ever in a bind, or need a trog to cover your hoop, you know where to reach me.>>

<<Never seen a girl take her drank that well.  You party hard, and that arm of yours is totes metal.  Wouldn't mind seeing you again.  My treat>>

"...Heh..hehahaha...ow...hahaha..."  She flopped on the back of the bed, covering her eyes with both hands and rubbing her temples, trying to clear her head.  Without opening her eyes, she grabbed her pillow with her cyberarm and flung it to where Yelena's cot was.  "Hoi...I didn't lose you to some gentleman what got your slot in a buzz, did I?"


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« Reply #63 on: <03-23-15/2316:16> »
A bar? Are you even old enough to drink kid?  Moving to sit down at he bar with the kid, he watches as he pulls the little toy out. "I have no idea what you're talking going on about. Never once did he say anything about that. We're just suppose to make sure that structural points are properly protected. Wouldn't want any accidents to happen would we? Besides that, I've got to find this house special of theirs. It shouldn't be like any others."

Sitting back in the bar, he raises a finger to bring over a Waiter or Waitress. He wasn't picky. "House rum and cola." The old man was a bit of a cheapskate from the sounds of it, despite his more fancy coat and suit.
Concepts are great, but implementation sucks. Why not improve it?

Triskavanski's House Rules

Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #64 on: <03-23-15/2348:52> »
"Good to see we're on the same page. You seemed a little short with Kato, and since I would like to stay in one piece past tomorrow night I just wanted to make sure you were not going to go all Hand of Five on me and firebomb the joint."

I fished a Saratoga out of my inside pocket and lit it, cupping the filter end between thumb and index finger as I inhaled the smoke and held it for a second.

"What is the game plan" I asked as I released my breath. " If I will be watching your back, I'd like to know how you plan to approach the locals to get your hands on some of this house special stuff."

I waived the waitress away with a shake of my head as she took Ambroses drink order.


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« Reply #65 on: <03-24-15/0010:47> »
Ambrose stares for a moment raising a brow at that. "Why would you even think that?" his question was simple and short to point. "Expending any more effort to explain I understood would take approximately fourteen to fifteen and a half seconds. With an average number of times I'd have to speak with him in this manner being anywhere from two, to three times a month, I'd be looking at spending Five-point-Six to Nine-point=three extra minutes on pointless talk. In the end the only thing that is important is saying one understood and then completing the job."

Once his order comes in, he gently lifts it and and takes a sip. "While some of your age wouldn't be so punctual, I'm nearing the end of my life, so Its important to make every millisecond count. Even so, I'm not some baby faced hooligain who thinks he's top drek because he can put a bit of dry ice in a soda bottle. Honestly though, with the maps you've provided it wouldn't be hard to plan on how to stop an accident, though I'll need to see my locations in person. "
Concepts are great, but implementation sucks. Why not improve it?

Triskavanski's House Rules

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #66 on: <03-24-15/0031:30> »
Yelena does enjoy the night, somewhat to her surprise.  She finds that she does not have to be a good dancer, or even a passable dancer to dance with the denizens of the bar.  She has no racial prejudices and remembers working closely with Orks and Trolls.  This gives her a chance to practice her Or'zet and she takes full advantage of it.  She will accept any drink offered but will casually set it down to talk to someone then move away as if she had forgotten it.  The chances are very good that someone will pick it up and drink it and she stays to her two-drink limit.  The object is to have fun and meet some of the people here, and she accomplishes both.

Her 'link clock goes off early and she rises quietly so as not to disturb Arc.  Throwing some clothes on, she goes out for stretching exercises and then tunes in a local jazz station for her early morning conditioning run.  She uses the exercise to get her muscles toned and to learn the neighborhood.  Even the early morning gangers seem to know the Keeb with the white hair and violet eyes and she is rarely bothered.  She finishes her run at a soycaf stand that serves a decent blend and picks up two go-cups.  She swaps channels to get the early news feed as she heads back to the garage.  She quickly showers and goes to the room she shares with Arc.  Putting one cup on her friend's bed table, she grabs her weapons case and carries it to the bed. 

Sitting naked on the bed Yelena opens the case and removes the weapons, carefully dismantling and cleaning them, to include removing all the rounds from the magazines.  She lovingly inspects each part before reassembling each weapon and replacing the rounds in the clips.  She has finished the two pistols but is still working on the rifle when her internal clock tells her that Arc's alarm is about to go off.  She watches as her friend goes through the first symptoms of a hang over.  Her feelings are more of concern than anything else and she can recall many nights when she would be lost in drink and drugs. 

She deftly catches the pillow that Arc tosses her way and laughs.  "No.  Arc not lose Yelena to some Ork who wanted slot her.  Not sure that there any there that really wanted try because they were all too interested you."  She tosses the pillow back at Arc.  You have good moves on floor, Arc.  Should go out more.  Maybe show Yelena how to dance.  Arc get message from Debi?  Meet noon.  Can take?  And coffee by bed.  Large and black."

By this time Yelena has finished reassembling the rifle.  Taking a dark cloth from beside her she ties it around her head to conceal her eyes.  Lowering her hands to her sides, she clicks her internal stop watch and races through disassembly and reassembly of the rifle.  Removing the blindfold, she says.  "Almost three seconds faster today, Arc.  Fingers almost back normal."  She fishes a cigar from the case near her and lights up before sipping at the still-hot soycaf. 
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« Reply #67 on: <03-24-15/0129:54> »
Marco did not go home from the meet, the hour was late - he had a couple of drinks danced a little bit and stayed more than he wanted. But he managed to pass yet another day... another day without giving in to his inner demons. The drop off was church for him, his regular one.

Confession? asked the priest, and for a moment Marco was tempted to use this opportunity to explicitly describe with great details some of  his more sensual nights trying to seduce the poor priest. It took him about a second of silent - the alcohol and the happiness almost seduced him.  “No, same as usual, I am just here to pray. You are relentless for keep asking me that every time I walk in here.”

Marco never confessed, nor did he attend any religious event since he left Rome. He wasn’t sure if he was a believer but praying seemed to help him not acting like a jerk, abusing his magic to take advantage of others. In the shadows he felt that it can keep him alive. Few people knew that part in his life as he only ever visited church when it was almost empty.

On his knees by the cross, he spent about half an hour in silent. He donated 100 bucks to the charity box and went home walking. It was half an hour walk and it was cold. He felt relieved to be in a part of town where walking alone at night is not heroic feat.

Texting Sam on the way.
Dear Sam,

I invited two of my friends, Arc and Yelena for a makeover at Debi’s Salon. They are
the cast of a new trid called witch hunter. I'll appreciate it if you can help me create some initial buzz around them. Some flowers, or autographs at public places - you know the drill.


He was not hacker type but he did not want to confess his plan in any electronic media. He was sure Sam was bright enough to connect the dots. Knowing what she asked him to do.

He did not have time for shooting range in the morning, he spent the entire morning organizing a few interruptions at Debi’s salon for the two young trid stars. He booked them for a late lunch at a very fancy restaurant. Asking them to text the runners before saying it is complimentary by the production.

He then  made a couple of calls to his in between jobs friends, and offered them some pocket money if they disturb the runners with autograph requests, flowers or chocolates during the day. His highest paying challenge was a selfi with feathers and he was willing to pay as much as 20 dollars.  He planned it like a game, and he figured out they would probably compete with each other who achieves more goals in the list.

The rest of his hours he spent listening to classical music. He had an appointment on the same Salon at 13:30, and planned to go shopping for yet another good suit. He could not afford to be seen there wearing the same outfit twice in the same week. Especially if he was to pass as a high roller.
« Last Edit: <03-24-15/0310:58> by gilga »


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« Reply #68 on: <03-24-15/0506:40> »
>> Yeah. I'm on the way. Thanks.

Stahl cut the connection and rose from his bed. It was still dark and Stahl took extra precautions to avoid waking Heidi. She'd only just fallen asleep and Stahl himself had only managed to get a couple hours of sleep before Hendrick messaged him. The young elf shuffled his way across the dirty floor, pausing to glance at the relatively new crib resting near the entrance to the kitchen. Thankfully, she was still sleeping. After an entire afternoon of yelling and crying Stahl supposed he would be tired too.

Stahl managed to make it to the small bathroom, flicking the switch on the wall upwards and causing dim light to cover the room. Stahl peered into the dirty mirror with a squint, inspecting himself. The young, energetic elf he was a couple of years ago was gone. He looked, above all, exhausted. With a short frown, Stahl prepared himself for the day's events. Showering, Stahl took a moment to plan on how he was going to handle this particular problem. Hendrick had informed him of Reiner falling off the wagon again. Stahl couldn't blame him considering the trio's circumstances but regardless felt hostile towards the young human for tying him up like this. It wasn't exactly easy to find work or take care of people you care about when you're constantly looking for your drugged up friend in some seedy bar or alley.

Stepping out of the shower, Stahl dressed in a simple white shirt and a dark green jacket along with a casual pair of slacks. The sun was just now coming in through the small windows spread out through Stahl's apartment and Stahl made a mental note to unlock the door for Abigail as he strapped his holster to his waist. Doing a quick check of his weapon, he slid it into his holster along with his trusty knife. Debating on whether or not to grab something to eat before leaving, the tell-tale sign of Heidi broke the peaceful silence of the apartment.

"Waaaaaaah!" Heidi wailed, now standing up in her crib. Stahl quickly made his way over, attempting to be cheerful. "Good morning, you." Reaching down to pick the surprisingly angry child up into his arms, Stahl made his way past into the kitchen in a valiant attempt to search for food. Heidi, meanwhile, had thankfully stopped crying. She seemed more interested in Stahl's slicked back platinum hair, pulling and grabbing at it with little regard for Stahl's comfort. Wincing, Stahl attempted to negotiate a peace treaty with the restless two and a half year old, "Hey, hey, hey-" Stahl attempted, re-directing the infant's attention with a well-placed snap of his fingers. At this moment, thankfully, Stahl's door opened and in stepped the middle-aged lifesaver known as Abigail Cross. She was his landlord and more often than not his babysitter. While she could be a pain to deal with, her hours were flexible and she had a way with kids that Stahl simply didn't have.

"Helllllooo! Oh, give her here Erik. Did she sleep well? Did you feed her? Why is her face red? Was she crying? Oh, give her here, come now!" Abigail crowed, her surprisingly large bag of what Stahl assumed to be baby supplies trailing behind her. Stahl handed Heidi over and thankfully the girl was pleased to see Abigail. Stahl echoed that sentiment as he greeted the woman. "Good morning, Abigail. She slept well, ate, cried. I was just about to make breakfast-" Abigail cut him off abruptly, waving her free hand as she coo'd and proceeded her usual routine of baby-talk. "Oh, I'll handle that. You get going. We both know you're very busy trying to find work in order to pay me. Run along, we'll be fine here. You should really clean this place up. It's disgraceful." Stahl trailed off as the woman berated his admittedly poor living situation. The money he had saved up was slowly draining away and it showed. "Alright, alright. You know how to reach me if there's any problem. I should be back in a couple of hours. Thanks again, Abigail." The thanks was heartfelt, perhaps a bit more then Stahl intended, but without Abigail Stahl dreaded his prospects in this place. Leaving the daughter of Maxwell Frei alone all day filled him with a sense of dread and he knew it was something the late Maxwell simply wouldn't do.

As he stepped out the door he inspected the general area to ensure it was free of the usual loiterers - ganger scum, squatters, druggies and the like. Apparently pleased by the lack of those types of characters around, Stahl began walking down the uneven street towards some of Reiner's usual hangouts. Hendrick had tipped him off about some sort of fancy, ritzy club he had seen Reiner at last. Stahl supposed he would start there, though he was unsure on whether or not a club like that would be open during the day. He didn't even know the name of the place, only the rough location. Why couldn't Hendrick do this again? Stahl thought as he paced down the street. Hendrick had seemingly made a few friends since the trio had moved here from the Allied German States and Stahl just assumed he had a demanding work schedule. Regardless, Stahl had to find Reiner before Reiner found the wrong end of an alley. After all, Maxwell would have done it. The young elf continued down the road, aiming to find the fancy new club and with it, his friend.


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« Reply #69 on: <03-24-15/1143:03> »
Arc couldn't help but give a laugh, clearing her throat and stretching as she fought through the headache starting to creep over her senses.  "Wiz.  You was the only one doubting your recovery, Omae.  Keep it up."". Fumbling for her pack of Marlboros, the girl picked up the coffee graciously, sipping the hit beverage between puffs.  "Haa, much appreciated...breakfast of fragging champs, eh?". Smirking, she shook her head in mild disbelief over how crazy the night was.  Well if I'm here, that means I didn't slot with anyone...I think... Lifting her head up, she sent over a copy of the texts she received.  "just think a couple months back, a trog woulda as likely be finna beating my hoop than chasing it.  Drek."

"Anyhoozle, yeah, I can get us there.  If I'm alive I can drive, remember that Omae...ah..."
. She finally turned and quickly turned back, having forgotten how comfortable the Russian was in her skin.  "Dunno what's more crazy, how insane last night was or knowing tonight gonna be just as much or"

Arc took her time getting around, popping in the shower for a quick cold rinse to wake her up, shivering as she toweled off and dressed, saving the dress for after their appointment...though she was certain Yelena would argue against that and brought the dress out anyway.  Gingerly, she looked over her unkempt self in the mirror, gently touching the faint scars still around her eyes.

<<Hoi, can't remember if I said this, but a thanks for doing us the solid of getting us all gentrified n Drek.  Owe ya.  Holler>>


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« Reply #70 on: <03-24-15/1237:12> »
@ Marco  >>You're an idiot. You're letting the jumped up image of the club and the money I gave you to spend go to your head. Those three are there precisely because they are The Barrens own homegrown heroes. And that club, despite the image someone has poured a lot of money into creating, is IN The Barrens. They know them. They trust them, They love them. And because of that, they'll talk to them. They'll tell them more, offer them more, then they will anyone else. The bouncer, the parking lot attendant, the cleaning lady, they all see more than they say. And trust me, nothing moves in or out of that club without one of the gangs private stamp of approval, and half a dozen gangs know and trust their faces. So, by all means create a buzz, but not over some wannabe actors, but over the real heroes who've now made good, rags-to-riches because they saved everyone. Sure, give them a bit of spit shine, everyone loves to see their heroes looking like a trid hero. But don't change them. I need them the way they are.<<
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« Reply #71 on: <03-24-15/1306:03> »
@ Arc & Yelena  Arc still has a bit of a headache by the time they make it to Debi's, but at least it's tolerable. And Debi's Salon makes her feel as out of place as rust on a brand new engine. Even Yelena feels a bit out of place as she's never splurged on the full salon treatment before. The men who used her in the past were either more concerned that she really was female, or that she was doing everything in her power to please them. This is a very different experience than the simple no frills cut she's always had. And to say that Arc & Yelena are a completely different experience for Debi is an understatement. Even with all her years of experience with, "all kinds", Debi more than once let's slip disapproval over Arc & Yelena's hair, nails and utter lack of makeup savvy. Arc in particular must have her hair shampood three times to get all the grease out, but when she's done the two don't even recognize themselves in the mirror.
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« Reply #72 on: <03-24-15/1313:57> »
@ Stahl  You check the usual haunts. With the usual propositions and offers. Reiner is in none of the usual places. And before long Hendrick calls him. >>I went threw his stuff. Hacked his computer. I'm certain he went to the Stardust 2 days ago, and that's where he disappeared from.<<
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« Reply #73 on: <03-24-15/1319:30> »
@ Phoenix & Blackhat  The waitress comes over smiling. "I always knew I'd be serving the two of you either together, or competing over the same woman. Both of you always so spiffed up & proper all the time."  She places each of your favorite drinks on the table before you. "Nychella owes me a drink now! She bet you two wouldn't be able to be in the same room together on accounta you two being like as two peas in a pod." She beams at the both of you and then waddles off to collect her winnings.
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« Reply #74 on: <03-24-15/1320:53> »
When Marco got the message from Arc.
He texted back:

Dear Arc,
I really enjoyed your company that night.  You seem to be so popular over there star of the party. I am looking forward to seeing you tonight,

(in bad Or'zet):
trogs interested in slotting Arc and drek. Not interested in whipping or hitting... we similar drek you and I.

When the Demoness’ message arrived marco laughed so much, it took him a minute to reply back. He felt so happy so peaceful he even liked her at that particular moment and could totally visualize her anger.

Dear Demoness,

I am sorry if I messed up - I truly tried to please you.
I improvised something with the information I had.
I will do a quick fix - perheaps spin it into a small documentary about their efforts. They'll get their buzz people like
being famous, trust me it is a common fantasy.   I hoped the illusion of some extra fame will smooth things up - if you notice the movie name you’ll see that it could also pass as documentary... That is they'll come as themselfs, maybe we can actually do the documentary and make some cash on the side... I don't know... but let me spin it back for you. 
I also booked them some fancy lunch - I think they'll enjoy it. Some real food for a change, they just got out of hospital - I bet it is a drop in the sea.  I am also curious if anyone completes my selfi with feathers challenge.

We should talk more, I am a bit lost without you.

Sincerely yours,
Idiot Marco.

He continued to his appointment at Debi's and then to buy a suit and get ready to the club.

On his way he sends a little message to Yelena and Arc. He thinks they are just finished at Debi's.

Dear pretty girls!

I miss you already!

Demoness don't like trid star idea, but she still okay with making some buzz around you.
So... enjoy the rest of the day I planned for you - you have a reservation for a fancy lunch. My favoriate place, let me know if you like it. But be careful it is an expensive habit.  They got real Italian food, not soy based  generic drek- actual food with fresh vegtables... I hope you like.

P.S if some of my drinking buds make buzz asking for autographs or giving you flowers or drek just enjoy it.
Treat them nicely, most of them could use some extra pocket money... things are a bit rough for them so I really did not want to cancel them now... besides if I do cancel, I'll have to pay for their drinks next time we go out.


« Last Edit: <03-24-15/1637:46> by gilga »