[IC] Old Jack City- Redemption

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« Reply #90 on: <09-22-14/1254:04> »
Not having heard anything from the two at the meet, Zippy began feeling a little uneasy. They're real far off now...What's going on? He reached down to his leg and clicked the buttons to release the gecko grip on his sawed off, and laid it across his lap. That made him feel a bit better, but he picked up his Comm again and started typing another message.

>Send Message
>> Baba, Fancy Man
  >>> Did you guys get m

He thought better of it and put his comm back down. Nah..Baba's fine and the Fancy Man is too if he's with her.


Two teenage elf girls have come out into the parking lot and out to a small white 3-wheeled car about 20 feet to your left. Both have their hair done quickly in large buns on top of their heads and they're wearing light, multi-layered, somewhat improvised dance clothes with black combat boots untied. After rummaging around in the trunk for a moment, the two of them begin passing something back and forth between them and chatting quietly in English. It only takes about 30-45 seconds before you smell the tell-tale aroma of zen, wafting through the parking lot. It's maybe ten seconds after that when one of them looks over and notices you in the car, watching the fountain. They look a little weirded out, but at least it's obvious you're not a cop, so they continue to smoke the zen, even though the chatting has become far more hushed.

The two girls approaching the car did nothing to help ease Zippy's mind. He grabbed the shotgun and gecko gripped it, ready for trouble just in case. He rolled the window down just a bit to hear better in case they say something important, listening closely to every word he could make out. They were probably just zenheads, but he wasn't going to trust anyone but the group until this night was over.

[size=78%]>> Network Call[/size][/color]
">Zippy, start the car. We need to get some molotovs and get to the Trap House to finish up our recon. Twine and his boys are going to hit the house first to get what they need, and we're gonna light it up shortly after.<"

Oh, thank you. Finally some good news. Zippy ungecko'd the shotgun from his hand and reapplied it to his leg before clicking the lights on. Start the car? Hah. Baba is funny, I like her. Taco's always ready to roll when its important. He smiled, happy to finally be back on the road. He rolled the window back up and pulled Taco around so that the two could slide in quicker.

It wasn't long before Baba and Hornet were back in their seats with the doors closed, and Zippy started making his way out of the parking lot as he spoke. "How'd it go?"
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« Reply #91 on: <09-22-14/1636:41> »
"We got paid, that's how it went." Baba replies, producing the credstick. "Now lets go, we're wasting moonlight."


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« Reply #92 on: <09-24-14/1301:15> »
Athena and her new friend wait until everyone gets into the car and rolls away. She watches for a tail and then heads back to her body. She does a deep inhale when she gets back, getting the feel of her body once again.

She smiles a bit...

I will never get used to that.

She listens for a bit to hear the plan. Her eyes closed she pops an ear bud in.

Quietly, but loud enough to be a shout with anybody using augmentation she voices an opinion that has been bothering her...

I don't want to kill anybody...

She looks around as people take in the statement and quickly clarifies...

I mean...

From what I've heard...


Gathering some courage...

From what I've heard, this is a distribution house and possible a lab. And that's fine. There will be people with guns there. There will be people to stop us. I get that. But not whole neighborhoods. Not people in there bed sleeping. No people dying just because they can't afford a better place to live. Not junkies on the floor. Not people hired to cook just because they need the money. None of that. I want no part of it. That could have easily been me or any of us there. I'm done with killing... having a part in killing... people who have done nothing more than try to live.

She catches her slip up and covers it up best she can. She hasn't told anyone about the killing. The men, the children, whole families. She looks up at Zippy. She's sure he knows. Sometimes when she woke up at night, she thought it was fine and no one heard, but then she would see Zippy at the end of the hall looking at her with that sad face. And she would realize that the nightmares were not quiet.



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« Reply #93 on: <09-24-14/2347:22> »
From what I've heard, this is a distribution house and possible a lab. And that's fine. There will be people with guns there. There will be people to stop us. I get that. But not whole neighborhoods. Not people in there bed sleeping. No people dying just because they can't afford a better place to live. Not junkies on the floor. Not people hired to cook just because they need the money. None of that. I want no part of it. That could have easily been me or any of us there. I'm done with killing... having a part in killing... people who have done nothing more than try to live.

Baba listened to her daughter talk and a part of her wanted to agree with her, wanted to say that everything would be fine, and that innocents didn't have to die tonight. She wanted to reassure her that they'd be able to sleep easy tonight.

But she didn't say anything like that. Her poor, sweet, innocent, naive, stupid little girl. That was not how the world worked. People were going to die tonight and it was going to be their fault.

"How do you think this works? You think we show up, ask nice, and the junkies will walk out in a single file while we burn their dope house down? You think we're gonna walk through fire and bullets to drag out the bodies of people too far gone on drugs to run out of a burning building? Do you think Twine and his boys are gonna be wearing kid gloves when they go in looking for what they need? By all means, let's try not to burn down the whole neighborhood, but what do you expect will happen when we start this fire? Have you ever known a fire to be non-lethal? Do you really think there is a world where we burn this house down and nobody dies tonight?" Baba stops for a moment to try and gather her thoughts, trying to think of how best to say this.

"I hate to break it to you, baby girl, but we ain't the good guys here. We're being paid to burn a house down while there's still people in it. They ain't good people, but they're still people, and none of them did anything to hurt us. But they're going to be in our way, they ain't going to cooperate, and we will not have the luxury of evacuating them. You're right, that could just as easily be us in there. Hell, I've been there. I've been the dumb bitch living in a dope house just trying to get another hit, but I've never been stupid enough to stick around when the house starts to burn down. In their shoes, I'd run. If they're smart, they'll run too. If they're too high to run, at least they'll die happy." She stops again, her hand shaking now. She almost just pulls out a popper of Jazz, but manages to resist that and just rests her head on her forearm while looking out the window.

"People will die tonight, and it's going to be our fault. Even if we do nothing, and just sit in this car until the timer on this job runs out, Twine and his boys will roll through that house and somebody is going to get shot in the process, and that's on us. I'm okay with that. I can live with that. I've been living with worse for a lot longer." She stops again, hesitating before reaching the conclusion she knew she had to when she started talking. "If you can't handle that, you can sit this one out, and we'll do the rest without you."


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« Reply #94 on: <09-25-14/0558:00> »
Quote from: Athena
From what I've heard, this is a distribution house and possible a lab. And that's fine. There will be people with guns there. There will be people to stop us. I get that. But not whole neighborhoods. Not people in there bed sleeping. No people dying just because they can't afford a better place to live. Not junkies on the floor. Not people hired to cook just because they need the money. None of that. I want no part of it. That could have easily been me or any of us there. I'm done with killing... having a part in killing... people who have done nothing more than try to live.
Quote from: Baba
Huh, not quite as hard boiled as her mother yet. That’s good to know. Francis pauses for a moment trying to choose his words carefully as to not undermine what Baba just said, "None of us want to burn some poor ass junkies alive while they’re out cold but your mother is right, we aren't fighting the good fight here. What we can do is minimize the damage without putting ourselves at risk. When we get there I would appreciate if you could scout the house magically, find out how many people are there and where they are located. That way we can set off the fire as far off from where people are as possible. Baba said that you knew some fire magic that could start the fire where we want it, right? I’m thinking that if we start the fire in, let’s say, the attic then we could give those people a chance to get out of the building before launching some firebombs in from the back to fan the flames."
[Time&Date|Place|Area] "Dialogue" "Non-English" >>Matrix/"Commlink" "Astral" <<Text&email>> Internal&"subvocal"


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« Reply #95 on: <09-25-14/0746:07> »
"I hate to break it to you, baby girl, but we ain't the good guys here. We're being paid to burn a house down while there's still people in it. They ain't good people, but they're still people, and none of them did anything to hurt us. But they're going to be in our way, they ain't going to cooperate, and we will not have the luxury of evacuating them. You're right, that could just as easily be us in there. Hell, I've been there. I've been the dumb bitch living in a dope house just trying to get another hit, but I've never been stupid enough to stick around when the house starts to burn down. In their shoes, I'd run. If they're smart, they'll run too. If they're too high to run, at least they'll die happy."
"People will die tonight, and it's going to be our fault. Even if we do nothing, and just sit in this car until the timer on this job runs out, Twine and his boys will roll through that house and somebody is going to get shot in the process, and that's on us. I'm okay with that. I can live with that. I've been living with worse for a lot longer." She stops again, hesitating before reaching the conclusion she knew she had to when she started talking. "If you can't handle that, you can sit this one out, and we'll do the rest without you."

Nobody said anything about their having to be people inside. I don't want to hurt anybody else. No one innocent. And don't give me that drek about nobody is innocent.[color]

Athena puts on her best hard stare. She knew hard. Not the hard of killing people for money. The hard of killing people for fun.

You're right. I could suit this one out. Or I could put a fire spirit there with a command to guard, and you wouldn't even be able to light a cigarette let alone a fire. And knocking me out won't change his orders. You wouldn't even see him when you get there.

Athena mentally prepares herself to give the command, not needing more than a thought to send the spirit out.

I'm not asking you to not hurt anybody. Just apply some precision.
« Last Edit: <09-29-14/1140:56> by Laereth »


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« Reply #96 on: <09-26-14/0050:57> »
Zippy nervously listened to the exchange between the others. He didn't like the interpersonal conflict, but he also wanted to try to avoid unnecessary casualties. "Um..Hey, Baba... I agree with Athena. We should try to limit the casualties if we can safely do so. Would it be ok if I went in early and get a hit? I might be able to stick around then, but I wouldn't take the whole hit. That way I'd be aware when the burning starts. If there's anyone out of their mind I could try to get them out before its too late. Yeah. That might work..."

He hesitated a moment and flipped his visor up as he continued. "If I return to my usual crazy self and leave the helmet behind, I imagine I would fit right in with the trap crowd. I doubt I would need to convince anyone I belong there. I don't like it, but I think it would be for the best." Zippy nodded and took his helmet off. "It might be better if Hornet was with me, but...Er, I mean, I don't want to bother you or anything, Hornet...I'll be fine on my own. Yeah..."
« Last Edit: <09-26-14/2325:53> by Koshnek »
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« Reply #97 on: <09-27-14/1330:47> »
Francis considers Zippy's words for a moment before replying, "As much as I would like to back you up there Zippy I don't think Athena should be alone in the car if she will be going into the astral and Baba will need to be free to act if something actually starts to go down. Other than that I don't think it is a bad idea to have someone on the inside, whether that is you or me is up for discussion. Baba, was the intention to set the fire before you give Twine the heads up? Otherwise we could let them clear out the house and torch it when they finish their business. Just an idea."
[Time&Date|Place|Area] "Dialogue" "Non-English" >>Matrix/"Commlink" "Astral" <<Text&email>> Internal&"subvocal"


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« Reply #98 on: <09-28-14/1728:37> »
The second a spirit was mentioned Baba saw red, rage filling her entire body as every reflex in her body told her to draw her gun right now and put a bullet between Athena's eyes before she could make good on that threat. She was pretty sure she was bluffing about the spirit sticking around after the summoner was down for the count; she had killed enough conjurers in her day to know it didn't work that way.

But she resisted the urge to shoot her daughter where she sat. The rage slowly became replaced by terror, as she realized that athena was walking the same path that killed her father. A thousand words came to her at once and got stuck in the back of her throat, unable to find her voice. Instead, she simply got out of the car and started walking, bag of alcohol and rags still in hand.


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« Reply #99 on: <09-29-14/1145:02> »
Athena watches her mom walk away, confused...

What is this about?

She knew the people she is with shouldn't have a problem clearing out derelicts. Had she gone too far threatening with the spirit? Too late now. She thought about going after Baba but thought better of it.

Maybe I should just sit this one out.

She puts her headphones back on and stares at the window, wishing it didn't show a reflection.


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« Reply #100 on: <09-29-14/1332:16> »
Well fuck, I can’t believe this simple ass job is getting so fubar. Francis notes the set of Baba’s shoulders as she walks away and decides that bugging her about what is up her ass would be a monumentally bad idea right now. Need to keep this ship moving Francis, can’t let this go to shit.

"OK, Baba is getting into position. Athena, will you be going astral for this? Do you need someone to stay with you in the car?"
[Time&Date|Place|Area] "Dialogue" "Non-English" >>Matrix/"Commlink" "Astral" <<Text&email>> Internal&"subvocal"


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« Reply #101 on: <09-30-14/1322:22> »
I'll be fine. I think Taco will bale if things get rough.

Calling up her spirit, she tentatively slips into the Astral Plane and takes a moment to get her bearings and looka round.



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« Reply #102 on: <09-30-14/2242:24> »
Instead, she simply got out of the car and started walking, bag of alcohol and rags still in hand.

Zippy looked quickly around at everyone before looking towards the floorboard and flipping his visor back down. "I..uh, I'll help Baba I guess...She shouldn't go alone. I mean, I know she doesn't need the help, but I'd feel better if someone was there..." He popped Taco's trunk and killed the lights. "You two can stay with Taco if you like. Stick with Athena. If shes out of it you can probably talk yourselves out of any trouble that might show up. If not, you can stall long enough to get us the word." Zippy paused a second and glanced nervously between Taco, Athena and Francis, and the run-down buildings around them. "Let me know if you two don't stay with Taco. He doesn't like being left alone...he gets nervous."

Shotgun or Rifle? I hate this...Rifle. I might have to cover for Athena or Baba.  Zippy grabbed the 950 from where it was resting between the console and passenger seat, got out of the car and slung it to his back. He rummaged about in his pack and pocketed 10 spare rounds for the 950 and 5 flechette shells for the T-250. Baba didn't take any we need it? Is the alcohol enough? I've never burned a house down...I'll leave it. No. It can't hurt to grab the gas. Still unsure of whether he was making the right decision, Zippy grabbed two Jerry cans of gas before shutting the trunk and chasing after Baba.
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« Reply #103 on: <10-01-14/1128:32> »
Now that Baba and Zippy have walked away, Athena makes her way to the building, spirit in tow. She will start at the highest point and make her way down.


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« Reply #104 on: <10-01-14/1717:14> »
Francis sighs as Zippy chases after Baba, Christ this is turning to shit, I’m actually staying in the fucking car so that it won’t feel nervous. That is an actual thing happening in my life now… fuck me.

Keeping an alert watch on the cars surroundings Francis uses the time to  check on his pistols making sure they are both locked and loaded.
[Time&Date|Place|Area] "Dialogue" "Non-English" >>Matrix/"Commlink" "Astral" <<Text&email>> Internal&"subvocal"

