Itīs true that most of these points (the list is far from exhaustive, though) isnīt "Errata" in the strictest sense, i.e. printing errors, missing tables etc. Iīm conflating these with issues (i.e. stuff that somewhat works, but not as intended), bad design (stuff that works as intendend, but the intentions are bad) and clarifications (stuff where you only know the intention if you scour the forums for it). Hence my notion that some of these sings might rather be adressed in a supplement. Note that due to the lack communication with the community (besides Banshee, blessed he shall be) about these choices, we also donīt know what "works as intended" and what is faulty due to editing errors or unforeseen interactions.
The rules for Firing out of Cover and Imaging scopes are a very good example of this. This one is bad design all the way through, top to bottom: It starts with the top-tier decision to use "canīt earn or use Edge on this" as an effect for certain Qualities, Perks and Combat factors in the first place. This alone is highly questionable because
- It undermines the purpose of the Edge System
- It leads to redundancies with other effects...
- ...including the super-important Limit of 2 Edge per Combat round!
- Itīs adding to an increasing pile of "modifier types" that are used instead of the good old dice pool modifiers. By now, we already have: You (or your opponent) gets Edge, You (or your opponent) get Edge for this test only, You (or your opponent) canīt get Edge, You (or your opponent) canīt use Edge, You (or your opponent) canīt get and use Edge, Your Edge uses get cheaper, AR or DR increases and decreases, lots of miscallenous bonuses (Whooohoo! Thanks to the Hydraulic jacks I can jump a whole 20cm higher ), and dice pool Modificators, because these still exis... wait, wasnīt this Edition supposed to be streamlined?
But letīs not dive to deep here. The decision was made, all the appeals were ignored: "Canīt earn or use Edge on this" is now an official Ersatz Modifier. Letīs spread it all over the place, from Drug withdrawal to Imaging Scopes to the Cover mechanic. What could go wrong?
Well, turns out that for both Cover and Scopes this effect is an
especially bad choice.
Cover, itīs mostly due to effect clutter (see above). Instead of just one or two effects, Cover has up to five: Bonus dice to the Defense test, Bonus DR, the need for an additional Minor, the Edge restriction and -2 dice for Cover IV. You can probably argue that this is intended, though.
Scopes, the effect is so unfitting that Iīm honestly not sure if this is still the case here. The weapons that are intended to be used with a Scope all have pretty good AR in the higher ranges, especially if used with a vision magnification (which has a different effect for some reason?). To earn Edge from AR/DR as the defender, you have to be a Cybered Troll or a Steel Lynx.
Or you have to be in close range, because
thatīs where Longarms have bad AR ratings. In other words, Scopes are best when used in Close Combat. Now that makes sense
. My suspicion: The effect was originally designed with a different distribution of AR values in mind, where the AR would always decrease with range and even Sniper Rifles have only a few points in the Extreme Ranges. But then these were changed to their current state, and now the ig effect of the Scope doesnīt fit its RL purpose anymore.
But the
real magic happens when you put both of these rules together: If you are in Cover, you canīt get Edge for shooting. And if you use a Scope while in Cover (I know:
Snipers using cover? What a wild idea
), your opponent canīt get Edge as well, which means that AR/DR is completely disabled. Armor? Range? Recoil? Your shitty APDS Ammo? Doesnīt matter. Even if the individual effects of Cover and Scopes are intended (which I doubt at least for the Scope), this interaction is clearly not. Iīm 99% sure that these were conceived by two different people and they were never properly tested together.
Of course, many of these things donīt
need errata. F.i. with the Ammo types, even if APDS and Flechettes are shit options (and also have unfittingly similar effects, while they should and always have be opposites), you can always do the olī "WeLl No OnEs FoRciNG yOu tO USe tHeM" and call it a day. Likewise, if a critical mass of players donīt understand or have mixed interpretations for a certain part of the rules, you can always claim that itīs "the GMīs call or whatever". But then you shouldnīt be surprised if more and more players turn their backs on the game. Just because itīs not an "errata issue" in the strictest sense, doesnīt mean that it isnīt an issue. And if the Errata already included some substantial improvements (like adding Strength to Melee Weapon AR), why stop there?
As being intimately involved in the "STR adds to AR" errata, I'll speak out and confirm that yes there was a line that was supposed to be added to state that Strength adds to melee weapon ARs. For reasons that I don't know, it failed to show up in the published output.
As for the other very good points Fintersang bought up: rest assured they have not gone undiscussed. All I feel comfortable saying is you've seen in the official errata what came, and didn't come, thus far of those discussions.
Edit: Phew, the dangers of long-ass rant posts
Glad to hear that thereīs still something on the way.