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Whats your favorite Corp for your Johnson, whats your favaorite corp as a target

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For employers, I like to use AA corps rather than AAAs. Telestrian is a personal favorite. So was Spinrad, until they broke into the Big Ten. Aegis Cognito, Maersk, Monobe ... see the "Rising Powers" chapter from SR4 Corporate Guide; I still get a lot of mileage from that.

The Big Ten make more attractive targets. I'm partial to Wuxing, Renraku, and Horizon.

Stainless Steel Devil Rat:
I haven't had a favorite since the time my favorite was Fuchi.

I honestly cannot remember using any of the Big Ten as main targets. Usually it might be just an A or unknown AA rated company that gets burglared or a site that’s abused.
Most of my run arches is about stopping a person or tiny group of individuals from doing something “bad”

I love to use Horizon as the Johnson.  Nothing is more scary than working for the social corp in a hyperconnected society.  Play them as metagaming, based on PC interactions.  Make the players paranoid while setting up Horizon as the most helpful and friendly.

For example, if the street sam has been trying to find a black clinic to upgrade their 'ware, have the Johnson offer to get them into a clinic if they do "a few jobs" for them.  If they need to get close to a target for another Johnson, have the Horizon Johnson call them out of the blue about a little job that happens to help their effort.

The more metagame it appears, the better.  Make the players question how much time they spend connected and if they need to go off the grid altogether.  If they do, have that impact Horizon's ability to offer key details.


--- Quote from: prismite on ---
That being said, my favorite employer is historically Ares.

My favorite villain group until recently is definitely the Azzies.

--- End quote ---

^^  THIS


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