Long Kiss Goodbye (IC)

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« on: <06-20-16/1115:07> »
It had been a good week. The city was decorated for the dozen different holidays that were celebrated by different cultures and ethnicities and Arc, Yelena, Feathers and Raven had been invited to a Howler Bash that evening. Feathers had put in a brief appearance and had been happily swept away by Merlin, Blue and Tiny and citing his recent experiences with the club drugs he'd managed to stay away from most of the alcohol and the Howler women. Raven had sent a keg and a message that she was out of state and had more than one toast in her honor. Arc had invited Subaru, Tuskaloosa, and Marco and had offered to pick everyone up and drive them. Tusks bike wasn't quite finished, but Arr-Arr-Arr had scrounged a few more parts and Hrock had even scored a tailpipe and fairing that were perfect. She and Arc were certain that they'd be able to order the rest of the parts, including a couple of upgrades that had developed since her better half had been built.
« Last Edit: <06-20-16/1630:40> by ismilealot »
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« Reply #1 on: <06-20-16/1358:37> »
Jed thought back over the party at Arc's garage last night as he ate breakfast.  Marco's behavior had been strange.  But it looked like a solid team was headed to Poland.  Hopefully they were a team. 

Pulling up Mike in his AR view, he shot a message off.  Mike, I'm about to be out of pocket, any parties left that I haven't missed already?
« Last Edit: <07-25-16/1050:51> by SmilinIrish »
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« Reply #2 on: <06-20-16/1633:10> »
@ Jed  >>Hey buddy, Joe's got a bash this evening. He and his wife just split and he's celebrating. Just show up, he's already started drinking.<<
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« Reply #3 on: <06-21-16/1842:55> »
Marco was radically transformed during the last few days, formally he was spending all his days studying magic. However, he cut his entire hair and spent all his days praying silently, mumbling, crying and whispering like mad man - a man in great distress and despair.  He only left church at evenings, and then at home kept his poker face.
Something changed about him, the fabrics he wore were simpler and not in line with latest fashion, he stopped working and notified his clients that he was on indefinite vacation. Marco showered less, and brushed his teeth less and spent what was left of his time giving away his possessions to charities. 

Marco allowed all his gang to believe that there was no point in keeping these behind. That it was okay, but he planted some subtle messages that things were very wrong. That he was in great distress. Marco knew, that such a radical decent to despair would raise all the red flags at the Vatican - but he did not care. In fact, he was planning for that.  It was all clear to him, his monitor is the local priest, the one that kept offering him confessions. Normal people just go to confess - without a priest actively offering them.  It was the warning of a good man that works for bad people. Thought Marco.  At least this is how Marco understood the priest's behavior now that he had clarity.
After a several days of odd behavior, and giving away everything he owned.  Marco received a phone call from a person that despite years of training had no last name. A person who formally did not even exist - father Gabriel. How could the priest not report such a radical change in his behavior? A change that seemed genuine as Marco said his goodbyes to everyone that he knew. Donated his entire fortune and gave away his most beloved furniture, music collection and clothes.

- "What is the matter dear? Why are you so sad? I was praying for you"
Marco replied "I am beginning to realize the errors of my ways and my sins are too many and too numerous to count. I have no hope of redemption so ethereal damnation is my fate.

I lost everything, my family, my identity, my soul - I live in exile in a culture that is foreign to me, whose values I do not share. I lost my way and I sin all the time. I cannot stop it, the passion is stronger than me. I work in the most profane of profession, in the oldest profession in the book I am a whore.

I... I...  must  be stopped before I sin again.  Goodbye old friend, you were my only ray of light in the monastery - but you ended up betraying me just like the rest of them. I forgive you for everything, you did the best you can. "

Marco did not let Gabriel say a word, he simply jumped from the building he was standing on. 

He jumped, the long seconds passed on Marco as he was wondering how it felt  to actually die. Blake was a professional, the height and the impact area were carefully calculated to bring Marco close to death without actually killing him. High tech physics at its purest form, it was one of the most believable suicides ever. Should the church dig up, they would discover that Marco participated in a violent run - a run where people lost their life. Given his pacifism they are likely to assume that the poor mage was not ready to take life. He struggled for a while,  but then gave up.


When Marco wakes up he is at a remote medical facility, his wounds are magically healed but the phantom pain of breaking bones is still there. That moment where he stood on a tall building and just allowed himself to fall down without casting a spell to break his fall.  That moment forever changed Marco.
It broke his bones and caused tremendous pain to all his friends.

Marco was unsure how long he was out, his body was still connected to all sort of medical equipment, needles and fluids. His friends and loved one, are likely to receive the bad news. To them Marco was replaced by a black urn of ash mad from Marco's own tissues. To fool forensic exploration, should the Vatican were connected enough to take a sample.  It was a brilliant plan, Blake and the rest of the team were truly professionals.

Marco planned to begin his new life with Nikolai, without a single contact.
 No friends, no family no nothing, at the fringe of society as a 'guest' of a diabolical Bratva that mocks everything that he is. For the first time in his life, Marco felt as a Shadow-runner. He was free - but was it worth the sacrifice?
Part of Marco hoped never to meet Yelena, that the scary lady would find forgiveness and mercy in her heart and would not pursue vengeance. The other part just wanted to see her again.

« Last Edit: <07-01-16/1441:28> by gilga »


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« Reply #4 on: <06-22-16/0006:13> »
[spoiler]@gilga:  With the given week or so jump between DN and now, I will readily admit it feels like the events described in this post are--forgive the pun--quite a leap.  It feels like a lot of assumptions seem to be made along with a lot of unexpected information to react to.  And I admit I'm at a loss on how to respond to it with Arc, particularly under the OP's impression that Marco was still "alive and well" at the time of the Howler's new year bash.

With that in mind, I'm going to go ahead with my intended post and keep things fairly neutral in regards to that event, and let other players and GM response direct me on how to approach it.  Thank you in advance for the understanding[/spoiler]

After the air was cleared with the team proper, Arc felt a wash of relief over her.  Good.  We can pull this off.  That stresser gone, the mechanic kept herself busy as usual with Tuskaloosa in the garage...Yelena occasionally pitching in a hand, and Firefly helping when a particular schematic was proving difficult to find on the 'Trix.  The work went smoothly, and all jobs that weren't internal to the group itself were completed by Christmas.  Even Jed's bike was restored in a matter of a couple days!

In the time leading up to the prior departure date, Arc had busied her personal time between training (not quite as urgent) and spending her time with those she wouldn't be seeing for a while.  Her nieces-in-Vruk were delighted by the gifts Jaime had picked out for them, and they enjoyed a pleasant holiday evening as an eth...a family.  The word echoed in Arc's mind as she realized that she had a family now...two of them...these people at home with the feeling of normalcy, and the crew she acquired that she has and likely will again go on the line to protect.  Never thought I'd be here...

As New Years Eve hit, it was Merlin that contacted Arc with the invites to the Howler Bash.  Waking up, the short human girl yawned, tapping her tusks with a finger as she forced herself awake.  Quickly performing her morning rituals and dealing with the post-sleep nausea, she washed her face and deftly responded.

<<@Merlin:  Hoi, I'll be comin', and bringing some plus ones.  Will be there>>  Glancing off to the side, she gazed upon the go bag she had already packed for herself.  Yelena had stressed that the call to leave could come at any point, so she figured she would need to be ready at any time....and the bag was either with her or in the van.  The conversation with Jaime to let him know a sudden departure was likely...was passionate, and part of her felt a bit guilty for it....but he was as supportive as she could hope for, and each night together was held closer, and each kiss lingering just a bit longer.

Her mind a whirl, she realized that Jaime had to leave for work early that day anyway, leaving her alone with her thoughts wonderings as she bit her lip, dressing herself, eyes roaming to the mirror as she sent out the invites and got going with her day....

Later towards the evening saw Arc seated in the van.  Not all of her intended upgrades were in place yet..but importantly, the seating had been established: each person in the group had their own seat, molded to their dimensions (within tolerance) complete with belts and even roll harnesses should the need arise.  Honking the horn once at each leg, she went to pick everyone up with a lingering smile on her tusked face, and before long, everyone was piled in and heading to the shindig.  The radio was working, playing an old classic as the rig rolled to the curb of the place, the bustle of the party heard from outside as the evening set in...
« Last Edit: <06-22-16/0026:07> by SgtBoomCloud »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #5 on: <06-24-16/0229:32> »
Yelena pauses as she approaches Marco that night.  The evening should have been perfect.  Candles, dinner, mind-blowing sex.  Instead...................................instead it was something else.  The expression on his face is troubling, tugging at her memory.  And then she knew it.  Disgust.................disgust and horror.  Marco is looking at her with disgust and horror.  And a bit of fear.  When he turns his head away to avoid looking at her, she goes cold inside.  Yelena stands still for a minute, then two, then five, willing him to change, to look back at her.  He does not.  Without saying a word, she removes the negligee he had bought her and dresses in her own well-worn clothes.  She takes her cases from the closet and packs her clothes, quite glad that she does not own much.  Her sax and guns are already in their cases. 

Marco has not moved an inch in this time and neither has his expression softened.  No regret.  No sign of love.  Just revulsion and disgust.  Yelena slings her sax case over her shoulder and picks up her suitcase and weapons case and heads for the door from the bedroom.  She stops at the door and without turning around, she quietly says, "Yelena leaving.  Marco can change mind right now.  Once Yelena leave, Yelena leave.  Marco giving up love.  Marco lie Yelena about love.  About everything.  Yelena say goodbye."  When he does not reply in any fashion, Yelena leaves the bedroom and the apartment.  She realizes that she should feel something, but knows that if she allows herself to feel she will probably collapse. 

On the way down to the garage, Yelena comes to the conclusion that for her love is the great betrayer.  She packs her things on her bike and rides away from the apartment building, setting the destination in the autopilot so she does not have to drive.  Arriving at Arc's garage, she finds that Arc has left for the day, as expected, but that Firefly is in, also expected.  Yelena finds the girl on the couch playing some sort of game on the trideo.  She waits for a break in the game and interrupts her.  "Marco not love Yelena.  Send Yelena away.  Love was lies.  Yelena go away for day, maybe two.  Decker mage want come?" 

While she waits for Firefly to process the information and consider her offer, Yelena sends a note to Arc.  >>Srui.  Is Yelena.  Marco break Yelena heart.  Love was lies.  Yelena is thrown from apartment.  May I return garage home?  Yelena go away for day, maybe two.  Maybe take Firefly.  Srui tell rigger man Yelena chop off many small parts and feed to something horrible if he hurt you.<<
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« Reply #6 on: <06-24-16/1055:42> »

I never exactly trusted the elf, but where'd this come from?  Still, Yelena's distress over it was clear, even if her way of showing it wasn't exactly normal for a woman in love.  I'd worked with enough professionals in my short time to recognise this method of processing.

I also know my first inclination, to give the woman a hug, likely wasn't the way to go.

"Sure.  I'll go.  Not like I have anything planned until we go to Europe.  And here I'd started to almost warm to the priest again.  I suppose I shouldn't ignore my instincts like that, should I Yelena-sensei?"
« Last Edit: <06-24-16/1057:28> by Shaman_Yuri »

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« Reply #7 on: <06-24-16/1114:31> »
Yelena shakes her head.  "Is not Marco.  Is Yelena.  Yelena think Marco new mojo skill let see Yelena soul.  PI man see soul and maybe used to such as Yelena, but Marco only suspect.  Yelena thinks he is now able see Yelena.  Marco disgusted by sight.  Not even look Yelena in eye.  Face of horror and disgust.  Yelena....................Yelena...............frag.  Yelena had hope Marco different.  Not different.  Yelena is killer and soul dark with deaths of innocents.  Much innocents.  Now Marco see and not like Yelena.  Marco not love enough forgive Yelena.'

"So Yelena move on.  Love was lies.  Marco love not real, just pretend.  Frag Marco.  Pack light if decker mage come Yelena.  Leave five minutes.  Drive Shadow bar."
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« Reply #8 on: <06-24-16/1122:04> »
"Soul?  He means astral sight?  Seriously?!  That boy needs to grow up.  Yeah, you're dark.  But after all the shit that's happened to you, no wonder."

Maybe it's for the best if that's how he acts when he gets a new power.  I came to my astral sight only a few years ago and I didn't freak out like this even after I got a good look at some of the bastards on my team.  Sheesh...

"I don't have much anyway, Yelena-sensei.  Let  me grab my jumpsuit and other deck and I'll be ready."

I run into the sleeping room to grab my stuff.  I'd taken to lounging around the garage without my abaya.  I'm in sweats right now.  I look at the neatly folded fabric, shake my head, and leave with just my jumpsuit and new deck in a bag.

"I'm ready, sensei."
« Last Edit: <06-24-16/2323:49> by Shaman_Yuri »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #9 on: <06-24-16/1137:13> »
Yelena smiles wanly.  "Yes, Marco need grow up.  Yelena never hide evil inside from him.  But now he sees it and hates it.  Hates Yelena.  Marco love not enough to see past evil.  So Yelena fault for being evil.  Marco just react like most would.  Yelena sent note tell Arc we leaving for day or two.  Can put deck in box on side.  Yelena not need guns or much clothes where going."

Yelena has taken her suitcase and weapons case off the bike and stored her things under one of the work benches so Firefly can put her things in one of the side bins.  She wheels the bike out of the garage and waits for Firefly to climb on behind her before roaring away into the night.
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« Reply #10 on: <06-24-16/2329:30> »
I know enough about Yelena by now to know that "Where're we going?" is';t a good thing to ask.  She wouldn't get angry at me, of course.  It would just "break the mood".  She has somewhere...or mind.  Wherever we're going, it's not the point.  This is about Yelena working through her grief.  I'm honored that she wanted me along for the process.  I think I'll just stay quiet and see where things end up.

I climb onto the bike and settle in comfortable against Yelena's back.  My Mi-Az deck is loaded in the bike's pack and my trusty, reliable Erica is in the protected pocket inside the jumpsuit wearing.  It's wired into me, but I intend to access it sparingly with very limited AR.  This is about Yelena, not tech.  Still, I'll have tech and magic available immediately should the need arise.

"Lead on, MacDuff..."

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #11 on: <06-25-16/0059:19> »
Yelena smiles into the night as she roars away from the garage.  She keeps to the speed limit until she gets to the highway then opens the throttle.  Miles and miles pass by as they move through the darkness.  Yelena likes the feel of Firefly's arms around her, but misses the scent and feel of Marco.  Marco was to have been the one, damn him.  He had convinced Yelena to give love a second chance after the betrayal of the sax man.  Now another betrayal.  He could not even look her in the eyes and tell her.  His love had not even been at least that strong.  All lies.  All fragging lies.

Miles stretched behind them back to Seattle as Yelena kept going.  Then the bike pulls off the road to park on a wide gravel pullout.  Yelena parks and motions for Firefly to dismount then follows her.  Stretching, she walks about then grabs a canteen from the side bin and offers the decker mage a swig before taking one.  She draws her silver cigar case from a pocket and removes one of her cigars, offering one to Firefly.  Smiling, she lights her cigar and gives it a couple of pulls.  "Firefly hear?  The music?  No?  Then Yelena wait with decker mage until hear.  Let soul go.  Open it to shadow.  Is start to new life.  To life with get justice for family.  Shadow help, but Firefly must be strong.  Grab shadow.  Demand shadow.  Shadow protect.  Keep warm.  Expand soul and feel shadow.  Decker mage can do this.  Tell Yelena when hear music."
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« Reply #12 on: <06-25-16/1320:07> »
When Yelena lets go on the open road, I firm my hold on the driver just to be sure I stay where I belong.  I'd ridden as a passenger on a bike before, sure.  But never at this speed.  Singapore just doesn't have the open space for it and my missions outside the city-state had been in cities as well.  Still, I trust Yelena and feel confident that, if I don't fall off, I'll be fine.

With the wind sailing past, I'm also glad I don;t have the abaya.  My hair is under the helmet, but I can just imagine what the fluttering fabric would have been like.  As much as I'm finding myself compromising more and more each day, even Allah understands reality.

Still, when Yelena stops and offers me the canteen, I sniff it cautiously to ensure it isn't alcohol.  That's one line I never intend to cross.  When my nose confirms it to be water, or something equally non-fragrant, I take a deep drink.  The lukewarm liquid feels good going down in the crisp winter night air.  I'm doubly glad I switched into my jumpsuit and jacket for the warmth.
« Last Edit: <07-09-16/1345:13> by Shaman_Yuri »

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« Reply #13 on: <06-26-16/0200:34> »
Yelena leans calmly against the bike and forces the shadow to her, wrapping herself in its warmth as she watches Firefly.  She finishes her first cigar and lights another.  "Is important decker mage.  Is two kinds of shadow.  One common, one much hard to find.  Common shadow is just darkness.  Lack of sun because something in way.  This is shadow for most people.  Some call self shadowrunner and move in darkness.  Stay close to light, but always just a bit away.  This is Firefly.  New shadowrunner.  Much good with running shadows."

Yelena pauses to smoke a bit and let Firefly take in what she has said.  "But is not real shadow.  Real shadow like different world.  Has substance.  Real shadow feeds on fear and strength and life.  And death.  Much life and death.  Most people never know real shadow exist.  Most much content to live in light or in darkness, but not know real shadow.  Decker mage have opportunity not taken by many.  Reach out and seek shadow.  Use strength to grab shadow and make yours.  Shadow respect strength.  Shadow feed on strength.  Then shadow give back what needed.  Yelena hear loud music from shadow bar.  Can see open door and people inside.  Firefly not see until accept by shadow.  Firefly must want badly.  Must show strength and take shadow.  Yelena not good at explain.  Yelena only certain inside.  Hard talk about.  Try get decker mage open inner being to see shadow.  Going to shadow help firefly in search justice.  But not go shadow if not want much badly."

Once again, Yelena stops talking to see if Firefly is understanding any of what she is saying.
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« Reply #14 on: <06-28-16/1222:59> »
@ Marco  A fight breaks out in the shelter across the room from Marco. Two men fighting when one accuses the other of stealing his lighter. In this environment where ones possessions are so few, even the smallest one is precious. The fight awakens Marco in time to see both men thrown out of the shelter for it. Now, they will have to find some other spot to sleep for the night, greed consigning them both to the cold and the dangers of the street once again.
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