
Shadowrun Play => Gamemasters' Lounge => Topic started by: Neongelion on <04-09-14/0826:41>

Title: [5e] Rigging seems like a pain
Post by: Neongelion on <04-09-14/0826:41>
I have yet to start running a game of Shadowrun, but plan on doing so in the near future. None of my players have expressed any interest in drone rigging whatsoever because it seems like there's quite a few things you need to do in terms of bookkeeping. As in, more bookkeeping than you'd expect for an archetype who tends to different kinds of machines. I plan on doing a few things with riggers in terms of NPCs, both unfriendly to the PCs and otherwise.

Before I start attempting to create a master cheat sheet for riggers and what tests they should make, how various things are calculated (like the health of drones) and so on, are there any existing cheat sheets out there to have everything about rigging in one easily digestible format?

The only thing I could find so far is a Rigging guide in the resources section, but neither my computer nor iPad will open it for some reason.
Title: Re: [5e] Rigging seems like a pain
Post by: Michael Chandra on <04-09-14/0851:37>
Right now the Rigging rules are a bit contradictionary and unclear, and drones are squishy due to a lack of modification rules. With some things cleared up or GM-called they play nice, though still squishy. Not sure what kinds of bookkeeping you mean, though.

There are cheatsheets, but I don't know where I got them from. Maybe check Shadowrun Universe, a few topics there had some. Unfortunately my USB drive formatted itself, so I don't have them at hand anymore.
Title: Re: [5e] Rigging seems like a pain
Post by: Neongelion on <04-09-14/1021:16>
Right now the Rigging rules are a bit contradictionary and unclear, and drones are squishy due to a lack of modification rules. With some things cleared up or GM-called they play nice, though still squishy. Not sure what kinds of bookkeeping you mean, though.

There are cheatsheets, but I don't know where I got them from. Maybe check Shadowrun Universe, a few topics there had some. Unfortunately my USB drive formatted itself, so I don't have them at hand anymore.

Keeping track of what skills/autosofts to use for what action (and figuring out what tests to use whether the drone is remote-controlled, operates on its pilot brain, or has a rigger jumped in)Ammunition tracking for all drones that have weapons. Figuring out the interactions of drones and hackers. That kinda bookkeeping.
Title: Re: [5e] Rigging seems like a pain
Post by: Michael Chandra on <04-09-14/1113:26>
Checked over at SRU and there's a recent topic, which unfortunately fell victim to a Gunnery debate. However, if you leave that debate aside, I think the table and the first post I made there combined are all you need.