Crossfire Mission Contest Submissions

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« Reply #15 on: <11-29-14/0802:00> »
Okay then, here's my submission. Something along the lines of Ocean's Eleven, or possibly more like Farscape's "Liars, Guns and Money". A team of specialists, each with their own specific part to play on the job. Feel free to rename the "Infiltration" and "Extraction" scenes to "Nothing can possibly go wrong" and "Everything has gone wrong" as appropriate to your own experience of the mission.

The general setup is that the Decker needs to take down system security before higher grade ICE can be activated, the Mage is looking to keep astral security occupied, and prevent anything nastier from being summoned, the Samurai wants to tackle the guards, before they can call for Lone Star backup, and the Face is there to take care of physical security systems and handle any staff on the premises.

Just finished a bunch of playtesting, and a last minute addition of the heals, since it was getting a bit too punishing in most games where the runners were unlucky enough not to get more than one Doc Wagon Contract or Covering Fire. The last 6 games with the heals included had more of a 50/50 success rate, but I may add an option to reduce their frequency for extra Karma if the game starts to get too easy for high-Karma runners. The decks I tried to build around a theme whilst still keeping them more or less balanced with each other. The Crossfire deck leans more towards things which would restrict the players' abilities to help each other, reflecting each of them focusing on a specific task, and has had anything which spawns extra  obstacles removed, as this would disrupt the flow of this mission, especially as it does not use single regular Hard and Normal Obstacle decks.
Karma rewards I considered tweaking to add extra rewards if things did go south but the team successfully made it out, but it was difficult to work out a way to balance it against the fact it would incentivise strategic failure of the first phase in order to up the karma rewards of a more difficult second phase. Instead players wanting something along these lines can take the "Less Time Than We Thought!" challenge.



In and out. Everyone tackles a different aspect of the security, we get what we came for and extract before they even know to call in anything heavier. Simple job, just so long as everyone pulls off their part. Of course, one of you messes up? You mess it up for everyone.

Difficulty:  Normal (No upgrades needed)   
Players: 2-4


Create the Crossfire deck by shuffling cards 2, 3, 4, 8, 11, 12, 14, 15, 19, 32, 33, 34, 39, 41, 42, 46, 47, 50.
Set aside the following 2 Hard obstacles according to role: Decker - 51, 59. Face – 48, 52.  Mage – 44, 63.  Samurai – 50, 57.
Create Normal Obstacle decks for each runner by shuffling the following according to role : Decker – 6, 10, 17, 21, 39. Face -7, 20, 33, 36, 40. Mage – 5, 9, 24, 28, 35. Samurai – 19, 22, 23, 32, 34.


If playing with a lower number of players, simply remove the normal and hard obstacles for each secondary role from the game (Unless if using the “Last Minute Substitution” bonus challenge, in which case remove the obstacle cards from that player's primary role instead)


The team need to nullify each of their respective fields of the security before the alert can be raised and security stepped up. The team will face two waves of obstacles getting in, and two waves of obstacles extracting from the run. Their performance during the infiltration phase will determine the difficulty of the extraction.


Flip obstacles as instructed by the mission progress track. In phase 1, flipped obstacles start facing the runner matching their role, though this can be affected by cards played by runners, or by abilities. In phase 2, the first flipped obstacle starts facing the runner of their matching role, and following obstacles  are distributed clockwise.


Play progresses according to the mission progress track. If all obstacles are defeated before a round ends, the current Crossfire card is placed on the bottom of the Crossfire deck and each player clockwise may buy one card from the black market. After this, play continues  with the next runner's turn. Any heals due on the next round are applied now as the runners take a moment to recover, and obstacles for the next round are flipped immediately, but no new Crossfire card is drawn until the beginning of the first runner's  next turn.
Once Scene one ends, with the end of round four, Scene two begins with the creation of the Hard Obstacle deck based on which runners' objectives were not met in Scene one.


You know your jobs. Get them done. We're on the clock. Synchronise on my mark...

Round 1 –    Draw no Crossfire card. Flip one obstacle from each runner's deck, facing that runner.
Round 2 -     Draw a Crossfire card.
Round 3 –    All runners heal 1 HP. Draw a Crossfire card. Flip one obstacle from each runner's deck, facing that runner.
Round 4 -    Draw a Crossfire card.


Time to pull out, we got what we came for. Everyone did their jobs right, this should be a piece of cake...

Round 5 –    All runners heal 1 HP. Draw a Crossfire card. Shuffle all remaining Normal Obstacle decks into a single Normal Obstacle deck. Shuffle the Hard Obstacles matching each role who still has matching obstacles in play into a Hard Obstacle deck. Flip 4 new obstacles, beginning with Hard Obstacles, and continuing instead with Normal Obstacles if the hard deck is exhausted.
Round 6 –    Draw a Crossfire card.
Round 7 -    All Runners heal 1 HP. Draw a Crossfire card. Flip 4 new obstacles, beginning with Hard Obstacles, and continuing with Normal Obstacles if the hard deck is exhausted.
Subsequent Rounds –    Continue to draw Crossfire cards at the beginning of each round until all remaining obstacles are cleared.


The team succeeds if they successfully extract. The mission can also end in an Abort as per the normal Crossfire rules.


If the team succeeds in clearing the extraction, each runner gains 3 Karma.
If they Abort during the extraction, each runner gains 1 Karma. No Karma is gained for an aborted run during the first Scene.
The following optional bonus challenges are also available.

LAST MINUTE SUBSTITUTION! If there are less than 4 players, replace a player's Hard and Normal Obstacle decks with those corresponding to the role whose initial deck they are not using. +1 Karma.
THIS ISN'T HOW IT WAS SUPPOSED TO GO DOWN! Start the game with an unresolved Crossfire card in the discard. Flip the first Crossfire card at the beginning of round 1, not round 2. +2 Karma
LESS TIME THAN WE THOUGHT! When phase 2 begins, shuffle the hard obstacle deck for the last runner who cleared their obstacles in phase 1 into the hard obstacle deck. +1 Karma


Each runner receives the following penalties to Karma based upon their current total Karma.

0–10                                    Full
11-30                                    -1
31-50                                    -2
51-75                                    -3
Each additional +25      Additional -1
« Last Edit: <11-29-14/0807:49> by Dancer »


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« Reply #16 on: <11-30-14/0512:07> »
The goal of this mission was to create something that has a bit more of an open-ended goal. The team can earn more karma the longer they can hold out, and the more they accomplish, but while they are sitting pretty inside getting the pay-data, security is coming in and setting up to take them out. The longer you take, the worse it gets. But, you can always choose to cut your losses and get out with what you have. So sometimes it can be to your advantage to cut out early.

Data Grab


Get in, get the data, get out.
Simple, right? What could go wrong?

Difficulty:  Advanced (at least 10-15 points per runner in upgrades recommended)
Players: 3-4


Remove the following obstacles from the Normal and Hard obstacle decks: 21, 25, 30, 39, 45, 51, 59, 69, 77, and 78. Combine these removed cards together to create the Host deck. (Note, the Host deck is comprised of a combination of Normal and Hard obstacles. The decker has a certain amount of foresight into what is going to be encountered in the Host as it approaches. See “The Host” below)


First, the team must get past the initial security to get to the host terminal. Once there, the decker must try to recover as much pay-data as possible. But even while the hacker deals with the host, security will continue to come at the runners with increasing force. The goal is to get as much of the data as possible before the security gets too heavy for the team so that everyone can still get out safely.


Use the normal crossfire rules. Each scene flips obstacles differently, both in number of total obstacles and the number of Hard Obstacles, as indicated by the chart below. When flipping obstacles, first flip obstacles from the Hard Obstacle deck as indicated by the chart. Then if you still need more obstacles, flip obstacles from the Normal Obstacle deck for the remainder. At the beginning of each scene, place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose role color matches the obstacle’s color. Distribute the rest clockwise. For the obstacles being distributed each round during Scene 2, place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner to the left of decker. Distribute the rest clockwise. In addition, should Scene 2 start at the same time as a new round is beginning,do not distribute the obstacles for the new round, only those for the start of scene.

Scene                         Total Obstacles                               Hard Obstacles

1                                 Number of runners                             Crossfire level

2 (Start)                      Number of runners                             Crossfire level

2 (Each round)            Crossfire level                           Crossfire level - Number of runners
                              (Max = number of runners)

3                                  Crossfire level                                  Number of runners
                              (Max = 2 x number of runners)


If there are only 3 runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first round.


During Scene 1, at the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, each runner heals 1 HP and the starting runner removes the Crossfire event from play (it goes to the bottom of the Crossfire deck instead of the discard). Then starting with the runner to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play continues in the next Scene with the runner who had the first choice to buy a card. At this point, the Host deck should be shuffled, the decker has some insight into the difficulty of the upcoming obstacles, but not until he jacks in.

In Scene 2, the data grab on the host has started. During each End Step on the decker’s turn, the decker flips an obstacle from the Host deck if he is not already facing an obstacle from the Host deck. Obstacles from the Host deck are treated normally with the following exceptions. Obstacles from the Host deck always face the decker, and may not be moved away from the decker except as the result of effects from Hacking cards or cards played from the effects of Hacking cards (such as Pair Programing or Hack the World). Obstacles from the Host deck that are defeated should be set aside, representing the valuable pay data the decker has collected. Each time an obstacle from the Host deck is defeated, the decker can choose to jack out and end the data grab. Starting with the decker, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play continues in Scene 3 with the runner to the left of the runner that defeated the last Host card.


During Scene 3, at the end of any round, if the number of obstacles is less than the number of runners the team has managed to get a hole through the security’s defenses. The team gets out with the pay data and wins the mission.


If the team wins, each runner earns 1 Karma plus an amount of Karma equal to the total Attack Strength of the obstacles retrieved from the Host. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner earns 1 Karma plus an amount of Karma equal to half (round down) the total Attack Strength from the Host obstacles. The team can also choose the following bonus challenge options:

BLACK IC The Attack Strength of each obstacle from the Host deck is increased by 1: The increased Attack Strength increased Karma as well

HYPERACTIVE HOST The decker flips the next obstacle from the Host deck at the Start of his turn, instead of the end: +2 Karma

HIGH-THREAT RESPONSE Start the game with one card in the Crossfire discard: +2 Karma (in the same game, the team can choose this option up to once for each runner)

HEAVY SECURITY Flip up one additional obstacle at the start of each Scene: +1 Karma


Each runner receives the following penalties to Karma based upon their current total Karma.

0–25                                    Full
26-50                                    -1
51-75                                    -2
Each additional +25      Additional -1
« Last Edit: <12-01-14/0214:16> by Kiirnodel »


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« Reply #17 on: <11-30-14/2328:01> »
Cache Out!

You’ve got inside information on a “barely guarded” cache of Aztechnology’s finest illegal tech and magic. Just take out the guards before the alarm is tripped - Drek! New plan: grab everything that’s not nailed down and shoot your way out before too many reinforcements show up.

Difficulty: Normal (No upgrades needed)   
Runners: 2 - 4

Divide the Black Market deck into two decks: the first deck should contain all cards that cost 2 or 3 Nuyen. The second deck contains all cards that cost 4 or more Nuyen, and is not used until the end of the first scene.
   Deal out the Black Market from the first deck only. Each runner may select one card from the Black Market and add it to their hand.
    Reveal 4 Hard Obstacles. In order, each runner selects a Hard Obstacle to flip in front of that runner, as well as a card from the Black Market to place under that obstacle. When that obstacle is defeated, add that Black Market card to any runner’s hand.
    Next, draw a Crossfire card and place it face up in play. Follow the normal rules for Crossfire cards. Reinforcements arrive at the start of each round, after the “Draw a new crossfire card” step: flip a Normal Obstacle in front of the runner whose role color matches the obstacle’s color.

The team must survive through two scenes. Each scene ends when you have defeated all obstacles facing runners. In the first scene, you face a constant stream of reinforcements while you attempt to open the vault. In the second scene, you use the vault’s contents to clear a path to freedom.

Catch Your Breath
When there are no obstacles in play, finish the current turn. Then remove the current Crossfire event from play (put it on the bottom of the Crossfire deck), and each runner heals 1 HP. Distribute 12 Nuyen evenly to the runners. Remove the Black Market entirely and build a new Black Market using the second deck of cards valued 4 or more Nuyen. Finally, each runner may buy 1 card from the Black Market.

All the Guns and Glory
Reveal 4 Hard Obstacles and 4 Normal Obstacles. In order, each runner selects a Hard Obstacle and a Normal Obstacle to flip in front of that runner, as well as a card from the Black Market to place under the Hard obstacle. When the Hard obstacle is defeated, add that Black Market card to any runner’s hand.
    Crossfire events and Reinforcements are added each round, exactly as in the first scene.
Playing with Fewer than Four Runners:
If there are fewer than four runners, some of the runners will take more than one role. In a 3-player game, one of the runners will take two roles. In a 2-player game, both runners will take two roles. If you have more than one role, choose a starting deck for one of those roles. If you take more than one role, increase your starting nuyen by 1.

If there are only 3 runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first round. If there are only 2 runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first or second rounds.

After all obstacles are defeated in the second scene, the team wins the Mission!

If the team wins, each runner gets 3 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner gets 1 Karma regardless of any bonuses or penalties. The team can also choose the following bonus challenge options:

Empty Vaults: The runners do not start with a free Black Market card during Setup: +1 Karma
Earlier Alarm: Start the game with one card in the Crossfire discard: +2 Karma


0–10                                  FULL KARMA AWARD
11–25                                 -1 KARMA PENALTY
26–40                                 -2 KARMA PENALTY
Each Additional +20             ADDITIONAL -1 KARMA PENALTY


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« Reply #18 on: <12-30-14/1922:54> »
Cache Out!

You’ve got inside information on a “barely guarded” cache of Aztechnology’s finest illegal tech and magic. Just take out the guards before the alarm is tripped - Drek! New plan: grab everything that’s not nailed down and shoot your way out before too many reinforcements show up.

Difficulty: Normal (No upgrades needed)   
Runners: 2 - 4


    Reveal 4 Hard Obstacles. In order, each runner selects a Hard Obstacle to flip in front of that runner, as well as a card from the Black Market to place under that obstacle. When that obstacle is defeated, add that Black Market card to any runner’s hand.

Just had a quick question. When you are playing with 2 runners, you still reveal (face off) 4 hard obstacles in the first scene? Sounds really brutal for normal difficulty. Or do you decrease -1 hard obstacle for each missing runner? Thanks


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« Reply #19 on: <01-02-15/0319:12> »
Intent is they look at the 4 obstacles and select only one each. It's actually a pretty powerful "scouting" mechanic for smaller groups (which helps make up a bit for the difficulty of Hard obstacles off the bat with only a couple runners). It's probably appropriate to add a line about discarding any obstacles not selected to both scenes.