[Resource] 5e Lofwyr and Hestaby

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« on: <01-18-18/1416:42> »
I was bored, so I decided to try my hand at updating the Great Dragons from Street Legends for use in 5e.  I figured I would share it in case anyone wanted to use them.

Explanation of Thought Process:
Body:  Dragons in 5e have 20-25% more body than in 4e.  I went with 25%, but rounded down the result.
Natural Attack AP: 5e dragons have 2x AP in comparison to 4e.
Initiative:  These dragons' initiative in 4e did not fit the reaction + intuition formula for some reason, so I fixed that.  I gave them +5D6 since they would average ~15 hits on a 4e initiative test using their original values.
Language:  I thought that giving a great dragon english or german as a native language was stupid; they didn't grow up with it.  So I changed it to 12.  This does potentially limit some of Lofwyr's social skills, but I figured he could always use dragonspeech or a translate spell if necessary.
Movement:  In 4e, great dragons moved 1.5x faster than normal dragons. So I increased both the multipliers and sprint increase by 50% and rounded the result up.
Skills:  I disliked how the conversion guide did skills, so I decided to simplify the skill conversion.  New skill rank = (Old skill rank - 1) * 2.   So 1->1, 2->2, 3->4, 4->6, 5->8, 6->10, 7->12, etc. 
Dodge skill is supposed to be changed to gymnastics, but I just removed it since it is no longer necessary for combat. 
I changed Enchanting to Enchanting skill group.
Spells:  Some spells have not made the jump from 4e to 5e yet.  I left them in anyway.



Attributes: B:36 A:13 R:17 S:53 C:20 I:20 L:19 W:30 M:36 Edge:6 Ess:12 Init:37+5D6

Condition Monitor Boxes (P/S): 26/23
Armor (B/I): 36/30 (Hardened)
Natural Weapon (Bite/Claws): 55P / AP -8
Elemental Attack: 72P / AP -36
Movement: x3/x6/+6 (x5/x11/+8 flight)
Reach: +2

Limits:  Physical: 53 Mental: 30 Social: 28  Astral: 30

Skills: Arcana 18, Assensing 18, Astral Combat 10, Conjuring skill group 18, Counterspelling (Combat spells) 30(+2), Enchanting skill group 10, Exotic Ranged Weapon 14, Flight 14, Influence skill group 10, Intimidation 10, Perception 16, Ritual Spellcasting (Combat spells) 32 (+2), Spellcasting (Manipulation spells) 30 (+2), Unarmed Combat 12

Powers: Animal Control, Dragonspeech, Dual Natured, Elemental Attack (fire), Enhanced Senses (Enhanced Smell, Low-Light Vision, Wide-Band Hearing), Fear, Hardened Armor, Metahuman Form, Mystic Armor, Natural Weapon, Noxious Breath, Sapience, Thermographic Vision, Twist Fate, Venom

Qualities: Home Ground (Mt. Shasta), Magician, Quick Healer

Knowledge skills: Draconic History 6, Dragon Society 10, Dragon Etiquette 8, Eco Groups 8, Image Crafting 10, Media 10, Metahuman Architecture 8, Metahuman Culture 8, Metahuman Customs 8, Metahuman Laws 12, Metahuman Magic Groups 8, Public Relations 12, Public Speaking 10, Reagents 12, Tír Tairngire Politics 10, English 12, Gaelic 6, Japanese 6, Mandarin 4, Spanish 4, Speriethiel 10

Initiate Level: 30+

Metamagics: Absorption, anchoring, cleansing, extended masking, filtering, flexible signature flux, geomancy, great ritual, invoking, masking, psychometry, quickening, sensing, shielding, reflecting

Spells: Alter Memory, Analyze Magic, Analyze Truth, Armor, Aspected Mana Static, Ball Lightning, Camouflage, Chaotic World, Clean Air, Clean Earth, Clean Water, Control Pack, Control Thoughts, Death Touch, Demolish Durasteel, Demolish Plascrete, Detect Dragons, Detect Elves, Detect Enemies (Extended), Detect Individual, Earth Aura, Earth Wall, Fireball, Flamethrower, Hawkeye, Hibernate, Improved Invisibility, Influence, Lightning Bolt, Mana Barrier, Manabolt, Manaball, Mass Sight Removal, Physical Barrier, Powerbolt, Powerball, Shape Durasteel, Shape Glass, Shape Plastacrete, Shattershield, Spirit Barrier, Translate, Water Aura, Water Wall, Wreck Durasteel

Spirits: 1 x Force 20 great form spirit of beasts (manifest as a wyvern), 5 x Force 15 plant spirits, 4 x Force 10 spirits of air, 5 x Force 15 spirits of earth, 5 x Force 15 spirits of water



Attributes: B:40 A:15 R:13 S:57 C:23 I:22 L:24 W:24 M:27 Edge:6 Ess:12 Init:35+5D6

Condition Monitor Boxes (P/S): 28/20
Armor (B/I): 40/24 (Hardened)
Natural Weapon (Bite/Claws): 59P / AP -12
Elemental Attack: 54P / AP -27
Movement: x3/x6/+6 (x5/x11/+8 flight)
Reach: +2

Limits:  Physical: 56 Mental: 32 Social: 28  Astral: 32

Skills: Arcana (Combat Spell Design) 10 (+2), Assensing 16,  Astral Combat 10, Con (Fast Talk) 12 (+2), Conjuring skill group 14, Enchanting skill group 10, Etiquette 10, Exotic Ranged Weapon 12, Flight 10, Instruction 8, Intimidation 10, Leadership (Persuasion) 16 (+2), Negotiation (Sense Motive) 16 (+2), Perception 16, Sorcery skill group 22, Unarmed Combat 12

Powers: Compulsion, Dragonspeech, Dual Natured, Elemental Attack (fire), Enhanced Senses (Enhanced Smell, Low-Light Vision, Wide-Band Hearing), Fear, Hardened Armor, Influence, Metahuman Form, Mystic Armor, Sapience, Thermographic Vision, Twist Fate, Natural Weapon, Venom

Qualities: Magician, Quick Healer

Knowledge Skills: Ares 10, Aztechnology 8, Evo 6, Horizon 8, Mitsuhama 6, NeoNET 10, Renraku 6, Shiawase 6, Wuxing 6, Dragon Society 10, Draconic History 14, Tír Tairngire Politics 8, Corporate Politics (Corporate Court) 10 (+2), Dragon Etiquette 10, Metahuman Psychology 8, Metahuman History 4, Public Speaking 10, Public Relations 10, Arabic 8, Chinese 10, Danish 6, English 10, French 8, German 12, Italian 8, Japanese 10, Russian 8, Spanish 8

Initiate Level: 25+

Metamagics: Absorption, anchoring, cleansing, divining, extended masking, filtering, flexible signature, flux, geomancy, invoking, masking, quickening, shielding, reflecting

Spells: Analyze Truth, Armor, Ball Lightning, Blast, Clairvoyance, Combat Sense, Compel Truth, Confusion, Death Touch, Decontamination, Demolish Guns, Demolish Missiles, Detect Elves, Detect Enemies (Extended), Disrupt Weapon Focus, Fireball, Fire Wall, Firewater Aura, Flamethrower, Foreboding, Heal, Hibernate, Influence, Improved Invisibility, Lightning Bolt, Napalm Wall, Mana Barrier, Manabolt, Mind Probe, Mob Mind, Mob Mood, Offensive Mana Barrier, Petrify, Physical Barrier, Powerbolt, Slay Elf, Slay Human, Slay Ork, Slay Troll, Spirit Zapper, Thought Recognition, Translate

Spirits: 1 x Force 15 great form spirit of fire, 4 x Force 12 guardian spirits (manifested as drakes), 5 x Force 10 spirits of air, 5 x Force 10 spirits of earth, 5 x Force 10 task spirits


Things to note: 
5e caused huge increases in hardened armor, natural weapon damage, and elemental attack damage / armor piercing.  The natural weapon/elemental attack seem way too high in comparison to the dragon's body/armor.  The hardened mystic armor makes direct combat spells even more useless than normal, which is saying alot.

Why don't the dragons have the centering metamagic?  It seems to be one of the first things everyone else grabs.
Why don't the dragons have quickened/anchored spells?  Street Legends is strange in that only the "special snowflake" elves (and Damien Knight) seem to have them, even if the mage/shaman had quickening/anchoring metamagic.

Increase Attribute spell will increase that attribute up to the target's augmented maximum.  What's the augmented maximum attributes for a great dragon?! 

Something odd:
I noticed that in 3rd Edition, Great Dragons could have a karma pool of 50+, but when things were changed to 4th Edition and edge, it became the same as everyone else.  Not sure why.  It should probably be significantly higher.

If I missed or messed anything up, please tell me and I'll fix it.
« Last Edit: <01-18-18/1419:05> by Fredo »


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« Reply #1 on: <01-19-18/1411:38> »
Why don't the dragons have the centering metamagic?  It seems to be one of the first things everyone else grabs.
Why don't the dragons have quickened/anchored spells?  Street Legends is strange in that only the "special snowflake" elves (and Damien Knight) seem to have them, even if the mage/shaman had quickening/anchoring metamagic.

No centering is probably a matter of choice. With such high attributes both great dragons presented have even with the worst attribute combo have drain resist pools in the high 40s. ~16+ hits on drain resist should suffice for most things. Force 16 give or take drain code is plenty of oomph for a negligible effort effect. I wouldn't see the use for such learning if i was a dragon.

Again if you have huge dice pools you dont really notice sustaining a decent chunk of spells in the normal fashion. As presented Hestaby has a lowest DP of 25(unarmed combat), Lofwyr 27(unarmed combat). Even on there worst DP thats plenty of room to hold some spells and still bop most opponents into paste with ease.

The "snowflakes" are generally confined to much more mortal levels of Attributes so these particular tricks still have value to them.