OOC: Urban Brawl

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« Reply #540 on: <04-26-11/1120:43> »
Ok so you guys need to decide the pickup location and time that you told the Johnson...cuz originally it was 22.00 the next day.  You can go do whatever you want until the meet.  Just let me know when each of you is ready to move to the UB4 scenario.

I'm not quite sure what you meant from your last OOC post, but the Tradition does restrict what kind of spirits you can summon.  You can't summon any spirits outside of the ones your tradition believes in.....i.e. one type for each different branch of magic.  So the type of spirits on your character sheet are the only ones you can summon.  I'm pretty sure you know that already though, but I think that's what Sichr meant without having looked at your character sheet.


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« Reply #541 on: <04-26-11/1127:38> »
Hm, no books at hand, thought math SPU was for all EW tests... not that it mattered for that roll, I beat the threshold anyway.

Inca: so, let me get this straight: The guy has got a smart jammer on the table with which he is blocking his own signal? And there are no other signals in the air? Okay.

Also, just a side remark... (Don't mean to criticize, just wondering about character motivation.)
2500 nuyen for a job where he'll become a target of an unknown number of hostiles who could be laying an ambush? (And 5k insurance on a car worth 10 times as much...) Is that because our employer knows 2 of the 4 'runners are living on the streets and 1 of 'em is new in town and needs to (re-)build a career? Risking life and livelihood (if he loses the car any chance of getting a career is over) for two and a half k...
I'll bite 'cuz I want to play, but that's a pretty shabby risk vs. reward ratio.

Edit: order to the crawler is basically to activate its covert ops program and then observe who's following/observing Dustin. I figure with covert ops and clearsight, it can understand that order; if not Wagner will do it himself in AR.
« Last Edit: <04-26-11/1210:03> by Xzylvador »


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« Reply #542 on: <04-26-11/1216:47> »
Well, i just posted a table of contents on the first post in the OOC thread so that people kind of know where the UB scenarios are divided.  That's been the typical amount so far that the guys have been getting.  I mean, no one wanted to negotiate with him money-wise, but it wouldn't have likely changed things too much. 

I've talked about this before but you should consider that Wagner has 300Ą in his pocket and he's got a low lifestyle that costs him 2000Ą a month.  If this run isn't a by-the-book standard shadowrun, then i don't know what is.  I mean, I would say that almost every single shadowrun a runner goes on is going to have approximately the same level of threat that you guys are feeling right now....would you agree on this?  Ok, so that being said, the assumption is that this is your line of work, so you pay the bills with these types of job on a regular if these types of jobs paid much more than i'm giving out, why would you still be living a low lifestyle with 300Ą in your pocket?  You also have a more resource needy character....Stryker the spellweaver has a more Karma needy character....just goes with the territory.

At the end of the day it just boils down to play styles....and I like a grittier more street level play style than a high-rise condominium james bond style play.  It also just makes more sense to me that beginning shadowrunners really do the work they do because unless they have the negative quality SINner, then they're these SINless rejects who by and large come from very poor backgrounds because in the Sixth World poor=SINless.  Sure some guy could have had his identity hacked and that's how he became SINless, but by and large the background story of a shadowrunner is one of poverty.  People who have a lot to lose just don't throw themselves in front of bullets IRL....that's why you saw people in Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, now Syria just rushing armed guards and getting shot at but overpowering them in numbers......whereas when we had protests here in Madison WI, people let it all out and it was a beautiful moment in U.S. history, but it was peaceful (perhaps regrettably so) because so many people involved just had too much to lose from escalating it to violence. 

My take on things is that shadowrunners by and large aren't motivated by some moral code like super-heroes, or even some sense of adventure like in D&'s pretty much about the bottom line and also an anarchistic sense of keeping your freedom from the corporate feudal state.  So this means they gotta be hurting for money to actually put themselves through the shit they do.  So a rating 10 smart jammer worth 5000Ą should really be like that shiny toy in that shop-window and it's gonna take a few jobs to get it, but then you also gotta pay your there's some choices you gotta make...and it's those choice which produce the fun factor.  So i feel your motivation should be that if you don't do the job, you're gonna be homeless or at least get worked over by whoever you owe...cuz i'll totally make that happen, believe me....and then you're already even more in the hole with your negative quality....shit doesn't look too good for you actually...but what other choice do you got? 

So essentially it's kind of gonna be about what motivates you more, and since i'm the GM, maybe i'm kind of imposing my tastes on you, but that's the nature of rpg's.  If making your character's gear even more leet motivates you, then that's gonna take a while and you may not feel motivated.  But if you gain most of your satisfaction from having really paid sweat and blood for every little nuyen, then you'll feel quite motivated. 

And I just hope to god you don't have the nuyen anytime soon to max out the armor of all your drones and vehicles....that just makes my life hell!
« Last Edit: <04-26-11/1225:52> by inca1980 »


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« Reply #543 on: <04-26-11/1230:12> »
Oh, and on the note about the Johnson's comm.....i mean, I base jamming on what it says pg. 231 SR4A about jamming a signal.  It says devices which are jammed "lose wireless connectivity".....that to me basically means that no longer really have a signal rating....hence you can't interact with them wirelessly...hence they no longer have a node you could detect wirelessly.  I admit though, they aren't too clear on some of the details of how jamming works.  The Johnson turned on the jammer and just wanted to kill EVERYTHING in the room cuz some observer could even have hacked his comm and be listening in. 


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« Reply #544 on: <04-26-11/1255:38> »
Him using a smart jammer instead of a normal one, I figured there must be some channels left open. Either he knew about this and was keeping it open for himself, or he didn't know about it being a smart jammer and felt safe while actually someone could still easily monitor everything on his comm. Of course it's possible to jam everything with a smart jammer, which apparently he did. That's ok, means at least we weren't being spied on electronically.

As for the pay, it's all your choise and I like the grittier feeling. Just saying that it's kind of weird; why risk your life in the shadows just to maintain a low lifestyle when you could manage an average lifestyle working 40 hours a week. Of course, wanted criminals and such have little choice and some run shadows because of some weird ideology; but most people who choose to turn to crime do so because, well, "crime pays". It's riskier, but if you're good at it you should be able to live above the average wageslave lifestyle...
*shrug* not going to push this, I must've missed that discussion earlier (unless you're talking about that "chopping up streetsams and selling them for parts"... but that's not shadowrunning) and you don't need to redo it for me, you're the GM :)


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« Reply #545 on: <04-26-11/1305:24> »
I cannot talk for this setting, but being the shadowrunner is quite  special way of being criminal. If you want that Crime that pays, you may work for some syndicate...So I think Yes, being the runner is wery much affected by ideology and goals character follows, not just greed.


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« Reply #546 on: <04-26-11/1328:54> »
I know tht i do care too much about tactics right now, but I still remember that lack of coordination leads ty my "near death" experience last time...and Im just trying to stay away from something like that :)


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« Reply #547 on: <04-26-11/1335:27> »
But the point is that if you are SINless, then you are a complete second class citizen, where would you get this supposed 40 hour a week job?  You can't get a job, you can't really do anything.  It's like saying, why do illegal immigrants in the U.S. choose to clean toilets?  It's because they have to get whatever jobs they can that don't check your paperwork too thoroughly....and the employers of jobs people usually don't want to do are the ones who will tend to be most lax in checking.  Sure you could get a rating 6 fake SIN, but how many times you think you could go through the ID check at work and not critical glitch on 6 dice?

One of the few other alternatives would be working for corporate security where you get a weekly/monthly mind check by the corp mage to make sure you're still loyal.  That's where the whole anarchist/freedom thing comes into play because no matter how much a shadowrunner is about the bottomline, the real bottomline is his/her personal freedom. 


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« Reply #548 on: <04-26-11/1342:03> »
Concealment doesn't work on vehicles


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« Reply #549 on: <04-26-11/1417:11> »
- Does the car need to be hacked to drive itself with grid guide? Or is the hacking to convince the thing there's still a driver/passenger inside?

- How long is this drive if we take the route we planned? Both in distance and estimated time?
« Last Edit: <04-26-11/1427:43> by Xzylvador »


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« Reply #550 on: <04-26-11/1434:19> »
Concealment doesn't work on vehicles
Well since it is P power, it should.
"Tis power refers to a critter’s ability to mystically hide itself or
others, or alternatively  to hide  something  that people are  looking for."

But its your call...
- Does the car need to be hacked to drive itself with grid guide? Or is the hacking to convince the thing there's still a driver/passenger inside?

- How long is this drive if we take the route we planned? Both in distance and estimated time?

You shoul be able to program the autopilot to do that...
He said the distance using Interstate is 28,3 km


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« Reply #551 on: <04-26-11/1435:27> »
The Concealment Power? It does. But the biggest Size possible to conceal is Powerx2, and the van has size of 20+. Stryker can oversummon to Power 8. So he can't help here...
Mariusz "Kot" Butrykowski
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« Reply #552 on: <04-26-11/1447:08> »
The Concealment Power? It does. But the biggest Size possible to conceal is Powerx2, and the van has size of 20+. Stryker can oversummon to Power 8. So he can't help here...

Van has a body of 12 I think...and you can hide multiple subjects (force), there is nothing like diameter and it would also cover us from astral detection. very usefull.


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« Reply #553 on: <04-26-11/1452:54> »
Body 13 on the Rover.


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« Reply #554 on: <04-26-11/1453:47> »
Concealment works just like your suit. If they find us, It won't help anyway. And I can have only one spirit on standby. No money for the Binding materials anymore, sorry... Maybe when we strike rich, I'll think about it.
And I was serious with that 'hurling heavy objects' part. It could work wonders...

As for the Concealment, it would be a Force 7 spirit. And the higher in regard to my Magic is the spirit's power, the more less likely he would be to help us. Spirits at Force 4 are the equivalent of a shadowrunner colleague, but Force 7-8? That's prime runners of the Spirit world.  Almost out of my reach, and summoning them could kill or incapacitate me if the dice betray me in the end...
« Last Edit: <04-26-11/1456:13> by Kot »
Mariusz "Kot" Butrykowski
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."