[Resource][Drones] Deus's drones

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« on: <05-20-13/1843:34> »
>>>>>[These schematics were on a node I had broken into looking for some unrelated paydata. Notes said that they had been procured from one of the uncleared floors of the ACHE. Some of the data has been corrupted, but I'm working on clearing it up. Are these the real thing? Looks like they have been modifying the schematics to bring them up to current specs.]<<<<<

--Kusanagi Motoko (07:22:22/05-20-75)

>>>>>[Yes. And yes, they came from one of the 'white' floors that the army had not cleared yet.]<<<<<
--Faust (07:30:21/05-20-75)

<<<File Upload: SCIRE Constructs>>>
Bumblebee (Flying Microdrone)
+2 Handling, 8/16 Accel, 25 Speed, Pilot 3, Body 0, Armor 0, Sensor 1. Availability 14F. 2000 Nuyen
Standard Upgrades: Improved Take-off and Landing 2, Stinger, Reduced Economy, Clearsight 3 Autosoft, Targeting (Unarmed Combat) 2 Autosoft
The 'Bumblebee' drone relies primarily on its small size to avoid detection. It is equipped with an injection stinger that, while it does no appreciable damage, can deliver nanites or toxins into the victim. The stinger is incapable of penetrating armor, and so must target exposed skin (typically the hands, face, and neck) in order to deliver its payload. This is made simpler by the fact that it usually strikes while its target is unaware of its presence. It can hold up to two doses of its payload. This, along with the limited flight time, ensures that the Bumblebee never strays far from its nest.

Dervish (Small Drone)
+1 Handling, 10/20 Accel, 100 Speed, Pilot 4, Body 2, Armor 4, Sensor 3. Availability 14F. 4500 Nuyen
Standard Upgrades: Weapon Mount (Normal, Internal, Turret, Remote), Gyro Stabilization, Obsolescent, Clearsight 2 Autosoft, Targeting Autosoft 4
The Dervish is a spinning cylindrical drone that maintains its upright nature thanks to a custom gyro stabilization unit (like the Motorcycle Gyro Stabilization upgrade) that provides a +2 to Handling in order to avoid a crash. The weapon mount fires spikes coated with a toxin (Typically gamma scopolamine or some other paralytic, but other toxins are possible) using shotgun rules and ranges. The 'shotgun' deals 9P(f) damage, and has an Armor Penetration rating of +3. If the target takes at least 1 box of damage, they are affected by the toxin, using normal toxin rules. The shotgun can be fired in SA mode, and carries 50 shots of ammunition. The shotgun cannot take conventional ammunition, and cannot be further modified. The cost of each round of ammunition is 10+(cost of toxin) nuyen.

Doll (Megt13405****<<<Data Corrupted>>>

Manta (Small Drone)
+4 Handling, 10/20 Accel, 120 (240 flying) Speed, Pilot 3, Body 2, Armor 3, Sensor 4. Availability 16F. 10000 Nuyen
Standard upgrades: Improved Take-off and Landing 2, Unstable Structural Agility, Weapon Mount (Normal, External, Turret, Remote), Special Machinery (Chemical Sprayer), Clearsight 3 Autosoft, Targeting 3 Autosoft.
The Manta was an impressive drone design in its day, using skimmer technology and advanced controls. It is capable of flight up to fifteen meters, and the weapon mount on its upper side comes equipped with a grenade launcher (SS, 10(m) ammo). On the underside is a chemical sprayer, capable of filling a 25 x 25 x 10 meter volume of air with an aerosol mist of the loaded chemical. It typically carried a DMSO/gamma scopolamine cocktail, but other chemicals could be used. The sprayer can deploy the mist as a complex action, and has enough chemicals on board for three shots.

Medusa (Medium Drone)
+2 Handling, 10/20 Accel, 60 Speed, 4 Pilot, 3 Body, 4(8 ) Armor, Sensor 5. Availability 16F. 13000 Nuyen
Standard upgrades: Walker Mode, Mechanical Arm x2, Anti-theft System, Smart Armor 4, Special Machinery (Whip-tails), Special Machinery (Redundant Systems), Hydraulic Jacks 6, Clearsight 5 Autosoft, Targeting (Unarmed Combat) 4 Autosoft
The AI's premier killing machine, the Medusa was a melee combat drone well suited to the SCIRE environment, where its speed and mobility could easily allow it to enter into melee range of its targets. The four legs contain hydraulic jacks, making the Medusa a very effective leaper. Treat the two mechanical arms as obvious cyberarms with Strength Enhancement 6 and Handrazors (6P damage). The two tails are covered with cilia allowing it to use the 'anti-theft' system as an offensive weapon, dealing 10S(e) damage, -half AP. The tails can also be used as whips, especially to entangle foes. They have a strength rating of 3 for this purpose. The Medusa has a unique redundant control system that allows it to ignore up to 6 boxes of wound penalties. If the Medusa takes more than 6 boxes of damage, all wound penalties apply.

<<<Data Corrupted>>>
<<<End File>>>
« Last Edit: <05-22-13/1011:36> by Mirikon »
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« Reply #1 on: <05-20-13/2232:29> »
Nasty, I like.
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« Reply #2 on: <05-21-13/2013:09> »
Would you be willing to do the Shade and Gorgon? It's a shame that these never made it into canon, but considering what Dave and Jay did get in that's basically crying with two loaves of bread under each arm.


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« Reply #3 on: <05-21-13/2224:44> »

I actually statted one or two of these also for my "Dungeon Crawl" SR4 adventure (as yet unpublished). Just in case you or anyone was curious how my approach differed from yours...

Medusa Drone
Handling   Speed   Accel   Body   Armor   Pilot   Sensor
+2      60   10/20   4   8   4   5

The Medusa was Deus’ primary killing machine. Built with smart materials, drive-by-wire, structural agility and hydraulic leg jacks, it is a frightening sight. Medusae are programmed with Clearsight 5 and Targeting (Implant Weaponry) 4 autosofts. The Medusa’s two mechanical arms have Strength ratings of 6 and fineblade claws that inflict 5P damage at +1 reach, with -1 AP. The Medusa can use its tail to make a grappling attack. Medusae are equipped with contingency maneuver controls that allow them to ignore up to 6 boxes of wound penalties.
   The Medusa is also wired with an electric shock anti-theft system; triggering it is a simple action, delivering 6S(e) damage. Finally, the hydraulic jacks in a Medusa’s legs allow it to make incredible leaps—each success on a Handling Test allows it to jump 3 meters.
   As all drones built by Deus, this one can self destruct, dealing the same damage as a High Explosive grenade with the same reduction in DV by distance from ground zero.

Spider Drone
Handling   Speed   Accel   Body   Armor   Pilot   Sensor
+2      15   5/10   8   4   2   3

These particular spiders have eight arms; four with a Strength of 4 (these are used to stand), two with a Strength of 6 (monofilament chainsaw, shears), and two with a Strength of 8 (hammer, pincers). The arms provide a +1 Reach bonus and are equipped with a nasty range of tools; four of the arms can attack each turn. The pincers deal 4P, the shears deal 5P (AP-1), the sledge hammer deals 7P, and the monofilament chainsaw deals 5P (-2). The spider is equipped with Implant Weaponry 3 and Hardware & Industrial Mechanics also at 3.
   As all drones built by Deus, this one can self destruct, dealing the same damage as a High Explosive grenade with the same reduction in DV by distance from ground zero.

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« Reply #4 on: <05-22-13/0116:30> »
Sure, I'll do 'em when I get a chance. Probably also do up the Spider, as well, since that's a classic.
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« Reply #5 on: <05-22-13/0322:02> »

Fuckin' Medusas.  Went through a small fortune in AV rounds, just for those buggers.


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« Reply #6 on: <05-22-13/1024:54> »
>>>>>[I managed to clean up a couple more entries in the file.]<<<<<

--Kusanagi Motoko (09:39:21/05-22-75)

<<<File Upload: SCIRE Constructs, continued>>>
Spider (Large Drone)
+2 Handling, 5/10 Accel, 15 Speed, Pilot 2, Body 4, Armor 0, Sensor 3. Availability 6. 8000 nuyen
Standard Upgrades: Walker Mode, Mechanical Arm x4, Special Equipment (Monofilament Chainsaw, shears, pincer, hammer, electronics toolkit), Obsolescent, Targeting (Unarmed Combat) 3 Autosoft, Industrial Mechanic 3 Autosoft, Hardware 3 Autosoft.
The Spider is a derivative of a construction drone that was already being used on sensitive portions of the SCIRE when the AI took over. The most common model was an eight-armed ellipsoid, which used four arms for walking, and the other four for various functions. However, alternate versions with up to twelve arms were confirmed to be sighted within the arcology. The four legs used for walking each have a Strength of 4, while the tool-wielding arms have Strength 6. The most common tools on the arms were a Monofilament Chainsaw, shears, an industrial pincer, and a sledgehammer. Though not designed for combat, the Spider was still an effective fighter against the unarmed and unarmored denizens of the arcology, especially in the initial chaos of the shutdown, and had a targeting autosoft for the purpose of using its tools as weapons. The Monofilament Chainsaw does 5P (-2 AP) damage, the shears deal 5P (-1 AP), the pincers 4P, and the sledgehammer 7P. The elongated arms provide the Spider with a +1 reach modifier on all its attacks. While this model is the most common, these tools can be switched out for other tools or items with a Hardware (10, 1 hour) extended test. Any melee weapon can be attached to the arms in place of tools, with a similar hardware test, but they would require their own targeting autosoft.

Gorgon (Medium Drone)
+3 Handling, 10/20 Accel, 40 Speed, Pilot 4, Body 3, Armor 4, Sensor 4. Availability 18F. 20000 nuyen
Standard Upgrades: Chameleon Coating, Magnetic System, Special Machinery (Whip tails), Mechanical Arm x2, Hydraulic Jacks 6, Special Machinery (Sprayer), Special Machinery (Redundant Systems), Clearsight 4 Autosoft, Targeting (Unarmed Combat) 4 Autosoft, Targeting (Sprayer) 3 Autosoft.
If the Medusa was the AI's premier killer, then the Gorgon would have been its finest assassin. Equipped with a ruthenium polymer coating and a magnetic system, the Gorgon would often be used as an ambush predator, hanging from a wall or ceiling out of sight, and then pouncing on unsuspecting prey. Like the Medusa, the four legs contain hydraulic jacks, making the Gorgon a very effective leaper. Treat the two mechanical arms as obvious cyberarms with Strength Enhancement 6 and Handrazors (6P damage). As with the medusa, the Gorgon's four tails can also be used as whips, especially to entangle foes, though they lack the anti-theft function of the Medusa. They have a strength rating of 3 for this purpose. The Gorgon has a unique redundant control system that allows it to ignore up to 6 boxes of wound penalties. If the Gorgon takes more than 6 boxes of damage, all wound penalties apply.

<<<End File>>>
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« Reply #7 on: <05-22-13/1145:25> »
Awesome work.

Sure, I'll do 'em when I get a chance. Probably also do up the Spider, as well, since that's a classic.
Oh yeah. After all, one is on the cover of RA:S tearing up people in a mall.


Fuckin' Medusas.  Went through a small fortune in AV rounds, just for those buggers.
You're welcome. :D


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« Reply #8 on: <05-23-13/2041:17> »
Damn RA:S was an AWESOME BOOK.
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« Reply #9 on: <05-24-13/0934:40> »


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« Reply #10 on: <05-24-13/2130:36> »
Yes, chock full of creepy Technology Run Amok.


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« Reply #11 on: <02-18-16/2300:28> »
Any chance you've done them up in 5e Mirikon?

Any chance Motoko is an inactive character on RPOL?
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« Reply #12 on: <02-18-16/2307:33> »
I haven't converted them to 5E yet, partly because I haven't had time. That also explains why, yes, Motoko is an inactive character on RPOL, and it has been a few months (like, before Halloween) since I was there. Yes, I'm a horrible person.
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« Reply #13 on: <02-18-16/2334:28> »
I had my own break from there for awhile but things are moving again.

I found your eyeballed post after reading through every post in this section.

Thanks for doing both and I look forward to seeing the fully developed drones when you finally get some time to do them.
Agent #191 Catalyst Demo Team