[5e IC] Tabula Rasa, Chapter IV - GAME COMPLETE

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« Reply #225 on: <11-09-15/1221:48> »
Ace lets fly with another laser, again finding the sweet spot above the wheel well.  The Bulldog groans in protest, the brief grinding of metal against metal before it falls silent.  With Doc controlling the skies, things are looking up.  Before checking his immediate surroundings for who's still up, Ace sends off a text.

<<@Team [Ace] Bulldog down.  Initiate comms with opposing team?>>

Across the battlefield, Chino leaps into his kick, aiming for where the chameleon-suited man's head should be.  Only, it isn't there, and Chino comes down empty-footed and off-balance.  Alright, chummer. Guess you want me to do this with my bare hands, eh?


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« Reply #226 on: <11-10-15/1155:50> »
<<<@Team [Doc] Got the drone!>>>

Thank Ghost, Ace thinks a brief moment before the rotodrone opens up with a burst of stick-n-shock.  Somehow, thanks to Katsina, Ace knows that it's coming, but he's unable to get out of the way.  As his body seizes up, Ace is able to keep his Lancer from firing into the snow -- or worse, himself -- but the electrical damage causes his limbs and eyes to glitch momentarily, and the pain is enough that he thinks he might lose consciousness.  When the pulses pass, he shakily moves to his feet and leans against a tree, hoping for cover from above as well as the Bulldog.  He coughs twice, trying to gain control of his vocal cords, and calls out to the GMC.

"Send the decker out first.  Hands up, no weapons."

Scanning the battleground for support, Ace sees that Sam is not standing, though he can pick out his form in the snow.  Oh, drek.


Chino lands off balance, and tries to right himself, but the little guy in the chameleon suit is too fast, wrapping up his arm behind him with surprising strength and speed.

"B, no! Eet's me, Yuri!" the man cries out, as if that should mean anything to Chino. 

Bare hands my hoop, Chino thinks.  I couldn't best this omae in an arm wrestling match for the last chip on earth.


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« Reply #227 on: <11-10-15/1339:51> »
Katsina is reaching back to sunder Doc Hack from existence when Ohanzee beats her to it. Her eyes then fall on the duet between Bear and the person in the chameleon suit. Nothing seems to be able to affect the other: the metahuman lets rip with some automatic gunfire that has precisely zero effect on Bear, while Bear stomps forward slowly, swinging paws that are easily ducked under and around. The metahuman reaches the snowmobile and looks to be trying to escape.

Are we playing for keeps? Katsina wonders, readying another Mana Bind. I suppose so. Winners get to keep their bodies.

<<@Team [Ace] Bulldog down.  Initiate comms with opposing team?>>

Ace's comm changes her mind, as she switches gears to cast Influence instead. The mana builds up in her, making her glow like a candle, and then discharges as she shouts, "Throw down your weapons and surrender!"

The spell shoots out like a dart and lodges in the brain of the person wearing the chameleon suit. Almost immediately the woman flings down her Alpha and yells, "Oye! I geev up!" in a thick Aztlaner Spanish accent.

The woman backpedals away from Bear, who kicks away her Alpha. The woman eyes Bear warily, trying to stay outside of paw's reach. Bear eyes her back before taking a seat on the snowmobile to immobilize it.


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« Reply #228 on: <11-10-15/2055:04> »
The sight of Sam down on the field of battle fills Ohanzee with rage, and he reaches out with his mind and channels those emotions into a vicious astral attack. The unmitigated brutality of it assaults the spirit, staggering it as shock and fear crosses its face and darkens its aura. With a scream, the spirit vanishes, forced from the earthly realm to, Ohanzee hoped, some hellish plane of existence.

Catching his breath, Ohanzee messages the group.

<<@Team [Ohanzee] Sam's down!>>

With Sam on the mind, he turns to the "other" Sam and sees that it is still clinging to the dying body of the troll. He attempts to banish the spirit, barely managing to succeed, but the spirit still clings to its host, somehow immune to the attempt. Ohanzee frowns. He's about to try another astral attack on the troll when suddenly the battle ends. Katsina asks for surrender and somewhat surprisingly, receives it.

Now to get out of this shell...

He can feel the weariness creeping up on him, and his vision begins to blur again. He sends another message to the team.

<<@Team [Ohanzee] I'm going to need a nap in a minute or two.>>


Bear continues to assault the creature in front of him, with the same result. At last, however, the creature surrenders, and Bear can sense from the link to his summoner that he would prefer to accept the surrender, and so ceases his assault, but moves the creatures discarded weapon out of reach and blocks its retreat to the snow vehicle. The he waits to ensure the battle is truly finished before departing.
Speech Thought Matrix/Text Astral


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« Reply #229 on: <11-12-15/1130:55> »
The agent is still busy finding hidden icons.  Luckily for it, there are a plethora of them to be found.  This search just brings back more gear in the van.
Doc realizes he's not going to be able to submit his new orders in time to keep the drone from firing on Ace.
<<<@Team [Doc] Damnit!  It got one last shot off.  Sending it to help out Chino now.>>>

Doc shoves instructions through the drone's command interface, his marks giving him access to the system.  He knows he's going to have be ready for the next party that's about to show up.  Things look to be calming down with this round of instigators.  "I wonder how this is going to impact the hand off with Cannon?"The agent is still busy finding hidden icons.  Luckily for it, there are a plethora of them to be found.  This search just brings back more gear in the van.
Speech, Thoughts, Comm/Text, Subvocal


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« Reply #230 on: <11-15-15/0240:16> »
The shooting suddenly stops. The runners throw down their weapons, conceding the battlefield.

A man in full body armor emerges from the remains of the Bulldog, hands raised per instructions. "Good show, good show, chaps," he says with an accent that's either English or from New England. "Bloody good show... ow..." His armor is peppered with shrapnel from Sam's frag grenade, and he probably has a devilish headache from being dumped by Doc. He's wobbly on his feet and can barely stand. "Right you are."

Yuri squeezes Chino from behind, trying to make sure the ork doesn't headbutt him and break his nose. "B, damnit, it's me!" Yuri says in a Russian accent. He pushes Chino away far enough that Chino can't reengage immediately. Yuri deactivates his chameleon suit and pulls off his helmet, trying to appeal to Chino. Yuri can see the lack of recognition in Chino's eyes. "It's Yuri! You really don't remember! Fraggit!"

Ace races forward to make sure everyone is disarmed. <<@Team [Ace] We've got cyberarms on these two in chameleon suits. Going to be tough to make sure they're full disarmed. Best we can do is wire them up to slow them down, then sit them on a nest of flash-bangs so that they're on their best behavior.>>

"¡Ay, mierda! ¡Hija de puta!" María José swears as Ace roughly disarms her and packages her up for safekeeping. "I'm just a hired gun! Nothing personal! I geev up! I didn't sign up for no lasers or bears." She eyes Bear warily.

Shaman. My time is drawing to a close, Bear reports to Ohanzee. My task is complete. The abominations are done, except the one. Bear looks to the unconscious form of Rozkhi, which clings to life. Bear takes a step toward the troll, but he doesn't have license, nor does he wish to stay. He fades back into the astral, then departs to the metaplane from whence he came.

<<@Team [Ohanzee] Sam's down! ... I'm going to need a nap in a minute or two.>>

Katsina swings her head back and forth, debating whether to help Ohanzee first or Sam. Sam is down, and that's bad, but better to make sure Ohanzee doesn't follow him.

<<@Team [Katsina] No! We need you to levitate the obelisk! We can't get it out of the ground without you!>>

Katsina races over to Ohanzee at her inhuman speed, sliding to a stop in front of the dome protecting him. Focusing on it on the astral, Katsina undoes the power behind the spell. The spell breaks, but the pop of the mana knocks her back a step as is whips around, unraveling. "Ow!" she says dully, feeling the drain deep within.

She steps forward, producing a stim patch from one of the many pockets on her overcoat, and applies it to Ohanzee's neck. <<@Team [Katsina] We need a medkit! Does anyone have a medkit? Oh Goddess, tell me that Doc didn't take all of them with him...>>

<<@Team [Ohanzee] Check... check the van and snowmobiles.>> Ohanzee feels the surge of stimulants rushing into his blood stream. He stands, feeling stronger and steadier almost immediately.

"Got em!" Chino shouts as he rifles through the snowmobiles. "Got two!" He delivers the larger of the two, the size of a briefcase, to Katsina. She races off to check on Sam. She finds him fallen next to a tree, not far from the eviscerated guts of the troll he tore apart. She sends the feed to Doc.

<<@Doc [Katsina] Doc, what should I do? I've got a trauma patch but I don't know if it's going to work!>>

Doc responds coolly, the calmness of his medical training kicking in.

<<@Katsina [Doc] First, make sure it has the wireless signal enabled. Generally that allows it to run some quick diagnostics and tailor the treatment to the patient. Sam's a special case but the patch still needs to know his general size and weight even if Sam's hematology confuses it.>>

Katsina does so, slapping the patch on Sam and hoping it can do its job before it dissolves from his acidic secretions. She watches his life force carefully on the astral, hoping to see the ebb slow down.

<<@Team [Katsina] It's... working! Sam is stable. Trauma patch is reporting that it has successfully averted the internal hemorrhaging.>>

With the threat of Sam bleeding to death addressed, Katsina takes the medkit and begins to circle among the team while the others interrogate the prisoners.

"Damn, we're just trying to help!" Dmitri, the rigger who was safe inside a rigger raccoon, insists. "Ohanzee, you and me go way back. Your spirit pops out of nowhere and says you hit a strange snag on your last job, now you need to get your body back. Sure I'm gonna help, 'specially when you - I mean your spirit, whatever - say there's a big payday attached. You'd help you, wouldn't you?"

"Da, a crazy story, but it's all four of you, no?" Yuri adds. "Rozkhi, B13, Ohanzee, even Doc Hack, all the same. Crazy drek but that's the Sixth World, neh? We came here to help, друг."

"I say, yes, I was hired help," Dale admits. "Here to replace 'Doc Hack' I was told. Yes, well, fine cock up that was, haha! Box my ears, I got sent off arse over elbow. Feeling a bit bladdered now, like some rat-arsed nancy boy. Say, you wouldn't happen to have any baccy on you? I'm gagging here and easy about the blend."

Katsina administers first aid to the best of her limited ability; Doc coaches her over the Matrix using cues from the biomonitors that the team has. Katsina does a fine job with Ohanzee, but then her beginner's luck begins to fail. Ace gets some topical treatment for his contact burns but Chino and Sam are left with little more than messy dressings that are poorly bound and accomplish little. "Drek, you would think I would know more about anatomy than this!" she spits in frustration. "And Sam's skin melted the electrodes that the medkit uses for assessments and the syringes it uses to administer drugs!"

Ohanzee steps forward to heal Sam. Casting his eyes away from the disemboweled troll, he touches Sam gingerly - grabbing the horns, figuring they're not covered with acidic slime - before silently filling the troll with mana. The effect is limited, leading Ohanzee to redouble his efforts. Beneath his hands, the magic knits together some of the more grievous wounds. The improved blood flow provides enough oxygen to Sam's brain to revive him. The giant stirs, his eyes opening with only a mild headache to show for it. "Just five more minutes, ma," he mumbles groggily.

Ace, Chino, and Katsina load Rozkhi and the prisoners into the remains of the Bulldog, surrounding them with a wreath of flash-bang grenades set to go off wireless if there's any tomfoolery. "Ay, wow, you are mean!" María José complains. "¿Amigos vienen? It would be much smarter for you to hire me to hold a gun for you, neh? I don't know you, I don't know them. You let me go, I work! Good rates. A discount, even."

Katsina feels it first, then Sam: a dull headache, brought on by violence and grief. Ohanzee only notices it after he summons Diamondback and the spirit complains about the bad air. "We have a background count," Katsina announces. "It's going to be like running with a parachute for me and Sam. Those spells I quickened are going to be undercut too. If we draw back, we might be able to avoid the effects while making Cannon deal with them. Or that might make him annoyed and irritable. You guys are the tacticians so it's your call."


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« Reply #231 on: <11-17-15/1147:55> »
Having been release from Yuri, Chino takes a couple steps forward, and dusts his arms off before facing the man. 

Yuri deactivates his chameleon suit and pulls off his helmet, trying to appeal to Chino. Yuri can see the lack of recognition in Chino's eyes. "It's Yuri! You really don't remember! Fraggit!"

Unsure what to say, Chino studies the man for a few seconds, looking deep into his face.  The scrunched up nose, the wisp of a beard, even the man's almost gray eyes won't spark even the tiniest spark.  The ork shrugs and jerks his head in the direction of the Bulldog.  "Come on, chummer."  He leads him to where Ace is standing unsteadily while binding the prisoners one at a time. 

"I'd watch this one's arms," Chino says as Yuri balks.  "Strong as a trog and twice as fast."  Once Yuri is cinched up with a slipknot around his throat, Chino goes to look for medkits, and Ace is left to manage the rival team of runners, half of whom seem to be hired especially for the occasion.

"Damn, we're just trying to help!" Dmitri, the rigger who was safe inside a rigger raccoon, insists. "Ohanzee, you and me go way back. Your spirit pops out of nowhere and says you hit a strange snag on your last job, now you need to get your body back. Sure I'm gonna help, 'specially when you - I mean your spirit, whatever - say there's a big payday attached. You'd help you, wouldn't you?"

"Da, a crazy story, but it's all four of you, no?" Yuri adds. "Rozkhi, B13, Ohanzee, even Doc Hack, all the same. Crazy drek but that's the Sixth World, neh? We came here to help, друг."

"I say, yes, I was hired help," Dale admits. "Here to replace 'Doc Hack' I was told. Yes, well, fine cock up that was, haha! Box my ears, I got sent off arse over elbow. Feeling a bit bladdered now, like some rat-arsed nancy boy. Say, you wouldn't happen to have any baccy on you? I'm gagging here and easy about the blend."

Ace is much more worried about Sam at the present moment than in the blabberings of a pompous tea-bag or dump-shocked rigger, and thoughtlessly adds to the matrix chatter about the state of his friend.

<<@Team [Ace] Update on Sam?>>

<<@Team [Katsina] It's... working! Sam is stable. Trauma patch is reporting that it has successfully averted the internal hemorrhaging.>>

Oh,thank Ghost, Ace thinks, noting the irony that forty-eight hours ago he was considering dropping Sam himself.  He begins placing the wreath around his prisoners when the one tangoing with Bear pipes up.

"Ay, wow, you are mean!" María José complains. "¿Amigos vienen? It would be much smarter for you to hire me to hold a gun for you, neh? I don't know you, I don't know them. You let me go, I work! Good rates. A discount, even."

"Old credstick's running a little light, and I don't make a practice of making a purchase I don't have the means of honoring.  In ten, fifteen minutes, things could be looking different.  You all hold up and play nice, and we'll see what we might be in need of."

With the prisoners secure, talk turns to a supposed background count in the area.  Ace is at least aware of the phenomenon, even though he's obviously never experienced any of its effects, but throws his opinion in that the team should move "downwind, or whatever."  This will complicate things with Ace and Sam's placement.  Katsina warns him that remaining in his original nest will limit the sturdiness of her barrier and magically enhanced acuity, but there's not enough time to dig in somewhere new.  Ace takes to the treeline, and tries to find a fallen tree, likely the victim of Chino's shenanigans, that he can post up behind for cover and camouflage. 


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« Reply #232 on: <11-17-15/2056:51> »
Chino comes up from one of the snowmobiles with more goodies. "Restraints!" he says, tossing them to Ace, who puts them to use.

"I'm going to try to keep the big guy alive," Katsina says, approaching Rozkhi with the smaller of the medkits. Doc coaches her on how to stabilize the patient but the troll is just too damaged. Between the laser wound to his neck and the claymore to the arm, it's more than the tiny medkit can manage. Katsina tucks the medkit away.

"No luck for this one," she says, "but maybe if we get through this meet with no bullets exchanged then I can use the trauma patch on him." Ace and Chino help her lift the troll into the Bulldog with the other prisoners, the troll's right arm dangling from where Katsina almost cleaved it off.

Ohanzee seems to be consciously avoiding the prisoners, seemingly worried about what they might say. María José continues to pout and protest while Dale seems content to talk to no one in particular.

"What a tosser I was!" he says. "A true wanker! I must have lost the plot to be made redundant like that. Sent me off arse-over-tit, that Jack the Ripper bloke did. Threw a spanner in my works, he did. Buggered me properly then it's off to Bedfordshire. I pop up just in time to get gobsmacked by a popper and Bob's your uncle!" He shakes his head ruefully.

Ohanzee gets some help unearthing the obelisk. He can tell that the background count is seeping into Sam and Katsina and slowing them down. It doesn't escape Ace's notice either, who says, "Let's relocate fifty meters south."

Ohanzee nods and casts Levitate, fighting against the additional weight added by the background count. He gets a solid casting and has no trouble levitating the obelisk out of its hole in the ground, although it's not moving very quickly. He walks forward with it slowly, trying to avoid slipping on the snow and ice. Once past the background count, he sets it down. "Is the device ready?" he asks Sam, who nods.

Chino gets on the snowmobiles and steers them into place. Ace grabs and Ares Alpha and finds a tree stump to hide behind while Sam grabs fistfuls of assault rifle rounds.

"Prisoners secure and grenades armed," Chino announces, slamming shut the Bulldog's doors. "If these astral dorks don't know what's good for 'em then Imma gonna kick down some trees on 'em. Kee-yah!" He does a spinning back kick to demonstrate.

"Places everyone: we've got company," Katsina announces, looking up at something invisible. "Two advance spirits up ahead."

Sam steps forward with his device. He places it against the back of the obelisk so that it's not obvious from the front. The electromagnet activates with a huge THUNK and the timer begins counting down from 60:00. Sam confirms the signal on his commlink and then runs to his position on the flank.

"Now a projecting magician," Katsina announces. "Now a second. Guess I shouldn't be surprised. Might have everything in twos if both DIMR and ASPS have money on the line."

<<@Team [Doc] Contact in the Matrix. Jäger's icon along with the the same bodyguards she had at the meet. Color me outnumbered. Also, drones. One Lockheed Optic-X2 plus a Cyberspace Designs Dalmatian. Personae both, so they both have active riggers.>>

There's a rumble down the road as headlights appear and begin to bounce along the trees. "That's a Roadmaster, if I've ever heard one," Chino says. He listens a bit more. "Make that two. Plus... something else?"

A moment later, the vehicles round the bend and you get a clear look at them. Sandwiched between the two Roadmasters there's a third vehicle: a Winnebago Titan.

"I guess that's a good sign," Katsina whispers into her micro-transceiver. "Stay frosty though." A cold wind whips down from the mountain, kicking up snow and ice.

The short convoy rumbles to a stop. The drivers stay put, as do the people sitting shotgun, but the backs of the Roadmasters open and disgorge their passengers. Fives soldiers jump out of each Roadmaster and fan out, securing the perimeter and covering the obelisk. They are all dressed in full body armor and carry large weapons.

"Ultimax Rain Forest Carbines," Sam grunts into his micro-transceiver, grudgingly impressed.

"I see some Auto-Assault 16s too," Chino adds. "Not quite an assault cannon but you'll swear it's one if it connects."

<<@Team [Doc] I make ten on the ground, plus at least five remaining in the vehicles if we include the drivers. That represents the standard capacity of the Roadmasters if they intend to drive off with the obelisk but I lay even odds that there are reserves just down the road. Add two drones and three codeslingers plus whatever friends they brought with them on the astral. I'm not sure we've got anything to counter that except the avalanche.>>

"Oh...!" Katsina says, before catching herself. In front of the group, a spirit materializes... and keeps materializing... and keeps materializing. It's a Wolverine, and it's bigger than the Roadmasters. "A great form spirit!" she hisses to Ohanzee and Chino quite unnecessarily. Chino grins and cracks his neck, which is loud enough to be heard over the vehicle engines. The great spirit growls lowly and the vibrations are enough to churn your roasted chicken dinner in your stomach.

There's a pause in the standoff, and then the passenger door of the front Roadmaster opens. A large human steps out wearing mil-spec battle armor. He walks forward with his helmet visor raised, his heavy boots crunching in the snow. From the research you've done, you know this is Cannon. Nothing in his profile suggested any military or combat experience but he carries himself very confidently, as if the armor is not only comforting but comfortable. There's a strange rifle resting on his shoulder.

"That, lady and gentlemen, is an Ares Screech Sonic Rifle," Ace whispers, overcoming his aversion of giving away his position in favor of sharing an important piece of information. "If it hits, the only thing you'll hear is the sound of yourself puking your guts out. Oh, and it fires like a shotgun so it's basically impossible to miss."

"I see," Katsina says between gritted teeth behind her mask.

Cannon steps forward. He really is huge for a human: he must be as large as Chino, at least, and the mil-spec armor bulks him up even further. He looks around, confirming his overwhelming superiority of numbers, and smiles. He turns to you and says, "You must be Hanz."


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« Reply #233 on: <11-18-15/1453:38> »
Soon after Bear departs and he has had some stimulants pumped into him, Ohanzee gets to the unpleasant task of summoning another spirit. Wolf had already declined, Bear had only come grudgingly, and so he had low hopes for getting any astral assistance. But perhaps the curiosity of the artificial spirits had changed things, and he finds that Diamondback answers the shaman's call with, what is for him, minimal encouragement. The spirit is uncommonly silent as it surveys the surroundings, paying particular attention to the dying troll with the unnatural spirit clinging to it and the taint caused by the recently deceased magician. It also watches the obelisk more interest than any of the spirits since Raven, and perhaps even more than that trickster.

The work of moving the obelisk goes swiftly, though not easily, and soon the team is well on its way to being ready for Canon to arrive. Ohanzee, remembering the trouble caused by being out in the open during the last combat, requests one of the snow mobiles to keep nearby so that it can act as a makeshift cover if things devolve for a second time today. Soon, he finds himself in position and ready for Canon's arrival and realizes that he's avoiding talking with the prisoners. He assesses his feelings to find out why and comes to the conclusion that since their former selves were such monsters, it was likely that they made "friends" with similar individuals. If these people were friends of who they used to be, that made them likely monsters themselves. And even the 'runners they'd hired were probably selected in part for their ability to fit in with the "team culture". Faced with the ability to finally get some answers about his past self, Ohanzee suddenly can't remember what it was he had ever wanted to know. He supposes that it might be useful to know who he (and indeed, the entire team) had known and who their enemies might be. But if this deal went down as they hoped, they'd disappear, and those enemies would no longer be a legitimate threat. If it didn't go as planned, then nothing else would matter. Either way, the enemies would be denied the ability to ever act on their hatred.

He makes himself useful as the minutes pass, helping the other members with their tasks, but intentionally steering clear of the van. And soon, Katsina begins announcing the arrival of Cannon's astral scouts. Showtime, he thinks, following on to Katsina's theater themed "places everyone" comment. The team identifies the opposing force and their armament as they present themselves, and Ohanzee is duly impressed, and perhaps more than a little intimidated. At long last, Canon steps from one of the vans in his massive armor and, by way of greeting, says "You must be Hanz."

Ohanzee nods and replies "Cannon". He makes an exaggerated gesture of looking around at the overwhelming force arrayed around him and comments.

"Nice toys." he waits a beat, smiling amiably, before continuing. "Certainly not a fight we could win, if we were inclined to try." Another pause with a pensive look, then a shrug. "We're not, of course. But we do feel the need, understandably," he raises his eyebrows and nods at the men in heavy armor, "for some insurance of our own."

"Attached to the artifact is an explosive device. It can be triggered in a variety of ways, including wirelessly, and is highly tamper resistant. And it is on a timer - hence the time limit to inspect the artifact. We have no desire to commit suicide - the device will be deactivated upon payment, of course."
He tries to gauge Canon's response before continuing.

"So, hopefully, we all have enough incentive to play nice. If there aren't any further questions, please, feel free to have your people inspect the item. Just mind the bit of technology attached to it." Ohanzee steps slightly aside to fully reveal the artifact to Cannon.
Speech Thought Matrix/Text Astral


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« Reply #234 on: <11-18-15/1804:52> »
Cannon's face freezes, but not from the weather. He clicks his tongue as his eyes dart subtly to the perimeter. "Ah," he says, not making any sudden movements.

<<@Team [Doc] Comm activity just spiked. They're probably updating their plans on the fly. Might be looking for potential sources of wireless signals too. If they're good they'll see the redundant satellite links and will hopefully realize that they can't bring them all down before a signal is sent. I wouldn't categorize anything they're doing as hostile, but we definitely stirred the hornets' nest.>>

Cannon seems to decide that if the bomb goes off then it won't matter if he's 10 meters away or 1. He steps forward to examine it in person. "Tsk, tsk," he says to himself under his breath. "Captain, a minute of your time, please?"

One of the soldiers with an Ultimax steps forward cautiously with his weapon at the low-ready. He gives Chino and Katsina a wide berth as he takes a circular route to the backside of the obelisk. There, he kneels and examines the explosive device. Katsina's acute hearing picks up his whispering, which she relays to the rest of the team.

<<@Team [Katsina] Captain: "Eight to ten kilograms of high-grade plastic explosives. Shaped charge, tamped, designed to explode directionally. Three detonators: radio, timer, pull. There's an electromagnet attaching the pull detonator to the base. If we try to pull the device off, it will detonate. Best bet would be to cut it off the base with monofilament or microwelders." Cannon responds: "Odds of success?" I didn't catch the answer.>>

After a long moment, Cannon smiles wryly. He looks to Ohanzee. "The rich man had to admire the dishonest steward for being so shrewd. For it is true that worldly people are more clever than spiritually-minded people when it comes to dealing with others."

Cannon paces back and forth a few meters. "Thank you, Captain," he says. The soldier stands and returns to his place on overwatch. After thinking about it for an excruciatingly long minute, Cannon raises his hand and beckons someone else forward.

The passenger door of the rear Roadmaster opens. A man steps out, also in full body armor. His figure is fit but the lines in his face give away his age, which must be somewhere between 55 and 65. He takes a few steps forward until he has a good angle on the obelisk, and then he freezes midstep.

<<@Team [Ohanzee] Diamondback is reporting a spellcaster. Serious power. Probably Wolverine's summoner. He's wearing a power focus that would house and feed us for a year.>>

<<@Team [Katsina] Confirm that. Also, he froze in place once he started assensing. He's got that deer-in-headlights look about him.>>

The older gentleman slowly returns to his senses and resumes walking forward. Once near the obelisk, he takes out a small vial. As he moves it closer to the obelisk, it begins to light up. Placing it next to the tablets on top of the obelisk, the vial shines like a flare and begins to vibrate violently. The man returns the vial to his pocket. Then he takes out a small pouch and tears it open. From a distance, it looks like a moist towelette that you'd use on sticky fingers. The man wipes it across the tablets, then studies it.

<<@Team [Katsina] That wipe went from inactive on the astral to glowing like a commlink screen.>>

The man puts a finger on the tablets and tries to trace out some of the words.

"I wouldn't do that," Ohanzee suggests, shaking his head. He holds up a datachip with the results of the Atlantean Foundation's research.

The older gentleman looks to Cannon. Cannon waves him off silently, but watches the man for his reaction. The older man nods once.

"Alright, Hanz," Cannon says. "We're prepared to honor the terms of our agreement." He opens a small pouch on his body armor and produces two credsticks. They're dark as the surrounding night.

"Ebony," Cannon says. "Harder to get than the mobile lab."

Ebony credsticks are incredibly rare and it's possible that you've only ever seen them in trid shows. They're the symbol of simsense starlets, tempo dealers, and shadowrunners who've hit the big time.

"Everything else you've asked for is in the Winnebago," he says, gesturing to the RV. "There's a trailer behind it with the mobile lab you requested. In the drawer next to the bed is a qi focus to enhance the reflexes of a physical adept. It's in the shape of a fine ring. On the other side of the bed, the nightstand contains a counterspelling focus, grade 4, aspected to the Shamanic tradition. It's a small eagle-feather headdress. In the cabinets below the couch there are materials sufficient for two magical lodges, one Shamanic and one Wiccan. This file here" - he holds up a datachip, mirroring Ohanzee's posture - "contains the records of your potential pursuers.

"And, of course, there's my personal guarantee of your safe passage.
" He covers his heart with his hand and smiles.

He places the two credsticks on top of the obelisk and steps back. "So, if you'd be so kind..." he says, gesturing to the explosive device, which is blinking steadily.


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« Reply #235 on: <11-20-15/1748:27> »
Ohanzee looks at the credsticks and wonders why, if they were harder to obtain than the mobile lab, Cannon had bothered. Surely four platinum credsticks would have been just as good. Unless they weren't as difficult to obtain as he is letting on. Trying to impress us? At this point in the game, it has to mean there's something he's hoping we'd miss. Maybe he is just hoping we'll forget to check the amounts on them, but Ohanzee can't help but think it might be more sinister.

"I've got to say, I like you, Mr. Cannon. You are amiable and you exude honesty. It's easy to see how you've gotten so far in life. But, considering the ways of the world, you understand that trust is in short supply. I hope you aren't too offended if we don't just take you at your word. I'd like to send my associate here" he waved to indicate Katsina "to check on the lab and the items in the RV. And as impressive as the credsticks are, I'd like to have my friend there," a nod to Sam, "verify they are worth more than just the shiny black plastic they are made from, their rarity notwithstanding. Wiz?"
Speech Thought Matrix/Text Astral


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« Reply #236 on: <11-21-15/0232:06> »
"I must protest!" Cannon says. "Ebony credsticks are made of resin, not plastic. The tips are made of iridium. Truly, works of art in their own right.

"But of course you may inspect things to your satisfaction," Cannon agrees, with a tone that suggests he would think less of you if you didn't. He does cast a wary eye at Sam. It's unclear if he understands what Sam is, or if he just sees a particularly large troll with more dermal deposits than is customary. If he knows Sam is Infected, he doesn't let it color his tone.

Katsina steps forward, her movements tracked from above by the drones. The captain lowers his weapon to accompany her.

<<@Team [Katsina] Spell isn't detecting any enemies or hostile intentions. It might not detect explosives though.>>

As if the captain were reading her mind - or her communications - he steps forward to open the door of the Titan to her. She steps in with a reflexive, "Thank you!" that she can't suppress in time.

<<@Team [Katsina] Oh, wow. This was a good idea. Piping a feed.>>

The visual feed from Mask's mask allows you to follow along through the vehicle. It is the equal in every way to the Prometheus, perhaps trading some table space in favor of a larger kitchenette. The couches are smooth and if they're not real leather then they're made out of the best synthleather that money can buy. The bed looks softer than a cloud and the duvet on top of it is full of real down. The bathroom is large enough to accommodate even Sam, although he'd probably bump his elbows. For anyone else, it is huge and spacious.

<<@Team [Katsina] Cyberware scanner going, looking for anomalies. Clear so far. Astral is clean too. That said, Chino will need to do a thorough sweep with his tag eraser. We'll have at least 15 minutes before we have to make a turn and declare our intentions of which direction we're going. Of course, they could be following us with a drone from altitude. Not sure if we have a good way to discourage that.>>

In the bedroom, she opens the drawers next to the bed and finds the ring and eagle-feather headdress as described. Their auras glow brightly and pleasingly; Katsina finds herself admiring the craftsmanship and wondering if she could accomplish the same. The magical lodge materials are also where Cannon said they would be. Exiting the vehicle, she goes to the trailer in the back to check out the mobile lab.

<<@Team [Katsina] Doc, you'll have to tell us if you're seeing what you expected to see.>>

While Mask is inside the RV, Sam steps up to the obelisk. Closer up, he can see that the credsticks have some subtle artwork on them as well, although it's too dark to appreciate it fully. He grabs the first credstick and gently taps the tip against the credstick reader on his Transys Avalon. The following readout appears in the image link of his goggles:

>> Thank you for using SK-MontBlanc credstick instruments. It is our privilege to present to you our flagship MEISTERSTÜCK credstick.
>> Current balance: ¥1,000,000

Sam manages to avoid squealing like a school girl. He keeps his composure and simply nods once as he sends the mental command to transmit the funds to Doc.

In Grand Junction, Doc has a line of twenty gold credsticks lined up on the bed of the Prometheus. Kneeling down next to the bed, he flexes the fingers, getting ready to load funds as quickly as possible. The first credstick is in position when the transfer comes through from Sam. Doc receives a beep in his PAN to signify the completion of the first transfer. He quickly tosses the credstick aside and grabs the second. His uncybered fingers fumble with nerves as he tries to tap the cyberdeck loaded into his cyberarm as fast as he can. He does the second, then third. Seconds tick by as he nervously listens for any sounds of confrontation. He does the seventh, then the eighth.

<<@Team [Doc] Almost there... almost there... got it! First million is free and clear!>>


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« Reply #237 on: <11-23-15/1135:24> »
Doc starts transferring funds as quickly as he can.
<<@Team [Doc] Almost there... almost there... got it! First million is free and clear!>>
Glad for the dexterity in his robotic arm, he wipes a few beads of sweat away from his brow.  He never thought swiping credsticks across his deck could ever be so stressful.

Before they move the next round of funds, he does another matrix sweep to make sure everything is okay.  He looks specifically for icons that shouldn't be on or around the credsticks.  Checking the RV remotely is a little more difficult as he's not sure what is and isn't supposed to be there.  He wishes he was there in person, but will have to use Katsina's vid-feed to check as much as he can.

<<@Team [Doc] ... I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop here.  This is going way too smoothly.  Don't get me wrong.  I'll totally take a clean swap, but this just seems... well, like a setup.  Anyone seeing anything I'm missing?>>
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« Reply #238 on: <11-23-15/1706:16> »
Once Cannon gives the okay to inspect the items, Ohanzee sends a text to the team.

<< @Team [Ohanzee] Okay. Katsina, please make sure everything we asked for is there and looks safe. No need to hurry - we've got at least 30 seconds for Sam and Doc to do their part. Sam, as long as you are slotting the first stick to check the balance, you might as well send the first 100k from that, then the rest from the second one - it could save us a few seconds. I'll try to keep him occupied. Everyone else, stay sharp.>>

Sam grabs the first credstick, and noticing the subtle artwork he is reminded of Katsina's alchemical preparations. As a precaution, he holds it away from the obelisk so that the overwhelming brightness doesn't obscure the credstick's potential aura and checks it over more closely before slotting it into his commlink. After transferring the first 100,000¥, he removes it, and repeats the process with the second credstick - checking its aura, slotting it, and transferring funds. Only this one he does not unslot, but transmits to the group that all the funds are there, and continues transferring the contents to Doc in 100k¥ increments.

As the team does their parts, Ohanzee strikes up a conversation, more of a monologue really, with Cannon. "You'll have to excuse me if I tend to rattle on. I'm not a big fan of awkward silences." He makes an exaggerated look around. "Two by two. Seems every role has a representative from each organization. Trust issues?" Ohanzee reads Cannon's response, but does not wait for a reply. "Not my concern, of course. But the artifact is dangerous, and I'd hate to think that we rescued it from some bad people in order to deliver it to some warring factions that could put it in even more jeopardy. I don't mean to imply that we're altruists, but we'd rather not see the world burn, all else being equal. I just hope you guys can collaborate well when the need arises."

Ohanzee watches Katsina's feeds of the RV's interior for a couple of seconds. "The Titan is every bit as spectacular as I'd imagined. And the other items in there are as described. Just the lab left to verify. And I do appreciate the effort you went through to get it. If everything goes smoothly here, when we get to the point where we feel comfortable enough to settle down unmolested, I think you'll be quite pleased with the work it will allow us to do. Mrs. Jäger had mentioned a possible donation to her organization when we were discussing the artifact. We were not in a position to make such a donation then, but this exchange could place us on sufficient financial and security footing to provide every possibility that we can do so going forward. I think there is a very good chance that we could share with you some research, gratis - or more accurately, quid pro quo - that you will find most valuable." Ohanzee smiles at Cannon. "And yes, I'm hoping that such an offer will spare us the proverbial dagger in the back once our deal here is concluded."

At some point during Ohanzee's prattling, Doc confirms that the first million is away and just before Ohanzee flashes his smile at Cannon, Doc confirms that the lab is in order. Ohanzee continues. "And it looks like everything checks out. Speaking of protection against daggers to the backside, just in case the promise of future value doesn't sway you, we've provided a stick to go with that carrot. We have placed half of the funds you provided us with a third party - a number of them, actually - with instructions to use it to retaliate should anything untoward happen to us. A dead man's switch, if you will. As someone who has dealt with my kind before, you can imagine - success or failure - the damage a million nuyen worth of shadowrunners can do. The cost to recover from such an assault would greatly exceed what you might gain from our demise. As a simple business transaction, it is more profitable for you to play fair."

<< @Team [Ohanzee] Okay, Sam, I think it's safe to deactivate the bomb now. >>

"Now, accidents happen, especially when you've made as many enemies as we have. Once we are reasonably certain that you are not tracking us and cannot find us, we will 'deactivate' the dead man's switch - probably in the next 48 to" he pauses, thinking "96 hours. Could be longer, of course, but the sooner we deactivate the switch, the sooner we get our money back, so we're incentivized to call off the hit, so to speak."

Sam shows the unattached bomb to those assembled. "The bomb is deactivated. The artifact is yours. All that is left is to exchange datachips and transfer ownership of the assorted devices." Ohanzee holds up the datachip he has with the artifact research on it, and takes a step away from the artifact so that Cannon's people can access it.
Speech Thought Matrix/Text Astral


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« Reply #239 on: <11-24-15/2016:16> »
Sam can barely pay attention to the proceedings. He's utterly lost in thought. He stands upright near the obelisk in his shredded armor jacket, his shoulder wound still fresh and oozing blood and bile down his chest. His eyes are barely focused as thoughts run through his head, remembering the words of the old him. So, if this thing pulls the spirit out of you, leaving only an empty husk, that means the only things keeping us sentient were the nanites. But now that the nanites have been purged from my system by the virus, what the hell AM I? How am I even moving? Thinking? Bleeding? I am a creature that should not be. He barely registers Ohanzee messaging him, asking him to remove the bomb.

Shaking his head quickly, he responds. "Roger." Then gets to work removing his former most prized possession. Just as he's about to pull the final cord to disarm it, he has a thought, a seductive thought indeed. What if I don't disarm it? What if I instead, just walk off into the mountains and wash my hands of this whole affair? He can hear bear protesting in his head though. "The group still needs your help, little one." The words bring him back from his miniature daydream about a snowy cave to call home for the rest of his days, back to the obelisk and the bomb. -CLICK- Sam looks back up at the surrounding men and women, then backs away without a word, holding the bomb in his thorny, blood covered hands.

"Alright then. If there's to be any shooting, i suppose this is when it begins."
« Last Edit: <11-24-15/2019:37> by Poindexter »
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>