2042: Assisted in an attempt to crash critical Aztlan matrix systems prior to a military offensive. (CAS)
Around early March of 2048, the Wyrm was approached by individuals from Hannover. His experience in coordination of a Matrix 'softening-up' was hired and put to use against the Karlsruhe city goverment. He again acted as both employer and shadowrunner, directing emplacements of what can only be called 'active on demand' hard-line access links into the Karlsruhe city government Matrix. These links prove incredibly useful in giving AGS military hackers nearly direct access to the core communications and organization grids inside Karlsruhe, enabling military forces to take over the city more swiftly than anticipated. Doing this averts an intended attack upon the Black Forest Troll Kingdom. (86.622% confidence.)
Immediately afterwards, the Wyrm disappeared. It is unknown if he was contacted b
<<corrupted>> was, then the latter's notorious vengeful streak must have taken the day off.
2043: Spearheaded an attack on New York/New Jersey non-Mafia criminal interests. Morkai and associates are believed to have kept up to 15% of the money from 'opposition' operations, thought to total over $10,000,000. (UCAS)
From 1 June 2039 to 26 August 2039, more than 7,000 individuals met in order to set the standards for Matrix programming -- to create and emplace the bedrock code for the seven-year-old Matrix, to determine baseline universal referents for various programs, and to exchange and develop ideas for the future development of the world computer network. The Wyrm embedded himself among these individuals as a working cover -- three covers, in point of fact -- in order to lead a team of over twenty individuals in a combination scam and heist against the Ry
<<corrupted>>ported Watada-rengo Yakuza. While the transactions and extended confidence schemes utilized by the team are too extensive and baroque to detail, the most notable for the purposes of this file was the acceptance of Yakuza funds (a high-six-digit figure) in order to bury an inherent back-door within the baseline code for node connection sequences. Supposedly, the Wyrm and his cohorts achieved this or something similar, but gave their purported Yakuza employer sixty thousand lines of code which supposedly enabled the back-door but which, when run on anything but unadulterated Matrix Systems Portals, was utterly useless. (77.063% confidence.)
Qui bono analysis indicates that the most likely individual to have employed the Wyrm and his associates would have been the Gr
<<corrupted>>ut this may be overly simplistic. The total monetary loss for the Yakuza is estimated at 150,000,000¥ or more, during these three months and over the next eighteen as their worldwide systems hemorrhaged additional funds before Yakuza deckers could find and fix the code, of which the Wyrm and his associates received over a million each -- again, stretched out over those twenty-one months. (96.601% confidence.)
It should be obvious that the Wyrm may have made contacts with numerous significant individuals involved in the shadow networks during the Conference. Soci
<<corrupted>>ipper agree that there may well have been a shadow version of the UMS conference occurring simultaneously. Of interest here is that we can positively place the Wyrm at the 2065 UMS conference in the United Kingdom, along with several other faces from the first conference.
2047: Researched and distributed a document incriminating Ares Macrotechnology in illegal human testing and unregulated toxic waste disposal practices. (UCAS)
MCT was the bad guy on this one, back in '50 or '51; timeline on that one's a little sketchy, and I'll tell you why in the next bit.
Anyhow, the Wyrm was taking a break down in Brisbane, Aussieville, enjoying the land of sun, sand, and highly-poisonous everything, getting to know a hot magic chick slash decker, when he got hired along with her team to check out some politico's daddy's disappearance. Long story short, they track the guy down to a supposed-to-be-abandoned town on the north-eastern coast, within spitting distance of the Great Barrier Reef. There's a zero-zone facility there that they figure they have to break into, and one of their team goes and talks with, like, his bloody ancient great-great-great-great-great-grandfather koraji and he talks to his juju buddies and they stampede, I drek you not, six juggernauts into the place in order to totally frag over the security.
There's video; you should watch it. Abso-frickin'-lutely hilarious, especially the part where the big bull stomping around gets half-blasted by the exploding fuel tank and rampages through the power facility before falling off the cliff and into the ocean.
So anyhow. Not only is the guy not alone in being hijacked, he and something like four hundred other people are busy being used as bioreactors. Another five or six hundred are being used in experimentation of the effects of toxic waste on meta/human bodies, and the horror farm isn't very concerned about where the runoff is going. All the guinea pigs are pretty much still conscious, but you can bet your fluffy tail they were all pretty bonkers by that point. (95.619% confidence.)
They weren't able to rescue the guy, but the lady's team protected her and the Wyrm long enough for them to get the backup power going and data-rape the on-site SneakerNet, which leads into the next thing ...
2051: Planned and executed a matrix assault on the Parliament records of the government of Australia. (Australia)
2055: Involved in several border incidents from Australia to Seattle. A small child of approximately 4 years of age is involved.
Okay, so both of these are pretty much spot-on true. The issues that MCT was having Down Under stemmed from sixty not-yet-bought-and-paid-for members of the then-Parliament. First Monday in March has always been an Aussie holiday -- Labour Day -- and all the government stuff is officially closed while they have parades and picnics and scorpion-biting contests and drek like that. So on 6 March 2051, the Wyrm, his lady-friend, her team, and some of their less-patriotic friends spent a nice chunk of the parade time cracking Parliament's security, getting the Wyrm inside, and hooking him into the server-room mainframe.
You'll have to talk to
<<corrupted>>o find out what exactly the Wyrm did, 'cause I can't figure out quite how he did it. What it resulted in was those sixty Members getting a
really wicked file composing the Worst of MCT On Your North Coast dropped into their pocsecs -- this was before you could transmit most data wirelessly -- and then, if the message was ignored for an hour, the file dumping itself to
everyone in that Parliamentarian's office's mailing list. Hell if I know how he got the feedback to work, but more than 6,000 people got that file that day, and the Canberra news broke into the Labour Day Cup cricket match between West Australia and Brisbane Independent with all sorts of screaming and hollering and such like that.
MCT had to do a lot of work trying to quiet that down, but they never were able to make more than blinking idiots believe that the footage was faked. Oh, they still claim it was, but it pretty obviously wasn't. The Wyrm, his lady friend, &c. cost MCT a number of government contracts and several tens of millions in clean-up and reparations. (98.937% confidence.)
The 2055 stuff has to do with Wyrm and his family. Yeah, family -- he keeps it quiet, but the Wyrm has
>>Continue? Y/N
> WTF?!?
> Jean Gene Genie
> Wyrm, you aren't hacking my node, are you?> Bull
> I'd apologize, Bull, but we both know I hate insincerity. We also both know that I allow very few people to have information on my family. We all have enemies.
> The Wyrm Ouroboros
> That's fair.> Bull
> So what's the scoop? Wife, kid(s) ... what?
> (Curious Someone)> From what I can remember of ancient rumor, the 'hot magic chick / decker' is the wife. The small child was a daughter.
> (Older Decker)> I heard three kids, and that the wife is working in the light these days, with the kids all nice and citizen-like.
> (Social Runner/Fixer)> I heard he's a Mormon polygamist and has, like, four families.
> (Anybody's Guess)2056: Involved in setting up a 'halfway house' for street kids in New Orleans. Later thought to be original home base of a so-called 'otaku' gang. (CAS)
2061: Participated in an intrusion into the 'closed' Renraku Arcology. (Seattle Metroplex)
Your Ladyship knows the truth of these, for we have kept you abreast of these situations as they were taking place. We understand that you were not behind our assembly, but your patronage has certainly influenced us. For this we thank you, and pledge our continued service to your goals.
> Okay, so that's just bullshit. Do I have to call WTF again??
> Jean Gene Genie
> The truth is complex. Did the Wyrm set up an otaku tribe in New Orleans in 2056? Yes. Do they want to reveal who they were and are? Clearly not; otaku then, clearly technomancers now. Am I going to do it to them? Oh, hell no.
> (Old Decker)> Is that all of it? What about the Khazakstan thing? What about everything for the past
decade?> (Curious Someone)> Here we get into more modern information; clearly the file above is meant to be more of a background document. From what I understand, the Wyrm was working for someone, probably the Russians, maybe Yamatetsu, late in '61, probing at what computer systems exist inside Yakut. After six weeks of study, the Wyrm told his Johnson that he couldn't do a bloody thing for them and quit.
> (Social Runner/Fixer)> After that, he got involved in the whole shadow war between Ex Pacis, Overwatch, and the Network. I heard he was at the Nexus at the time of Crash 2.0, but I can't confirm that he was working for them. He was definitely spending a lot of time in the Data Havens -- doing research on something, but I'll be damned if I know what.
> (Old Decker)> I heard from a friend of a friend -- F2F, note -- that during the Crash all he did was float there and watch Jormungand. Like he was studying it.
> (Young Decker)> Where was this?
> (Curious Someone)> Beppu, he said.
> (Young Decker)> Strange. I asked around, got the same story, but my contact said Manchester.
> (Old Decker)> Really?? I was told the Helix.
> (Social Runner/Fixer)> ... mine said the Morgue. I guess it's time -- WTF??
> Jean Gene Genie
> Getting past all that, what's he been up to since Crash 2.0?
> Jean Gene Genie
> Besides the Silicon Glen conference, apparently not a hell of a lot of actual running stuff. I've heard that he spent a lot of time in South America, but I've also heard that he camped out in DFW during the same time-period, so it's a bit muddled. His iconography remains the same, though -- a basalt-and-ebony serpentlike wingless dragon, elements of Eastern and Western combined. He still uses his constellation of agents a lot, all of them sculpted to look like various Great and lesser dragons.
> (Matrix Addict)> 'Constellation'? Come on, how many can the guy have?
> (Young Decker)> Ninety-six, at last count. I still have a few to sculpt, mostly because I don't have sufficient imagery from which to work.
> The Wyrm Ouroboros
> Ninety-six?!? What the hell do you need that many agents for?!?
> (Young Decker)> Various things. I honestly only use the Great Dragons regularly, but having them helps me keep up with the whole 'Who's Who' in the draconic world.
> The Wyrm Ouroboros
> the wyrm emerged as a technomancer, one of them that hears both the resonance and the dissonance it was all that time studying Jormungand
> (English, MF, Do You Speak It?!?)> Not likely, considering how much the agents still go swanning around. If you had sprites, would you be using agents? That'd be like using drones when you could conjure spirits.
> (Skeptic)> Even if that's true, sprites sure as hell do like him. There's always two or three somewhere in the vicinity where-ever he's connected -- beautiful things, too, what you'd imagine data to look like if the God in charge of Beauty created them. Shining crystal, or rippling grace, or ... just indescribable.
> Vishnu
> I've been listening to him a lot on VU93, and he seems to know a lot about, well, a lot. What's up with that?
> (Young Decker)> The Wyrm's one of the flat-out smartest people you'll ever meet. Ambitious, no, not really -- he just wants to
know stuff. He's an incredible researcher, arguably the best there is (no offense to FastJack, but they've each got their focus), and when he wants to know something, he'll find it out unless it is
literally impossible for non-Awakened people to know. He's particularly good at deduction from missing information -- figuring out the shape of what should be there, but isn't, and you can see that in the S-K and Aztechnology stuff above.
What he is at heart, though, is a teacher. Ask him a question you need to not only know the answer to, but know
why that's the answer, and give him some time to work. Once he has the information you're looking for, he'll sit down with you and not only tell you the answer, but explain why that's the answer -- background on the situation, and background on the background, and history explaining the background's background, and the psychology of people coming from that culture. It can get kind of surprising, the things that can come up in conversations with him.
He's a pretty good teacher when it comes to hacking, too.
> (Old Guy)> What's he like on a run? Anyone got any stories?
> (Curious)> I have one. Back in April of '72, the Wyrm acted as a Johnson for a rescue run on a remote Aztech subsidiary research lab -- you know the sort of place, ownership buried under sixty zillion layers -- sitting just inside PCC from Tir Tairngire, right around the Black Rock Desert area. Overall, the run was nasty -- didn't stop at that facility, let's just say -- but the man was incredibly professional. We met him in Houston, and he made sure we could all bury our accent, but he had the initial run all planned out in incredible detail.
First the travel plans, just to
get there. Houston to West Palm Beach, change IDs to bloody
Mormons if you can believe it, with datasofts (knowsofts if we could handle them) to help us with both identity and the whole LDS thing. We fly to Salt Lake City, drive south to Provo, change IDs again to Los Angelinos heading home, and head through the Deseret checkpoints. We get out into the middle of nowhere and meet up with someone-or-another, seemed like those Mojave gypsies, who trade us the stuff we're riding in for tough off-road vehicles packed full with survival gear, food, and the stuff the Wyrm had arranged for us to ship from Houston -- all our specialized gear, that sort of thing.
We head off into the damn mountains, driving along as a group of friends off on a vacation of desert hiking, camping, that sort of thing. Some of our lightly-nasty stuff gets covered as 'protection from dangerous animals', which the PCC is okay with; all the rest of it is buried in the spare tire and like that. We got stopped three times, and every time our covers hold, the Ranger-sorts check over our weapons and licenses, nod, wish us luck and tell us to stay safe, and off we go again.
Now, I'm not some weakling girl; I rodeo competitively, and don't let nobody tell you that isn't a workout. But we get as close as we're gonna be able, and then we go goddamn mountain climbing all over God's red-and-brown rocks up there, setting shit up so we can spy on this place. The Wyrm almost always was singing under his breath, and even when our ork adept was totally blown at the end of the day, the Wyrm looks like he's just been out for a brisk half-hour walk.
The bastard runs fifteen miles,
minimum, every damn morning. He does supermarathons for kicks and grins, and vacations doing just the kind of rock scrambling we'd been doing for three damn days.
Anyhow. We got into the place, found where they'd been holding the girl, but she'd been moved the day before we got there. We found out where, got back out without setting off any alarms, and boogied off to hit the next place. She'd been moved again, but due to him researching the place all the way to Phoenix, we at least were inside before we discovered where she'd been moved to again. That time we set off an alert, and had to shoot our way out -- then run the border into Aztlan and pull out the big guns in order to wreck the place they were keeping her in Tuscon.
He isn't wired up like a Christmas tree, and so far as I could tell, he used a top-end commlink (custom made) for his Matrix stuff, so he isn't some combat monster. In fact, the first few moments of cyber-combat in the place in Phoenix, he kinda seemed to freeze up, but when he got going, well, you wouldn't think they were even in the same virtual room; he just kind of ... pulled the plug on them. Weird, really.
Otherwise, yeah. Easy-going, good listener, researches the hell out of whatever he thinks you might need to know. Cute, too, in a tall lean forty-something silvered-temple geeky kind of way.
> Yellow Rose of Texas