[5e OOC] And The Rain Keeps Falling

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« Reply #45 on: <07-03-16/0025:38> »
Ahh. I had forgotten that wasn't IC knowledge until recently. It's tough to keep track of who knows what when.

I just finished the e-book No Job Too Small yesterday. de Vries makes a cameo appearance.

Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #46 on: <07-03-16/0044:50> »
Let me know if you want perception test or something here. Eddie is looking for, in order of appearance:
Anything and everything about the woman who led them out of the club, cause he's easily distracted by shiny things :)
Security features and anything that might hint at how often the warehouse is used
Details on both men that might reveal something about their identities, such as what weapons and equipment they're carrying if at all, what brand clothes they're wearing, any distinguishing marks, and so on.


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« Reply #47 on: <07-03-16/0102:07> »
I'm going to roll my Fashion knowledge skill, because when else will I ever get to?

Ichante: Intuition 8 + Fashion 1: 9d6t5 2 hits

Not the greatest, but presumably enough to know the better-known brands by sight.

Per the IC post, I'm keeping an eye on the dark (via thermographic vision) and on the room in general via the astral. Let me know if you want additional rolls or if you'd prefer to use the previous ones.


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« Reply #48 on: <07-03-16/1043:25> »
Herr: The woman is only with you for a short time, and is very distracting to wandering eyes, but doesn't seem a threat at all. She leaves you at the warehouse to return to the club. The warehouse agitated to be regularly used, most of the boxes seem newer to the area implying recent traffic. The labels on the nearest boxes indicate flatware, glasses, and don't alcohol, likely for the club. There doesn't appear to be any interior security systems here, which is probably why this area was chosen to meet. The man in the suit appears comfortable, wearing expensive clothing, and has a pin on his lapel that could be an Ares Macrotech logo, but it's difficult to tell if it's real.

Tecumsah: You do recognize the Mortimer of London greatcoat, but the Johnson's suit appears handmade, not something you've seen before. The jacket alone is probably worth more than the contents of the warehouse at your best guess. Your thermo vision reveals recent heat trails near a garage style bay door at the back of the room, but no other bodies. As you scan the room astrally, you recognize a similar background noise to the rest of the area, except what looks like a bubble around the man in the white coat. As you look his way, he seems to smile at you and shake his head as if to say you won't see anything from him.

Edit: Sorry, it is a ulysses line coat if you really want to know. Your IC post covers it well enough though.
« Last Edit: <07-03-16/2343:37> by CraterShip »


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« Reply #49 on: <07-04-16/1105:47> »
Let's see what Chaim notices. 

First, a basic Visual Perception test to check out the surroundings.  I have: INT (4) + Perception (5) + Visual Spec (2) = 11 dice.
Perception + Visual: 11d6t5 3
Not bad, but probably no new info.

I'll also roll Fashion.  I have: INT (4) + Fashion (3) = 7 dice.
Fashion: 7d6t5 4
Let me know if I may have a grasp on where the suit was purchased, or which tailor made it.



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« Reply #50 on: <07-04-16/1556:34> »
Side note, never seen so many people with such fashion sense! Hahaha

Anyway, perception doesn't add anything else, you notice the same as the others. Fashion tells you the suit is obviously tailor made, looks like the type the super megas would hire out. Indications point to Johnson being from one of the big 10 or trying to break into them.


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« Reply #51 on: <07-04-16/1647:42> »
So some dice rolled

First check six as we leave the club to see if any one reacts or follows

Then the usual checks for entering a room full of bad men with guns

That's six hits and then two so yay then boo

You are not what you think you are. you are an imitation of what your wish you were


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« Reply #52 on: <07-04-16/1816:08> »
Gwilym, if you use the syntax "12d6t5" then Orokos will use the t5 to know that your target number is 5. It will automatically count the hits for you so that you don't have to scan through the results of your roll manually.

Also, underneath the roll results there will be a tiny little link that says "bbcode". If you click on that, it will give you code to copy and paste here that includes both the results of the roll as well as a link to it for reference. It's very convenient, and what the others and I have been using.

For example, I count 7 hits on your first roll, not 6. Also, your second roll didn't include the roll reference number. (See here instead:


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« Reply #53 on: <07-05-16/0202:02> »
I agree with Tecumseh, all good points for orokos. I also count 7 successes on the first roll, good eye. In any case, results of the first roll is that no one appears to be following, and for the second roll, I would refer you to the descriptions from the other characters rolls, nothing significant stands out further.


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« Reply #54 on: <07-06-16/1201:10> »
About the extraterritoriality thing, in the Shadowrun universe most AA and all AAA corporations have extraterritoriality on corp property, meaning that they're immune to domestic law while on corp ground.  They can issue their own money -- corporate script -- issue their own laws, and have their own citizenship -- corporate SINs.  So Chaim's question about extraterritoriality wasn't about leaving Seattle proper, but was if they would be crossing into corporate sovereign territory, which carries additional levels of risk -- not the least of which is that corporate High Threat Response teams are immune to the kinds of firearms and ammunition restrictions that Knight Errant is.  So if the team is expected to infiltrate Mom&PopCo, a locally owned C rated corp versus Renraku or a Renraku owned subsidiary, the former would be expected to adhere to all federal and local laws while the latter can do pretty much whatever the frag they want.

Some reading:

Of course, I'm doped up on all sorts of allergy meds right now, and I may have just misread the last IC post, in which case please ignore the above.  Just want to make sure I'm understanding things correctly before I reply ICly.


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« Reply #55 on: <07-06-16/1313:06> »
Ah yes, I forgot about that part of corp domain. In this case, I mean it as it is within Seattle, and the corp you'll be infiltrating is not quite to that level, so they will still be governed by normal law.

Interesting take on Asher, I hadn't thought of the lab coat look haha it's not meant that way, just as a high collared white overcoat. He is actually a carryover of a PC I played way back in 3e that I've hung on to as a helper/npc I can give you guys his story later if you're interested.


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« Reply #56 on: <07-06-16/1335:28> »
Yes, about Asher, that's also a Jewish name.  Chaim will likely try to discern if this cat is also part of the tribe once we get to details on the job.  Too bad we don't have any drinks here to Mazel Tov to.  I'll try to get an IC up today, but it may be in a bit.  I'll also give everyone else a chance to drop in if Chaim is forgetting anything that they'd like cleared up.

Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #57 on: <07-06-16/1346:16> »
Cool as cool, Crater; to my mind, Eddie has a bit of an association issue. As in, seeing a white coat reminds him of white lab coats, even if the cut is different and it's more of a trench coat or even an outer jacket.


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« Reply #58 on: <07-07-16/0232:54> »
Haha good point. I suppose living as a lab rat for so long will have that effect.


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« Reply #59 on: <07-07-16/1221:01> »
Alright, let's see how Chaim is doing with these negotiations.  Social Limit is bumped to 10 for the Ulysses Coat.

For Negotiation I have: CHA (6) + Negotiation (4) + Bargaining Spec (2) + Ulysses Coat (1) = 13 dice.
Negotiation: 13d6t5 3
Not great.  Let's Edge that.
Edge Re-roll: 10d6t5 1
Awful.  So that's 4 hits total.
Oh, I forgot my Tailored Pheromones.  Let's see if 2X2 dice can help at all.
Tailored Pheromones: 2#2d6t5 1 0
One more hit, so 5 hits total.