His detective seemed more crime scene detective than legwork detective, which is probably why his contact list is sparse for most detectives.
*Lurk mode off* Heya Umaro - First off you've done a huge amount of work and opened my eyes to a few interesting facets of the new system and the way everything works together. So thanks this post is great.Next a little critique.Whether you know it or not it seems that you have become a bit powergamey/minmaxer in your character builds.Those characters you've created (i've only gone through a few so far) are beasts, i'd hate to see a maxed power-gaming character you created (I realise several parts of your character sheets are cut and pasted ie all have ruthenium overcoat and awesome sensor packages)I find the lack of presence of the most common race in your list a bit telling, the other races have better stats ... but where is the Human Magician who glorifies in just being a Wizard and who has just enough touches to the design to make him effective as a Runner.And if you've considered all that before, can I put in a request that you include a plain jane Human Magician .. not super optimised, just the same level as the other cool characters.*Lurk mode on*
Has the latest season of missions upped the challenge a lot. From what I remember of missions is even poorly optimized characters heck probably all but the worst SR4A sample characters could steam roll through every mission I saw.
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Quote from: Shinobi Killfist on <08-16-11/1209:54>Has the latest season of missions upped the challenge a lot. From what I remember of missions is even poorly optimized characters heck probably all but the worst SR4A sample characters could steam roll through every mission I saw. No, it hasn't.I went into Origins with an optimized character and left with the feeling that if Bull hadn't arranged for the last one to be turned up to 11, I could have soloed them all with minimal hassle.For me, providing replacement characters is less a matter of having optimized toons to give to incoming players as it is to avoid having to explain the how and why of "You really don't want to play X", Like the weapon specialist that isn't very good at using any of their weapons, has more weapons than any complete team should ever be carrying around at once, and has poor initiative and only one pass...
The only really important thing with power levels is to get everyone at the table on more or less on the same page. A good GM will challenge you no matter what your power level is. The difficulty comes when you have a weapon specialist who has fewer dice with his primary skill set than the face does with his combat secondary. You want all the players to feel their characters are good at what they are good at, and that everyone brings something to the team.