[IC] Missions 2 - Take out service

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« on: <03-03-13/0625:43> »
"Face it you Fraggers. Denver is a sub-divided, pain-wracked, schizophrenic, self-serving, epileptic, sado-masochistic haven for the divinely warped. And I love each and every one of your bitter, thrice damned souls."

- Right Reverend Donald R. Byrne, Street Samurai

Once again fraggers, welcome to Denver !!!

SPOILER WARNING: this game is played using the official Missions 02 - 13 Take Out Service scenario. If you wish to ever play it do not read any further.
Sorry for a small delay ;)

Denver Missions
concluded 01 02 03 04 05 10 09 11
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runners: Caretaker Jerry


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« Reply #1 on: <03-03-13/0635:58> »
Denver night show - Whispers from the shadows.

Good evening fellow denverites. 'Runs are plenty this spring, don't you think? We haven't yet shaken of the KoffeKlutch massacre and shadows sent yet another bill to the butcher. I know you're hungry of news, so tonight we have something real stuffy fo you.
Course one will be last week recording of the Yakuza parlor refecading.
Course two will be special appearance of Ghostwalker's Voice - Nicholas Whitebird - and his view on latest developments on the Denver crimescene.

be right back, just after the break...
« Last Edit: <03-04-13/1650:34> by Sentinemodo »
Sorry for a small delay ;)

Denver Missions
concluded 01 02 03 04 05 10 09 11
running 13
runners: Caretaker Jerry


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« Reply #2 on: <03-04-13/1650:09> »
Welcome after the break, I hope you'll do a pleasure to our main sponsor and order synthcolas&soia and stuff yourselves while watching this - your one and only dose of Whissssperssssss from the shadows.

Just like I said before the break, we got something real tasty for you, this is an eye witness recording...

Camera switches from a trideo scene to a normal video recording, with quality visibly degrading to a standard quality of the cheap cybereye units, the angle suggest someone walking on the street observing group of people queuing before the entrance to the old building. The map in the bottom right part of the screen points at PCC, Littleton.
Now watch this. in the top left corner of the image a Casualties: 0 text appeared.

The voice of commentator is amped with emotions, those observing the channel through simsense modules receive stimulus to their anxiety and fear...

Two men carry out a third one, with a fourth one jumping out after them yelling something. All of them in suits, though different cuts.
What a pity we didn't had sound, but you'll see why the observer didn't come closer.

I'll stop for a moment. Our sources claim this place was a Yakuza casino and parlor. But let see it...

They trash the suited guy, and suddenly drone from the alley opens fire.
Casualties immediately score 10 as explosive ammunition tear people apart, yakuza, bystanders, even some poor passing dog puppy gets splattered  ....

Whoa !!! did you see that? ... Second drone
... for a moment the view of the street is blurred when the cybereye unit refocuses on the source of the second shot that blast crashed electricity within ten blocks... stop
zoom in, refocus, zoom in, refocus ... there .. another doberman drone, at the edge of the building, out experts say this is a HERF gun - this things are banned on our streets denverites

rewind zoom back on the street, do you remember that yelling guy? watch this, we'll slow it down for you, he turns ... he jumps ... and there .. his head pop like rotten cherry, casualty +1, we are after first second since the open fire, can you believe it?

to the right side of the screen a bar with number of subscribed spectators skyrocket

and that was just a begining ... more after a break.
« Last Edit: <03-04-13/1655:29> by Sentinemodo »
Sorry for a small delay ;)

Denver Missions
concluded 01 02 03 04 05 10 09 11
running 13
runners: Caretaker Jerry


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« Reply #3 on: <03-11-13/1219:59> »
Welcome after the break, this are whispers from the shadows, the best feed from the Denver's night.

Before the break we saw the amount of bullets fired in one second equal to a small war using highly illegal weaponry.

Now lets wind it a bit forward and watch how this Rover crashes into the wall. Yes you heard correctly. It crashes in, and we can hear the machine gun fire from the inside.

The video show the footage and how shortly after a spirit was seen carrying something into the trunk of the car. The car sped away promply, trampling the bodies of the people killed earlier while the sniper or aerial drone kills more of the people that didn't make it to the cover.

After the car's departure video show how people run out from the building, torn and bloodied and how behind them the building cave in after some internal explosion.

At this point our recording ends, supplemented by the information that Grid malfuncted at this time and place giving those criminals a free way to escape. Traces are still being done on this but no doubt about 'mancer at work was there.

Later when the service arrived a total death toll was estimated at 25 bodies. Yes, estimated, and DNA samplings are still conducted to verify that number.

We got PR officer for the PuebSec online. Do you have any comment to this situation, specifically how endangered should our citizens feel when such things happen on our streets. This were one of the many examples seen lately, though I admit this one was one of the bloodiest...

First of all there is no reason to feel endangered. We have the situation completely under control, with additional patrols in the area. This wasn't the safest neighbourhood to begin with, but as of now nothing more than personal sidearm and a bulletproof clothing are necessary to feel safe. Of course if you see anything suspicious our matrix operators are constantly online receiving calls and directing response forces when necessary.

Secondary, this was a gang war example, loyal, lawful citizens are safe from it by the obvious fact they wouldn't have been anywhere close to such events.

Lastly, the CSSI (Citizens Safety Satisfaction Index) will improve when this particular criminals will be removed from the streets. Suspects have been already identified and will be questioned and trialed for multiple 1st degree assault (murder on intent), explosions, illegal weapon carrying and usage with deadly intent and multiple matrix crimes if their part in this event will be confirmed. The Rover shown has been very flamboyantly painted and multiple sources recognized this car as owned by Omar Gibo also known as Me3XST. That car officialy don't exist, but we have sufficient recordings to prove that false. He will be brought in and judged if he had anything in common with this event. The other one - the person jumping into the car - was recognized as Eric Bäcker and his SIN was already updated to criminal status, though the logs confirm he promptly left Denver after the assault.
Those two are linked to the 'runners going under nicknames Fractal and Serious Sam.

We're cooperating with Knight Errants, Lonestar and Zone Defence Force on that matter.

Two pictures from the SIN database were displayed. The other two modelled as unknowns along with standard 500 nuyen for information on any of the three and 1000 nuyen for information leading to capture of Eric Bäcker.

What about the target - you speak of alleged criminals Gibo and Bäcker with two unseen others - what about those inside the building, and let us not be affraid of the word, the borthel and on the street that return fire? From what our experts say they use submachines that aren't legal in the PCC neither.

By all means, they will be questioned and judged also. It has been confimred that the building was operated by Yakuza. The pure Japan composition of the defender force support that statement. So they will all face charge of taking part in organized crime, along with charges for all related crimes committed in the neighbourhood. The truth is though, that we can't identify anyone alive from that group leaving the building. The investigation hence must identify higher level Yakuza members ordering the operation of the place, linking them to the place and event, which will take some time. There are no doubts though will end with a success, that I will promptly report to denverites.

Thank you, sir. .. and now we will talk to the voice of the Ghostwalker, Nicholas Whitebird himself... just after the break ...
Sorry for a small delay ;)

Denver Missions
concluded 01 02 03 04 05 10 09 11
running 13
runners: Caretaker Jerry


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« Reply #4 on: <03-15-13/1712:45> »
Quote from: ooc
reserved for a final Whispers in the shadows post
after airing this episode (week after ending of the previous run) Omar may add himself Wanted (PuebSec) negative quality.

that's along with Jack encrypted message, that KE aren't exactly cooperating with PuebSec when they don't have to.
Sorry for a small delay ;)

Denver Missions
concluded 01 02 03 04 05 10 09 11
running 13
runners: Caretaker Jerry