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Seeking Opinion: Is this an interpretation, or a House Rule?


Stainless Steel Devil Rat:
On one hand, you're not supposed to use House Rules in SRM.  On the other, the rules aren't written to be watertight and embrace a paradigm of allowing a GM to decide "whatever works for your table" quite a lot of the time.

So one particular rule has me wanting to solicit opinions for a specifically SRM context:  Making a Ranged Attack in Melee (SR5 pg 177).

I don't have a question about the rule per se.  My question is would it be more "House Rule" or more "whatever works for my table" to say the -3 dice pool penalty isn't one size fits all but can vary based on the context.  You know, like using a pistol might even be less than -3 whereas a rifle might be more than -4 dice.   For what it's worth, the rules themselves actually never codify a value for the penalty.  You have to find the chart (nearest one is on the page preceding) to find a value... so in light of the rules not specifying a value is that value written in stone or is it reasonably malleable?

While your idea for house-ruling the bonus based on the type of weapon being used is interesting and potentially quite valid, it's definitely a house-rule.

I don't quite follow the logic behind the idea that the value of the penalty being listed in the chart means that the "rules don't specify a value." Really, it couldn't be farther from the truth. The chart comes first, it clearly lists a series of situational modifiers for firing a ranged weapon. That chart is the rule, the text is just support and clarification.

Stainless Steel Devil Rat:

--- Quote from: Kiirnodel on ---While your idea for house-ruling the bonus based on the type of weapon being used is interesting and potentially quite valid, it's definitely a house-rule.

I don't quite follow the logic behind the idea that the value of the penalty being listed in the chart means that the "rules don't specify a value." Really, it couldn't be farther from the truth. The chart comes first, it clearly lists a series of situational modifiers for firing a ranged weapon. That chart is the rule, the text is just support and clarification.

--- End quote ---

Kind of the same logical question of can cover ever be situationally ruled as something other than exactly +2 or +4 as a modifier without being labelled a "house rule".


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