The current Metaplots

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« on: <08-01-12/1121:19> »
Hi all,

After leaving the 6th World for some months (going back to the 4th to GM an Earthdawn campaign :))) I'm now a bit lost with the current ongoing Metaplots. So I thought it might be handy to have a topic summarizing what's currently going on and what books are talking about it :)

As I missed some books I probably got some things wrong, so if you want to add/correct things, don't hesitate to post below and I'll update the main post accordingly :)

The Hot Stuff:

Court of Shadows: The 2078 eruption of Yellowstone has opened new pathways to the Faery metaplane. The Seelie Court cannot ignore the real world any longer, as adventurers and megaacorps all want a piece of the Fae. So what will the Court do? The same as everybody else -- hire shadowrunners to do their dirty work :) But of course there are many factions within the Court, not to mention the mysterious Unseelie...
Books: Court of Shadows, Anarchy, Book of the Lost

Wild Cards: Once believed to simply be a bunch of cards, the Sixth World Tarot is now on everybody's radar as a major magical artifact. Everybody, from Fae to magical organizations, want to secure the cards, understand their meaning and harness their (mysterious) powers.
Books: Sixth World Tarot, Court of Shadows, the upcoming new magic book, Drawing Destiny, Book of the Lost

Cognitive Fragmentation Disorder: We now know what has been going on with FastJack and a few others -- the CFD virus has been unleashed, allowing e-ghosts to snatch nano-augmented bodies.
Books: Storm Front, Stolen Souls, Splintered State

Boston Lockdown: Blue rain, angry Dragons, and CFD. Add to that the return of a (diminished, almost feral) Deus and the involvement of Ex Pacis, and you see why "powderkeg" is an understatement.
Books: Stolen Souls, Shadowrun Chronicles, Lockdown

Corporate Upheaval: In the wake of the CFD outbreak and what has been happening in Boston, one of the AAA Megacorp is going down. Which one? We don't know yet. But it'll make shockwaves.
Books: Lockdown, Market Panic, Cutting Aces, Book of the Lost

Election Time: Brackhaven has been kicked from the Governor's seat, and there will be elections to choose his successor.
Books: Cutting Aces, Book of the Lost

Revenge of the Bugs: Ares was hoping to use Insect Spirits to create new Biotech. But Damien Knight seems to have lost control of the situation, the Bugs and their servants have infiltrated the megacorp, and Anna Ravenheart and her people have gone underground, preparing for war.
Books: Threats 2, Corporate Intrigue (I think), Street Legends, Sacrificial Lamb (Boardroom Backstabs 2), Cutting Aces

Denver at War: Ghostwalker has decided he's tired of compromising with other nations and has issued an ultimatum, ordering them to leave the Front Range Free Zone. The UCAS and CAS governments have likened this ultimatum as a declaration of war. 
Books: Storm Front, Denver Adventures (Serrated Edge, False Flag)

Not currently in the limelight, but still running in the shadows (pun intended):

The Dragon Lady: Hestaby has lost a lot during the Dragon Civil War and is laying low. But she's a Great Dragon. She's probably working on her come back as we speak.
Books: Storm Front

Vampire Mutations: The HMHVV is mutating. The Infected are getting more sensible to the sun... more feral too. What's going on? Nobody knows... yet. Plus there's Fear The Dark, the shady organization that has been sponsoring a couple of vampire serial-killers.
Books: Storm Front, Sail Away Sweet Sister, some of the new novels

Beware the Nadjas: Nadja Daviar is back, but she seems to have an agenda. And what about her "clones"?
Books: Street Legends, Jet Set

Harlequinade: Harlequin fought Ghostwalker in Denver, and while they both survived they also know how to hold grudges. But what about his darker side Gwynplayne still running free? Also, what exactly happened to Aina Dupree?
Books: Artifacts Unbound, The Clutch of Dragons, Street Legends, Storm Front

Shadow Spirits Unleashed: The Shadow Spirits Oblivion and Maelstrom have been feeding from the Aztlan War and the conflict in Denver and growing in power. By the way, they actually might be Horrors. Oops. Some nasty beings are also stirring in the Metaplanes.
Books: Storm Front, War!, Hazard Pay, Aetherology

Deep Lacuna: A long-lasting alchera, and it seems as though bodies have been recovered from it. Also, something is down there that is disrupting very powerful spirits...
Books: Corporate Enclaves, a mention in Street Magic

Technomancers: Still getting chopped up by MCT and NEONet, and it seems getting shafted by Horizon, too. And Pax is still alive and up to her Dissonant ways. Also, there is a war going on between Resonant and Dissonant sprites in the Realms, and that can't spell anything good for us if it bleeds over into the Matrix at large.
Books: Emergence, Corporate Guide, Corporate Intrigue, Twilight Horizon, Unwired

Smoking Mirror: Oscuro may be out at AZT, but the Smoking Mirror remains, and is pursuing serious nastiness.
Books: Corporate Guide

The Geneva Plot: Something is going on with the Matrix in Geneva.
Books: Emergence, Ghost Cartels, Feral Cities, Corporate Guide

Resolved stuff (but beware the aftershock):

Proposition 23: Prop23 has been passed despite Brackhaven's best efforts to kill it. Gentrification of the Underground is now happening, for better or worse.
Books: Seattle 2072, Missions Season 4, Runner Havens, Splintered State, Seattle Sprawl

Dragon Wars: Things have gone pyrotechnic between Lofwyr and Hestaby. The other Dragons are picking sides (or have schemes of their own), and Metahumanity might end up in the crossfire.
Books: Street Legends, SOTA 2073, Jet Set, Damage Control (Boardroom Backstabs 1), The Clutch of Dragons

Artifacts Race: Everybody went crazy to get a bunch of ancient artifacts. When the dust settled, Aina Dupree was dead (...or is she?), Ghostwalker had disappeared into the Metaplanes (or worse), and Harlequin was "ready to take sides" (and that might be the scariest thing).
Books: Dawn of the Artifacts, Artifacts Unbound, Street Legends Supplemental, The Clutch of Dragons, some of the new novels

Behind the Horizon: There's something fishy going on at Horizon. But what?
Books: Horizon Adventures, The Twilight Horizon, Corporate Intrigue

Aztlan-Amazonian War: The Azzies and Amazonia are at war, and Aztechnology and Horizon are using the opportunity to play games with each other.
Books: WAR!, Feral Cities, Corporate Intrigue, Columbian Subterfuge

Corporate Shenanigans: Evo, Horizon, Mitsuhama, Aztech, Saeder-Krupp, NEONet, and Ares have all gotten some major play recently. Shiawase and Wuxing have been making moves, too. But things have been scary quiet over at Renraku lately... (I'm moving it to "resolved" as it has been superseded by the "Corporate Upheaval" plot, but of course it's Shadowrun, there's always corporate shenanigans going on).
Books: Corporate Guide, Corporate Intrigue, WAR!, Twilight Horizon, Jet Set, Boardroom Backstabs, Conspiracy Theories, Hazard Pay, and more.


Thanks to Sichr, Mirikon, Zunimancer, and the others posters in the thread :)
« Last Edit: <03-28-17/0919:11> by Marzhin »
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« Reply #1 on: <08-01-12/1133:57> »
Id add The Shattered Haven.
Not too much on the eyes of the public (well possibly connected somehow to Horizon line) but there is something going on in the resonance realms the world is barely aware off..(Unwired p. 174)


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« Reply #2 on: <08-01-12/1201:44> »
Indeed, Sichr's right. There is a war going on between Resonant and Dissonant sprites in the Realms, and that can't spell anything good for us if it bleeds over into the Matrix at large.

And I'll agree that the two scariest things to come out of the Artifacts plot is that Ghostwalker went to the metaplanes on a mission (and has apparently returned), and that Harlequin has decided he needs to take an active role in things again.

Other metaplots:

Seattle Politics - The Ork Rights Committee is trying to have the Underground in Seattle made an official district. Brackhaven and his Humanis allies aren't too pleased with that, natch. Also, I believe 2074 is an election year for Kenny boy.

Aztlan-Amazonian War - The Azzies and Amazonia are at war, and Aztechnology and Horizon are using the opportunity to play games with eachother.

Deep Lacuna - A long-lasting alchera, and it seems as though bodies have been recovered from it. Also, something is down there that is disrupting very powerful spirits...

Technomancers - Still getting chopped up by MCT and NEONet, and it seems getting shafted by Horizon, too. And Pax is still alive and up to her Dissonant ways.

Corporate Shenanigans - Evo, Horizon, Mitsuhama, Aztech, Saeder-Krupp, NEONet, and Ares have all gotten some major play recently. Shiawase and Wuxing have been making moves, too. But things have been scary quiet over at Renraku lately...

Smoking Mirror - Oscuro may be out at AZT, but the Smoking Mirror remains, and is pursuing serious nastiness.
Greataxe - Apply directly to source of problem, repeat as needed.

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« Reply #3 on: <08-01-12/1206:13> »
Can I get the book that speaks of Harlequin deciding to become active again? That guy scares the crap out of me and I want to know what cities to stay out of.....


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« Reply #4 on: <08-01-12/1228:08> »
Can I get the book that speaks of Harlequin deciding to become active again? That guy scares the crap out of me and I want to know what cities to stay out of.....

It's in Street Legends Supplemental. Harlequin hired runners to get back his old sword and seems to be on the warpath. Against who, that's another question...

Mirikon, do you think you could make a list of (some of) the books where info about these plots can be found? Many thanks :)
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« Reply #5 on: <08-01-12/1245:53> »
+1. Interrested in that Deep Lacuna part :)


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« Reply #6 on: <08-01-12/1305:18> »
Mirikon, do you think you could make a list of (some of) the books where info about these plots can be found? Many thanks :)

Seattle Politics - Seattle 2072, Missions Season 4, Runner Havens

Az-Am War - WAR!, Feral Cities, Corporate Intrigue, Columbian Subterfuge

Deep Lacuna - Corporate Enclaves, a mention in Street Magic

Technomancers - Emergence, Corporate Guide, Corporate Intrigue, Twilight Horizon, Unwired

Corporate Shenanigans - Corporate Guide, Corporate Intrigue, WAR!, Twilight Horizon, Jet Set, Boardroom Backstabs, Conspiracy Theories, Hazard Pay, and more.

Smoking Mirror - Corporate Guide
Greataxe - Apply directly to source of problem, repeat as needed.

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« Reply #7 on: <08-01-12/1314:50> »
Thanks, I updated the first post :)
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« Reply #8 on: <08-01-12/1711:40> »
Can I get the book that speaks of Harlequin deciding to become active again? That guy scares the crap out of me and I want to know what cities to stay out of.....

Nowhere is safe.


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« Reply #9 on: <08-01-12/1725:02> »
Titan :)


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« Reply #10 on: <08-01-12/1752:38> »
Titan :)
Just don't land on Europa. The monolith wouldn't like that.
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« Reply #11 on: <08-02-12/1249:56> »
Awesome post. I was working on something similar. Always nice to see this kind of stuff. Thanks!
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« Reply #12 on: <08-03-12/0523:09> »
It would be in the one fraggin book I don't own. Credit card, don't fail me now.


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« Reply #13 on: <08-03-12/0808:12> »
Also to note:

"the one big intercorporate conflict that will destroy one of the Big 10 megacorporations".

aka "the Shadowrun Online plot" :)
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« Reply #14 on: <08-03-12/0928:11> »
Ares or Aztlan.