If I may, I would also like to request a review the state of cybersecurity in this edition.
As it stands, a cyber'd up gorilla of a man only has three options to keep that two-bit dime store decker wannabe from completely taking over his chrome filled body. 1) a comlink with (at best) a 3/1 defense/firewall rating; 2) a cyberjack (which has a high essence and nuyen cost); and 3) a rigger control console (not built nor optimized for this purpose).
Now, it's been said that the chromed monsters of the sixth world should work with their decker to keep them safe. However, what happens in-between runs when Cyber Sam walks into his local Stuffer Shack to buy a Charleston Chew and finds himself jumped by a group of go-ganger initiates looking to prove themselves? Normally not a problem, except one is a matrix wiz who can paralyze Sammie with just a thought, allowing his kin to do the rest.
The best cyber protection, from a cost standpoint, comes from option 3, implanting a RCC (even a "scratch built junk" version), as it only costs 0.3 Essence and the price of the console.
It seems to me that cyberjacks could probably have a (significantly) reduced essence cost, as it is likely a neural interface (like a DNI) with a micro-circuit board. Another option might be a version of the cyberjack that cannot interface with a cyberdeck, permitting only the defensive qualities. Of course, perhaps instead of implanting a regular comlink, the cyber-comlink might have better D/F ratings, since it interfaces directly with a person's brain.
In any case, it only took five (in game) years for armor and cybersecurity to fall way behind (way, way behind) their opposite attack forms. With everyone running around with un-securable technology, the 2080's will be known as a decker's golden age.
Thanks for listening!