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Oh boy, this is a LONG time since the post, but I just moved to Dunedin, and if you folks are still active I'm very interested!
Rules and such / [6e] Matrix Device stacking questions
« Last post by Coyote on <08-27-24/0857:54> »
Good day, and TIA.

I have some questions about linking devices with the purpose of hacking.

1) As far as I can tell, as long as the devices stay near you, they are part of your PAN and so you have no limit to how many devices you can link.
2) Normally you'd link a Commlink and a Cyberdeck to form a persona with all 4 attributes. You can add a RCC for drone control purposes (and then probably use the RCC's defensive stats). And you can add in extra devices such as an Agent Box and a Decoy Box. So far, it seems workable... RCC/Cyberdeck for the persona, Commlink to run a Personal Assistant, Agent Box for the Agent (and a Drone Master program on the Cyberdeck allowing the Agent to control one drone with Autosofts that are on the RCC).
3) At this point, I don't see why I can't add 10 different Program Carriers... and then each PC adds another program slot that I can use to run a program. But if this is legal, what's the point of the program limit on the other devices, if I can just increase it so cheaply?

So, am I missing some rule somewhere that limits programs to only being run on the devices that you're using to form your persona? Or some other rule that limits stacking Program Carriers (or other Commlinks, though they couldn't run Hacking Programs, or cheap Scratch-Built Junk RCCs that could at least add room for a lot of Autosofts)?
Shadowrun: Anarchy / Re: Guns effects and costs.
« Last post by Tecumseh on <08-21-24/1403:50> »
Late to the party here but I like the idea. I would personally use this with Plot Points.

Things like knockback and knockdown are largely narrative effects. Since there are no mechanics it, and not much action economy around movement, that helps prevent them from becoming overpowered. So I think this simultaneously makes Plot Points more valuable while not making them too important.

My general experience is that players hoard Plot Points since they are a limited resource, so I'm constantly trying find ways to incentivize their use. For example, I made it so that a Plot Point can give Armor Avoidance (AA) to any attack. (The motivation was to get the grunts to go down faster without having to chew up all of their armor first.) I think "gun special effects" would parallel that nicely.
Shadowrun: Anarchy / Re: SR:Anarchy page design elements
« Last post by Lipe82 on <08-08-24/1045:28> »
Are you looking for Anarchy specific art?

No, I'm looking for page design elements (headers, background, templates), fonts and logos used for Anarchy.
Also accessible document formats, instead of only inDesign.

World of Darkness' similar project, "Storytellers Vault", offers all of those, allowing for the making of material that looks top notch and owes nothing to the official books (shameless plug and case in point: my Rio de Janeiro by Night Vampire book). Their curation on resources was really good.

Wish the curators of Holostreets would do similarly; Anarchy deserves it.
Shadowrun: Anarchy / Re: SR:Anarchy page design elements
« Last post by FastJack on <08-08-24/0826:10> »
Are you looking for Anarchy specific art? That doesn't exist. The free art is for all editions/variants of the game.
Shadowrun: Anarchy / Re: SR:Anarchy page design elements
« Last post by Lipe82 on <08-07-24/1347:49> »
They did a really shitty job for Anarchy.
There's no reference material or free art for it on Holostreets.  :-\
Shadowrun: Anarchy / Guns effects and costs.
« Last post by Lipe82 on <08-06-24/2015:34> »
A while ago, to counter the fact that some firearms in SRA feel too similar or bland, I made a post proposing some ideas of "guns special effects". Stuff like Heavy Pistols causing knock back, SMG bursts and the like.

In general, my group found it a welcome change (a Good Thing). However, some effects required extra rolls or bookkeeping, which is counterintuitive to Anarchy design.

So I had this idea: cost. Spend a Plot Point or Edge to activate the effect.
Maybe it's too good, since its a sure fire effect?
Maybe this would make Edge more important, or Plot Points more valuable?

I'd love to hear what my fellow SRA survivors think about this idea.
General Discussion / Re: Holostreet Store
« Last post by IC3H4MM3R on <08-04-24/1530:07> »
😎 cool. Thanks for the info, chummer!
General Discussion / Re: Holostreet Store
« Last post by Boneguard on <08-04-24/1114:14> »
Holostreet is a community creative store, a bit like WotC DMGuild or Chaosium Miskatonic Press. So fan of the games have offered us new products as well as conversion guide of old products.
General Discussion / Holostreet Store
« Last post by IC3H4MM3R on <08-04-24/0848:19> »
This may be a newb question, but I'ma newb to this section of the net so I guess its okay. Is the Holostreets store just conversions of old modules or do they have full Runs as well?
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