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General Discussion / Re: It's quiet... Too quiet...
« Last post by Xenon on <12-22-24/0543:40> »
I'm still lurking as well. Not so many rules questions over here, so I guess I spend more time posting over at reddit.
It has been a while so I've finally made a couple of updates to my 6E adepts and added one or two more (with more to come!)

Any questions or comments very welcome :D
General Discussion / Re: It's quiet... Too quiet...
« Last post by Reaver on <12-13-24/1921:49> »
I my self have been working in Mexico for the last while, and haven't even had the time to game :(

That, and I been playing 3e for a while now and not 6e.... so nothing really to post :(
General Discussion / Re: Detroit Scenarios?
« Last post by Boneguard on <12-10-24/1358:11> »
Indeed, for the French version we've included a way to bring in French characters to Toronto ( but that hook could be modified for other cities) and some kind of thread between the adventures.
General Discussion / Re: Detroit Scenarios?
« Last post by Beta on <12-09-24/1237:42> »
Cutting Black was a bit frustrating for telling us about all the exciting things happening, but not inviting us to take part in most of those events.  As FastJack says they did bring out 30 Nights, set during the blackout in Toronto, but nothing about Detroit dealing with the bugs, investigations of the disappearance of 3 Corp, the NAN seizures of territory, the Quebec invasion and fall back, etc.

I will say that later 6e plot books have been much better at translating into game play.

(the French version of Cutting Black added some adventures, but IIRC they were prequels to Detroit, to introduce enough of what was happening in Ares that Cutting Black would make more sense when it became news).
General Discussion / Re: Detroit Scenarios?
« Last post by FastJack on <11-30-24/0937:50> »
Not currently, but 30 Nights does touch a bit on it. It's set in Toronto, though, which is a bit further east. It's more focused on the Blackout than anything else.
General Discussion / Detroit Scenarios?
« Last post by PMárk on <11-30-24/0856:23> »
Hello folks, would you help me out a bit? Are there any scenarios/missions out there written for the 6e Cutting Black Detroit bug outbreak storyline? Where should I look?
Errata / Re: Tarnished Star errata
« Last post by FastJack on <11-28-24/1135:25> »
Tarnished Star p151 External Injector Rig has Cost Rating×1,5000¥
Catalyst's Shadowrun Products / Re: Tarnished Star has released
« Last post by FastJack on <11-28-24/0645:44> »
Whoever invented the combat drug Pyrrhic Victory, is a monster and deserves a raise.
Whoever invented the combat drug Pyrrhic Victory, is a monster and deserves a raise.
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