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General Gaming / Re: CBR+PNK
« Last post by AlHazred on <01-14-25/1045:58> »
Ironically, I'm not a fan of Storyteller RPG designs. It feels too much like Improv and not enough like a Game to me.
It's a fine line of balance between pure group storytelling and narrative gaming. But I've played in my wife's Blades in the Dark campaign, and it's got enough codification of give-and-take to work. But you do need a group willing to give it a try, and it's not for everyone!

I was more interested in other SR GMs who've gone the narrative route. SR has a great setting, with a lot of excellent lore and detail.
General Gaming / Re: CBR+PNK
« Last post by FastJack on <01-14-25/0825:59> »
Ironically, I'm not a fan of Storyteller RPG designs. It feels too much like Improv and not enough like a Game to me.
General Gaming / CBR+PNK
« Last post by AlHazred on <01-13-25/1208:41> »
So, I backed the Kickstarter for CBR+PNK Augmented a while back, and hadn't had the chance to look over the rewards until recently. It's an extremely light RPG (lighter even than SR:A) based on the Blades in the Dark engine by Jon Harper. One of the supplements for it (they're called plugins) is called +Weird, and it's specifically for adding supernatural elements to the game; it really feels like you can run extremely rules-light, narrative-based SR with this engine. The game itself isn't geared to campaign play -- it's for running a group of elite runners, called in for One Last Job with a Big Payoff (what can possibly go wrong?) -- but there's another plugin called CBR+PNK: re.SERIALIZED for adapting it to campaign play.

I've been digesting it but haven't had a chance to try it at the table yet. Has anybody else given this game a try? I'm particularly interested if anyone's run it with the +Weird plugin and if they felt it was an appropriately ShadowRunny experience. I know people who have always been intrigued by the lore, but are leery of any complex games. I was hoping to draw them in with CBR+PNK.
Holostreets Products / Edge Card, Status Cards, and Lifepath Cards
« Last post by FastJack on <01-06-25/1840:13> »
General Discussion / Re: It's quiet... Too quiet...
« Last post by Michael Chandra on <01-03-25/0745:12> »
There's also a bunch of servers where you click an emoji to pick certain roles. Speaking of, avoid the EMP checkmark in the rules channel. It EMPs your server access as a bot-trap.
General Discussion / Re: It's quiet... Too quiet...
« Last post by DeathStrobe on <01-02-25/2218:35> »
(although I just went to the Discord and saw the general CGL channels but not the SR ones?  But it looks like my Discord may be messed up somehow, that might just be me)
SR channels are opt-in, right?
How does one opt-in to these SR channels on discord? I only see the general CGL stuff
Welcome And Info category, server-info-roles channel, has a Game-line roles at the bottom.

I didn't realize that things that look like buttons are actually buttons in discord. I just thought they were weird emoji or something. Just goes to show how much I use this.

I mostly don't like discord because it's not open internet indexable, meaning all the knowledge just stays hidden inside the wall garden. But eh, if people be talkin' about the shadows, I love to be talkin about it too.

Thanks Michael for the crash course on discord.
Rules and such / Re: [6e] Matrix Device stacking questions
« Last post by KarmaInferno on <12-29-24/2123:10> »
Late response, but:

1) Yes, any number of devices can be placed in a PAN under a single primary device. They don't technically even need to be physically near each other, just registered to the PAN. You can NOT pick and choose Matrix Attributes from any and all devices under a PAN - you pick one device to be Primary, and only that device's matrix attributes matter.

2) Commlinks provide Data Processing and Firewall, but do not "stack" with anything. Commlinks are basically smartphones except the interface is AR or VR. They are used for day to day communication and public data lookup. They are not really suitable for hacking. They can run Basic and Commlink programs but not Hacking or Rigging programs. The "Autosoft Host" Basic Program can allow an attached Agent Box to use loaded Autosofts or Skillsofts - more on this below. With a Control Rig, they can be used to rig a single vehicle or drone.

Rigger Command Consoles provide Data Processing and Firewall and are used for commanding fleets of vehicles. They are useful but not required for Riggers. They can run Basic and Rigging programs but not Hacking programs. The "Emulator" Basic Program can let the device run Commlink Programs. With special programs, they can emulate Attack or Sleaze but only for specific tests, like "Run Silent, Run Deep" adds a Sleaze rating but just for defending against Matrix Perception.

Cyberdecks pair with *Cyberjacks* and ONLY Cyberjacks. Not Commlinks, not Rigger Command Consoles. The pairing provides all four Attack, Sleaze, Data Processing, and Firewall matrix attributes. Cyberdecks combined with Cyberjacks are really the only device that can be used to hack. They can run Basic programs. Cyberdecks are also the only device that can run Hacking programs. The "Emulator" Basic Program can let the device run Commlink Programs. The "Autosoft Host" Basic Program can allow an attached Agent Box to use loaded Autosofts or Skillsofts - more on this below. With a Control Rig, they can be used to rig a single vehicle or drone.

Agents are semi-smart programs that can do some hacking on their own. They can only be directly loaded into Cyberdecks, but can also be loaded into Agent Boxes and be attached to any device. They are, however, still limited to actions the device they are attached to, so an Agent Box linked to a Commlink is fairly useless except as possibly a personal secretary.

3) Currently there are no limits on number of Program Carriers. So go nuts. Note that they do not change what types of programs their attached device can run.


General Discussion / Re: It's quiet... Too quiet...
« Last post by Michael Chandra on <12-29-24/1731:24> »
(although I just went to the Discord and saw the general CGL channels but not the SR ones?  But it looks like my Discord may be messed up somehow, that might just be me)
SR channels are opt-in, right?
How does one opt-in to these SR channels on discord? I only see the general CGL stuff
Welcome And Info category, server-info-roles channel, has a Game-line roles at the bottom.
General Discussion / Re: It's quiet... Too quiet...
« Last post by DeathStrobe on <12-29-24/1539:24> »
(although I just went to the Discord and saw the general CGL channels but not the SR ones?  But it looks like my Discord may be messed up somehow, that might just be me)
SR channels are opt-in, right?
How does one opt-in to these SR channels on discord? I only see the general CGL stuff
General Discussion / Re: It's quiet... Too quiet...
« Last post by Voran on <12-25-24/2157:58> »
I just popped back on the old Dumpshock forum to see if it still existed, and saw I had a thread in there from 20 years ago :)  Merry Christmas everybody.
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