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General Discussion / Re: Detroit Scenarios?
« Last post by FastJack on <11-30-24/0937:50> »
Not currently, but 30 Nights does touch a bit on it. It's set in Toronto, though, which is a bit further east. It's more focused on the Blackout than anything else.
General Discussion / Detroit Scenarios?
« Last post by PMárk on <11-30-24/0856:23> »
Hello folks, would you help me out a bit? Are there any scenarios/missions out there written for the 6e Cutting Black Detroit bug outbreak storyline? Where should I look?
Errata / Re: Tarnished Star errata
« Last post by FastJack on <11-28-24/1135:25> »
Tarnished Star p151 External Injector Rig has Cost Rating×1,5000¥
Catalyst's Shadowrun Products / Re: Tarnished Star has released
« Last post by FastJack on <11-28-24/0645:44> »
Whoever invented the combat drug Pyrrhic Victory, is a monster and deserves a raise.
Whoever invented the combat drug Pyrrhic Victory, is a monster and deserves a raise.
Errata / Tarnished Star errata
« Last post by Michael Chandra on <11-28-24/0212:30> »
Tarnished Star p163: SWAT Surveillance Rigger has Edge and Essence values swapped (listed values are Essence 4, Edge 4.6).
General Discussion / Re: It's quiet... Too quiet...
« Last post by tequila on <11-26-24/1816:58> » posts.  Yay! :D  Need to remember to check out the SR Discord server.
General Discussion / Re: It's quiet... Too quiet...
« Last post by Michael Chandra on <11-22-24/0745:12> »
As quiet as the dead.
Which in Shadowrun doesn't say much...
General Discussion / Re: It's quiet... Too quiet...
« Last post by Mystic on <11-22-24/0035:34> »
As quiet as the dead.
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