Catalyst Game Labs > Forum Business

Group of spam-attempt accounts?

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He was very “active”... ::)

I'm guessing the kill it with fire button is not an option?


--- Quote from: Marcus on ---I'm guessing the kill it with fire button is not an option?

--- End quote ---
That's the ban/delete account & posts Napalm attack I've been using.

I also did another harsher purge on the 0 post accounts - removed any that don't have at least one minute of active online time, or they have "fun" links in their profile.

Michael Chandra:
Unfortunately the previous attempt to unleash some Black IC on the forum failed, so we're stuck with Spiders. -_-

Can you shadowban accounts? All these spammers had a yahoo messenger - something I think no normal user here ever displayed. Maybe you could add some automatic solution to catch these spam accounts that way.


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