Chummer for 5th Edition

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« Reply #690 on: <07-21-15/1448:08> »
The major issue there is that you're then back to calculating power point bonuses manually.

Where is any of this manual? Qi-Foci ALWAYS add 0.25 points per rating.  And since other sources can add power points to the total ('additional powerpoint' metamagic) this should be easy to implement.

As a programmer it literally causes me physical pain when I hear someone say this.   ;)

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« Reply #691 on: <07-21-15/1835:09> »
The major issue there is that you're then back to calculating power point bonuses manually.

Where is any of this manual? Qi-Foci ALWAYS add 0.25 points per rating.  And since other sources can add power points to the total ('additional powerpoint' metamagic) this should be easy to implement.

The tl;dr explanation is that Chummer's trying to be helpful by making sure you haven't accidentally doubled up on power costs. I assume the previous dev thought that Foci couldn't stack with existing bonuses. Like I said it's not hard to fix, it's just a matter of throwing time at it. While I could do a workaround in which foci add power points, that's impractical as it's not simple to decrease the rating of powers you've taken during career mode. So if you ever lose one of your foci it will break stuff.


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« Reply #692 on: <07-22-15/1852:53> »
it's not simple to decrease the rating of powers you've taken during career mode. So if you ever lose one of your foci it will break stuff.


How is that not simple?
(Yeah I know the recording was set to a wrong resolution, but I think it's easy to tell what I did.)

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« Reply #693 on: <07-23-15/0950:45> »
Huh, how about that? Guess that's what I get for posting before I've had my e-tank refilled. Anyway, the problem with doing it that way is that it's not how Foci work. While you can just make a Rating 4 Focus that grants 1PP easily enough, there's nothing to then prevent you from spending that 1PP on two different 0.5PP powers, for example. For that matter, the <adeptpowerpoints> improvement currently isn't built to support Rating * X as a value properly, so I'd have to code around that. It kind of works if you make sure the rating is a multiple of four, but aside from that it tends to break messily. If I'm going to the trouble of rewriting a part of the code, I'd rather do it properly than with half measures.


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« Reply #694 on: <07-23-15/1816:55> »
But buying 2 rating 2 Foci would cost exactly the same... so no problem, right? (at least numerically)


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« Reply #695 on: <07-23-15/1819:29> »
Chummer 5 - do you want bugs listed here? Or in the other thread? Or neither?

Prototype Transhuman basically grants a "free" point of essence. When 1 pt of bioware is bought a character's essence still drops along with their Magic rating (if Awakened). This shouldn't be the case. I am not sure how easily the adept way power reduction was coded - but I would guess this could be handled in a similar manner (a check box to indicate that it is "free").

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« Reply #696 on: <07-23-15/1940:14> »
Yeah, I need to add a bonus for that quality. Qualities that do interesting stuff tend not to get done for a little while, but strictly speaking it shouldn't be difficult to handle.


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« Reply #697 on: <07-28-15/2109:12> »
I have just encountered the weirdest bug, ever.

Karma creation (did not doublecheck other modes)
My character is mystic-adept.  I add a few points in MAG, I add a few powerpoints.
I merrily proceed to add adept powers...

So far, all working as it should.

I then add 'improved skill' and pick 'spellcasting'  (because: why not)  And suddenly, all my adept powers that have a rating (that is in my case only combat sense), drop to rating 0, and can not be raised. 
I removed the improved spellcasting, and that didn't fix it. 
I removed the other powers, re added them, and all worked well again, until I re add improved spellcasting.

Just 'for the lulz' I went to the skill tab to raise my spellcasting skill above 0, then tried again, and lo and behold, all is working as it should.

I assume this would be low priority as... who would use improved skill, without also raising the skill, but still... weeeeeeird.  (and why does it affect other adept powers as well?  I can sorta understand that there's a limit how much I can improve a skill with this, but... combat sense?)

Also just tried and checked, and this happens with ANY other skill (that I've tried, too many to try them ALL), as long as that skill is at rating 0 on the skills tab.

Edit:  Even my 'Astral Perception' power was somehow knocked down to 0 by this bug, and that isn't even meant to have an adjustable rating.
« Last Edit: <07-28-15/2112:59> by Atlessa »


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« Reply #698 on: <07-28-15/2116:06> »
Not Chummer specific (perhaps, depending on how Improved Ability is coded), but you can't take that power for Spellcasting.
Killing so many sacred cows, I'm banned from India.

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« Reply #699 on: <07-28-15/2120:34> »
That's... interesting. Technically speaking you can't take Improved Ability for a skill that has no ranks anyway, but I'll need to add some validation for that. It'll be because the maximum power point value for Improved Ability is {(Skill)x1.5}, but it shouldn't be breaking the other ratings. How odd.

Not Chummer specific (perhaps, depending on how Improved Ability is coded), but you can't take that power for Spellcasting.
Hrm, there's no current prohibit in there. I'll set it to block out Magical skills in the next patch.
« Last Edit: <07-28-15/2132:38> by Chummer 5 is Alive »


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« Reply #700 on: <07-28-15/2134:19> »
The previous incarnation of Chummer would actually allow you to invest in an Improved Ability power for a skill above and beyond the benefits, but it would only apply the legal level.  You would see this in a mouse-over event to see the skill's dice pool breakdown with something like "+ 1 of 3" for an over-invested Improved Ability.

However, Improved Ability is limited to Physical, Social, Technical, and Vehicle skills only by RAW; Magical skills are not allowed.

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« Reply #701 on: <08-03-15/1838:58> »
First off, a big thank-you is owed to /u/angelforest and /u/joha4270 for their work on the code and data, along with all the other people who've contributed code, raised issues or otherwise been helpful. I probably would have gotten bored and triggered the killswitch embedded in your crani- I mean, stopped working on Chummer ages ago if it hadn't been for the help and support that you've all given.

Build 172:
Application Change:
  • - Due to the return of Move-By-Wire, Initiative is no longer capped to your REA+INT's augmented maximum.
  • - Fixed an issue with lifestyle quality costs that caused a crash on print.
  • - The cap for Qualities is now based on your Gameplay Option. For example, a Prime Runner can spend up to 35 Karma on Positive qualities, and gain 35 from Negative qualities.
  • - Compability mode added. Chummer should now **run** on .NET 4.0, but some stuff might not work, and we (the Chummer5a team) won't provide support.
  • - Fixed a bug where advanced (and normal?) lifestyles would crash on other languages
  • - More specific spirit data is available for charsheets to use.
  • - Chummer now has a crash reporter. If Chummer encounters an error it can't recover from, it will (if given permision) send a data package (hopefully) identifying the source of the crash.
  • - Chummer now won't pretend you have 25 BP in SumToTen/Priority build modes
  • - Fixed edge case where Sum To Ten would ask for a karma amount like Karma/Life Module builds
  • - Prime Data Haven now automatically creates/removes an appropriate 5C/3L contact.
  • - Cyberware can now add qualities. Not particularly happy with the implementation, but it works.
  • - Cyberware can have a metatype restriction.
  • - Born Rich quality works properly.
  • - The Select Bioware/Cyberware form can now display a special notes text field to indicate weird workaroundy stuff that I can't be bothered fixing with code.
  • - For example, Striking Calluses are treated as a Rating item, with the Notes field explaining why. Currently has no support for translations.
  • - Essence Discount house rule enabled. Can be used to emulate the Prototype Transhuman quality for you munchkin mages that need your pain editors and whatnot until I get around to implementing it properly.

Data Change:
  • - The Water Sprite quality confers +2 to Diving and Swimming, instead of prompting you to select one of them.
  • - Machine Pistols were missing a few accessory slots; they can now mount stocks and such.
  • - Cyberware Holdout Pistol typo fixed.
  • - Gameplay Options have been moved into their own XML file, gameplayoptions.xml.
  • - Added the missing qualities "Poor Self Control (Sadistic)" and "Poor Self Control (Attention-Seeking)"
  • - Lifestyles.xml GUIDs populated to support the language fix.
  • - Adapsin bioware properly discounts cyberware costs.
  • - Fire Modes for the Colt Inception have been fixed.
  • - Metatype Reduction has been added. Due to the differing benefits, it is split up into two different items for Orks and Trolls, respectively.
  • - Troll Reduction has been added.
  • - Assorted bits of cosmetic bioware and bio-weapons from Chrome Flesh have been added.
  • - Life Modules have been added from all existing source books, courtesy of joha4270 and angelforest. Functionality is complete-ish, but there are some awkward modules in Further Education and such that may not quite work as expected. Feedback and suggestions for this is greatly appreciated.
  • - Fixed an issue that stopped Aspected Magicians from gaining access to the Spells and Spirits tab. Replace-all is nobody's friend.
String Changes:


- Checkbox_Options_ExceedNegativeQualitiesLimit
- Checkbox_Options_ExceedPositiveQualities
- Checkbox_Options_ExceedNegativeQualities
- Message_SpellLimit

- MessageBox_NoValidContactFound

The new version should be available via auto-update approximately now.

For those of you using throwback XP machines that can't run .Net 4.5.1, you can download the binary at, which includes a Chummer5.legacy executable file. I have no real interest in supporting XP but we haven't used much .Net 4.5.1 code as yet, so crashes are unlikely for anything except enabling logging.

There's probably something obviously broken that someone's going to find in ten seconds, so there will probably be a hotfix within the next 24 hours. For those of you brave enough to keep trialling my code, we salute you.

Yes, I'm aware that it's prompting people for UAC. I'll look at it sometime between now and when I fix it.

No, I can't tell why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch.


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« Reply #702 on: <08-03-15/1852:11> »
The check for update option does not seem to download the gamplayoptions.xml file.


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« Reply #703 on: <08-04-15/1407:36> »

  • - Chummer now won't pretend you have 25 BP in SumToTen/Priority build modes

Instead, it now pretends that life modules cost BP.


Edit:  Also it seems that all the "Magical Education [Archetype]"  modules seem to have no karma cost associated with them.
Edit again: They also don't seem to have their skill group bonuses implemented at all?

Edit the third:  Saving and loading a character in 'life modules' mode re-applies certain modules (noted with arcana and assensing, which SHOULD both be at 2, but were at 4 after the first, then at 6 after the second loading.)

screenshot of the modules I picked:
« Last Edit: <08-04-15/1618:07> by Atlessa »


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« Reply #704 on: <08-04-15/2114:40> »
anyone else having a problem getting the correct Contacts karma to work when using the sum to 10 creation method?

dont remember exactly what it was doing, but when i had a 6 charisma i was only getting 5 contact points in the bottom section (where you actually add the contacts) and it was showing 6 of 6 contacts in the right hand quick sheet column...

only noticed it because after doing 8 "Into the Shadows" character creation workshops at GenCon i am intimately fammiliar with the charisma x 3 rule ;)