Chummer for 5th Edition

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« Reply #120 on: <07-11-14/1330:20> »

As for your requests, #1 is a bug and will be fixed as well, #2 I'll work on but it won't be in today's build, and #3 I'm not quite sure what you're referring to. Could you explain further?

#3 request is more of an overwrite field.  I got the idea from a D&D excel sheet, where you could overwrite you stats.  For example if your character got magic shoes that gave him +10 move, how would I add them?  Or if I got a free quality, or if everyone started with an extra 10 karma...  I understand you can do some of that after chargen, and that is probably good enough.  (originally I wanted the field to correct the non-existent karma bug)

As I said before.  Amazing job.  Keep doing what you are doing, and don't get burnt out.  This is too good!


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« Reply #121 on: <07-11-14/1342:10> »
Is there a counter about your current karma? If there is one I couldn't find it. It would be convinient to have some tab in which you enter the karma you recieve after every session so you immediately know how much of it you have available for spending.


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« Reply #122 on: <07-11-14/1345:41> »
Could you add an indicator for stats that are built with Karma? It would be helpful so I know where Karma is being spent.


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« Reply #123 on: <07-11-14/1401:10> »
Is there a counter about your current karma? If there is one I couldn't find it. It would be convinient to have some tab in which you enter the karma you recieve after every session so you immediately know how much of it you have available for spending.

Your current karma should be in your status bar at the bottom left of the Chummer window.


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« Reply #124 on: <07-11-14/1407:02> »
Could you add an indicator for stats that are built with Karma? It would be helpful so I know where Karma is being spent.

I've had several people ask about this.  Let's use Active Skills for this example... You've got 36 skill points and as you use them, the Active Skills section on the Build Summary tab counts down til you get to "0 of 36". Now you spend another point and this one is costing karma... what it does right now is it continues to show "0 of 36" because you can't have negative points.  But this doesn't give you an indicator that you've overspent by one.

But I'd like to ask if that's what folks want... for it to show the negative number "-1 of 36" so you can see that you've got one skill point being paid for with karma.


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« Reply #125 on: <07-11-14/1433:54> »
Could you add an indicator for stats that are built with Karma? It would be helpful so I know where Karma is being spent.

I've had several people ask about this.  Let's use Active Skills for this example... You've got 36 skill points and as you use them, the Active Skills section on the Build Summary tab counts down til you get to "0 of 36". Now you spend another point and this one is costing karma... what it does right now is it continues to show "0 of 36" because you can't have negative points.  But this doesn't give you an indicator that you've overspent by one.

But I'd like to ask if that's what folks want... for it to show the negative number "-1 of 36" so you can see that you've got one skill point being paid for with karma.

That sounds useful.  How does it determine which one to charge Karma for, by the way?  Is it the last one?  As in...

Say I pick D Skills.  22 Skill points.

I go...  5 Pistols, 5 Unarmed, 5 Sneaking, 5 Blades, 2 First Aid.  That's all my points.  But if I go "Oh wait, we've got a First Aid guy who's way better than me" and then increase Pistols and Unarmed to 6 before then lowering First Aid to 0, will it give back the Karma that it took when I put Pistols and Unarmed up while technically having no more skill points at the time?  Or would I have to make sure to remove the First Aid points first so I have more points, then increase the skill?

Now, I dunno how you'd program this, and it would probably be too much effort for the relatively small result, but would it be possible to design it so it always picks the lowest karma cost for you?  As in (using the previous scenario) when I increase those two skills to 6 (and haven't removed First Aid yet), rather than going "-12 Karma, -12 Karma" for two skills going from 5 to 6, could it be set up to see that I have a skill at 2, and decide to instead go "-2, -4" to simulate me having bought the cheaper skill points with Karma instead?  Sounds complicated to program.
I'm Madpath Moth on reddit (and other sites).  Feel free to PM me errata questions!
Jeeze.  It would almost sound stupid until you realize we're talking about an immortal elf clown sword fighting a dragon ghost in a mall.


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« Reply #126 on: <07-11-14/1450:06> »
Could you add an indicator for stats that are built with Karma? It would be helpful so I know where Karma is being spent.

I've had several people ask about this.  Let's use Active Skills for this example... You've got 36 skill points and as you use them, the Active Skills section on the Build Summary tab counts down til you get to "0 of 36". Now you spend another point and this one is costing karma... what it does right now is it continues to show "0 of 36" because you can't have negative points.  But this doesn't give you an indicator that you've overspent by one.

But I'd like to ask if that's what folks want... for it to show the negative number "-1 of 36" so you can see that you've got one skill point being paid for with karma.

That sounds useful.  How does it determine which one to charge Karma for, by the way?  Is it the last one?  As in...

Say I pick D Skills.  22 Skill points.

I go...  5 Pistols, 5 Unarmed, 5 Sneaking, 5 Blades, 2 First Aid.  That's all my points.  But if I go "Oh wait, we've got a First Aid guy who's way better than me" and then increase Pistols and Unarmed to 6 before then lowering First Aid to 0, will it give back the Karma that it took when I put Pistols and Unarmed up while technically having no more skill points at the time?  Or would I have to make sure to remove the First Aid points first so I have more points, then increase the skill?

Now, I dunno how you'd program this, and it would probably be too much effort for the relatively small result, but would it be possible to design it so it always picks the lowest karma cost for you?  As in (using the previous scenario) when I increase those two skills to 6 (and haven't removed First Aid yet), rather than going "-12 Karma, -12 Karma" for two skills going from 5 to 6, could it be set up to see that I have a skill at 2, and decide to instead go "-2, -4" to simulate me having bought the cheaper skill points with Karma instead?  Sounds complicated to program.

In short, it looks for the most cost efficient option.

Using your example - 5 Pistols, 5 Unarmed, 5 Sneaking, 5 Blades, 2 First Aid - and with you out of points to spend, when you raise your Pistols to 6 it will figure out that the cheapest skill you could raise would be First Aid and assume you spent your 22 points this way: 6 Pistols, 5 Unarmed, 5 Sneaking, 5 Blades, 1 First Aid and then charge you 4 karma to raise your First Aid from 1 to 2.  When you drop your First Aid from 2 to 1, it will refund your 4 karma and you'll be back to having spent just your 22  skill points.

It's why when you use up your skill points and start spending karma to raise your skills further that you'll get some odd jumps in karma costs... you're not paying for the skill point you just added, you're paying for some cheaper skill somewhere else.  Raising skill A from 4 to 5 might mean that the efficient path found that the cheapest method was to raise skill A using skill points and instead pay karma to raise skill B from 2 to 3.  And when you then raise A from 5 to 6, now it's paying for that with skill points and paying karma to raise skill B from 1 to 2. Which means that raising skill A from 4 to 5 cost 6 karma but raising from 5 to 6 cost 4 karma.  Let me know if that didn't make sense and I'll try to write up a better explanation.

Currently Primary Attributes, Special Attributes, Skill Groups, and Active Skills use this approach. Knowledge Skills still uses the approach original Chummer used which was to allocate skill points for the lowest points first and then pay karma for the most expensive.... in other words if the example you gave was all Knowledge Skills, you'd be paying 12 karma to raise Pistols from 5 to 6.  I'll be updating Knowledge Skills to use the efficient approach some time in the next week or so.

And yeah... building this in took me about a day and a few Tylenol and lots of scribbling notes to make sure the math was working correctly.


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« Reply #127 on: <07-11-14/1500:46> »
I promised a new build and here it is... and oh boy is it a big one!

The full build notes are below but there's a few standout items:
  • Added the content from Sail Away, Sweet Sister and Stolen Souls
  • Added a new browse feature on the Weapon and Armor selection dialogs
  • Added the ability to make Prime Runner and Street Level characters
  • Added a new Custom Item that allows to provide both the name and cost of the item
  • Fixed Limit Modifiers so they're tied to their source and so removing the source will remove the limit modifier

There's a lot more in the notes below... enjoy!

Build 5.116 (beta)
- Updated how Limit Modifiers work. In short, there are now two kinds. First, there's those provided by a specific source... for example the Indomitable quality. When you add the quality to or remove the quality from your character, it will automatically add or remove the limit modifier for you. Second, there's custom modifiers. These you add and remove yourself from the Limits tab.  I'm leaving this in place because there's always going to be some limit modifier I've left off and this gives one handy place to view and adjust your modifiers.  Unfortunately this does mean that limit modifiers on existing characters are going to be a problem.  You can however delete the existing limit modifiers, and then remove and re-add the items, qualities, powers, and so on that provide limit modifiers and this will add them back in correctly.
- Added a new Browse feature to the select Weapons and Armor dialogs. In the upper right corner of the dialog, there's a button marked "Browse". If you click it, you'll be shown a grid showing the items belonging to the selected category. You can sort the grid by clicking on the column headers. Otherwise it works the same as the list and you can switch back and forth as you like.
- Added a new Custom Item in Gear under the Custom category.  This item will ask you for a name and a price. You will be charged the amount you specify and the item will take on the name you give it, showing in your inventory as that name.  This should allow for any odd custom or table/campaign specifc item you may need.
- Added the content from Sail Away, Sweet Sister (SASS).
- Added the content from Stolen Souls (SS).
- Added the option to create Prime Runner and Street Level characters.
- Fixed the Demolitions bonus to the Doom mentor spirit.
- Updated the Exceptional Attribute quality to allow selection of Magic and Resonance.
- Fixed the availability calculation for Alpha/Beta/Deltaware for certain pieces of cyber and bioware.
- Removed the Throwing Weapons category from the Select Weapon dialog because these are all purchased as Gear.
- Added priority selection to the Text-Only character sheet.  This information will only appear for new characters created with version 5.116 or later.
- Fixed my own fix for limited spells. When I enabled limited spells to modify the DV of the spell, I accidentally broke the spells with drain greater than their force, for example Element Aura with its F+1 DV. This is now fixed properly.
- Removed the text entry when purchasing reagents.
- In light of the Personalized Grip, various holsters, and Spare Clips, I've updated all weapons to allow accessories. I may in the future add some more specialized handling of weapon accessories to be more specific to the weapon in question but for now this will at least allow usage of standard accessories.  In the end, while it's good if Chummer helps you follow the rules, it shouldn't prevent you from doing something that is legal within the rules.
- Fixed Social Modifiers for Voice Control (power), Tailored Pheromones (bioware), and Sleeping Tiger (armor).
- Fixed the karma costs of Foci during character advancement.
- Removed the Special menu item that would allow you to change your BP as it doesn't really make sense in 5th Edition.
- Reverted The Beast's Way and The Spiritual Way back to costing 20 karma AND added code so that if you have either of these qualities, you will not be charged to add a Mentor Spirit.  In Creation mode, you will be refunded the cost of your Mentor Spirit if you already have one. In Career mode you won't (you've already spent that karma).
- Updated the adept way qualities so that you may only pick one.
- During Career mode and as a Mystic Adept, taking Essence loss sufficient that it reduces your Magic score will also reduce your points allocated to Adept if they exceed your new Magic score.
- Fixed a bug which prevented a cyber weapon from using the Strength of the cyberlimb it is implanted within.
- Added Biotechnology to the Biotech skill group per the errata.
- Fixed Forgery by making it use Logic instead of Agility.
- Updated the character validator to not include the availability of Armor mods marked as "included in base armor" when determining the acceptability of the availability of the character's gear.
- Added Fetishes to Gear in the Magical Supplies category. They have no cost (and per the rules your character must create them) but this addition will enable you to show them in your inventory.
- Fixed a bug causing a character in Creation mode to show their starting nuyen instead of available nuyen on their character sheet.


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« Reply #128 on: <07-11-14/1539:06> »
I hate when I have to do this... quick patch build to fix a bug that slipped by me.

Build 5.117 (beta)
- Fixed a bug that could cause a bug while browsing weapons.


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« Reply #129 on: <07-11-14/1547:43> »
XD.... Now the Health spell "Awaken" appears twice and the page number for it is wrong. Chummer says "169" when its actually on page "109" of the Grimoire. Just looking through for any other bugs at the moment :). But a really nice update :o
« Last Edit: <07-11-14/1551:09> by Chaozmager »


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« Reply #130 on: <07-11-14/1556:46> »
XD.... Now the Health spell "Awaken" appears twice and the page number for it is wrong. Chummer says "169" when its actually on page "109" of the Grimoire. Just looking through for any other bugs at the moment :). But a really nice update :o

Argh!! Good catch... now excuse me while I go find a wall to bang my head upon.  :-[
I'll have it fixed in the next build.


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« Reply #131 on: <07-11-14/1600:09> »
XD.... Now the Health spell "Awaken" appears twice and the page number for it is wrong. Chummer says "169" when its actually on page "109" of the Grimoire. Just looking through for any other bugs at the moment :). But a really nice update :o

Argh!! Good catch... now excuse me while I go find a wall to bang my head upon.  :-[
I'll have it fixed in the next build.

Haha its fine man :)... You are doing an amazing job :o... Like I wouldn't be going to play SR5 without this. :)


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« Reply #132 on: <07-11-14/1649:09> »
Absolutely, Adam, don't beat yourself up please :)

This new version is freakin' WIZ, man! I do not understand how you find the time, but I'm very, very happy that you are. Thanks again!


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« Reply #133 on: <07-11-14/1703:41> »
Oh I'm fine. Just hate getting a bug in my bug fix.  I'm already planning for 5.118 and for me half the fun right now is not just doing the required stuff to update to 5th but being able to add in some of the things I've wanted... like the browse feature and the custom item.  I'm working on a few more things like that but want to make sure they're stable before I roll them out.


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« Reply #134 on: <07-11-14/1717:34> »
Love all the work you're doing for the community.

I can't seem to increase the rating of the Sensor Array when I purchase vehicles.  I'm trying with the Scorpion I bought, but it only goes from 0-2 for some reason.  It should be able to go up to 6.

Also, I bought 1 Essence of Cyberware, and Chummer seems to think my Resonance should be 0 instead of 5.  I only noticed because I was suddenly 70-some Karma in the hole.
« Last Edit: <07-11-14/1720:13> by firebug »
I'm Madpath Moth on reddit (and other sites).  Feel free to PM me errata questions!
Jeeze.  It would almost sound stupid until you realize we're talking about an immortal elf clown sword fighting a dragon ghost in a mall.