SR5 adventure: Saint Patrick's Run

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« on: <03-12-20/0037:08> »
Mostly, my games consist of a plot outline, a few stat blocks, and some handwritten notes scribbled in the margins of whatever scraps of paper were handy that day. Just once, though, I wanted to try a full, Missions-style write-up, just to see how much effort it took (a lot) and whether I could finish one to my satisfaction (I can and did). With Saint Patrick's Day right around the corner (March 17), this seems like an appropriate time to share my notes for "Saint Patrick's Run." (There should be a Word doc attached to this post; you may have to sign in with an account to see it.) Please have a look, and let me know what you think. If you run this scenario in your home game, post about it here and let me know how it went. Sláinte!

