[SR5] Rules Clarifications and FAQ

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« on: <07-09-13/0938:24> »
We're putting together the FAQ for Shadowrun, 5th Edition. We've already been scraping questions from the various SR5 threads, but we could always use more questions, so if you have any questions about how the game works, please chime in!

While some questions might be answered in this thread, it's mainly for the collection of questions, so please bear with us if folks aren't able to answer right away.

And yeah, I know it's still a couple days from the PDF release, but this thread will still be open when it becomes available. Ditto for the dead tree version.
« Last Edit: <07-23-13/0750:40> by FastJack »


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« Reply #1 on: <07-09-13/1539:22> »
Yes I have one. It is stated that Persona are never smaller then an adult dwarf and never bigger then an adult troll.

Does this mean that the persona of children allways look like completely out of proportion equivalents of their real selve?
An 8 year old the size of an adult dwarf?

What about sentient critters? if the matrix recognices real people and packs them in an persona to identify them as such, will a cat technocritter with the natural ability to enter the matrix look like an antromorph bipedal cat the size of at least a an adult dwarf?


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« Reply #2 on: <07-09-13/1654:10> »
Does this mean that the persona of children allways look like completely out of proportion equivalents of their real selve?
An 8 year old the size of an adult dwarf?

What about sentient critters? if the matrix recognices real people and packs them in an persona to identify them as such, will a cat technocritter with the natural ability to enter the matrix look like an antromorph bipedal cat the size of at least a an adult dwarf?

Yes, assuming the eight-year-old or technocritter is using an icon that looks like their physical forms. Users get to choose the sculpting of their own icons, or more likely buy them off the rack and customize them with built-in options. While I can't speak to technocritters, I have a strong suspicion that eight-year-olds will rarely use their own forms as their icons, partly for the same reason they're encouraged to not post pictures of themselves on public forums on the real Internet, but mostly because Batman. =i)

The iconography requirements are in the Matrix for both in-universe and game reasons. In the Sixth World the restrictions serve the same purpose that the W3C rules serve on the World Wide Web (which you are more than likely using now): usability. On this Web site, you know that the buttons on the top and bottom do something related to the text on them, that text that is underlined or in a different color than the rest is a link, and so forth. It's designed to make it easy to use, and it works so well that you probably spend no more time thinking about it while browsing than you do thinking about which end of a knife to grasp. It works the same for the CC's Matrix, too.

The game reason is because having to stop the game and roll dice to figure out the nature of every single icon you look at really slows the game down.


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« Reply #3 on: <07-09-13/1700:59> »
Great answer thank you! It cleared that right up for me. :)


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« Reply #4 on: <07-10-13/1818:41> »
Important Question here:
Will there be Drop Bears?  8)

Mad Hamish

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« Reply #5 on: <07-11-13/0214:53> »
Important Question here:
Will there be Drop Bears?  8)

You know Australians play Shadowrun to experience an Idyllic setting far safer than our own country.


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« Reply #6 on: <07-11-13/0519:26> »
Important Question here:
Will there be Drop Bears?  8)

You know Australians play Shadowrun to experience an Idyllic setting far safer than our own country.
So True!
Perception molds reality
Change perception and reality will follow


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« Reply #7 on: <07-11-13/0712:56> »
Are there plans to bookmark the pdf?

Patrick Goodman

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« Reply #8 on: <07-11-13/0917:48> »
Important Question here:
Will there be Drop Bears?  8)
Not, I'm afraid, in the core book. But yes...yes, there will be Drop Bears.  8) (There is not an Evil GM smiley. I has a sad.)
Former Shadowrun Errata Coordinator


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« Reply #9 on: <07-11-13/1018:15> »
Are there plans to bookmark the pdf?

There must be, because all the reviewers talk about the bookmarks.  It looks like CGL sent DriveThru the wrong file.


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« Reply #10 on: <07-11-13/1101:19> »
I doubt that too, all of them have been so far. Why would anyone make the (very bad) choice not to bookmark it now.

I'll wait and see what the difference between the pdf I bought and downloaded earlier today, and the one that will be posted later today will be.

Timothy M. Patrick

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« Reply #11 on: <07-11-13/1109:31> »
Looking for a clarification with use of simple actions in a single action phase.
I can use a simple action to reckless cast a spell; I can also use a simple action to fire a SS or SA single shoot.
So can I cast and shoot in the same action phase?
Co-Host of CriticalGlitch a Shadowrun podcast


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« Reply #12 on: <07-11-13/1154:54> »
Looking for a clarification with use of simple actions in a single action phase.
I can use a simple action to reckless cast a spell; I can also use a simple action to fire a SS or SA single shoot.
So can I cast and shoot in the same action phase?

The rules seem clear, but I don't think that obviates the need for the question in the FAQ. From SR5 165: "... may not take any other attack actions in the same action phase."  So reckless cast levitate on self/ally, then shoot the BBG seems doable. Reckless cast fireball and shoot, not so much. But that is just my interpretation.



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« Reply #13 on: <07-11-13/1344:14> »
Its really simple "You can only take one attack action in an action phase"

Just stick to that, and you got the rule right.


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« Reply #14 on: <07-11-13/1417:44> »
I have 2 questions:

1) On pg 233, under PANs and WANs it says that a failed Sleaze action results in a device getting a mark on you, but not devices it is slaved too. Then on pg 236 it says that a failed Sleaze action results in a mark on you by the device and its owner. So if I am a decker and an enemy decker fails to Sleaze a device of mine that is slaved to my deck, do I the decker get a mark on them? Or do I only have a mark if I launch a matrix action through the device they attack?

2) On pg 293 the spell Control Thoughts and Mob Mind it says the caster must use a Standard Action to give commands. And on pg 238 the matrix action Control Device mentions that Standard and Complex actions require 3 marks. The question is are Standard actions the same as Complex actions?