BattleTech: Alpha Strike

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« on: <05-02-13/1714:19> »
Over on the BattleTech side of Catalyst Game Labs, work is afoot to turn the Quick-Strike ruleset currently buried in BT: Strategic Operations into its own supplemental rulebook: Alpha Strike.

Alpha Strike: The TableTop Miniatures Rulebook

[Cover "in progress" by the brilliant Alex Iglesias.]

When we published Strategic Operations several years ago, a lot of people instantly fell in love with what is really a pretty small part of the book…the Quick-Strike Rules. And we immediately began getting questions of “when will you release a stand-alone rulebook of that?”

For those wondering what Quick-Strike is, the easiest answer is that it is the truest form yet published for being able to play BattleTech in a true “tabletop miniatures” style and speed, while still feeling like your playing BattleTech.

At the start of the year I had been thinking heavily about this, especially after years, at this point, of seeing plenty of people playing BattleTech in this manner at conventions. I then pitched the concept to Herb of a complete, stand-alone rulebook that would be the “table-top miniatures game” play of BattleTech. As it happened, great minds think alike and Herb had already been working an an epub release. I felt we shouldn’t only go half way on that and instead should embrace a full print book, full-color, hardback…the works (I know…shocking I wanted the kitchen sink in there…).

With that we got to work. The original outline, unfortunately, even for us, was way, way too much data as we wanted to cover every Era and even provide samples armies for all such Eras…the book might have been one of the biggest we’ve ever published…not to mention being crazy intimidating for other tabletop miniatures players that might want to give this a try.

So we immediately started trimming back, while still ensuring the book will provide a complete, full BattleTech experience that would have players coming back for more. This also allows for the creation of a series of great epubs to build upon the solid framework of Alpha Strike.

But wait…if they were called Quick-Srike why are we calling this Alpha Strike?! Well, to be honest, in hindsight the former is just too close to “Quick-Start” and we’ve gotten a fair bit of confusion along the way…hence a more unique name this time around.

We’re currently on track to have this at Gen Con with the book available to the public in September…or at least that’s the current plans…will see if it survives drop insertion….

In the meantime, this is the first of several blogs where I’ll discuss this great project…the drive flare of an incoming DropShip, announcing its coming…we’ll start getting into the bowels of what the ship carries in the coming weeks and months.

See ya there…


There's been talk about AS in recent BattleChats; here's a list of details gleaned from there so far:

  • It will be a full-colour supplemental rulebook, in a similar vein as A Time of War Companion (in terms of its relation to the Total Warfare through whatever Interstellar Operations will end up being axis) but as a stand-alone introduction to the Quick-Strike game engine.
  • It will have support for both hex-based and hexless play.
  • It will most likely be initially presented as a Clan Invasion product.
  • The first batch of pdf expansions are in the works.
  • Certain unit types, such as LAMs (and whatever "new" toys we may get in 3145), are not covered in the first book, but are options for later expansions.
  • There is a somewhat limited WarShip presence in the core book, but they are more likely to show up in force in a later expansion.
  • More in-depth support for other eras (such as the Dark Age) might also be fodder for later expansions.
  • The core rules are done, and "crash" playtesting is afoot. Work on other written material for the project is in progress.
  • It should be released (fingers crossed) before the end of the year.
  • In the longer run, the existence of AS as "its own thing" may have an effect on future sourcebooks and TROs, in terms of how the unit cards for new toys might be presented.

Do any of those here who spare some game time for the Inner Sphere (when not immersed in the Sixth World, that is) find this idea to be of interest?
« Last Edit: <05-04-13/1833:25> by Nerroth »


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« Reply #1 on: <05-07-13/0020:44> »
Yes. I find this Awesome!! I will definitely pick this up.
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« Reply #2 on: <06-10-13/1556:43> »
Randall has posted a provisional table of contents for AS over in the latest BattleBlog entry:

BattleTech: Alpha Strike Table of Contents
On June 6, 2013

Herb and his great crew continue to pound on Alpha Strike to get it ready for heading to the printer in the near future. In the meantime, thought I’d share the current Table of Contents (subject to change, of course).

Welcome to Alpha Strike!

Alpha Strike Basics

    Alpha Strike vs. Total Warfare
    What’s Needed to Play Alpha Strike

Alpha Strike at a Glance

    Additional Material

Introductory Alpha Strike


    The Unit Card


    Choosing Army Lists
    Placing Terrain

Playing the Game

    Sequence of Play
    Victory Conditions

Movement Phase


Combat Phase

    Resolving Weapon Attacks
    Resolving Physical Attacks

End Phase


Special Abilities

    Special Ability Descriptions

Standard Alpha Strike


    Additional Game Terms for Standard Alpha Strike


    Choosing Scenario Types
    Choosing Forces
    Placing Terrain

Playing the Game

    Sequence of Play
    Victory Conditions
    Forced Withdrawal (Optional)

Movement Phase

    Unequal Number of Units
    Additional Movement Rules

Combat Phase

    Resolving Weapon Attacks
    Resolving Physical Attacks

End Phase


Special Abilities

    Special Ability Descriptions
    C3 Networks

Abstract Aerospace System

    Control Rolls

Aerospace Setup

    The Radar Map
    Placing Aerospace Forces on the Radar Map

Abstract Aerospace Gameplay

    Abstract Aerospace Movement

Abstract Aerospace Combat

    Resolving Aerospace Air-to-Ground Attacks
    Resolving Aerospace Air-to-Air Attacks
    Resolving Ground-to-Air Combat

Aerospace End Phase

    Ending Air-to-Air Engagements
    Aerospace Damage

Advanced Options

Advanced Movement Modes

    Intentional Falls from Above
    Transporting Non-Infantry Units

Advanced Terrain

    Deep Snow
    Gravel Piles
    Hazardous Liquid Pools
    Heavy Industrial
    Planted Fields
    Rough, Ultra
    Rubble, Ultra
    Water (Expanded)
    Woods (Expanded)
    Bogging Down

Aerospace Units on the Ground Map

    Aerodyne Units
    Spheroid Units and Airships
    Landing Rolls
    Aerospace Unit Transports
    Partial Cover


    On-Board Artillery vs. Off-Board Artillery
    Resolving Artillery Attacks

Alternate Munitions

    Alternate Artillery Munitions
    Alternate Autocannon Munitions
    Alternate Bomb Munitions (Bombs/Aerospace Missiles)
    Alternate Narc/iNarc Pods
    Alternate LRM Munitions
    Alternate SRM Munitions

Battlefield Intelligence

    Building Types
    Movement Effects
    Attacking Buildings

Concealing Unit Composition

    Blip Counters
    Concealing Record Sheets
    Concealing Unit Capabilities

Coordinate System

    Creating a Coordinate

    Dropping Troops

    High-Altitude Drop
    Low-Altitude Drop
    Zipline Drop

Ejection/Abandoning Units
Environmental Conditions

    Atmospheric Density
    Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)
    All Other Conditions

Fire and Smoke

    Spreading Fires
    Fire and Units

Hidden Units

    Hiding on the Ground
    Surprise Attacks from Hidden Units

Large Support Vehicles, Mobile Structures, and DropShips

    Boarding and Repelling

Targeting and Tracking Systems
Terrain Conversion
Special Abilities

    Special Ability Descriptions

Converting Alpha Strike to Hex Maps

    Converting Movement and Distances
    Line of Sight

Campaign Play

Setting Up the Campaign

    Force Creation
    Campaign Turns
    Determine Outcome Phase


    The Total Chaos Campaign
    Situation and Game Setup
    Warchest and Objectives
    Special Rules
    Aftermath and Next Track
    Warchest Point System
    Warchest Points Between Tracks
    Skill Advancement
    Warchest Campaign Record Sheet

Meeting Engagement

    Game Setup
    Special Rules
    Next Track


    Game Setup
    Special Rules
    Next Track


    Game Setup
    Special Rules
    Next Track


    Game Setup
    Special Rules
    Next Track


    Game Setup
    Special Rules
    Next Track


    Game Setup
    Special Rules
    Next Track

Era Setting: Clan Invasion (3048-3062)

    The Clan Invasion
    The Marik-Liao Offensive
    The Refusal War
    The Second Star League
    The St. Ives War
    The First Combine-Dominion War

Key Conflicts and Campaigns

    The Clan Invasion
    The Marik-Liao Offensive
    The Refusal War
    Operation BULLDOG
    The St. Ives War
    The First Combine-Dominion War

Factional Overview: Clan Invasion Era

    Special Alliances and Enmities
    Factional Special Abilities (Optional)

The BattleTech Universe

    House Davion (Federated Suns)
    House Kurita (Draconis Combine)
    House Liao (Capellan Confederation)
    House Marik (Free Worlds League)
    House Steiner (Lyran Commonwealth)
    Word of Blake
    The Clans
    The Periphery

A History of War

    Colonizing the Stars
    The Age of War
    The Star League
    The Succession Wars
    The Clan Invasion
    Civil War Era
    The Word of Blake Jihad
    The Dark Age

BattleTech Resources

    Core Rulebooks
    Technical Readouts
    Historical Sourcebooks
    Maps, Terrain, and Miniatures

Choose Your Rules

    Gamemaster Adjudication
    Fiction vs. Rules

There ya go! Very deep look into this coming book…hopefully next time we’ll have a final cover to show off!

Till next time…



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« Reply #3 on: <06-20-13/1203:08> »


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« Reply #4 on: <07-22-13/2125:05> »
Looks like the same type of samplers offered in the run-up to SR5' publication is to be offered for Alpha Strike; the first such file just went live on DriveThruRPG.
« Last Edit: <07-26-13/1525:15> by Nerroth »


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« Reply #5 on: <07-26-13/1524:23> »
And here is preview 2, with a revised MSRP. (Reportedly, the first preview's price listing was an error.)

EDIT: A new blog update.

One part in particular stood out:

“Are you going to support Alpha Strike further?” I can hear you asking. Sure. Ideas are already being jotted down for what we could put into an “Alpha Strike Companion” for print down the line, Era Faction Army List PDFs (cause we’ve got a pile of factions and Eras), we’re even looking into what full-color Alpha Strike Unit Cards sold as decks of cards might look like…
« Last Edit: <07-26-13/2004:43> by Nerroth »


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« Reply #6 on: <07-29-13/1637:07> »
Alpha Strike went up today in PDF form, for those so interested.
« Last Edit: <07-29-13/1951:58> by Nerroth »


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« Reply #7 on: <07-31-13/1126:46> »
This surfaced over on the BT boards:


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« Reply #8 on: <08-01-13/1722:23> »
On the list of things CGL will have available at GenCon, AS will have two items on hand: the print edition of the rulebook, plus a set of 90 colour laminated Unit Cards (based on the design above).